Garou and Fera Gifts
Gifts are powers a shapeshifter can learn from spirits and each other.
Gifts in PoD
Gifts take the form of lifestyles trees. These Lifestyles are ordered by categories: Breed, Tribe and Planetary. Fera have access to some common gifts for their breed while Garou have additionally access to gifts from their Auspice.
After collecting 1000 experience of a specific category a Garou or Fera can chose to advance a gift of this category by taking a new perk. A Garou or Fera needs to fulfil the requirement (right tribe, breed, changing breed and auspice) to be able to choose a perk in that tree.
Gaining Experience
There are several ways of gaining experience. Focusing on a gift gives passive experience while spiritual quests or training with your pack give a lot of experience at once.
Unlike vampires, Kuei-Jin and Fae there are almost no restrictions on learning the more powerful gifts. The only exception are legendary gifts.
Legendary Tribe Gifts
Some Tribes and every auspice have a legendary gift which can be unlocked after completing a quest to confirm their rank. The legendary gifts are the 9th perk in a lifestyle and not every tribe has one.
Planetary Gifts
These are gifts every (non-wyrm corrupted) Fera and Garou can gain through understanding the Courts of the different Incarna in the Umbra.
Earth Sense: + 5 controlled territory defender advantage
Herb Call: Massive disease resistance boost, - 5 plague danger, - 25% herb material costs
Oaksong: + 25% scheme discovery chance
Lore of the Land: - 25% enemy defensive advantage
Earth Heal: + 15% piety and prestige from buildings, - 15% building construction time, - 15% building prestige cost, Unlocks "Earth Heal" Interaction
Lambent Sight: + 1 intrigue, + 2 prowess injury resistance
Moonpool of Sokhta: + 10% scheme discovery chance, - 10% enemy hostile scheme success chance, Learn of schemes against close characters (friend, family, lover and consort), Reduced chance of prisoners escaping
Moonriver: No river & strait cross penalty
Mooncat: Unlocks "Mooncat" Shapeshift Form
Moondream: + 10 combat advantage
Find the Hearts Flame: + 10% pursuit efficiency
Flame of the Wind Rider: + 25% movement speed in Winter, + 5 combat advantage in Winter
Ride the Solar Winds: - 10% chance of being trapped in the Umbra, + 100% monthly Umbra exploration progress
Hand of the Sun: + 25% enemy fatal casualties
Cleansing Flame: + 5 prowess, - 15% siege phase time
Speed of the Messenger: + 20% army movement speed, + 20% travel speed
Sticky Finger: + 5 attacker advantage
Deliberate Misinformation: - 15% retreat losses
Mercurial Messenger: + 5 "Learn Language" schemes, + 75% "Learn Language" scheme power
Madthought: + 5 Max battle Roll
Uncloak the Hidden: + 10% scheme discovery chance
Shadow of the Ebon Whisperer: - 10% friendly fatal casualties
Hidden Heart: + 10% scheme secrecy
Whisperer in the Dark: + 25% "Find Secret" progress speed
Ebon Binding: + 25% "Find Secret" progress speed, Unlocks "Ebon Binding" Interaction
Find the Child Within: + 5 general opinion
Mantle of the Land: + 5 defender advantage
Veil of the Mother: - 25% retreat losses
Motherly Guardian: + 25% pursuit efficiency
Bring Forth the Future: - 15% friendly fatal casualties
Battlesense: + 5 attacker advantage
Shards of Icy Rage: + 3 prowess
Nerigal's Call to Arms: + 5 sprit damage and toughness, + 5 animal damage and toughness
Challenge of Single Combat: + 3 prowess, Can challenge rivals during wars
Hearts of the Ice Warrior: Cannot die through wounds
Rouse the Anger: Unlocks "Rouse to Anger" Interaction
Foetracker: + 15% pursuit efficiency
Savagery of the Taloned Hunter: Unlocks "Savagery of the Taloned Hunter" Interaction
Hunter's Horn: + 20% dread gain
Pack Mind: "Pack Mind" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Aura of Leadership: + 15% knight effectiveness, + 15% legitimacy gain
Proclamation of Action: + 1 martial
Undisputed Rule: - 20% short reign duration, + 25% long reign bonus, + 25% legitimacy gain, - 5% legitimacy loss
Enthronement: + 3 prowess, - 15% title creation cost
Grand Gesture: + 1 diplomacy, + 10 independent ruler opinion, + 0,2 monthly prestige per level of legitimacy
Sense Limits: + 10 hostile scheme power
Peace of the Counselor: + 50% siege progess against rebels, + 30% hostile raid time, Unlocks "Purchase Truce" Interaction
Pall of Despair: "Pall of Despair" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Harmonious Slumber: + 30% stress loss
Burden of Knowledge: Unlocks "Burden of Knowledge" Interaction
Find the Portent: + 1 hostile scheme
Hidden Depths: + 15% hostile scheme resistance, + 10% scheme discovery chance
Unravel: + 2 learning
Blank Slate: + 1 intrigue, + 10% scheme secrecy
Diplomatic Immunity: + 50% different faith tax, + 10 different faith opinion, + 50% different faith levy reinforcement rate
Threads of the Tapestry: + 1 diplomacy, +1 intrigue
Fixit: + 30% siege weapon effectiveness, + 30% siege weapon toughness
Tangling the Skein: - 15% tyranny gain, + 15% tyranny loss, -0,05 monthly tyranny
Shantar's Loom: + 1 siege weapon regiment, - 20% siege weapon recruitment and maintenance cost
Drown: + 5 prowess
Sense of the Transformation: Learn name of close characters (friend, family, lover and consort) murderer
Shorten the Road: + 20% army movement speed, + 20% travel speed, - 10% chance of being trapped in the Umbra, + 100% monthly Umbra exploration progress
Wyld Spirits: "Erratic Behaviour" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Sleeps's Travels: + 20% diplomatic range
Essential Transformation: - 5% stress gain, Unlocks "Essential Transformation" Interaction
Pathfinder's Pride: + 30% travel speed, - 5 travel danger
Silent Stalking: - 5 "Infiltration" mission suspicion
Shriek: "Deafened" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Cheshire Prank: + 15% scheme secrecy
Freyja's Blessing: + 35% fertility, Unlocks "Freyja's Blessing" Interaction
Fortuna: + 1 monthly tax, + 5% monthly income
Jump to the Moon: + 75% monthly Umbra exploration progress
Withering Stare: + 5 prowess, Unlocks "Withering Stare" Interaction
Sweet Hunter's Smile: + 25% "Befriend" and "Seduce" Scheme Power
Cat Claws: + 5 prowess
Eavesdropper's Ear: Unlocks "Reveal Scheme" Interaction
Craft of the Maker: Reduce Inspiration commission cost
Babel's Cure: + 1 "Learn Language" Scheme, + 75% "Learn Language" Scheme Power
Monkey's Uncle: Unlocks "Reshape Face" Shapeshift Form
Deny the Hungry: Unlocks "Deny the Hungry" Interaction
Madness: Unlocks "Madness" Interaction
Kitten's Cry: - 10% friendly fatal casualties
Mark as Mine: Unlocks "Buy Artifact Claim" Interaction
Killer's Leap: - 10% embarkment cost, No river & strait cross penalty
Perfect Cover: - 20% retreat losses
Underbelly: - 20% siege phase time
Hand of Will: + 20% siege weapon effectiveness
Judgement of Pestilence: Unlocks "Absorb Disease" and "Release Disease" Interaction
Revolt of the Land: - 50% enemy defensive advantage, +5 combat advantage in jungle, forest and taiga
Sense Primal Nature: - 10% enemy defensive advantage
Blinding Moonbeam Gaze: "Blinded by Moonbeam" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Whisker Sight: + 10 hostile scheme resistance, + 5 "Abduct" scheme resistance
Fist of Cahlash: + 5 prowess
Moon's Gateway: Unlocks "Moon's Gateway" Interaction
Redeem the Waste: - 20% building construction timer, + 25 popular opinion
Moon Sense: + 5 scheme discovery chance, - 5% enemy hostile scheme success chance, Less chance of prisoners escaping, Notification for murder schemes against family and lovers/consorts
Wrath of Nala: Unlocks "Unleash Wrath of Nala" Interaction
Humbaba's Escape: Cannot be captured after sieges
Treeclimber: + 3 combat advantage in jungle, forest and taiga
Ojas Surge: Unlocks "Ojas Surge" Interaction
Cobras Dance: Increase Chance to imprison characters after a siege or raid
Traveller's Tongues: + 1 "Learn Language" Scheme, + 75% "Learn Language" Scheme Power
The Paradox of Time: "Confused by the Paradox" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Shiva's Might: Unlocks "Shiva the Destroyer" and "Kali the Dark Mother" shapeshift form
Part the Curtain: + 50% diplomatic range, + 50% monthly Umbra exploration progress
Alms of the Poor: - 0,3 monthly taxes, + 0,5 monthly piety
Scholar's Friend: + 50% monthly sorcery lifestyle experience
Mousemaze: "Confused by the Mousemaze" Battle Modifier (enemy)
Banish Cahlash's Brood: + 25% Men-at-Arms counter efficiency
The Many Tongues of Ptah: + 2 "Lern Language" Schemes
The Scarab's Flight: + 15 hostile scheme resistance
Shadow Brethren: Unlocks "Summons Shadowy Duplicate" Interaction
Spirit Wall: + 50% spirit toughness, +25% spirit maintenance
The Fleeing Scarab: Gain Trait: "Immortal", Resurrect after death
Mother's Blessing/Curse: Unlocks "Mother's Blessing/Curse" Interaction
Satyr's Wisdom: Gain Trait: "Eager Reveler"
Banish Burning: + 100% supply limit
Sorcerer's Blade: Unlocks "Sorcerer's Blade" Interaction
Phantasm: + 10 hostile scheme power
Small Cousin: Unlocks "Cat" shapeshift form
Chariot of Lions: + 5 prowess, + 10% army movement speed
The Madness of Crowds: Unlocks "The Madness of Crowds" Interaction, Unlocks "Maniac" Men-at-Arms
Rhino's Favor: + 5 prowess
Skin of Jade: + 5 prowess injury resistance
Ricepaper Walk: - 5 "Infiltration" mission suspicion
Paws of the Raging Spirit Tiger: + 5 prowess, No Gnosis Cost for hurting, imprisoning, torturing and executing spirits
Maker's Charm: Reduce Inspiration commission cost
Dragonroar: + 5 prowess
Call to Battle: + 5 combat advantage, "Heard Call to Battle" Battle Modifier
Thousand Thunder Strike: - 30% siege phase time
Majesty: + 15% dread gain, + 20% legitimacy gain
Submit: - 15% tyranny loss, - 5% legitimacy loss
Rallying Challenge: Unlocks "Rallying Challenge" Interaction
Fireroar: + 5 prowess
Shadow the Moon's Light: + 20% scheme secrecy
King of Beasts: + 5 animal Men-at-Arms regiments, + 5 animal damage, + 5 animal toughness
Command the Multitude: + 2 Men-at-Arms regiments, + 15 popular opinion, + 40 legitimacy baseline
Rising Sun: Increase chance to wound or kill enemy vampire and Kuei-Jin in combat
Royal Privilege: + 100% monthly lifestyle experience, Allows another Breed and Tribe lifestyle tree without having the Trait/Faith
Diamond Claws: + 5 prowess
Impala's Flight: + 10% army movement speed, + 20% travel speed
Walking Between Worlds: + 50% monthly Umbra exploration progress
Dance of the Chaya: Unlocks "Seek Aid of the Spirits" decision
Clearwater Passage: Unlocks "Water Form" shapeshift form
Ghost Caress: Unlocks "Ghost Caress" Interaction
River of Blood: - 20% building construction time, - 5% piety, prestige and gold building construction cost
All Beasts Under the Sun: Unlocks "Wolf", "Boar", "Lion", "Giant Serpent", "Rat", "Bat", "Insect" and "Snake" shapeshift form
Persuasion: + 25% "Befriend" and "Seduce" schemes power
Apecraft's Blessing: Unlocks "Commission Artifact" without an Antiquarian
Divide: Unlocks "Divide" interaction
Speech of the World: + 1 "Learn Language" scheme, + 75% "Learn Language" scheme power
Staredown: +10 Dread
Reshape Objects: Reduce "Commission Artifact" and "Sponsor Inspiration" costs
Assimilation: + 10 same and different culture opinion
Beyond Human: + 3 diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue and learning
Predator's Arsenal: + 5 prowess
Axis Mundi: + 20% travel speed, + 10% army movement speed
Wyld Ferocity: Raid reduces development by 2
Catfeet: + 5 prowess
Beast Life: + 5 animal regiment sizes, + 50% animal pursuit
Terror of the Dire Wolf: Improves "Wyld Ferocity"
Boon of the Animal Fathers: - 50% enemy defensive advantage
Elemental Gifts: + 15% spirit damage and toughness, Unlocks "Earth Elemental", "Fire Elemental", "Air Elemental" and "Water Elemental" Men-at-Arms
Primal Anger: + 1 prowess, Unlocks "Primal Anger" interaction
Shed: - 5% retreat loss, + 10% travel speed
Curse of Hatred: "Curse of Hatred" Battle Modifier
Chameleon: + 10% scheme secrecy, - 10% enemy defensive advantage
Shell: Adds strong mental defence
Wither Limb: Unlocks "Wither Limb" interaction
Protean Form: Unlocks "Protean" shapeshift form
Umbral Body: + 10 monthly umbra exploration progress, "Umbral Body" protection
Black Furies
True Shot: + 10% Archer and Archer Cavalry damage, + 0,1 Archer and Archer Cavalry Siege Progress
Arion's Burden: + 10% Animal, Light Cavalry and Archer Cavalry Damage, + 20% Animal, Light Cavalry and Archer Cavalry pursuit
Curse of Aeolus: + 2 combat advantage in dryland. + 3 combat advantage in Plains, Farmland, Oasis and Steppe, + 4 combat advantage in jungle and floodplains, + 5 combat advantage in wetlands
Heart Claw: +15% Enemy Fatal Casualties
Wings of Pegasus: +10% army movement speed, + 20% travel speed, No river & strait cross penalty
Blizzard of Arrows: +5 to Archer and Archer Cavalry regiment size
Storm of the Mother's Wrath: Unlocks "Unleash Storm of the Mother's Wrath" interaction
Walk With Hades: Unlocks access to the underworld, + 5 monthly umbra exploration progress
Bone Gnawers
Declamation: + 1 "Learn Language" scheme
Tagalong: Unlocks "Tagalong" interaction
Hootenanny: + 15% Knight Effectiveness
Garbage Diving: Unlocks "Garbage Diving" interaction
Beg: Unlocks "Beg" interaction
Infest: + 15% army pursuit, Unlocks "Insect" Men-at-Arms
Survivor: Protects for disease and inappetetic
Riot: Unlocks "Provoke Revolt" interaction
Children of Gaia
Water-Conning: + 100% Supply Duration
Swallow Rage: + 30% Stress Loss
Spellbinding Oration: + 25% Personal Scheme Power
Spirit Friend: + 5 Spirit Damage and Toughness, Unlocks "Materialized Spirits" Men-at-Arms
Speech of All Things: + 1 "Learn Language" Scheme
Unicorn's Grace: - 5% Stress Gain
The Living Wood: Unlocks "Animated Trees" Men-at-Arms
Trust of Gaia: + 10 General Opinion
Salmon Leap: - 10% Embarkation Cost, No river & strait cross penalty
Two Tongues: + 1 Max Personal Schemes
Brew: + 3 monthly Gold
Ley Lines: - 25% Retreat Losses
Faerie Kin: + 10% Army Screen, + 50% faerie toughness and screen, + 10 summer and spring opinion
Airitech's Daughters: Unlocks "Turn into Crinos Werewolf" interaction
Fog on the Moor: Unlocks "Mist" Shapeshift form
Forms of Cernunnos: Unlocks "Animal" Shapeshift forms
Sleep of the Hero: Enter Torpor if you killed or deposed
Get of Fenris
Safe Haven: + 5 Controlled Defender Advantage
Visage of Fenris: + 10 Natural Dread
Sense Guilt: + 20% Dread Gain
Might of Thor: + 5 Prowess
Loki's Touch: + 20 Same Faith Opinion
Glory-Scars: +20 Prowess Injury Resistance
Strength of the Ancestors: - +5 House Opinion, every Werewolf Parent, Grandparent, and Great Grandparent adds +1 Prowess and Martial
Fenris' Bite: + 5 Prowess
Call Great Fenris: Unlocks ""
Red Talons
Wolf at the Door: + 5 Dread
Howl of the Pack: + 20% Diplomatic Range
Primal Howl: + 20% Knight Effectiveness
Howl of Hunger: "Curse of Hatred" Battle Modifier
Snap Man's Chains: + 20% animal damage, + 10% animal pursuit
Howl of Death: + 3 Prowess, More chance to wound enemy knights in battle
Blessing of the First Pack: + 1 intrigue
Shattering Howl: - 30% Siege Phase Time
Home in All Lands: - 10% Embarkation Cost, + 10% naval speed, + 10% army movement speed, + 20% travel speed, + 10 monthly umbra exploration progress, Unlocks "Appear" interaction
Shadow Lords
Purify Scent: + 10% hostile scheme power, + 5% scheme secrecy
Aura of Confidence: +15% Hostile Scheme Resistance
Hidden Secrets: + 25% Find Secrets Progress Speed
A Thousand Eyes: Unlocks "Bats" Men-at-Arms
Paralyzing Stare: + 25% Dread Gain
Durance: Unlocks "Bind Wraith" and "Command Wraith" interaction, + 1 max. bound wraith
Obedience: - 25% Tyranny Gain, - 5% legitimacy loss
Shadow Pack: Unlocks "Summon Shadowy Duplicate" interaction
Silent Striders
Silence: + 10% Pursuit Efficiency
Heavens' Guidance: - 10% Retreat Losses
Summon Talisman: - 50% "Buy Artifact Claim" and "Buy Claim" interaction cost
Death Track: Unlocks "Mark for Return" interaction, + 1 max. bound wraith
Long Running: +10% Army Movement Speed, + 30% travel speed
Speed Beyond Thought: +15% Raid Speed, +10% Army Movement Speed, + 20% travel speed
Invocation of the Pharaoh: Unlocks "Pharaoh Form" Shapeshift form
Gate of the Moon: Unlocks "Moon Bridge" interaction
Silver Fangs
Eye of the Falcon: + 15% Pursuit Efficiency
New Moon's Laughter: + 20 Diplomatic Scheme Power
Word of Honor: +10 Vassal Opinion
Half Moon Diplomacy: +2 Diplomacy
Claim of Authority: +10 Vassal Limit, + 50 legitimacy baseline
Leshii's Boon: +10 combat Advantage in Jungles, Forests, and Taiga
Full Moon's Wrath: + 20% Spirit Damage and Pursuit
The Secret of Gaia: - 20% Enemy Defensive Advantage, +10 Controlled Defender Advantage
Renew the Cycle: + 5 Prowess, Unlocks "Renew the Cycle" interaction
Muladhara: + 15% Stress Loss
Seed of Speech: + 1 "Learn Languages" scheme
Manipura: + 3 Prowess
Merciful Blow: - More likely to imprison in Sieges and Raids
Anahata: + 1 Diplomacy
Visuddha: + 1 Martial
Atma: + 1 Learning
Liberation of Flesh: Unlocks "Incorporeal Form" Shapeshifting Form
Thought Form of the Twelve Ministers: Unlocks "Attain True Spiritual Balance" interaction
Warder of Men
Agro Culture: - + 0.05 monthly development growth
Control Simple Machine: + 20% Siege Weapon Effectiveness
Pennies from Heaven: + 15% Monthly Income
Web Walker: - 10% chance getting trapped in Umbra, + 10 monthly umbra exploration progress
Intrusion: - 20% Siege Time
Doppleganger: - Bonus to Shapeshift Character Interaction
Song of the City-Beast: + 0.3 monthly control growth
Calm the Flock: + 50 Popular Opinion, - 10% hostile country attrition
Black Spiral Dancer
Bane Protector: + 20% Spirit Damage, + 10% Spirit Pursuit, Unlocks "Materialized Banes" Men-at-Arms
Toxic Claws: + 5 Prowess, Higher Chance to Maim Enemy Knights in Combat
Terrify: - 20% Dread Decay
Unseelie Faerie Kin: + 10% army pursuit, + 50% Faerie Damage and Pursuit, + 10 opinion with Autumn and Winter Fae
Dagger of the Mind: + 5% personal scheme success chance, Unlocks "Seed Emotion" interaction
Summon Wyrm Elemental: + 20% Spirit Damage, + 10% Spirit Pursuit, Unlocks "Sludge Elemental", "Balefire Elemental", "Smog Elemental" and "Toxin Elemental" Men-at-Arms
The White Howl: + 5 Prowess, + 10% Dread Gain, Higher Chance to kill Enemy Knights in combat
Totem Form: Unlocks a Totem Form Shapeshift option
Prelude to the Apocalypse: +50% Spirit Damage, + 30% Spirit Pursuit, Unlocks "Tear Down the Gauntlet" in the Umbra Panel
White Howler
Shining Sigils: + 1 diplomacy per level of Fame
Haunting Howl: "Haunting Howl" Battle Modifier
Pain-Strength: "Pain-Strength" modifier if wounded
Waking the Dead: + 20% pursuit efficiency, + 20% scheme discovery chance, + 10% army pursuit, + 10% Men-at-Arms pursuit
Blooding Fury: Unlocks "Blooding Fury" interaction
Maddening Howl: "Maddening Howl" Battle Modifier
White Fire: Wound enemy knights in combat
Howl of Healing: Heal ally knights in combat
Liar's Face: + 10 % Hostile Scheme Success Chance
Snow Running: + 50% Movement Speed in Winter
Obscure the Truth: Unlocks "Study the Art of Scheming" Decision
Peace of the Counselor: + 30 Councillor Opinion
Sticky Fingers: Unlocks "Buy Artifact Claims" interaction
Deliberate Misinformation: Unlocks "Claim Throne" Scheme
Reynard's Lie: Unlocks "Expedite Schemes" Decision
Fool's Luck: + 25% Hostile Scheme Success Chance, +25 Hostile Scheme Resistance
Firebringer: Adds a chance to gain a lifestyle perk with every supernatural killed, and allows you to teach a lifestyle perk to gain prestige and renown
Spirit Speech: + 10% Spirit Damage, + 20 Spirit Pursuit, Unlocks "Materialized Spirits" Men-At-Arms
Sense Wyrm: + 25 Hostile Scheme Resistance
Hear the Silence: Unlocks "Meditate in Seclusion" Decision
Sense Chiminage: + 100% monthly Lifestyle Experience
Spirit Skin: + 15% Army Toughness
Name the Spirit: - 10% spirit maintenance, - 10% spirit recruitment cost, Unlocks "Seek Aid from the Spirits" Decision
Prophetic Vision: Unlocks "Divine the Stars" Decision, Less chance of prisoners escaping, Notification for murder schemes against family and lovers/consorts
Spirit Vessel: + 5 Prowess, + 5 Learning, Huge Health Boost
Rebirthing: When you die, you will be replaced by a 1 Year Old Kinfolk who is guaranteed to become a Garou. Your Auspice may change
Truth of Gaia: + 25% Find Secrets Progress Speed
Aura of Leadership: Unlocks "Judge of the Land" Decision
Fangs of Judgement: + 10 Faith Hostility Advantage
Command the Gathering: Increase "Judge of the Land" benefits
Bonds that Tie Us: + 10 Vassal Opinion
Undisputed Ruler: + 10% Vassal Tax and Levy Contribution, + 35 legitimacy baseline
Roll Over: Increase "Judge of the Land" benefits
Scent of Beyond: + 50 Hostile Scheme Resistance
Release from Bondage: Gain "Unbondable" trait, Gain strong mental defence, Unlocks "Break the Bonds" interaction
Primal Song: Unlock "Primal Song" Interaction
Howls in the Night: + 10 Controlled Territory Defender Advantage
Mimic: + 1 "Learn Languages" Scheme, + 75% "Learn Language" scheme Power
Song of Heroes: Improves "Primal Song" Benefits
Veil of the Mother: - 30% Enemy Hostile Schemes success chance
Song of Rage: Improves "Primal Song" Benefits
Bridge Walker: + 25% Diplomatic Range, - 10% enemy defender Advantage
Song of the Siren: Improves "Primal Song" Benefits
Storyteller: - 10% friendly fatal casualties, Unlocks "Storyteller" interaction
Battlesense: - 25% Enemy Defensive Advantage
Inspiration: Unlock "Inspiration" Interaction
Pack Tactics: Improve "Inspiration" benefits
True Fear: + 50% Dread Gain
Shake the Earth: - 25% Siege Time
Challenge of Single Combat: Unlock "Punish Criminal" Interaction
Strength of Will: Improve "Inspiration" benefits
Shared Strength: Unlock "Shared Strength" interaction
Unstoppable Warrior: + 25 Prowess