Manual Install

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These instructions are for manually installing the mod.


Download the mod

First thing you'll need to do is to download the mod from somewhere and for that there are several options:

For non-patrons

hereafter referred to as "kine"

For Patrons

Downloading from Github

Install the Devbuild the place to go is Github and clicking on the green Code button followed by Download .zip in the dropdown menu.


Making a empty mod

Now you'll want to:

  1. Open the Paradox Launcher
  2. Click All installed mods
  3. Click UPLOAD MOD
  4. Click CREATE A MOD
  5. Pick a displayname for the mod, write whatever under version and choose a foldername for the mod and write that after the mod/ bit in the Directory field. You should also check the Total Conversion checkbox.
It should look something like this
  1. Click CREATE MOD
  2. Click OK on the "Your mod has been created" window
  3. Exit out of the menu by pressing X

This should have created a .mod file and a empty folder in your equivalent of Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\mod


Now we need to extract some of the contents of the downloaded file to folder you created for your mod.

  • If you downloaded the mod from Paradox Plaza then you will want to extract all of the files except descriptor.mod and princesofdarkness.mod to the folder of your new mod.
  • If you downloaded the mod from GitHub you'll want to open the .zip, navigate through the file tree of the .zip into princesofdarknessmod-for-ck3\dev\devpod and then extract all of the files except descriptor.mod and princesofdarkness.mod to the folder of your new mod


Now that you have done this you can restart the Paradox Launcher, add the new mod to a playset (remember to enable it) and then hopefully launch the game.

Video Guide

Here is a video guide if you are still struggling, with a step by step process: