Each canon House in PoD comes with a modifier, representing the specific “blood resonance” of this lineage, often inherited from the actions/behaviour of the House progenitor. It is a rule of the source material in Dark Ages V20 Companion, specifically for Clan Ventrue but adapted to all Clans in the mod. This modifier affects each character of the House and can often lead to some big differences gameplay wise.
Nabonidus :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.2 Levy reinforcement rate if same faith = 0.30
Sha’hiri :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.2 Direct vassal opinion = 10
Anath :
Owned hostile scheme success chance = -10 Attraction opinion = 5 Advantage = 5
Jamal :
Different faith opinion = -10 Tolerance Advantage mod = 4
Ur’Shulgi :
Monthly piety gain multiplier = -0.5 Hostile scheme resistance = 20
Thetmes :
Domain tax multiplier = -0.5 Max hostile schemes = 2
Anosh :
Dynasty opinion = -20 Faith creation piety cost multiplier = -0.5
Azrael :
Knight limit = -1 Monthly martial lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Nakurtum :
Vassal opinion = -20 Vassal tax multiplier = 0.05
Abu Ilaf
Monthly prestige gain multiplier = -0.5 Monthly melancholy lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Domain limit = -1 Domain tax multiplier = 0.5
Zayyat :
Different faith opinion = -10 Same faith opinion = 20
Saad :
Dynasty opinion = -10 Bedouin opinion = 30
Mancheaka :
hostile_scheme_resistance_add = -20 monthly_piety_gain_mult = 0.3
Hannibal :
Scheme discovery chance multiplier = -0.3 Movement speed = 0.2
Losario :
Same faith opinion = -20 Monthly tyranny = -1
Leeland :
Traditions government opinion = -20 Free state government levy contribution multiplier = 0.2 Free state government tax contribution multiplier = 0.2
Menele :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.2 Attacker Advantage = 10
Dominic :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.2 Counter efficiency = 0.2
Gersakkun :
Monthly prestige gain multiplier = -0.3 Monthly phlegmatic lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.2
True Brujah :
Dynasty opinion = -20 Stress gain multiplier = -0.3
Bay’t Mushakis :
Different faith opinion = -20 Pursue efficiency = 0.4
Guillaume :
Owned hostile scheme success chance = -20 General opinion = 10
Azif :
General opinion = -10 Diablerize scheme power multiplier = 0.2
Osebo :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.2 Liege opinion = 30
Giovanni :
Short reign duration multiplier = 0.5 Dynasty house opinion = 30
Lazarene :
Dynasty opinion = -30 Different faith opinion = 30
Japhet :
Scheme discovery chance multiplier = -0.2 Happy Powerful vassal tax contribution multiplier = 0.3
Byzar :
Knight limit = -1 Build gold cost = -0.2 Build piety cost = -0.2 Build prestige cost = -0.2
Premascine :
Dynasty opinion = -10 Claim throne scheme power multiplier = 0.2 Fabricate hook scheme power multiplier = 0.2
Harbingers :
Domain limit = -1 Abduct scheme power multiplier = 0.2 Intrigue per prestige level = 1
Lamia :
Different faith opinion = -20 Knight limit = 1 Prowess per prestige level = 2
Mia Watu :
General opinion = -20 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Al Mawt :
Men at arms maintenance = 0.2 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.3 Learning per prestige level = 1
Hecata :
Men at arms limit = -1 Domain tax same faith multiplier = 0.2 Learning per stress level = 2
Rusenko :
Vassal opinion = -10 Personal scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Koine :
Dynasty opinion = 30 Different faith opinion = -30
general_opinion = -20 monthly_melancholy_lifestyle_xp_gain_mult = 1
Men at arms limit = -1 Max befriend schemes add = 2 Befriend scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Lhiannan :
Different faith opinion = -20 Defender Advantage = 10
Odin :
Defender Advantage = -10 Attacker Advantage = 10
Rufus :
Domain limit = -1 Mountains Advantage = 20
Matasuntha :
Roman opinion = -50 Steppe Advantage = 20
Hukros :
Same faith opinion = -10 Faith creation piety cost multiplier = -0.5
Aajav :
Retreat losses = 0.5 Dynasty opinion = 20 Defender Advantage = 10
Kurru :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.2 Vassal limit = 10
Vola :
Vassal limit = -5 Controlled province Advantage = 20
Anda :
Domain limit = -1 Steppe Advantage = 20
Akunanse :
Powerful vassal opinion = -20 Independent ruler opinion = 20
Noiad :
County opinion add = -10 Controlled province Advantage = 20
Stress gain multiplier = 0.2 Greek opinion = 20
Gilgamesh :
hostile_scheme_resistance_mult = -0.3 befriend_scheme_power_mult = 0.7
Enkidu :
domain_limit = -2 controlled_province_advantage = 20
Ereshkigal :
general_opinion = -20 learning_per_piety_level = 1
Montano :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.2 Monthly prestige gain multiplier = 0.5
De Ruiz :
Andalusian opinion = -40 Knight effectiveness multiplier = 0.3
Narses :
Greek opinion = -40 Faith creation piety cost multiplier = -0.5 Faith conversion piety cost multiplier = -0.5
Boukephos :
Monthly prestige from buildings multiplier = -0.5 General opinion = 10
Sybil :
Monthly prestige multiplier = -0.5 Intrigue per prestige level = 1
Gratiano :
Liege opinion = -40 Claim throne scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Khanom Mehr :
Domain tax multiplier = -0.2 Defender Advantage = 10
Karotos :
Monthly prestige = -1 Tyranny loss multiplier = 0.3
Qabilat al-Khayal
Levy reinforcement rate different faith = -0.4 Monthly piety gain per knight multiplier = 0.5
Owned hostile scheme success chance = -0.2 Different faith opinion = 20
Tubalcain :
Different faith county opinion multiplier = -0.2 Max summon schemes = 1 Summon scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Tepelit :
Murder scheme resistance multiplier = -0.2 Monthly melancholy lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.3
Blue Eye :
Vassal levy contribution multiplier = -0.2 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.3
Ramanga :
Vassal limit = -5 Domain limit = 1
Visconti :
same_faith_opinion = -10 faith_conversion_piety_cost_mult = -0.5
Lamdiel :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Dread per tyranny multiplier = 0.5
Eater :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Intimidated vassal tax contribution = 0.5
Brahina :
Army maintenance multiplier = 0.3 Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.2
De Laurent :
Domain limit = -2 Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Midian :
Vassal opinion = -20 Monthly tyranny = 1
Banes :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = 0.4
Plague :
Courtier and guest opinion = -20 Monthly prestige gain per dread multiplier = 0.4
Izaha :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Intrigue per stress level = 2
Lerterimas :
Dynasty opinion = -30 Intrigue per prestige level = 1
Panehesy :
Monthly piety gain multiplier = -0.3 Stewardship per prestige level = 1
Nissiku :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.2 Diplomacy per piety level = 2
Siren :
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = -0.5 seduce_scheme_power_mult = 0.5
Ananke :
different_faith_opinion = -10 murder_scheme_power_mult = 0.3
Vrykolakas :
Vassal limit = -5 Hostile scheme power multiplier = -0.2
Yagnatia :
Dynasty opinion = -20 Defender Advantage = 10
Bay’t Mutasharid :
Different faith county opinion multiplier = -0.2 Max hostile schemes = 2
Trajan :
Vassal opinion = -20 Scheme discovery chance multiplier = 0.5
Absalon :
Different culture opinion = -20 Intrigue per prestige level = 1
Yima :
Murder scheme resistance multiplier = -0.3 Dynasty opinion = 20
Alexius :
Different faith opinion = -20 Prowess per piety level = 2
Malachite :
Levy reinforcement rate different faith = -0.5 Greek opinion = 20 Same faith opinion = 10
Guruhi :
Faith conversion piety cost multiplier = 0.5 Vassal limit = 10
Al Hajj :
Faith conversion piety cost multiplier = 2 Tolerance Advantage mod = 10
Melachoate :
dynasty_house_opinion = 30 dynasty_opinion = -30 max_hostile_schemes_add = 1
Petrodon :
different_faith_opinion = -50 same_faith_opinion = 30
Chandraputra :
Different faith opinion = -20 Dynasty opinion = 20 Controlled province Advantage = 20
Ravana :
Dynasty opinion = -50 Sway scheme resistance multiplier = 0.5
Hazimel :
Close relative opinion = -20 Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.3
Alexandrite :
Knight limit = -1 Build gold cost = -0.2 Build piety cost = -0.2 Build prestige cost = -0.2
Rroma :
General opinion = -20 Dynasty house opinion = 50
Kali :
Monthly prestige gain multiplier = -0.3 Learning per stress level = 2
Bay’t Mujirim :
Levy reinforcement rate different faith = -0.3 Personal scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Kinyonyi :
Defender Advantage = -10 Same faith opinion = 20
Bashirite :
stewardship_per_piety_level = 1 monthly_piety_gain_mult = -0.25
Phaedymite :
knight_limit = 1 knight_effectiveness_mult = 0.15 stress_gain_mult = 0.35
Sybarite :
stress_loss_mult = 0.5 general_opinion = -10
Yoryari :
monthly_learning_lifestyle_xp_gain_mult = 0.5 stress_loss_mult = -0.35
Samiel :
Retreat losses = 0.5 Attacker Advantage = 10 Prowess per piety level = 2
Enosh :
Knight effectiveness multiplier = -0.3 Monthly melancholy lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Rayzeel :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Hard casualty modifier = -0.5
Twilight :
Faith conversion piety cost multiplier = 1 Tolerance Advantage mod = 10
Hrosh :
Diablerize scheme resistance multiplier = -0.3 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Mokur :
Diablerize scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Monthly piety gain multiplier = 0.5
Watcher :
General opinion = -20 Intrigue per piety level = 1
character_travel_speed= -0.4 learning_scheme_power = 30
Khaibit :
Different faith opinion = -20 Dynasty opinion = 30
Sarrasine :
Close relative opinion = -30 Owned hostile scheme success chance = 20
Jormungandr :
Same faith opinion = -20 Different faith opinion = 20
Isis :
Dynasty opinion = -100 Owned hostile scheme success chance = 20 Intrigue per prestige level = 2 Intrigue per piety level = 2
Tawaret :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = -0.2 Prowess per piety level = 2
Nefertiti :
Monthly prestige gain per dread multiplier = 0.5 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5
Maatkare :
Enemy hard casualty modifier = -0.3 Befriend scheme power multiplier = 0.3 Seduce scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Seterpenre :
Domain tax different faith multiplier = -0.5 Different faith opinion = 20
Heru :
Domain tax multiplier = -0.3 Prowess per piety level = 2 Prowess per prestige level = 2
Scorpio :
Domain limit = -1 Personal scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Porphyrion :
Army maintenance multiplier = 0.2 Intrigue per prestige level = 2
Osiris :
Knight effectiveness multiplier = -0.3 Dynasty opinion = -100 Stewardship per prestige level = 2 Stewardship per piety level = 2
Damballah :
Different culture opinion = -20 Different faith county opinion multiplier = 0.2
Dynasty opinion = -100 Faith creation piety cost multiplier = -0.3 Faith conversion piety cost multiplier = -0.3
Wepwawet :
Different culture opinion = -30 Controlled province Advantage = 10
Mucalinda :
Different faith opinion = -30 Monthly piety gain multiplier = 0.3
Glycon :
Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Prowess per piety level = 2
Echidna :
Seduce scheme power multiplier = -0.9 Befriend scheme power multiplier = -0.5 Monthly melancholy lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.3
Nebmaatsutekh :
different_faith_opinion = -20 dynasty_opinion = 20
Nephtys :
befriend_scheme_power_mult = -0.9 seduce_scheme_power_mult = 0.5
Wadjet :
dynasty_opinion = -100 dynasty_house_opinion = 100 hostile_scheme_resistance_mult = 0.5
Nephilim :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Monthly prestige gain per happy powerful vassal multiplier = 0.5 Monthly prestige from buildings multiplier = 0.3
Salianna :
Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Callisti :
Monthly country control change = -10 Diplomacy per prestige level = 1 Vassal limit = 5
Nicholas :
Monthly prestige gain multiplier = -0.5 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = 0.5
Andrew :
Monthly piety gain multiplier = -0.5 Tolerance Advantage mod = 10
Helena :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.3 Attraction opinion = 30 Seduce scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Baldr :
Tolerance Advantage mod = -10 Different faith opinion = 20
Lubbock :
Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.3 Entrance scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Volgirre :
Domain limit = -1 Dread baseline = 10 Dread decay multiplier = -0.5
Apollo :
Men at arms limit = -1 Attraction opinion = 20
Ray’een al-Fen
Close relative opinion = -20 Learning per piety level = 3
Ishtarri :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Amarantha :
diablerize_scheme_resistance_mult = -0.3 murder_scheme_power_mult = 0.3
Amphion :
domain_tax_mult = -0.4 stress_gain_mult = -0.4
Tammuz :
stress_gain_mult = 0.3 dynasty_opinion = 20
Goratrix :
Dynasty opinion = -20 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Etrius :
Knight limit = -1 Dynasty opinion = 50 Siege morale loss = -0.5
LeDuc :
Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 French opinion = 30
Meerlinda :
English opinion = -30 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Calderon :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Prowess per piety level = 2
Grimgroth :
Personal scheme power multiplier = -0.3 Scheme secrecy = 0.5
De Cincao :
Powerful vassal opinion = -20 Vassal levy contribution multiplier = 0.3
Telyavel :
Dynasty opinion = -100 Same faith opinion = 30
Trimira :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.3 Domain tax different faith multiplier = 0.5
Carna :
dynasty_opinion = -30 dynasty_house_opinion = 30 diplomacy_per_prestige_level = 1
Kartarirya :
Different faith opinion = -40 Intimidated vassal levy contribution multiplier = 0.5
Yaroslavich :
Diplomacy per prestige level = -3 Tyranny gain multiplier = 0.5
Ruthvenski :
Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Monthly prestige gain multiplier = 0.3
Vykos :
Personal scheme power multiplier = -0.5 Diplomacy per prestige level = 1 Diplomacy per piety level = 1
Rustovitch :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = -0.5 Attacker Advantage = 5 Defender Advantage = 5
Yorak :
Domain limit = -3 Tyranny gain multiplier = 1 Dread baseline = 30 Dread gain multiplier = 1
Tabak :
Defender Advantage = -10 Domain tax same faith multiplier = 0.4
Dracon :
Men at arms maintenance = 0.4 Monthly piety gain multiplier = 0.4
Byelobog :
Domain tax multiplier = -0.5 Controlled province Advantage = 20
Triglav :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.3 Dynasty house opinion = 20
Andeleon :
Levy renforcement rate = -0.5 Faith creation piety cost multiplier = -0.5
Demdemeh :
Different faith opinion = -20 Levy renforcement rate if same faith = 0.5
Djavakhi :
Murder scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Intimidated vassal levy contribution multiplier = 0.5 Intimidated vassal tax contribution multiplier = 0.5
Nagloper :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Prowess per stress level = 2 Intrigue per stress level = 2
Hrothgar :
Intrigue per piety level = 1 Dynasty opinion = -40
Jedrik :
Close relative opinion = -20 Controlled province Advantage = 10
Cyscek :
dynasty_opinion = -50 dynasty_house_opinion = 50 owned_hostile_scheme_success_chance_add = 20
Gallod :
scheme_discovery_chance_mult = -0.5 intrigue_per_stress_level = 1
Ionache :
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = -0.5 vassal_levy_contribution_mult = 0.5
Toomler :
hostile_scheme_power_mult = -0.4 learning_per_piety_level = 1
Dracula :
different_culture_opinion = -20 tyranny_gain_mult = 1 dread_baseline_add = 15 dread_gain_mult = 1
Tinia :
Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = -0.3 Different culture opinion = 20
Hardestadt :
Monthly prestige gain multiplier = -0.5 Domain limit = 2 Knight limit = 1
Mithras :
Mesmerize scheme resistance multiplier = -0.5 Vassal opinion = 20
Alexander :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Vassal tax contribution multiplier = 0.2 Vassal levy contribution multiplier = 0.2
Antonian :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.4 Build gold cost = -0.4 Build piety cost = -0.4 Build prestige cost = -0.4
Camilla :
Build gold cost = 0.4 Build piety cost = 0.4 Build prestige cost = 0.4 Monthly prestige gain multiplier = 0.5 Knight limit = 1
Eigermann :
Close relative opinion = -20 Dread per tyranny multiplier = 0.5 Men at arms maintenance per dread multiplier = -0.5
Artemis :
Levy renforcement rate = -0.5 Knight effectiveness multiplier = 0.5 Monthly prestige gain per knight multiplier = 1
Bindusara :
Vassal levy contribution multiplier = -0.5 Learning per prestige level = 1 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Veddartha :
Maximum personal schemes = -1 Stewardship per prestige level = 1 Monthly stewardship lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Arakur :
Dread gain multiplier = 1 Diablerize scheme resistance multiplier = -0.3 Knight effectiveness multiplier = -0.5
Medon :
Cowed vassal tax contribution multiplier = 1 Monthly country control change = -0.5 Monthly prestige multiplier = -0.5
Levy size = -0.3 Enemy hard casualty modifier = 0.3 Prowess per prestige level = 2
Arpad :
Attacker Advantage = -10 Controlled province Advantage = 10 Hungarian opinion = 20
Antasia :
Hostile scheme power multiplier = -0.5 Stress gain multiplier = -0.3 General opinion = 10
Le Croisé :
Vassal opinion = 20 Stress gain multiplier = 0.3 Dynasty opinion = -20
Valerius :
natural_dread = -30 stewardship_per_prestige_level = 1 claim_throne_scheme_power_mult = 0.5
monthly_prestige_gain_mult = -0.3 build_gold_cost = -0.5 monthly_county_control_change_add = 0.2
Moloch :
General opinion = -50 Domain limit = -1 Defender Advantage = 10 Monthly piety gain multiplier = 0.3
Nergal :
General opinion = -50 Levy reinforcement rate different faith = -0.5 Enemy hard casualty modifier = 1 Men at arms limit = 1
Angellis Ater :
General opinion = -50 Dynasty opinion = -50 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.5 Abduct scheme power multiplier = 0.5
Wan Kuei :
Men at arms limit = -1 Domain limit = 1
Asuratizayya :
Dynasty opinion = -20 Vassal levy contribution multiplier = 0.3 Vassal tax contribution multiplier = 0.3
Penangallan :
Vassal limit = -10 Opinion of female rulers = 20 Monthly lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5
Wanderers :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Steppe Advantage = 20
Nagaraja :
General opinion = -20 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = 0.5
Unbound :
General opinion = -20 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = 0.3 Hostile scheme power multiplier = 0.3
Kiasyd :
Domain limit = -1 Hostile scheme resistance multiplier = -0.3 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5 Learning per stress level = 2
Impundulu :
Stress gain multiplier = 0.5 Monthly learning lifestyle gain multiplier = 0.5 Different culture opinion = 20
Mamluk :
general_opinion = -20 vassal_opinion = 20 stewardship_per_prestige_level = 1 vassal_limit = 10