Change Log

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Princes of Darkness, "Dress Up & Act Petty", Version 11/28/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version (Traverse) Hotfix

Princes of Darkness, "Dress Up & Act Petty" Update, Version, 11/28/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version (Traverse) and "West Slavic Attire" Content Creator Pack
  • Razkoljna took off the head scarf
  • Fix for event spawned inquisition titles not getting assigned to the proper holders

Princes of Darkness, "Danse Macabre", Version 1.14.1 11/19/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.14.1 (Traverse) and Wandering Nobles DLC and Hotfix

Game rule tweaks

  • Overhauled the game rule window to make it more compact
  • Added the ability to change certain game rules from POD while the game is ongoing
  • Added a "Custom" setting to the "Game Modes" game rule. Selecting it will give you access to a number of more granular game rules that let you mix and match the mechanics from Storyteller Mode, Samuel Haight Mode, and the default settings
  • Added a game rule for disabling Loyalty mechanics when Custom Mode is selected
  • Added an optional game rule for making endgame events like the Age of the Inquisition start sooner
  • Split the Patron & Easter egg game rule into 2 separate rules
  • Added an optional game rule for silly easter egg characters (previously, they were tied to Samuel Haight mode)

Landless checks

Note that landless is still in testing for PoD. Those are just incremental improvements, not an official release

  • Made an adjustment pass for landed triggers across the whole mod. Interactions, decisions, and events that previously required a landed user or target are now available for landless characters...
  • ...Within reason. Mechanics that have landed requirements (e.g. owning vassals, buildings, or certain landed titles) are still only available to landed characters. Other requirements weren't changed (for now).
  • Notable changes:
    • Enabled all artifact decisions (e.g. the Book of Nod) and custom character creation decisions (e.g. becoming a Ghoul by draining a prisoner in Haight mode) for landless characters
    • Landless characters can now advance their Dharma (for Kuei-Jin) or Rank (for Fera)
    • Landless Kuei-Jin and Fae can now foster heirs using their adoption decisions
    • Abilities that injure another character's knights can now target landless adventurers
    • Most generic Fae objectives can now be done by landless adventurers (stopping the Black Death, bringing back the Prodigals, etc)
    • Removed the building requirement from the Schemes of the Ratkin objective so that landless characters can fulfill the requirements
    • Many miscellaneous fixes for events that didn't fire for landless characters, like Umbra pet events


  • Set the default of the vanilla "Impact of Advantage" game rule to 2% (back to the pre-DLC value, until PoD's advantage modifiers get balanced)
  • The reset perks button has been removed #Prone to being exploited and doesn't make sense in the PoD vision for perks being powers
  • Made the Diablerie scheme work properly with the RTP scheme format and added a failure event
  • Added an opinion penalty when a knight leaves due to lack of loyalty, to prevent some edge cases where it was trivial to reinvite them after they leave
  • Inquisitors will now keep gaining Convictions XP from in-game actions (e.g. winning wars or gaining vassals) if they unlocked access to other types of Convictions from supporting other Inquisition orders
  • The costs and cooldowns of trait-editing abilities (like Will Over Form or Reweaving) are now only applied if you actually use the ability, not when opening the window
  • Added a Golconda only option for a Sargon Codex event to not make you 100% fall of Golconda with not outs
  • Werewolves can now gain wisdom rank XP by doing the spiritual quest option during pack training
  • Added a tooltip explaining Bastet kinfolk gift limitations
  • Nerfed an education 5 patron character
  • Removed unbondable as a potential crime trait #Caused issues and made dubious sense
  • The French event giving you true faith while converting you to via pura now also gives you a modifier making converting faiths very costly #The intent was always to have the event commit you to this faith and not just an easy way to gain true faith then switch back to your old faith
  • You can no longer steal artifacts from yourself with Sorcery
  • The Predator types events have been tweaked and their loca completely redone
  • Tweaked the werewolves buildings (and stewardship perk) to now look at Weaver alignment instead of warder of men faith #Meaning non WoM werewolves weaver aligned faiths can now also build stuff in high dev counties
  • AI ordinated inquisitors will now be more culturally varied (same fix as for players in the previous patch)
  • Achieving the Question of Horus objective as Cabirus now removes the eternally hunted modifier if you have it
  • When Hardy Jr awakens, he will now lose his existing relationships
  • The mummy legacy buildings cost is no longer (literally) over 9000
  • Ward against death won't try to ward characters that can't die anyway
  • Removed the piety cost to maintain umbra training action that was hard to properly show to the player. Reduced the training rewards to compensate
  • If one of the three characters that know the spell of life somehow become a bane mummy, they now lose access to it
  • The requirement for the "Occult Affiliation" line of buildings can now also be fulfilled with secret Sorcerers, not just characters with the trait


  • Most Giovanni are now Cisalpine instead of Italian to follow where vanilla puts Venice culture wise
  • Added Sithia's dev character


  • Character interactions with many options (e.g. Shapeshift) now get a scrollbar
  • The list of lifestyle focuses now gets a scrollbar if the player has an excessive amount of them
  • Added some alternative localization if an Infiltration Mission fails against a character who can't imprison you
  • Clarified a tooltip when you're unable to convert a character to your Demon religion because they aren't your cultist


  • Picking a Gargoyle caste in the in-game character creator now also applies their appearance flags (horns, wings, etc)
  • Ifrit now get their lore-appropriate grey skin and fiery eyes instead of fully being made out of rock
  • Added Skeleton forms
  • Cappadocian older than a century at maximum hunger may appear as skeletons (Giovanni, Lamia, etc... excluded).
  • Added worse and worst battle scars to barbershop
  • Increased scarification on certain canon Nosferatu and Fae characters
  • Increased scarification on random Nosferatu
  • Fixed Crinos Garou leaf
  • Added Crinos Garou Forms to Barbershop Fera list
  • Added new Gargoyle castes: Golden Manticore (Simba), Onyx Cat (Bastet), Sand Serpent (Setite), Rattler (Cappadocian) and Fairy (Fae).
  • added horns and wings to Gargoyle Shadow caste
  • Random Tzimisce may get four eyes or fantasy skin colors
  • A minority of random Tzimisce will be more comely, handsome or beautiful. Most of those won't be weird, but a minority of them will be.
  • There is now more to love with Virstania, the Mother of Gargoyles
  • The Trolls Wallach, Coruisk, Pythos and Alyss are now rotund.
  • Some random gluttonous Nosferatu will be fat.
  • Added diseased and balding hairstyle options to barbershop choices.
  • Some random Nosferatu will have diseased and balding hairstyles.
  • Some aged Cappadocians will have diseased and balding hairstyles.
  • Dionysus hairstyle altered. He now wears a cloak covering it, so he appears as his canon art.
  • Apacia, Queen of Tombs, now looks more like her canon art. Blondes have more fun. She's too beautiful to turn into a skeleton.


  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao


  • The Force Vassalization CB now requires the attacker's and defender's splats not to be hostile
  • Fixed some Forge recipes in the crafting menu that would result in a 0-day cooldown (which the game would interpret as a neverending cooldown)
  • Fixed character_travel_speed_mult in the Antu demon form
  • You can no longer select unavailable or mindless characters as GHW beneficiaries
  • You can no longer stack an unlimited amount of patron deities
  • Going through the in-game character creator to switch your splats now properly resets the buildings of Rome if you're holding it
  • Turning a Wraith into another splat now correctly removes their Arcanoi and Risen Disciplines
  • Fixed a Bastet perk that could add a duplicate of the Court of Sokhta to your list of Umbra Realms
  • Fixed a faulty DLC trigger in the Inspire (Intellect) Lore interaction
  • Fixed an error from case-sensitive file names on Linux/macOS
  • Fixed Mammon unique interaction
  • Made a few remaining temporal head vampire religions into no head of faith #A relic of when we thought head of faiths could work for the mod, which they don't
  • Replaced Mithras' dagger visual for a vanilla dagger, our own doesn't display in the royal court
  • Lions in the Colosseum can no longer kill your entire soul
  • Fixed a landing issue causing a broken event for the Bagheera
  • Fixed a vanilla bug that would cause you to look for a court physician at the start of the Black Death even if you already have one
  • The Ante hunt now has more robust checks to determine whether the involved canon characters are alive or not. Also, those characters won't appear if they're wights

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 8, Version 11/4/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version (Traverse) and Wandering Nobles DLC
  • The new DLC activities and lifestyles are in. Available for every splat.


  • Landless adventurers now get regional events and Great Persons
  • Landless characters can now invite other characters to their camp if they're Coterie members, servants (e.g. Herd members or bound Wraiths), or if you hold certain supernatural hooks on them (e.g. Conditioning or Strong Blood Oath)
  • If you create a Vampire in the Ruler Designer with no disciplines, the game now adds the appropriate clan disciplines automatically
  • Selecting a religion in the in-game character creator no longer assigns you a random faith from that religion. Instead, it opens a new GUI where you can select your faith manually
  • The duel during the Unholy Ascension Baali objective now uses your uncapped prowess
  • Inquisitors prospects are now from a random West European culture instead of always being the culture of their liege
  • You can now ask for Glamour enchantments even if you're full on Glamour (QoL for Kinain who want to learn new Arts)
  • Finishing the Constantinian objective now makes all Constantinian Fae faiths accept Hunters, instead of just the other way around
  • You can now gain Ferocity renown xp by preparing for war during your pack training #This should give the renown starved Bastet a more consistent option to rank up


  • Added knowledge of Blood Magic traditions to a few Easter Egg characters
  • The Keystone artifact no longer spawns at the start of the game. Instead, it spawns along with the other Eyestones if the Shattering happens. Also, the Eyestones no longer spawn if the Shattering is prevented
  • Dracon and Nikita taken over by Dracon now have a pressed claim on Byzantium
  • Thomas Feroux is now Greek culture for ease of access to rebuilding Constantinople


  • Moved the message feed a little to the left again so the added sidebar buttons from PoD don't prevent you from closing messages
  • Events where you can change a character's visual or real age now have a custom GUI that runs much faster than the previous event options
  • The vanilla travel start event is now skipped when starting a Journey, since they have their own intro events
  • The "Disloyal Champions" event now shows portraits of the champions


  • Made a certain lamb more shiny


  • Fixed the floating hair, teeth and clothes behind the Chiropteran Marauder form
  • Fixed the glitched inventory window (also fixed in the Search&Trade Artifacts compatch)
  • Fixed various crashes to desktop when hovering over tooltips in the Tal'Mahe'Ra window
  • Fixed the vanilla widget from scheme events so that it no longer expands outside its layout and messes up the event window
  • Picking a clan that knows Blood Sorcery in the in-game character creator now also gives you knowledge of the appropriate Traditions
  • Characters who can resurrect (e.g. Demons) will no longer get pruned and perma-killed if they become wanderers after losing all their land
  • Made sure to hide the message feed if PoD's sidebar windows (Journeys, Umbra, etc) are open so the messages don't clip with the window contents
  • Fixed a bug that would let you take certain Mummy decisions multiple times before closing the event window
  • Fixed an obscure bug that would let Gantenbeins convert to Via Set when visiting Ombos
  • Cleaned up some unlocalized modifiers
  • Deleted some duplicate texture files
  • Karelian culture now has starting counties following vanilla
  • Some loca fixes
  • Training in the umbra now costs flat piety with each training tick instead of a -piety multiplier modifier
  • Small stuff (tweaks to a predator event logic, temple of theotokos prerequisites fix, wraiths can absorb more horses, wights can be murdered)
  • Violetta is now properly a matron
  • Camelot is now longer literally unbreachable at higher levels
  • The fae reclamation CB now requires king+ level (it's using a vanilla CB that was never meant for dukes so won't work properly for them)
  • Demons can no longer use the Infernalist interaction to discover another Demon's True Name since they get their own version of the interaction
  • You can no longer try to discover a Demon's True Name after you've already bound them
  • Added a missing faith hostility doctrine to Iku
  • Forgiving characters can't "forgive" hooks on their clones anymore
  • Fixed an house unity decision issue
  • Small fixes (removed the useless fake lvl2 Parthenon, tomb building inconsistencies)
  • Fixed Rock Lord event not giving a starting blood sorcery flag
  • Soft Walker is now properly house head of the Raas
  • Fixed the Hanging Gardens not appearing for realsies this time. Probably
  • Fixed a rare case where the taint the land perk could result in not being able to siege some provinces
  • Changed Implacable Vengeance perk to account for potential stacking, also clarified that it works for all rivals and not just nemesis
  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 7, Version 1.13.2 10/23/2024

  • Compatibility with 1.13.2

Clothing color improvements

  • Improved the GUI for selecting clothing colors:
    • Added sliders for selecting colors
    • Added HSV values alongside RGB
    • Added the ability to copy&paste color schemes
    • Added the ability to save colors as favorites
  • Added a character interaction for copying another character's clothing color scheme to your clipboard
  • You can now set a personal clothing color scheme for your own character, even if you aren't a house head. You can also set a color scheme for your Coterie


  • Added the Lexor Brujah CoA by Rex
  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao
  • Children born from a shapeshifter player + a Fae couple will now follow the shapeshifters scripts instead of the Fae one #To avoid game overing yourself by having your shapeshifter dynasty replaced by Fae just because you had a one night stand with a pointy eared lady in the woods at some point
  • Tweaked the challenge house head event
  • Added 20 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Clan Novel DA Lasombra full read (15 new characters, coteries changes etc)


  • More checks in vanilla events to reduce nonsensical imprisonments
  • Restored the Norman culture in Normandy
  • Enochian can't be hybridized to bypass its outdated nature anymore
  • Fixed AI mummies marrying randomly
  • Fixed an issue potentially disallowing same sex marriage game rule for some faiths
  • Fixed the Babylon decision not spawning the hanging gardens
  • Fixed some instances of marriages between courtiers bypassing the usual checks
  • Fixed (probably) some instances where the Camarilla transfer prisoner interaction wasn't working
  • More fixes to Constantinople Grand City
  • Small Fae fixes (Moraan being unlanded, Iberian loca for CB, Kinain not being able to enchant)
  • Fixed wrong trigger for the black tortoise expedition
  • Fixed Fae appearing in non Fae bookmark
  • Fixed some artifact history
  • Journeys to learn new abilities will no longer give you teachers who are imprisoned, torpid, or Wights
  • Fixed the "burning building" event sound effect getting stuck even after closing the event
  • Fixed tolerance advantage not applying
  • Reworked Degulo to be less exploitable and less prone to break. Also added more pointers about how to use this convoluted system.
  • You now can only learn the base discipline trait from the victim now but you also don't lose your own disciplines, only paying in resonance instead
  • Removed an event giving vanilla buildings
  • Your marshal won't send you a message telling you they did a thing while actually not doing the thing anymore
  • Small fae fixes (solstice seeing legacies they can't take, stealing Iberian loca, wrong bookmark religion, using wraith government)
  • Fixed an house unity steering issue
  • Fixed demon perk causal influence not increasing county conversion speed as stated
  • Changed the umbra training modifier to % malus instead of flat piety to avoid modifiers "underflow"

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 6, Version 10/11/2024

  • Compatibility with


  • Added Dio's portrait by Rex


  • Fixed the Fae inquisition objective not differentiating Bavaria and House von Murnau
  • Fixed an issue making you pay double dread and stress when releasing prisoners without any demand
  • Removed the "mass demand conversion" interaction #It made characters accept the demand that they wouldn't otherwise
  • Fixed (maybe) the wraith summon on death interaction
  • Made the Umbra Explorer salary modifiers scale properly so you don't end up with an excessive amount of them


  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 5, Version 10/8/2024

  • Compatibility with 1.13.1

Gameplay additions

  • Fleshcrafting someone who knows Blood Sorcery into a book now grants that artifact a bonus to Blood Sorcery lifestyle xp (based on the amount of Blood Sorcery perks of the victim). However, you need to know the same Traditions as the victim to make use of such a book

Gameplay changes

  • Added the Lexor Brujah house
  • The translate lore perk now adds 5 max languages instead of 5 max languages schemes
  • Improved Grey Umbra event
  • Removed the ability for the AI to complete the Arabia Ikhwan objective #Could result in silent game over for players


  • Brought back the fluff text for Vassal obligation levels. Due to engine limitations, these are only visible in a nested tooltip (hover over the obligation level's name to see it)


  • Added a special icon for fleshcrafted books
  • Leaf be gone! The leaf has been removed from shapeshift full body forms.
  • Also, other artifacts like floating teeth and eyeballs were also removed in all full body forms.
  • Residual clothing should also no longer appear on full body forms. If it does, you can remove it via barbershop.
  • Bloodworm and LERMU form added.
  • Changes the order of appearance of monster forms, additions like wings are first, then the most common vampires forms, then fae kiths and then more obscure forms.
  • Glabro was moved to the Fera form list.
  • Added more Byzantine garb triggers to better control for canon character assignment.
  • Added new buildings icons for Constantinople, Paris and the Courts of Love #Thanks to Rex
  • Unwanted COA Crest should stop appearing, but still selectable under secondary headgears in barbershop.


  • Fixed an issue where the recruit guest interaction wasn't working
  • The hunter hunted event now properly happens in the vampire bookmark
  • Fixed issues in Thessalonika starting dev
  • Adding more safeguard to diseases for supernaturals
  • Fixed a wrong scope in wrath of god interaction
  • Fixed godbodies lifestyle art (again)
  • Loca fixes
  • Torpored characters who somehow find themselves imprisoned will now be released immediately.
  • Fixed Cabirus modifier
  • Added check for blood potency 10 during predator type selection. This should make no actual difference but it was missing so it has been added for the purpose of things looking nice.
  • Reduced unintentionally high xp gain from herded vampires to intended levels
  • Blood heal now takes into account diplomatic range
  • Strengthened some artifact prerequisites
  • Fixed several issues and inconsistencies related to Constantinople #Survey capital new opportunities will now have a chance to give +1dev to Constantinople since its buildings slots start maxed
  • Removed a tooltip for a spell not yet implemented in koldunic sorcery
  • Empathic psychic healing now gives psy xp to the healer and not the healed
  • Removed several new ways that the AI can randomly marry
  • Allowed guests to once again be added to herds
  • Potential fix to a successions of things leading to not being able to revoke an holy order lease
  • Fix to Mohammad al Sahuir's nickname so no one confuses him with a Toreador Einherjar in Finland.


  • Updated the Knights window to be sorted by prowess


  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 4, Version 10/4/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III "Basileus" Update and "Roads to Power" DLC

Scheme overhaul

  • The following schemes have been turned back into personal schemes: Embrace, Ghoulify, Herdify Mortal, Herdify Vampire, Musing
  • The following schemes have been turned into basic schemes with no agents and 100% success rate, since the resolution happens during the ending event anyway:
    • Embrace, Ghoulify, Herdify Mortal, Bloodbond, Ordination, Tempt to Infernalism, Enslavement, Entrancement, Curse of Insanity, Soulbond, Spirit Eating, Emotion Injection, Project Negative Psychic Energy, Mesmerize, Cast Hekau, Skuld Fulfilled, Summon, Enthrallment
  • Reworked the following schemes:
    • Herdify Vampire: Uses agents and advantages. Added a failure event.
    • Discover True Name: Uses advantages, but no agents.
    • Tempt: Uses agents and advantages. Characters who have the appropriate sin trait, the same sin faith, or a demon-worshipping faith like Via Diabolis are valid agents. Also added agent selection options in the character interaction
    • Corrupt: Uses agents and advantages. Characters of the same sin faith or a demon-worshipping faith like Via Diabolis are valid agents. Also added agent selection options in the character interaction
  • Added a Vampire scheme icon to a number of Vampire-related schemes
  • Fixed some localization issues with scheme tooltips

Gameplay additions

  • Added a "Diplomats" option when hunting in your capital so that all education types are accounted for
  • Landless adventurers now get the option to travel with their entire camp when starting the travel phase of a journey

Gameplay changes

  • Modified Demon tempt and compel schemes to allow intermediate events that boost success chance to fire for Earthbound demons
  • You can no longer teleport your travel entourage if you're also taking your domicile with you
  • Clarified some returning "died falling from their horse" death reasons
  • Dracon (and Nikita post Dracon) is now Greek so that he can rebuild Constantinople
  • Non werewolf shapeshifters can now also try to stop the Flaying Plague
  • Reverted back the cost of destroying titles/laws to vanilla but hid the button to remove realms laws #Before the cost was made prohibitive since we don't want people removing elective from our laws but it had the side effect of making destroying titles too expensive (since destroying a title costs a flat amount + the laws destroyed in the process)
  • Sanity check on some Daimoinon powers
  • After 3 years, AI characters will have their masquerade automatically reduced to level 4 (if they are at level 5)
  • Decision requirements that require a title to be destroyed are no longer valid when using the Shattered World game rule
  • Made the decision to adopt a personal Coat of Arms free
  • Slowed down innovations growth a little
  • The holy legend seed for theologian can now only happen once instead of infinitely


  • Added a Knights detail breakdown view for any character. This is accessible from the character window by clicking on a new button over their military power
  • Added some icons to the options of Hunt in your Capital
  • Added new decision categories for PoD decisions


  • Added some conditional graphics to the events triggered by the WoD lore button, e.g. for Antediluvians
  • Gave POD's hostile scheme interactions an appropriately bloody header image
  • Added the new stained-glass header backgrounds to POD event themes
  • Added 6 portraits by Rex and Sithia
  • Added the "ignore cappadocian look" flag to several more Cappadocians never seen in their "true" form
  • Volker has been given a spa visit so that he looks closer to his canon appearance.
  • POD icon added to POD additions to Barbershop
  • Added various triggers and flags for ep3 portrait content
  • Added BDW's excellent Nosferatu portrait to Caradoc
  • Fachan's burn moved to opposite side of face. Personal coat of arms modified to match.
  • Christof Romuald now wears a Knight of the Red Cross Crusader tabard, as is proper. Sir Cuthbert would be proud.
  • Gave Berchta 'the Iron-Nosed" a metal nose (Usurper's Prosthesis).
  • Fixed Pox skin
  • Great pox and Lover's pox restored as Barbershop monster skin options
  • Smallpox Griet now looks like she has the pox
  • Added Ka Luon Form
  • Added Isanwayen portrait
  • Fixed numerous portrait bugs related to portrait modifier triggers
  • Zulo form/Dracul form, etc... no longer should get clothing overlap
  • Removed some POD clothes that are no longer needed because of house/character color decision and scripted effect
  • Helena has Greek Princess' Coiffure hair
  • Michael got imperial threads and a halo
  • Fixed some bookmark portraits
  • Fixed Antediluvian clothing (now with less cloaks!)
  • Added some animation poses to Antediluvian and a few Methuselah lore events


  • Added monstrous categories back to the ruler designer
  • Fixed the custom mapmodes (they all broke after the DLC)
  • Fixed some issues with Umbra realm tooltips
  • Fixed a bug due to auto-translated flags in the Hunt in your Capital Journey
  • Fixed a faulty trigger that would prevent you from blackmailing others for being a secret Sorcerer, Infernalist, and the like
  • Updated the odds_prediction for Demon tempt and compel schemes to be slightly more accurate. They are still quite inaccurate, though.
  • The torpor animation works correctly again.
  • Fixed an issue with court positions availability depending on order of assignment
  • Added missing formatting to certain game concept links
  • Fixed Tzimisce childer not leaving after telling you they want to leave
  • Fixed (mostly, it's janky) players ending up with kids of another shapeshifters kind if they marry that other kind.
  • Changed event background triggers to prevent Vampires from waltzing around in the sunlight in some cases
  • Fixed a few typos
  • Fixed an issue making a maintenance event consider litany gov forbidden for werewolves, which resulted in constant reset of realm laws
  • The vanilla event where travelers offer to join your court will no longer give you the option to convert their faith if it's invalid for their splat
  • Fixed the issue that made the spawned inquisitors not declare any wars
  • Cleaned the masquerade breach events
  • Added godbodies lifestyle image placeholder
  • Fixed some localization issues with Umbra crafting ingredients


  • Chinese translation by Chilemiao

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 3, Version, 9/29/2024

Gameplay changes

  • Reworked the cursed artifacts. You can now unequip them again
    • The Biblia Negra now applies its stress penalty to your character when first equipped. This modifier stays until the artifact is destroyed
    • The Soultaker now applies its stress penalties to your character whenever you use the execution method. These stack and are permanent


  • Umbra game concepts are now using the new glossary tooltips


  • Fixed the sporadic crashes to desktop after the first loading screen
  • Getting taken over by the Dracon now makes you gay

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 2, Version, 9/27/2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III "Basileus" Hotfix and "Roads to Power" DLC

Known issues

  • The game will occasionally crash to desktop after the first loading screen. This seems to happen more frequently if your RAM is low. Try closing other applications before launching CK3 (especially web browsers)
  • Rectangular artifacts in the main menu background. Seems to happen only when using Vulkan as the renderer (e.g. on Linux)

Gameplay changes

  • If you're a landless adventurer traveling for a contract, you can now finish the Hunt in Capital and Pack Training Journeys without going home first
  • Adapted the PoD court positions for landless play, either making them unavailable or free of charge
  • Brunhilde now receives the Gallivanter trait automatically from her landless event option, preventing her from inheriting or being placed on a throne. You can remove the trait via decision if you wish.
  • Only very weak (prowess wise) characters can be killed by the death of a commander event now
  • Small landless balance events tweaks


  • Added Sithia's portraits for the Valkyries
  • Removed the 'stache of Marconius. It was too powerful


  • Fixed a vanilla bug leading to crashes to desktop when hovering over artifact requirements
  • Fixed the crash to desktop when hovering over the monthly Umbra exploration progress value
  • Ensured a game over when losing all land after a conquest, instead of ending up in a weird limbo state where you're landless with no adventurer government (vanilla adventurer functionality will be reenabled once it's more polished for PoD)
  • Added another fix to prevent characters from leaving the player's court without warning (maybe it'll work this time)
  • Fixed the overly intense red lighting for main menu characters and Antediluvians on AMD graphics cards
  • Removed the "Fix Frozen Schemes" interaction since it's obsolete after the scheme rework
  • Fixed a broken trigger that would prevent landless adventurers from using the Befriend scheme
  • Fixed various bugs that would prevent characters from resurrecting if they die during scheme contracts
  • Overhauled the scripts and localization of Childe education events so they work with landless adventurers
  • Fixed the broken localization when doing the "Visit local settlement" decision on a Grand City
  • Hunters can now only ordinate characters at the same location, rather than anyone in diplomacy range
  • Made sure the world actually ends if you end the world as a Demon
  • Bloodheal now works properly for Ghouls and Revenants.
  • Landless adventurers can no longer join wars on behalf of hostile splats
  • Fixed localization of Labyrinth umbra realm.
  • Fixed localization of Compel perk.
  • Reworked and fixed the ranking for fera events (Bastet can now properly rank up)
  • Fix the broken rune crafting material (because PDX added its own rune loca and flag)

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Hotfix 1, Version, 9/25/2024


  • Kiasyd can have beards again


  • Fixed male Nosferatu forms. They are beautiful again.
  • Fixed the "Release from Prison" interaction not actually releasing prisoners
  • Fixed all PoD clothing to use the new ground joint, preventing them from deforming.
  • Fixed animations missing the new ground joint, eliminating error log spam.
  • Fix some loca issues
  • Reactivate the chiro forms, those weren't broken after all
  • Fixed the wraith trait being too verbose and thus not possible to deselect in RD for some resolutions
  • Fixed a wrong option in the demon intro event
  • Removed a CK3 advice telling you to give away your last held title. It's not good advice.

Princes of Darkness, "Run For Your Life!" Update, Version 1.13.0, 9/24/2024

Compatibility with Crusader Kings III 1.13.0 "Basileus" Update and "Roads to Power" DLC

WARNING : Our GPU/VRAM prerequisites have likely risen significantly with this update. If you experience crashes and notice in your task manager that your GPU is close to 100%, reducing the quality of graphical options will help

  • This isn't remotely save compatible. Yes it's obvious but I know some people will try regardless.
  • Landless is disabled in PoD... We will need time to make it work in a satisfactory and flavorful way for PoD
  • ...except for Brunhilde who has a starting event where she can become an adventurer. It is a testing ground for us. You can test it as well if you like, expect issues and weirdness. Report them if you can.
  • We now (mostly) follow the new latest vanilla startdate for our setup which results in a very big increase in overall development in most regions
  • Our spawned adventurers (Vlad Tepes, Tyler, Giangaleazzo) now start with the new Conqueror AI personality and bonus
  • In the default game rule, spawned hunters during the Age of the Inquisition endgame now start with the new Conqueror AI personality and bonus. In apocalyptic game rule, they start with the extreme version of those. In easy game rule, they don't get this new personality or bonus at all.
  • Speaking of conquerors, the game rule for it is off by default in PoD. It should work fine if you change it however. Just remember that those bonuses are very strong and our characters are often immortal.
  • PoD music added to the music player


  • Added the Bastet (werecats) as fully playable shapeshifters

Modded achievements

  • Added functionality for custom achievements that get tracked across saves. This requires tutorials to be enabled in the settings
  • Added 6 very easy achievements:
    • True Blood: As a Vampire, add someone with acute Resonance to your Herd.
    • Respect My Authority: As any shapeshifter, increase your Rank.
    • DIY: As a Mummy, successfully craft something via the crafting menu.
    • Master of Puppets: As a Demon, corrupt a ruler of at least Kingdom-rank.
    • By Our Powers Combined...: Found a new Coterie and invite 4 other members.
    • What's Yours Is Mine: Steal at least 200 gold during a single Infiltration Mission.
  • Added 5 easy achievements:
    • A Killer and a Saint: As Lucita de Aragon, fulfill your ambitions by completing the "Lucita's Destiny" decision.
    • Snake Charmer: As Mithras, complete the "Assuming Control" decision after getting back with Kemintiri.
    • A Fitting End for this Story: As either Helena or Menele, kill your Nemesis.
    • A Fitting Start for this Fanfiction: As either Helena or Menele, become Lovers with your Nemesis.
    • All Roads Lead To Me: As Camilla, upgrade any of the districts of Rome to the maximum.
  • Added 7 medium achievements:
    • Legendary Hero: As a Hunter, kill a 4th generation Vampire of at least Kingdom-rank with a Find Lair interaction.
    • Stone Cold Stunner: As either Virstania or Rock Lord, create a new Discipline.
    • Wait, Wrong Demon!: As Bela Rusenko, be possessed by Drakonskyr at the end of the Sword of Nul event chain
    • No Canon Ending for Me: As hunter Karl Schrekt, kill Lotharius with a Find Lair interaction
    • The Truth about Saulot?: Using the Ivory Tablets, Javaniel's journal and key, learn the truth about Saulot... or one part of it, at least
    • My Precious: Playing as a non-Mummy, be soulmates with a Mummy and have them craft a Philosopher's Stone for you.
    • Ambition Erudition: Employ Aristotle as your Court Tutor.
  • Added 8 hard achievements:
    • Somehow, he has returned: In the Dark Ages: Vampire bookmark, as Alexander, end the French struggle using the France Restored decision
    • Ate My Way Up The Ladder: Starting as a 13th generation Vampire, diablerize your way to the 4th generation.
    • I Dream Of The First Times: As a Vampire, adopt Enochian culture by assembling the Book of Nod.
    • Stairway to Heaven: Finish the Demon decisions by achieving the secret Redemption ending
    • Nah, I'd Win: Be killed by the Lamb during the Vatican Journey
    • Make Peace, not War: As Qawiyya el-Ghaduba, achieve Golconda
    • Gods of Egypt II: As Horus, achieve your vengeance by completing "The Avenger" decision
    • The True Lion King: As a Simba, unite the Bastet Nation
  • Added 3 very hard achievements:
    • Isis' Revenge: As Kemintiri, achieve her unique character content by choosing the redemption path, then successfully diablerize Set during the Antediluvian Hunt
    • Very Alternate History: Defeat and imprison Baybars during his purge of the supernatural in Egypt
    • Clausewitz Engine: As Ilmarinen, become Santa Claus.

Blood Sorcery overhaul

  • Fully overhauled Blood Sorcery with a new GUI
  • Added 4 Blood Sorcery traditions that can be learned via Journey: Thaumaturgy, Dur-An-Ki, Akhu, Koldunic Sorcery
  • Added a Blood Sorcery lifestyle for learning spells, with 120 perks
    • Certain sources of Sanguine lifestyle xp have been replaced with Blood Sorcery lifestyle xp: Louhi's Staff, Al-Ashrad's Scimitar, Chantries, Rafastio (house modifier)
  • Added 44 spells
  • Added 44 rituals. Rituals take some time to cast and might have additional costs
  • Changed the old Blood Sorcery perk tree in the Sanguine lifestyle to give bonuses to spell success chance and ritual speed

Crafting GUI

  • Added a dedicated crafting window to the sidebar
  • Overhauled crafting mechanics. Crafting now uses materials: Water, Fuel, Herbs, and Minerals. Their rarity determines the cost and success chance of crafting
    • Basic versions of the materials can be used by anyone
    • Exotic materials can be used if you have access to certain terrain or certain traits
    • Magic materials can be found in the Umbra
    • Certain crafting recipes also make use of Artifact Pieces, blood, Sekhem, or a living prisoner
  • The following abilities now use the new crafting mechanics:
    • Alchemy: Mummies, Sorcery, Wraiths (Pandemonium Arcanos), and Vampires (Thinblood Alchemy)
    • Smithing: Mummy Amulets, Mummy Effigies, Reforging Artifact Pieces
    • Forging artifacts: All abilities that let one create artifacts from nothing (e.g. Frost Facsimile) or from prisoners (e.g. Soulforging)
    • Enhance: All abilities that let one add additional modifiers to artifacts (e.g. The Forger's Hammer)
    • Creating Automatons: Mummies, Fae (Infusion Art)
  • Courtiers, guests, and Coterie members can now craft things for you, using their known recipes
  • Alchemy elixirs are now implemented as inventory artifacts. They can be traded and used on other characters
    • You can no longer sell alchemy products to characters who can't afford them
    • Selling alchemy products now has a cooldown of 3 months
  • Immortality (from Sorcery) now uses the new crafting mechanics, requires magic materials from the Umbra instead of imprisoned Mummies, and can be granted to other characters
  • You can no longer become a shapeshifter via Sorcery
  • Added Thinblood Alchemy as a discipline with 6 new perks. It's available as an option in the Ruler Designer

Men at Arms rework

  • MaA balance pass #While there are some nerfs, it's mostly to give more of an identity to some very generic "counter everything, good everywhere" existing MaA
  • Added a "vampire" type for MaA
  • Added a Bygones MaA type with a cultural era growing malus representing their difficulty to spawn on Earth as science takes hold. Several modifiers related to them have been changed to take that into account.
  • Added a construct Maa type
  • Split Plasmic MaA into Plasmic and Wraith types
  • Separated the existing ghouls MaA into Handpicked Ghouls (elite group, available to all vamps and ghouls) and Ghouled Mob (big size fodder) for religions with mass ghouling accepted, to give an use to that doctrine with the new changes
  • The new MaA types (vampires and constructs) are integrated into existing systems (meaning things like house modifiers or dynasty perks have been modified to use them)
  • The vanilla siege engines have been renamed to fall in line with this vision of a more limited scale warfare. They function the same gameplay wise.
  • Cultural MaA are still a thing and useable by everyone
  • Vanilla MaA have been disabled, except in some specific cases (see below)
  • Added a lot of new MaA for each splat with the following philosophy :

* Vampires have a weak core of MaA. They have access to all base types but weaker than their vanilla counterparts. Their special MaA (cainite knightly orders) are on the stronger side but restricted heavily by areas/clans/religions * Shapeshifters have a limited (not all types) and costly but strong core of kinfolk MaA. Their special MaA are shapeshifters and thus are strong but very costly. * Inquisitors have access to all vanilla base MaA. Their special MaA (knightly orders) are numerous and versatile but weaker than other splats. * Demons have a weak but big (numbers of troops in each) core of MaA. Their special MaA (demonic troops) start off ok but benefit a lot from their buildings. * Mummies have elite but small (numbers of troops in each) core of MaA that specializes in Egyptian like terrain. Their special units are constructs, starting off weak but can be buffed a lot in the Hekau effigy lifestyle tree. * Hunters have access to all vanilla base MaA. Their special Maa (x hunters) are unlocked by dynasty legacies and are very specialized in countering each type of supernatural. * Kuei Jin and WuTian have Twilight (elite, small size, costly) and Midnight (weak, big size, cheap) MaA types * Fae have a costly and specialized core and a ton of niche special MaA

  • Certain super-powerful men-at-arms (like the Unnamable) are now summoned via decision and can't be hired normally
  • Removed the cooldown from the decision to summon a Sin Dragon to war, and added a gold cost
  • Certain powerful men-at-arms are now limited to one regiment
  • Rebalanced most of the artifacts and modifiers that add bonuses to men-at-arms regiment size/cap

Umbra rework

  • Fully overhauled the Umbra GUI and turned it into a more compact sidebar window
  • Instead of accessing Umbra realms by navigating branching paths, you can now see all unlocked realms in one single list. There are also filtering options for narrowing down that list
  • Removed the Local Umbra mechanic entirely. Some of its benefits (like recruiting men-at-arms) have been moved to Umbra expeditions
  • Provinces now have a Gauntlet and Shroud rating automatically assigned to them, meaning it's no longer necessary to discern it manually
  • Removed levy and stationed men-at-arms effects from Gauntlet and Shroud modifiers (unless the Gauntlet/Shroud is torn down entirely)
  • Umbra explorers are now guaranteed to unlock an Umbra expedition every time they fully explore an area (if expeditions are available in that realm). Umbra realms no longer have levels
  • You can no longer freely travel through the Umbra. You now have to unlock access to further areas via Umbra expeditions
  • Removed Umbra expeditions for Artifacts. You will instead find shops during expeditions where you can buy them for gold
  • Umbra expeditions are now more randomized and procedurally generated
  • Replaced Umbra node icons with more specific ones for each challenge type
  • Your stress level no longer has an effect on Umbra expedition nodes (previously you'd face more duels the higher your stress)
  • You can now station Umbra explorers even if you don't personally have access to that realm
  • You can now let your Umbra explorers attempt expeditions instead of doing them personally. Their success chance is governed by a new Umbra Sense skill
  • Renamed Umbra exploration speed to Umbra Aptitude and rebalanced all the values
  • Some areas of the Umbra now require less progress to explore
  • Each employed Umbra explorer now costs 2.5% of your monthly income
  • Umbra exploration progress is now kept when swapping explorers
  • Umbra exploration levels are now kept upon succession
  • The Umbra Aptitude value now has a tooltip, showing all bonuses
  • Exploring the Mirror Zone and Null Zone now increases Umbra Aptitude
  • Removed a number of Umbra realms and replaced them with interactions giving a temporary modifier (the Seats, Jade Palace, Memory Tower)
  • Instead of being separate Realms, the Seats are now "visited" via an interaction in the Dark Kingdom of Iron that grants a 5-year modifier
  • Overhauled the skill training interaction from the Astral Reaches and Spirit Wilds: It now adds a modifier that increases stress gain and drains piety every month, and it scales exponentially
  • Moved the passive men-at-arms bonuses from Umbra ambassador court positions to court position tasks
  • Demons now get access to the Shadowlands if the abyssal prison was broken
  • You can now set Coterie members as Umbra explorers, even if they're not your courtiers

Legitimacy and overextension

  • Added 13 new court position tasks, given to our custom court positions
  • Added an overextension "law" that gets triggered automatically as your realm size grows. The malus it gives can be eased by the new court positions it also unlocks. #This also replaces the growing overextension event
  • Added a game rule where you can disable overextension

Numina rework

  • Sorcery, Theurgy and Psychic have been completely reworked with their different paths now covered with new powers and decisions to unlock

Grand City

  • Constantinople has been added as a Grand City


  • Added WoD relevant epidemics to the mod
  • Demonic Plague : The Daimoinon spawned plague, deadly and can kill everything (except spirits like creatures)
  • Gift Of Melancholia : The Necromancy spawned plague. Only affects vampires and mortals.
  • Crimson Fever : A Yang Unbalanced Kuei Jin disease, only targeting them.
  • Chulorviosis : Only affects coastal areas and non immortal characters.
  • The Scourge : Happens once with the Black Death (hence won't happen if you disable the BD by game rule). Targets only vampires. Mostly non lethal but can be very debilitating.
  • Flaying Plague : Happens once (very early) in startdates where werewolves are present. Very deadly to werewolves and kinfolks. Can be stopped by a decision for Garou characters. Can be weaponized and made to spawn back later on with a somewhat secret objective and a somewhat secret reward.
    • Without outside player intervention, the Silent Striders will stop the plague in 1240. So there is a limited window to act if someone wants to stop the plague or use it themselves.
    • Abominations are no longer guaranteed in Samuel Haight mode. However, the time limit and secret requirements for weaponizing the Flaying Plague are lifted
  • Added small epidemic resistance to the low level worshipers Mummy building to telegraph that it's the epidemic resistance building for this factions


  • Added a new interaction that lets one mark Werewolves, similar to the "Mark for Return" interaction for necromancers. On death, the Werewolf returns as a Spirit. This can also be used on yourself, making Spirits playable
  • The following perks let you create spirits:
    • Spirit Call (Kuei-Jin Chi Arts)
    • Wind Talk (Shih Qiao)
    • Spirit Sense (Possessed Powers for Fomori/Gorgons/Drones/Kami)
  • You can make pacts with Spirits via character interaction. This makes them your companion and gives you access to some of their abilities, similar to how you can use the Arcanoi of bound Wraiths. Unlike Wraiths, Spirits have to consent to this
  • Added the Charm lifestyle for Spirits. Player Spirits can learn them as normal. AI Spirit companions can be sent to the Umbra to learn them, if the player has at least level 1 in the Spirit Wilds
  • Spirits can create Fetish artifacts, with the artifact's effects based on their stats similar to soulforging. Spirit companions can do this voluntarily. Imprisoned spirits can be forced into artifacts, killing them in the process
  • Spirits can possess artifacts, which adds new bonuses to the item
  • Kuei-Jin can pay homage to a Spirit via character interaction, making them a nushi patron and giving bonuses to their house. Nushi may periodically give you tasks to fulfill

Sect content

  • Added victory objectives for certain sects:
    • The Camarilla is victorious once all clans have joined
    • The Sabbat is victorious once it controls every region of the world
  • Ashirra mechanics:
    • Added 4 court positions to Ashirra
    • Added Zeal, a resource that accumulates each year based on the number of counties with an Ashirra religion
    • Ashirra characters can set edicts for their faith by spending Zeal. Some of these edicts are temporary. Edicts are prohibitively expensive unless they're set by the ruler of the Ashirra Caliphate
  • Tal'mahe'Ra mechanics:
    • 8 historical members of the TMR are set as Wazir at the start of the game. On death or conversion, the non-Wazir TMR ruler with the biggest realm becomes a new Wazir
    • Added Zeal, a resource that accumulates each year based on the number of counties with a TMR religion
    • Zeal can be spent on edicts or on discovering the Aralu, which adds bonuses to the followers of TMR faiths
    • Zeal can also be spent on manipulating other sects, which adds an opinion bonus modifier to all Wazir, a TMR tolerance doctrine to manipulated religions, and new edicts for the TMR to choose from
  • Quincunx mechanics:
    • When the Quincunx is formed in 1304, characters with an August Court government get access to sect mechanics
    • Added Zeal, a resource that accumulates each year based on the number of counties with an August Court government
    • Zeal can be spent on temporary modifiers or Umbra exploration progress
  • Added Zeal to the Patron Council, which can be spent on temporary modifiers or Dreaming exploration progress
  • Changed the Patron Council modifiers to traits so that religion-based opinion modifiers can be applied to them properly

Unconquered Soul changes

  • Resisting unconquered soul is no longer a one time event with random odds of success
  • The takeover process has been separated into three with (costly) options to resist always being presented
  • There are now ten different events representing the different ways the unconquered soul is trying to take over and different costs to resist them
  • The Grail of the Bitter Ashes now longer gives immunity to Unconquered Soul
  • The odds of starting the Unconquered Soul event chain themselves haven't changed

Conviction lifestyles rework

  • Reworked the Inquisitor convictions lifestyles
  • While functional, these lifestyles aged a lot, using traits for each perk (leading to trait bloat) and unlocking no new gameplay features besides modifiers
  • They are now up to our current standards, giving access to MaA, decisions, characters interactions, having flavor on them etc
  • Convictions can now be learned by any Inquisition order after finishing the decision to support their respective orders

Journey/Coterie tweaks

  • Tweaks to Learn New Abilities target selection:
    • If a Coterie member knows the ability you're trying to learn, the Journey will send you to your capital (no travel necessary)
    • Teachers now have to be compatible with your splat
    • There's now a minimum distance for target selection, so that learning common abilities will no longer send you directly to your neighbors
    • If no eligible teacher was found, the random target selection now has a maximum distance, which means no more insanely-long-distance trips
  • Find Lair Journeys on King+ rulers now use Infiltration mechanics
  • Tweaks to Infiltration missions:
    • You can now go on Artifact Heists against barons and unlanded characters
    • You can now go on Infiltration Missions against splats that are hostile to you. These are stealth missions, not social infiltrations. They have a different set of nodes, a different (and more deadly) set of suspicion events, and failure will end in death. You can't scout them thoroughly, but you might find a map during the infiltration itself
    • Added 15 suspicion events to Infiltration missions, courtesy of karde
    • Added a new rare node to Infiltration Missions. You can lay low and wait there, but doing so will "reroll" all the other nodes
    • The Gold Heist Planning Phase now takes 300% as long when scouting thoroughly (instead of 200%), to encourage going in blind
    • Getting caught stealing from your own vassals now makes you lose Legitimacy
    • The "Disagreements during Infiltration" opinion modifier now stacks (as originally intended)
    • Slightly increased the Suspicion gain from the Prestige side objective
    • Artifact Heist missions will no longer spawn gold vaults if the target has no gold
    • The "Return from Future" modifier now gets removed after one skill check during heists
    • The key node during heists now actually looks like a key
  • You can now invite characters to your Coterie even if they're already in another Coterie. They need to have 100 opinion of you, and you need to either be their friend, lover, soulmate, or have a strong hook on them
  • Added an option to invite Coterie members to activities. They're also pretty much guaranteed to accept your invites
  • The Ward against Death interaction (Sorcery) now has an option to target Coterie members
  • Journey Planning Speed bonuses from skills are now uncapped (instead of being capped at 50)
  • You can no longer start the Travel Phase of a Journey while you're leading an army, to prevent some jank with how CK3 generates travel plans
  • Rescaled the Planning Speed of Find Lair Journeys: Hunting unlanded characters is MUCH faster, barons and counts are somewhat faster, dukes and kings somewhat slower, emperors much slower
  • If a Journey ends while you're traveling for non-Journey-related reasons, it will no longer cancel your other travel plan
  • A resurrecting character who is killed via Find Lair Journey now loses the "Tracked Down" modifier, which prevents the exploit of using the Green Man as an infinite piñata

Game rules

  • Renamed the "Loreful Restrictions" game rule to "Game Modes", to be more descriptive
  • Changes to Samuel Haight Mode:
    • Disabled splat compatibility triggers in Haight mode. Be free
    • Disabled Dhampyr Shih ordination for characters who also have another splat trait. Being both a Hunter and another splat causes too many issues (for now)
    • Infernalism no longer disables Hunt Journeys
    • Hunters don't become turned if their Infernalism is revealed
    • Reenabled Knight Loyalty mechanics in Haight mode
  • Changes to Storyteller Mode:
    • Players who declare an offensive war (via character interaction) or embrace a childe will fall out of Golconda (in Storyteller Mode ONLY)
    • The XP penalty in Storyteller Mode is now based on the amount of perks, not the amount of disciplines
  • Added a game rule that lets you hold an unlimited amount of Grand Cities in your domain (disabled by default)

Gameplay additions

  • Wraiths are available in the Ruler Designer with a new introductory event, they are playable but not up to the standards of other factions
  • Added a Shattered World game rule
  • Added a "Use In-game Character Creator" option in the Ruler Designer. You can take it instead of picking a splat trait, and upon entering the game, you will automatically start the Custom Character event chain that sets up all the required supernatural traits and modifiers
  • Added a series of Journeys for Changelings to achieve Síocháin
  • Added Rank as a mechanic to Werewolves. Rank is gained in different ways, based on your Auspice. A new Decision will tell you how to level it up
  • Added a small trait xp increase for shapeshifters AI when they (as rulers or knights) go to war. Otherwise, they can't progress in ranks.
  • Added mechanics around the Wheel of Ages to Middle Kingdom splats:
    • The current era is now tracked globally. The game starts in the Fourth Era and automatically progresses to the Fifth Era in 1250
    • Added an objective for Middle Kingdom splats to delay the Fifth Era
    • Added a difficult series of endgame objectives for Middle Kingdom splats to turn back the Wheel of Ages, all the way back to the Second Era
  • Added a new objective for Akuma to form the Demon Warrior Empire
  • Added some buttons to the holding window that let you switch holding types
  • Added a hidden bookmark with easter egg characters to the Patron War start date. Some of these characters also exist in other bookmarks, if Samuel Haight mode is enabled
  • Added 21 new apocalyptic forms for Demons and Nephilim, unlocked by the Lore lifestyles
  • Characters can now become Enchanted by getting injected with Glamour. You can become enchanted by using certain Fae artifacts, asking another Fae/Changeling character for it, or drinking the blood of a Changeling. This causes massive stress unless you're a Malkavian
    • Non-fae can use certain Fae artifacts if they're enchanted
    • Kinain now need to be enchanted if they want to learn new Arts via Journey
  • Added a new perk: Balefire Flux (Fomori Possessed Powers)
  • Added 16 Lore lifestyles from Demon: The Fallen
    • Lore of the Winds for House Asharu
    • Lore of the Earth for House Annunaki
    • Lore of Paths for House Annunaki
    • Lore of Forge for House Annunaki
    • Lore of Light for House Neberu
    • Lore of Patterns for House Neberu
    • Lore of Portals for House Neberu
    • Lore of Longing for House Lammasu
    • Lore of Storms for House Lammasu
    • Lore of Transfiguration for House Lammasu
    • Lore of Beasts for House Rabisu
    • Lore of the Flesh for House Rabisu
    • Lore of the Wild for House Rabisu
    • Lore of Death for House Halaku
    • Lore of the Realms for House Halaku
    • Lore of the Spirit for House Halaku
  • Demons can learn non Houses lore either with a journey post Abyssal Prison break or by using the True Name of another demon
  • If you're a Cultist, your demonic master will now periodically give you tasks to fulfill
  • Added a small Lucita event, because why not
  • Added 6 wonders for inquisitors
  • Added a Spectre religion with 2 faiths (Malfeans and Grand Maw)
  • Added a Yellow Springs religion for Middle Kingdom wraiths (and removed the Yellow Springs government type)
  • Added two new potential "endings" for Demons depending on your Eminence choices #Thanks to Vecson for these scripts
  • Added the broken blade of Michael as an artifact with a minor decision to reforge it
  • Added several treatises on Kupala as artifacts that can be merged into the Incunabulum Kupalam with a minor decision
  • Added 12 artifacts
  • Unique faith buildings for the Demon religions
  • Added a Rat Catcher court position for Duke+ Vampires who rule over London. It's an undignified role that will improve the employer's epidemic resistance and ability to drain animals, but hurt the employee's prestige. (Thanks to Tryz for the code)
  • Added a new "all-or-nothing" CB, only usable against hunters by players who survived the Vatican Journey. The winner takes the entire realm of the loser. This should make destroying the Masquerade less tedious... if you're confident you can win. White Peace is not an option.
  • Cabiri and Ishmaelites Mummies objective has been reworked and expanded with followup objectives
  • Added two new Ventrue feeding restriction types for mental illness and congenital traits
  • Added new objectives for the Malkavian, Lasombra, Tzimisce and Baali
  • Added Abyss Mysticism, which requires Obtenebration advanced then learning its rituals. Added it to canon characters
  • Added a new special building for Salih, The Grand Bazaar, which replaces the previous Holy Site buff
  • Earthbound who want to bind themselves to Transylvania now have to challenge Kupala for it

Gameplay changes

  • Added Mental Strain as a mechanic. Mental Strain applies a static amount of stress that's unaffected by stress gain modifiers
    • Willpower rouse checks now apply Mental Strain instead of Stress
  • The max tier Princedom building no longer increses Domain Limit
  • Overhauled Dominate hooks. They now work like True Name hooks, going from weak hook -> perpetual hook -> strong hook after 3 Mesmerize schemes
  • Overhauled and simplified the Tan (Wu'Tian) lifestyle perks
  • Slightly buffed many Kuei-Jin perks. Mostly adding small amounts of Prowess and Hostile Scheme Resistance to bring them up to par with very old Vampires
  • Splats who are considered criminal in your religion will now be very reluctant to join your court. Splats who are considered virtuous are more willing
  • Buildings that require a certain level of development to be built will now stay enabled even if development drops later. This should prevent some frustration with epidemics
  • Character interactions that teleport someone into your prison now count as tyrannical, unless you had an imprisonment reason
  • Character interactions that kill another character publically now properly upset their family
  • Rebalanced the XP progression for the Beatific trait:
    • Demanding conversion, using healing abilities, and giving True Faith perks to others are now effective up to 40 XP (instead of 26)
    • Converting provinces with your Court Chaplain is now effective up to 60 XP (instead of 51)
    • The mass conversion decision now gives XP, but only up to 20 XP and at a reduced rate (1 XP per 10 counties)
  • Overhaul of demonic traits:
    • The infernalist trait/secret now refers to worship of dark forces in general, not just Demons
    • Added the Demonic Cultist trait for characters who specifically worship demons
    • Becoming a Fomor or Spectre now also makes one an Infernalist
    • Split the Demon splat tolerance doctrine into two:
    • Demonic splat tolerance: Tolerance of Demons, Baali, and Demonic Cultists
    • Infernalism crime doctrine: Tolerance of Demonologists and all dark worshippers (Infernalists, Baali, Demons, Fomori, Bane Mummies, Asekh-Sen, Spectres, Wu Kuei)
  • Diabolists now also have access to Investiture
  • Setites now have their clan curse: more damage taken from sun-based effects, and less chance to save from sun-based murder methods
  • Golconda tweaks:
    • The Holy Grail now removes clan curses, like Golconda
    • Golconda and the Holy Grail now also revert the clan curses of Tzimisce, Malkavians, Brujah, Giovanni, Setites, Tremere, and Toreador
    • Golconda and the Holy Grail now add a modifier to Nosferatu that offsets the inherent attraction penalty from their clan trait. Also added that modifier to Yima, Lukas, Kli Kodesh, and Gwendolyn
    • A Nosferatu who falls out of Golconda now gets all their previous "ugly" traits and flags back, unless their clan curse is also suppressed through some other means
    • Vampires who achieved Golconda will no longer get Resonance XP from animals (whoops)
    • Vampires who achieved Golconda can no longer demand Blood Tithes
    • Abilities that remove congenital mental illnesses now work on Malkavians if their clan curse is suppressed
    • Characters who achieved Golconda are now immune to Speak Through the Blood, as per the lore
  • Hostages aren't subject to Knight Loyalty anymore
  • Swinging the Scales of Power as a Diarch no longer has a cooldown. However, it applies a modifier for the duration of the original cooldown that makes swinging the scales 5 times more expensive
  • If a player choose to play Basil during the Calemona's Forsaken starting event, he will now become house head
  • Tweaks to some predator stories events to make them clearer
  • Prevented non mortals characters becoming courtiers (and thus potential leaders) of mercenary companies
  • Characters with a demon-worshipping religion can now learn Demonology for free (Via Diabolis, Ordo Maleficus, Tariq el-Shaitan, Path of the Ten Thousand Screams, or any Demon religion)
  • Characters who already follow one of the demon-worshipping religions now keep it upon becoming a thrall, instead of being forced to switch to the Demon's faith
  • The Soultaker and Biblia Negra artifacts are now cursed (can't be removed once equipped)
  • Fae artifacts will only spawn in the Fae bookmark now
  • The non character or dynasty specific Fae artifacts can now spawn in non Fae inventory as well #There are a ton of Fae artifacts and this spawn method lead to every Fae starting decked out with a full inventory. This change will give more incentive to recover or steal back lost treasures
  • Nerfed the Unseelie legacies perks, buffed the Seelie legacies ones
  • Perks and artifacts that unlock the ability to banish Demons now also unlock the ability to learn their True Names (since the ability is useless otherwise)
  • The event where beast born join your court has been reworked to be more involved, similar to the Giovanni family mechanic.
  • Small cleaning pass for visceratika, giving it more varied bonus and in line localization with the other disciplines
  • Diablerie now has a chance to teach you your victim's known Necromancy paths
  • Convert to Cat Lover (Pooka interaction) now works instantly instead of as a scheme. Added a gold cost, cooldown, and diplomacy skill challenge
  • Added legitimacy gains and losses to Rustovitch special content
  • Frontloaded the prestige cost of the Giovanni family special content for clarity sake
  • Hid the Develop County steward task for characters who can't unlock it anyway
  • As per WOD: Mummy rules, Mummy blood now gives no nourishment
  • As per V5 rules, Vampire blood now slakes additional or reduced hunger, based on the difference in Blood Potency from the victim
  • Kuei-Jin can now only get infected wounds or gangrene if they're Yang imbalanced
  • Supernatural healing effects that get rid of disease traits now also get rid of infected wounds and gangrene
  • Unseelie faiths no longer see Stubborn as a sin nor Fickle as a virtue
  • Degulo skull boiling now prevents the prisoner from coming back as a wraith
  • Ghouls can no longer exsanguinate non-vampires
  • Changed the random table that generates artifact pieces
  • Made the learning challenge of Moon Bridge (Werewolf interaction) easier
  • Spectres can now be bound like Wraiths
  • Wraiths lost in the tempest are unbound and become Shades
  • Recognizing a Wraith as a Neteru as a Bane Mummy no longer unbinds them
  • Call the Khaibit now adds an execution method that turns a mortal into a Spectre
  • The Glamour costs of the Phantom Shadow interaction are now only deducted if you actually spawn a shadow
  • Reduced the lifestyle XP necessary to gain Lore perks (Demon lifestyle)
  • Non-werewolves can now use fetish artifacts if they have the Spirit Ties perk from any of the Possessed lifestyles
  • True Fae are no longer immune to possession. Inanimae are still immune
  • Abominations now have Masquerade modifiers, like all Vampires
  • Rayzeel's Song (Valeren interaction) now also heals supernatural diseases
  • Imprisoned characters now become wanderers if they get killed and resurrected
  • Dharma 10 is now a virtue for Kuei-Jin faiths
  • Granting titles now lowers Torment for Demons
  • Allow converting Abominations with the Kinfolk trait to Vampire religions
  • True Faith character interactions now result in opinion bonuses or penalties, as applicable
  • Harming a spirit (e.g. Wraiths or Demons) might now cost gold or Gnosis, depending on the ability you used to do so
  • Tweaks to artifact modifiers from fleshcrafting
  • Via Einherjar no longer unlocks the Norse dynasty legacies
  • Constantinians who integrate with the church now have a very easy time asking Inquisitors for vassalization
  • Eating someone else's soul via Spirit-Eating (Kuei-Jin Soul Arts) now only lets you increase your stats if your victim's BASE stats are higher than yours
  • Theft of Vitae no longer gives resonance or causes other secondary effects from feeding (like opinion bonuses)
  • Allowed any wyrm-aligned Fera (not just Black Spiral Dancers) to kick other Pack members
  • You can now buy artifact claims on large wall decorations (like the Tapestry of Fate). Dynasty/House banners can't be claimed, as intended by vanilla, but everything else is fair game now
  • Removed the fp1 legacies files from the mod. The changes in them were not really needed. #Gameplay wise, this simply means that the fp1 legacies revert to being available to Norse (and Norse descendants) chars only, instead of some arbitrary other triggers
  • Faiths with the Pillars of Set or Cult of Set doctrines now also unlock Setite Primogen
  • Small tweaks to panegyra join chances
  • Added a default faith to gargoyle chargen
  • The hunters won't spawn in Arabia during the Age of the Inquisition if the Ikhwan objective to restore the keening has been achieved
  • Nerfed Behold the Metatron perk
  • Winter Fae now shun infernalism instead of embracing it outright
  • The frozen grief modifier now has a duration instead of being infinite #This vanilla stress event modifier is too crippling for immortals characters
  • Cost of switching religions increased #Some vanilla modifiers don't apply to PoD, making it cheaper than intended to convert
  • Revised the Giangaleazzo adventurer event for more context, a lore button and new events and choices during it
  • Reaaranged the werewolves totems dynasty legacy line to be less confusing
  • Gnosticism tenet doesn't give tolerance anymore, to avoid gnostics vampire hunters considering gnostics vampires as righteous
  • Clarified the Salubri caste assignment chance in the dynasty perk that unlocks it tooltip
  • The very powerful incarnate artifacts are now costlier to purchase in the umbra
  • "Is family" is no longer a negative modifier for vampires using the seduce scheme since they are not really family
  • Using Thin Blood (Quietus interaction) now counts as murder for the purposes of Golconda when done on non-immortals. You monster.
  • Greatly sped up Demonology XP gain from the decision. It now gives 25 XP (instead of 5), but also costs 5 times as much piety
  • Added a small scheme secrecy malus to the Ravnos trait to represent their reckless behavior weakness
  • Clarified a potential outcome of the song of venus power on the player side
  • Solstice faiths now give access to both Seelie and Unseelie dynasty legacies
  • Abilities that make other characters incapable (e.g. Basilisk's Touch) now turn landed characters into wanderers in addition to deposing them
  • Interactions that turn another character mortal (e.g. releasing your Ghoul) now also depose them, unless they are able to hold titles as a mortal for another reason
  • Added tolerance doctrines for the different Mummy subsplats to certain faiths
  • The Soultaker artifact now gives an XP boost to the Lore lifestyle only, instead of all lifestyles
  • Inviting inspired characters to your court now doesn't have a penalty if you're fae-blooded
  • Allowed Demons to summon other Demons by default (normally unlocked at 100 Thrall xp in the Demonologist trait)
  • Disabled most artifact interactions for Blood Dross
  • Added a lifestyle XP bonus and Scheme secrecy penalty to Qareen
  • Added new struggle catalysts to the Hostility Phase of the War of Seasons
  • Drones can no longer shapeshift
  • Supporting another Inquisition order now gives you a dynasty-wide buff
  • The AI will no longer take the decisions to support other Inquisition orders if a player has the Shadow Inquisition faith (sorry OPB)
  • Added a big red warning in the create faith option that it's probably a bad idea
  • Like the Ventrue Ephorate changed earlier, the Tremere Council's replacement process is no longer fully random. A player can force their way in it (for a scaling cost depending on various factors) instead when a spot opens.
  • The decisions to convert the faith of your whole realm (from True Faith or the Sin Dragon objective) now have a scaling piety cost based on the amount of converted provinces
  • Umbra pets may live a bit longer now
  • Allowed Kiasyd and Maeghar to use Fae artifacts
  • The Hsien objective to stop the Black Death by destroying the Anda Horde now also requires holding Mongolia. This should prevent the confusing scenario where the Black Death never happens just because the Anda were hit with a dissolution faction and an AI Hsien clicked the objective
  • Sisters of St Joan are now considered a mendicant order (meaning they get access to the Psalms lifestyle tree)
  • County revolts (hunters cell revolt) now don't spawn an army but instead apply a modifier to the revolting counties #The revolt war was a tedious and useless endeavor as they are too weak to amount to anything. Now it properly has consequences other than annoying the players.
  • Disabled the "spouse converts vassal" event
  • Characters with 15+ prowess can't die from a wild animal during travel events anymore
  • Order members can't get the incest secret anymore (since their "family" is representing order ties)
  • Stargazers and Silent Striders now accept hunters when playing as Qorjin
  • Replaced the "Only the Strong" vanilla cultural innovation (only used for Enochian in PoD) by an Enochian only CI "The First City" that is intentionally very strong (as a reward for the Book of Nod culture conversion). This new CI isn't possible to add by simply reforming a culture.
  • Rakish now has an harsher debuff of attraction opinion since its other penalties are irrelevant in PoD
  • Serpentis steal heart (the non prisoner version) has been modified to require being in the same location as the victim but doesn't require a scheme anymore. Added tooltips and toasts.
  • Bardo mummufication interaction has been modified to require being in the same location as the victim. It now also has interface toasts to convey more clearly the results of the interaction.
  • The Elysium event about lowering Masquerade exposure no longer triggers if the Masquerade was destroyed. Also, you can choose to do nothing if you're at your minimum exposure level, even as a Cultist or Consensualist (but you only get prestige for it if your minimum level is 0, like before)
  • Added an alternative bonus for canonical Revenant houses who take the "Evolving Blood" dynasty legacy since it otherwise didn't do anything
  • Revenant Kinfolk won't turn into Werewolves anymore
  • You can now use most abilities that cost blood even if you're at Hunger 5, if you have reserves in a blood-storing artifact like the Odious Chalice
  • The "Become Santa" objective is no longer DLC-locked
  • The following interactions now let you select multiple effects at once:
    • Drain the Mind (Mytherceria)
    • Offer Draught (Potence/Celerity/Fortitude)
  • Fixed some consistency issues with herd interactions and added icons to the Resonance flavor options
  • All Loyalty hooks from vanilla now only last for 10 years, to bring them in line with other fabricated hooks
  • Traits with endgame power levels (Golconda, Beatific, Siochain) now have a massive cost in the Ruler Designer. You can still take them but this should clarify that it won't result in a balanced character
  • Hid Methuselah's Thirst in the Ruler Designer since it isn't used anywhere else in the game
  • If your test subject dies after using Vicissitude on them, you now count as the killer
  • You can now invite Automata to your court if you're their creator
  • AI characters will no longer target the player with Learn Language schemes
  • You can no longer buy artifact claims on animal mounts
  • Nerfed the Grand Bazaar to eliminate overpowered flat income buff
  • Added Theurgy lifestyle xp gain to the True Faith and Beatific traits
  • Characters who get banished to the Abyss or Arcadia now lose all their Artifacts to a random ruler
  • If the ingame character creation decision assigns you a random faith, you now get a modifier for 1 day that lets you switch faiths for free
  • The House modifier from having a Baali heritage now lowers opinion from Kindred faiths instead of general opinion, so that it doesn't apply to Demons


  • Added 19 Fae characters from Roma folklore
  • Added some missing canon characters that were trickier to add for various reasons
  • Sidhe Noble House Aillil canon character expansion, added 22
  • Sidhe Noble House Aesin canon character expansion, added 9
  • Sidhe Noble House Balor canon character expansion, added 14
  • Greenman's "children" of Asha and Drythorn
  • Siegfreid Hein went to the gym and got a fashionable new helmet
  • Added 66 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Added revised bookmark portraits by Sithia
  • Added 2 portraits for the Baali progenitors by Sithia
  • Added Angra Mainyu portrait by Tryz
  • Added a portrait for Yorak's childe Kosczecsyku by Tryz
  • Adjusted Milarepa's portrait for lore-friendliness
  • Ma Yi Yuan's history marriage is now matrilineal
  • Lailoken is now Cumbrian
  • Various small history tweaks (DA CN Nosferatu full read)
  • Small setup changes (DA CN Assamite full read)
  • Gave the Anda Horde a starting army
  • Made Horus's realm more stable at the start of the game
  • Added Easter Egg characters
  • Added 24 Patron characters
  • Made Salih better at Stewardship


  • Brought back custom flavorization for Vampire councilors (Scourge, Sheriff, etc)
  • Coteries now have Coats of Arms. Most canon Coteries start with unique Coat of Arms.
  • Character interactions that cost blood now show their cost in the tooltip if you can't pay for them
  • Added a decision for ranking up the Beatific trait, which also serves as a "tutorial" telling the player how to gain trait experience. Ranking up also now has a Level of Devotion requirement
  • The decision to advance Dharma now tells the player how to gain Dharma trait experience based on their faith
  • Added an in-game explanation on how to raise and lower Torment (Demon trait experience)
  • Rewrote the localization of the early demon objectives. No gameplay change. #The goal here is to have them be less "muahaha evil" and more ambiguous, leading to a less jarring tone break if a player unlocks the redemption objective later on
  • Added a scrollbar to the holding view so it can properly display holdings with large amounts of building slots
  • Schemes in the bottom right of the HUD are now color coded: Personal scheme = green, Hostile scheme = red, Journey = gold
  • Hid the vassal obligation settings in the Swear Fealty / Offer Vassalage interactions since they don't do anything for most governments
  • The men-at-arms stat window now correctly shows siege progress values for troop types that aren't siege weapons
  • Traits that allow a character to resurrect now say so in the tooltip
  • The Werewolf trait now shows in the tooltip that it makes you regenerate every 3 months
  • The 3rd generation and Dharma 10 traits now show in the tooltip that they let one bypass strong mental defenses
  • The Presence Advanced trait now shows that it unlocks the ability to intensify herd resonance in the trait's tooltip, rather than the perk
  • The Blood Sorcery Advanced trait now shows that it unlocks Incorporeal Form in the trait's tooltip, rather than the perk
  • Traits that confer strong mental defenses now say so in their tooltips
  • Celerity Advanced and Temporis Advanced now say in their tooltips that they lower the chances of gaining wounds or being killed in combat
  • The Necromancy trait now displays a character's unlocked Necromancy paths
  • The ending event for the Brujah Panegyra now shows you your total winnings and whether you leveled up your Contestant trait
  • Hovering over the Umbra button in the sidebar now shows the remaining cooldown for Umbra Expeditions
  • Added a glow to the trait icons of available perks that haven't been unlocked yet, which should make perk selection for "a la carte" lifestyles (e.g. Possessed lifestyles) easier
  • Added geographical regions for Siegfreid's Rhineland objectives so they're easier to check at a glance on a map
  • The Befriend interaction now shows a reminder that POD has a friend limit
  • Renamed "Mark for Return" to "Summon Wraith on Death"
  • The tooltip of Torment (Demon trait experience) now clarifies that Earthbound have a much higher chance to kill their hosts
  • Consistency fixes for flavor text in perk descriptions
  • Clicking one of POD's sidebar buttons a second time now closes its respective sidebar window
  • When hunting in your capital, the event now clarifies that the mortal you select will stay at your court afterwards
  • The Beast will no longer speak to you if you drank from the Grail or removed your heart with Heart of Darkness
  • Added texticons to the Blood Surge interaction
  • Made lore buttons show up for characters that spawn after the start of the game, like Tyler or Dracula
  • Renamed the "Forever Indomitable" decision to "Destroy the Masquerade" so it's clearer what it's about
  • Necromancy interactions are now hidden if none of your bound wraiths have the necessary perk for it
  • Added a reminder to the Mass Torture decision that it has the same effects as the Torture interaction (but not all effects are displayed due to technical limitations)


  • You can now see the resonance of other characters in the Character Finder if you have the necessary Auspex perk (thanks to Snowden42 for the code)
  • Sending a bound Wraith to learn new Arcanoi now doesn't require you to take them out of the Shadowlands anymore
  • The button for stealing gold during heists now shows the remaining gold of your victim
  • Added an option to the "Disloyal Knights" event to forbid the affected characters from being knights
  • Demons now select cultists as hosts automatically. Instead of manually selecting hosts, you get an interaction to exclude cultists from being auto-selected
  • Tweaks for demanding mass payment for all hooks:
    • You can now exclude hooks from house members
    • You can now exclude weak hooks from partially bound Wraiths
    • You can now exclude weak hooks from Mesmerize
    • The interaction is now hidden when all hooks are on cooldown, so it doesn't clutter the Important Actions list
    • Interaction options that are invalid are now hidden, e.g. the option to exclude Mesmerize hooks won't show up if you don't have any of that type
  • Added a notification for Kuei-Jin when Shift Balance is off cooldown
  • Added game concepts for the Kuei Jin (and their many alternative names)
  • Expanded the umbra game concept, updated the umbra tutorial


  • Overhauled the main menu background
  • Fixed the long-standing eye glitch on certain female characters like Lamashtu
  • Made the water dark again
  • Every background image for events now has a daytime/nighttime version, based on your splat and abilities. This includes travel and activity backgrounds that previously only had one of the two
  • Every nighttime background now has proper lighting assigned
  • Added a character window background and dramatic lighting to Vampires at Generation 3 or lower (including the player if they succeeded at the Ante hunt)
  • Added character window backgrounds for torpid Vampires, Fae in Arcadia, and Demons in the Abyss
  • Added the POD event backgrounds to the barbershop. Yes, all 112 of them. Enjoy
  • Added a new default background for the Barbershop, with neutral lighting
  • Added a new event shader background to Embrace and Diablerie events
  • Tzimisce created in the Ruler Designer will no longer get random Vicissitude features
  • Added a game rule for reverting the HUD portrait in the bottom left of the screen back to its vanilla size. Also added a game rule for making it EVEN BIGGER
  • Personal Coat of Arms adapted from Dylan/AGOT
  • Event backgrounds are now slightly more colorful when seen by a Malkavian player. The effect is very subtle by default but becomes more noticeable the more stressed the player gets
  • All Kiasyd and their childer now automatically get their distinctive appearance at the embrace: pale skin, black eyes, lack of facial hair, and large height. But no elf ears. Sorry
  • Added 5 new trait icons for African Kiths
  • Added new trait icons for Inanimae and Kinain
  • Added icons for Coterie and Journey interface alerts
  • Added icons for Coterie and Journey events
  • Characters now have different shaders based on the area of the Umbra they're in
  • The statue of Ishtar created by the "Arikel's Chosen" decision actually depicts a woman now
  • Fixed the lighting of the map table skull goblet
  • Will over Form now lets you change bust size
  • You now get a halo at TF 10 (100 Trait Experience in Beatific)
  • Added Season Court Templates for all Random Fae/Changeling characters with generated dynasties
  • The Journey to awaken characters in torpor now uses the new corpse animation from Legends of the Dead
  • Tweaked the colors of Drone, Gorgon, and Kami perks
  • The White Howlers empire (from Coruroc's Umbra quest) is now... white
  • Added DNAs for four characters by Tom Reit and Sithia
  • Added the missing court position icon for Touchstones
  • Minor changes to how piety icons are assigned
  • The Journey for Realm Mastery now has appropriately trippy graphics
  • Made Ondines wetter (again)
  • Gave Jurata some eyebrows


  • Freed up disk space by removing unused event backgrounds


  • Made PoD compatible with the Gamerule Gadget mod, allowing you to change certain game rules after the game has started


  • Added some character interactions in debug mode. These are mainly for developer testing purposes
    • Show Squared Distance
    • Teleport
    • Instantly complete current Journey
    • Gain Umbra Discovery
    • Show uncapped Prowess
    • Portrait Shader Playground


  • Many miscellaneous fixes, courtesy of the ck3-tiger tool by Amtep:
  • Fix for duchy buildings getting canceled during construction
  • Train Commanders (Marshal council task) now properly applies to supernatural men-at-arms
  • Made certain missing vassal contracts show up again for various governments, e.g. Inner Circle for Traditions governments
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Shattering not to happen
  • Added a maintenance event that creates new cultists for AI demons, which should stop them from falling into the Abyss as often
  • Added a maintenance script for AI Fae that deposes them if they inherited land despite being trapped in Arcadia
  • Winning a war will now only oust incompatible splats among the new vassals, not existing ones
  • Fix for Infiltration Journeys not setting a destination if the target is unlanded. This also fixes the Siklos heist
  • Journeys will now show an error message if a bug caused them to end with no destination set (instead of letting you continue and end up with a glitched/stuck Journey)
  • Fixed the ultra-bright flashbang tapestries in court rooms
  • Fixed a number of Vassal Tax modifiers that didn't do anything due to using the wrong modifier in script (thanks to Mythaltir for the bug report)
  • Prevented torpid characters from becoming GHW beneficiaries
  • When demanding conversion from a courtier, their spouse and family members will no longer ignore splat limitations when checking whether they should convert as well
  • More fixes to prevent vanilla events from destroying artifacts that shouldn't be destroyed
  • Court Physicians and Caravan Masters hired via decision will no longer be from incompatible splats or in torpor
  • Another pass on combat events to prevent knights on Golconda from killing. Also, Nocturne now doesn't activate if doing so would drain its victim of all their blood, if the user is on Golconda
  • The Demon redemption objective now checks if you have a realm size of 1 (instead of checking your top liege), so it can be done as a vassal as well
  • Refactored the quarterly/monthly pulse effects. This should prevent RNG seeds from getting stuck (e.g. getting no Umbra discoveries for a long time, then getting one every month for a year)
  • Battle modifiers are now getting cleared on all courtiers and vassals after a war, which should prevent the bug where a knight loses Prowess due to a battle modifier, gets disqualified from being a knight, and never gets their modifiers cleared afterwards
  • Potential cultists that are already your faith will not refuse to become cultist if zealous
  • You will no longer find Umbra Expeditions for Fae Arts when you're already in the process of learning them
  • The tooltips for Umbra interactions that spawn armies now show the correct number
  • Changing your splat will now abandon Journeys you're no longer eligible for (e.g. you can't continue hunting if you become a turned hunter)
  • You can now enter the Yomi Wan if your location follows a Demon faith (despite them technically not having an Infernalism doctrine)
  • Fix for the Salubri Watcher decisions' requirements in Samuel Haight mode
  • Rewrote the localization of the Sufism Ikhwan objective to make more sense with its reward. No gameplay changes
  • Fix for Kuei-Jin never becoming Yang imbalanced. Also a fix for Kuei-Jin becoming Yang imbalanced all the time after that fix
  • Tooltip clarification for Earthbound who can't go on Journeys
  • Fixed a visual glitch where the Infiltration Experience modifier didn't stack (the functionality still worked)
  • The tooltip for the Pursuit of Power tenet now correctly shows that the Kingdom Invasion CB has a 100-year cooldown (instead of being once per lifetime like in vanilla)
  • Mark for Return now properly adds unlanded Wraiths to your court (it didn't do so if the character was already in your location)
  • Demons can no longer possess a man AFTER he impregnated a woman and still turn the child into a Laham/Nephilim
  • All interactions that imprison other characters now don't work on spirits unless the user has an ability that lets them do so
  • Removed references to Iberia from PoD's modded struggles
  • More torpored characters doing things fixes
  • Fixed a display error that showed diablerized prisoners as dying twice
  • Fixed a bug with the Visceratika creation event if Virstania is alive
  • Mummy effigy scheme learn lifestyle XP fixed from only allowing to target self, when the intention is to target someone else
    • Made the other command effigy options explicitly target self
    • Martial prowess education traits 4 and 5 taken into account
  • You can't use summon from sorcery on imprisoned characters anymore
  • Removed a duplicate religious rights contract clause
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the Siklos heist to overwrite an ongoing Journey, causing your character to get stuck in the travel phase forever
  • Removing herd members will now only increase Masquerade Exposure if the herd member is mortal
  • Added some safeguards to prevent the player from starting Journeys for dead characters or destroyed artifacts
  • The Coterie maintenance event that makes members with low opinion leave now doesn't fire for other players in multiplayer
  • Fixed the Demonology Journey not taking the added prestige costs from previous Journeys into account
  • A fix to some flavorization issues
  • Fixed a predator story event
  • Fix for the Blood Peace kingdom not having a dejure liege empire
  • Rossellini revenants now properly start with a necromancy flag (hence can start unlocking necro perks from the start)
  • The interaction to demand payment for all hooks no longer ignores diplomatic range (whoops)
  • The perk The Last Dracul now shows the correct generation requirement (4th instead of 5th)
  • Fix for certain bookmarked characters displaying the wrong culture
  • Picking "I will possess a random artifact" as a Demon with no potential hosts will no longer attempt to put you in a soul-eating artifact
  • Choosing Roguelike Mode no longer skips the introduction event (since some splats get their necessary modifiers from it)
  • Going through the chargen events as a Fae who already has a non-Kithain subsplat now applies the correct religions
  • Properly blocked Schemes for characters in inaccessible Umbra realms. Stop romancing Hades
  • The modifier from the Baali objective no longer tanks opinion with Demons
  • AI hunters will no longer try to ordinate turned hunters
  • Fixed a bunch of minor issues with POD's champion events, like them being able to trigger for mindless clones
  • Kiasyd can now pick the Lasombra dynasty legacy
  • Replaced Alexander's claim on Lithuania with a claim on Ferals of Livonia so he can actually press it now
  • Fixed a bug that would cause animated event shaders to freeze while the lifestyle window is open
  • Brought the inquisitor healing abilities in line with other healing abilities. They can now heal the congenital versions of depression and lunacy, and cannot heal congenital possession (fixing an exploit for free Beatific XP)
  • Fix for the changed realm names persisting after switching to the Clan mapmode and switching back to a vanilla mapmode via hotkey or the on-screen button
  • Randomly generated Nosferatu can no longer be beautiful
  • Fixed the "Philantropist" Seelie legacy giving an additive bonus instead of a multiplicative one (making it useless otherwise)
  • Made sure the Siklos heist can only happen once per character, as intended
  • The Champion of Geb accolade now applies flat levy toughness buffs instead of a multiplier (which doesn't exist in ck3)
  • Fixed bug that allowed nomenclature interactions to be sent without actually knowing any required true names.
  • The Mask of a Thousand Faces interaction (Obfuscate) no longer checks for the Vanish perk by mistake
  • The following interactions now have their intended costs and requirements:
    • Mirror Duplicate (Chimerstry): 2 hunger
    • Homunculus (Protean): 5 hunger
    • Heart of Darkness (Serpentis): 2 hunger
    • Rayzeel's Song (Valeren): 5 hunger
    • Will over Form (Vicissitude): 1 or 2 hunger, based on the selected options
  • The following interactions now calculate their costs properly when selecting multiple options:
    • Dementation
    • Touch of the Saints (Dementation)
    • Melpominee
    • King David's Blessing (Valeren)
  • The following interactions now have no cooldown if you cancel them during their followup event:
    • Drain the Life (Obtenebration)
    • Sense the Sin (Daimonion)
    • Curse of the Maelstrom (Nagaraja Necromancy)
    • Witch's Fruit (Lamia Necromancy)
    • Song of the Dead (Impundulu Necromancy)
    • Heart of Darkness (Serpentis)
  • Prevented the following interactions from being sent when selecting no options (thanks to Snowden42 for the tech):
    • Touch of the Saints (Dementation)
    • King David's Blessing (Valeren)
    • Liquefy the Mortal Coil (Vicissitude)
  • Fixed Automata, Aliens, Drones, Gorgons, Kami, and Fomori being considered mortal for certain triggers (e.g. availability as Touchstones)
  • Characters that join your travel entourage because of travel options (e.g. mercenary leaders) can no longer be from hostile splats
  • Characters with a Litany government will no longer get the post-epidemic event where they can raise development growth
  • Ensured that Malkavians always get the congenital versions of their madness traits, to prevent them from being lost in events or interactions
  • Added some safeguards so that Journeys to learn new abilities end if you already know the ability
  • Made Return to Earth a decision to avoid a softlock where the player would be stuck as a spirit
  • Fixed a bug where Jinn or Eshu would be prompted to switch their faith at game start even if they already have another valid Fae faith
  • Children can no longer start power struggles
  • The characters spawned by Inquisition objectives (helping the other Orders) now properly have the lifestyle perks associated with their lifestyle traits

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version, Hotfix 2, 5/15/2024

  • Fix for 00_marriage_scripted_modifiers.txt

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version, Hotfix 1, 5/10/2024


Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version 1.12.5, 5/9/2024

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 4, Version 1.12.4, 3/28/2024

  • Compatibility with 1.12.4

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 3, Version, 3/21/2024

  • Fix for 00_POD_building_triggers.txt

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 3, Version 1.12.3, 3/20/2024

  • Compatibility with 1.12.3

Gameplay additions

  • Added a loyalty mechanic to knights:
    • Knights will now leave your court if their opinion drops below 0. You get a 1-year grace period to raise their opinion again
    • Knights are automatically loyal if: you have a strong hook on them, they're your bound wraith/herdmember/dreamer/thrall/host, they're under a geas of protection, or they're your spouse, councilor, Coterie member, friend, or soulmate
  • Added a new optional game rule: Samuel Haight Mode. It is DISABLED by default. Enabling it loosens various restrictions on splat-mixing:
    • Certain decisions and interactions from the character creator are unlocked by default, e.g. asking for the Embrace, or becoming a Ghoul by draining a Vampire prisoner
    • Any splat can learn all the Numina
    • True Faith and Infernalism are no longer mutually exclusive
    • Every embraced Shapeshifter becomes an Abomination
    • Fae-blooded characters keep the ability to use Cantrips after the embrace
    • Supernatural characters might get the Lament or Psychic traits on birth
    • The Dhampyr trait is no longer mutually exclusive with other splat traits on birth
    • Half-splats (like Ghoul) are no longer removed upon Chrysalis, the First Change, or becoming a Shapeshifter via Alchemy
    • Shapeshifters can be ghouled
    • Ghouls don't lose Kinfolk or Kinain traits
    • Any Vampire can awaken their Hun & P'o if they befriend a Salubri Watcher
  • Added Storyteller Mode, intended for more experienced players:
    • Increases the opinion requirement for knight loyalty to 50
    • Decreases resonance experience gain for every discipline you have beyond the starting 3 (-20% each)
  • Added some legitmizing Legends for the Fae
  • Added a new duchy building for Bane Mummies
  • Added an effect to the Favour of the Yama Kings perk (Kuei-Jin Demon Arts)
  • Inner Circle members of the Camarilla now get the option to nominate Justicars of their choosing
  • Custom characters now also have the option to become an Asekh-Sen or get possessed by a Demon when changing their splat
  • A Thrall trying to put their demonic master in prison might get a Nasty Surprise

Gameplay changes

  • Added Epidemic resistance and Legitimacy effects to many POD perks
  • Infiltration mission changes: They're mostly harder, but you can also improve at them over time
    • You now need to find a key before you can open the vault. Illustrious artifacts require 2 keys
    • Suspicion events now have more difficult skill checks and harsher Suspicion penalties
    • Skill checks on the map increase more in difficulty at higher Suspicion. Failures will cause wounds or stress. Also, Prowess checks are harder than the other stats
    • Negative modifiers from Infiltration events now last for 10 years instead of 5
    • Raised the general opinion penalty for getting caught (-20 -> -30) and it now lasts for 20 years instead of 10
    • Lowered the Suspicion cost of side objectives to make up for the increased difficulty of the main objective
    • Added 3 new suspicion events (many thanks to karde)
    • Exiting an Infiltration now makes your victim wary (whether you succeeded or not). Infiltrations against the same target are more difficult for 20 years
    • Infiltration Journeys will now send you to the target's capital, not their location
    • After finishing 3 Infiltration missions, you get a modifier that makes future Infiltrations slightly easier. This stacks up to 5 times
  • Changed the mechanics around the Summon scheme
    • The diplomacy and intrigue challenge fires when the scheme is started
    • Along with the regular success/fail, you can also critically fail or succeed on the challenge either hastening the scheme or preventing you from using it on the target for a set amount of time
    • Maintaining the summon scheme may cost a blood point per month
    • Halved the opinion penalty for summon, and if the target already likes you, negating it
    • Failing the scheme prevents summoning the target for 10 years, critically failing for 50 years
    • Further details are in the Summon scheme encyclopedia entry
  • The "Bring the Plague" interaction (Daimonion) now makes the caster fall out of Golconda
  • Added dev growth to cultural innovations #A starting stopgap measure that should help ease the plague apocalypse going on
  • Nerfed demonic lores stuff
  • Ghoulifying a parent after the mother already became pregnant won't result in Revenants anymore
  • Vampires get preference in multiplayer when a Great Person spawns
  • If a player in multiplayer refuses to take a Great Person, they won't be forced on other players anymore
  • Refusing someone who challenges you to a boardgame now only makes them mad for 5 years, instead of forever
  • The Black Death game rule from pre LoD is back #So you can disable the BD as before if you prefer
  • Replaced pacifism with unrelenting faith as a Shih doctrine #Pacifism made little sense for them, they are hunters after all, and blocked holy wars and raiding
  • Nerfed the Qiao lifestyles #Since the above is an overall buff to the Shih, nerfed their unique lifestyles to keep them as the intended relatively difficult faction
  • Removed or replaced most instances of faith_creation_cost_mul #While we don't expressly want to remove faith creation as an option, we also don't want to encourage it either due to the numerous issues it causes
  • Made the Ventrue objective harder to achieve for the AI only #Reports of it being routinely achieved in the battle royale bookmark
  • Lowered the stat penalty for clones (like Shadow Twin) since they only copy the original's base stats now
  • Certain interactions that previously only worked on Mortals now also work on half-splats
  • Updated some religion requirements to take all supernatural versions of Abrahamic religions into account
  • The opinion bonus/penalty from drinking blood as a Vampire doesn't stack anymore
  • Nerfed Perfection of the First Age (Kuei-Jin Soul Arts)
  • Nerfed Implacable Vengeance (Demon Arcana)
  • Tweaked building cost scaling with cultural eras
  • Added legitimacy gains (and some losses) to some PoD decisions
  • The epidemic frequency game rule now defaults to "fewer" in PoD #You likely will have to reset your game rule to default
  • Closing the trait editing window (e.g. from Reweaving) now doesn't trigger the cooldown from its respective character interaction
  • Wraith clones (like the Separated Khaibit) can't be bound anymore
  • The Dream Time cantrip is no longer blocked by strong mental defenses


  • Added 4 canon coteries
  • Added 23 lore buttons. Scripted the stats of those characters.


  • Added a tutorial event when opening the Umbra window for the first time
  • Changing one's splat now opens the introduction event again
  • You now get an interface message when one of your Thralls or Dreamers dies
  • The Dharma trait track now links to the mentioned religions and faiths
  • Updated the map mode GUI with the new map modes from the DLC (Epidemics and Legends)


  • Added 60ish character portraits by Sithia
  • Added placeholdery icons to court positions since it's now needed
  • Copying a character's appearance now properly copies visual aspects like their hairstyle and beard
  • Vampires in torpor now use the sleepy time death animation as their idle in their character records and lore events
  • Vampires in torpor in lore events now have catacombs or ossuary event backgrounds depending upon DLC
  • Charon lore event now has a Dark Kingdom background
  • Fae that are dead (or in Arcadia) now have Umbra portrait shader
  • Added some new graphics for Demons who complete their secret quest
  • Added support for shaders that don't get applied to clothes:
    • Ondines now wear normal clothes instead of watery ones. Mudhib wears normal clothes instead of golden ones
    • The metal shapeshifts of Mummies now only change the character and not their clothes
  • Turned off bloom in court scenes since it causes visual issues with certain shaders. This should fix the long-standing flickering glitches with statue graphics


  • Got rid of an expensive maintenance event. The mod should now run ~10% faster overall


  • Various fixes to prevent buildings in progress from getting demolished
  • Various fixes to prevent immortal characters from getting diseased
  • Gave Inquisitors access to Legitimacy
  • Fixed a bug that led to Inquisitors getting no taxes
  • Fixed a bug that would lead to Gargoyles being created with no generation trait
  • Fixed wrong allocation of disciplines in some revenant houses
  • Replaced the potentially lost k_venice by the always there c_venezia as prerequisite for restoring the Giovanni family
  • Fixed Cultists seeing the Resolve bar despite not having Resolve
  • Fixed non-demons gaining Cultists
  • Fix for the "Request Enthrall" interaction
  • Fix for travel teleport abilities not working if the army teleport requirements aren't met
  • Fixed another potential diseased immortals edge case
  • Vassals now properly consider war declaration restrictions to be against their best interests
  • Fixed the requirements for the "Guilty Suicide" interaction for Beatific characters (it now requires the third Level of Devotion instead of 3 Piety)
  • Fixed faction leaders sometimes having the Mortal trait in addition to another splat trait
  • Fix for clipping Kuino quad-eyes
  • Fixed a bug when a demon uses Mark For Return on the mortal they're possessing
  • Removing weather cantrips no longer results in opinion penalties or rivalries
  • Ordinating a Hunter will now remove the Turned Hunter trait
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the changed title names from the Clan mapmode to get stuck
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Anadja to get unlimited base stats
  • Various fixes when giving titles to auto-generated barons
  • Various Umbra fixes
  • Various minor loca fixes

Patron build only

  • The Bastet interaction "Judgment of Pestilence" now spawns an epidemic using the new mechanics
  • Added proper tenets and doctrines to Guild faiths

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hotfix 2, Version, Change Log, 3/8/2024

  • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 Version "Scythe" and "Legends of the Dead" DLC


  • Added a new objective for Demons that lets them create a Primordial Sin Dragon
  • Added lifestyle perks for the Lore of Awakening and Lore of the Firmament for the Asharu dynasty
  • Added an intro event and objective for Persephone
  • Added an accolade for Wraiths
  • Enabled the Blood and Kin dynasty legacy tracks for certain splats that can have children


  • When selecting a character to play on the map, the interface now shows their splat


  • The character view now uses DLC backgrounds when applicable
  • Gave the character portrait at the bottom left nighttime lighting. Also made it bigger because why not
  • Changed the map font
  • Some more tweaks to the map table lighting
  • Saved the map texture with mipmaps so it doesn't look pixelated when zooming out


- Fixed health modifiers displaying the wrong values - Made the county view slightly bigger to prevent clipping - Using Alchemy to turn into a Shapeshifter now properly removes all incompatible traits - Various tooltip fixes

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Hot Fix, Version, Change Log, 3/5/2024

  • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 Version 1.12.1 "Scythe" and "Legends of the Dead" DLC


  • Added an "Undo all" button when changing your house's clothing colors
  • Marked the game rules from PoD so they're more distinguishable from the vanilla ones
  • Changed default menu screen characters from vampires to Fae to show off shader magic


  • The 3d map table now has nighttime lighting
  • Added icons to the Primogen Court Positions and the Brujah Panegyra activity
  • Set up proper triggers so that daytime-enjoying splats will use daytime event illustrations from Legends of the Dead

- Recolored the Masquerade texticon used for Suspicion


  • Fixed a crash to desktop happening roughly 15 years into the game on mixed-splat bookmarks


  • Error log cleaning

Princes of Darkness, "Hunters & Heists", Version 1.12.1, Change Log, 3/5/2024

  • Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 Version 1.12.1 "Scythe" and "Legends of the Dead" DLC
  • Version control
  • Nightification of "Legends of the Dead" DLC Event Windows and Story Illustrations

Hunter focus

  • Added a new hunter bookmark
  • Added a generic set of localization for the find lair scheme
  • Added Qorjin's Baghatur and the Warriors of Dazbog hunter faiths
  • Ikwan al Safa now accept Mages and Magick in general; They are allied to the Taftani in lore. So will be relevant later
  • Added Jeanne Roullet, the founder of the order of St Joan, as a playable character. Intended for those looking for a difficult Inquisitor experience. The order of St Joan can only initiate women (like the sisters of st john) and doesn't benefit from Shadow Inquisition's blessings and other powers. Jeanne herself is a theurgist however (the first playable) and can initiate her pupils into being theurgists themselves.
  • Hunters now have their own set of buildings. Inquisitors, who already have theirs, aren't impacted. Shih now use the hunters buildings instead of the inquisitors ones.
  • Find lair can now be used to hunt werewolves, fae and demons in addition to the usual vampires. These hunts are smaller events than the big vampires ones, but help hunters having new targets to hunt in the battle royale map
  • Non Inquisitors hunters now have unique dynasty legacies
  • Polished and expanded the existing ikhwan, judges and akritai objectives
  • Added objectives for the Qorjin's Baghatur, Warriors of Dazbog and Independent Hunters faiths
  • Added characters for the non Inquisitors hunters, landed at least one of them for each faction
  • Added an introduction event to explain non Inquisitors hunters
  • Small provincial religious changes to account for new hunters starts
  • Added lore buttons for the canon indep hunters
  • Bookmarked indep hunters have a starting event with some context and choice
  • Added Coats of Arms to Independent Hunter Dynasties and starting Realms
  • Leopold von Murnau now wears a black cassock like a proper Dominican
  • Added 6 indep hunters portraits by Anastasios
  • The Shih objective now requires killing 20 Kuei-Jin instead of expanding your realm
  • Tweaked the ghoulbros start and added a starting event to them

Infiltration missions

  • A new type of Journey that lets you and your Coterie sneak around in someone else's court. Make sure not to let your Suspicion get too high!
  • New Journeys in this update:
    • Steal Gold: Take as much gold from another's treasury as you can get away with
    • Artifact Heist: Steal an artifact and try to smuggle it out
  • Kemintiri now starts with -25 Suspicion during Infiltration missions. Helena will start with -15 after she finishes her objective

Umbra Expeditions

  • You can now freely travel between Umbra realms, without having to complete the adventure minigame every time
  • Instead, you gain access to Umbra expeditions when your stationed explorers find interesting things in the Umbra. The likelihood of this is based on their Umbra exploration speed
  • Umbra expedition nodes will no longer have artifact chests in them. Chests might instead spawn at the very end of an expedition
  • Certain Umbra events (like Dah for Kuei-Jin) were turned into rewards for Umbra expeditions. There are also many new ones. Can you find them all?
  • The Umbra map now closes the Umbra window and shows a list of all currently stationed Umbra explorers
  • You can now use Coterie skills during Umbra expeditions
  • Certain splats can now physically enter Umbra expeditions, which makes failures during skill checks result in wounds (instead of stress gain)

Gameplay additions

  • Miracles
    • Beatific is now a tiered trait, opening up various Miracles
    • Gain trait XP through:
      • Lay on Hands (up to 25 XP)
      • Converting a character to your faith (up to 25 XP)
      • Converting a county to your faith with your Court Chaplain (up to 50 XP)
      • Banishing Demons via interaction, or hunting them via Journey
      • Finishing Inquisition Objectives
      • Gaining the final perks of Holy Arts
      • Gaining Theurgy perks
      • Through a rare Umbra Expedition in the Astral Reaches
    • Lose trait XP by committing theft (**10 XP) or torture (**100 XP)
    • Artifacts that once gave Beatific now give a specific Miracle instead.
    • There are less characters starting with TF now and almost no character starting with Beatific. Lowered Vittoria's health penalty to compensate
    • Beatific characters with 20+ trait XP can now banish Demons. At 80+ trait XP, they can do so without knowing the Demon's Celestial Name
  • Added various House Lore lifestyle trees from Demon: The Fallen
  • Added a new lifestyle tree for Chi-using Infernalists: Investments of Soul. Players can get perk points by exploring the Yomi Wan (Thousand Hells) in the Umbra
  • Added 4 new perks to Hellweaving (Kuei-Jin Demon Arts)
  • Added 7 possible events that may interupt the embrace scheme
  • Fae can now steal children and turn them into Changelings via character interaction
  • Fae can now turn their dreamers into Changelings via character interaction
  • Fae can now get heirs by turning a sprite into a Fae via decision. This works like the similar Kuei-Jin decision
  • Added a unique objective for Hsien
  • Characters who've explored the Yomi Wan can now send their bound Wraiths to hell, which might turn them into Kuei-Jin
  • Certain perks that let you command animals now also let you call your pets to war
  • Exploring the Great Engine in the Deep Dreaming now lets you add a Development growth bonus to provinces where you control the Umbra
  • Added an interaction to Fae that lets them call other members of the Patron council to wars
  • Added an option under Command Puppet that is usable on hunters to have them use the Inquisition Hunt scheme against your target
  • Added 4 artifacts
  • Added 10 new Plasmic and Whistimmu men-at-arms that can be discovered via Umbra Expedition
  • Demons can now change another character's sexuality with the Revelation perk
  • Added the Great Maelstroms, which will make the Shadowlands more dangerous to explore during times of great upheaval (like the Black Death)

Gameplay changes

  • Demons now have cultists in addition to thralls. Most mechanics that previously used thralls (like Arcana XP gain) now use cultists instead. You can now only have a limited amount of thralls (based on your Intrigue)
  • Demons no longer get the Fallen trait when possessing a human host
  • Added Kuei-Jin lifestyle XP bonuses to Dharma traits
  • Nerfed effects that debuff Fort Level across the board
  • Teleport abilities now only work if the army you command has 1500 soldiers or fewer
  • You can now only attempt to bind the same Wraith every 10 years
  • Changelings can now be ghoulified
  • Characters from the Ruler Designer can now become Changelings by interacting with a lover/friend
  • The energy costs of Reweaving and Will over Form are now paid after selecting traits, not before
  • Piety and blood costs for Will over Form are now in line with other abilities if used on your own character
  • Mummies and Fae can now learn the true names of traits via a character interaction on characters whose full true name they know
  • Characters with Vicissitude Advanced can now learn anatomy via a character interaction on prisoners. It also has the same effects as torture (and shares a cooldown with it)
  • The decision to learn anatomy now has higher costs and stricter requirements (need to be a physician or whole of body)
  • Any necromancer bloodline can join the Camarilla now, not just the Cappadocians
  • Brujah crime doctrines now apply to True Brujah as well. Cappadocian crime doctrines now apply to all necromancer bloodlines
  • Certain faiths now accept Demonology, while still considering Infernalism a crime
  • Hsien are now fully immortal (with resurrection) and infertile
  • Fae can no longer just ignore mental defenses
  • Demons now lose stress when successfully completing Tempt/Corrupt Schemes
  • Journeys that can be started via character interaction (Hunt, Find Hiding Place, Find Lair) are no longer limited to one. You can start as many of them as you want
  • Removed risk of incapable in hunt (vanilla) events
  • The AI is now more likely to refuse being turned into a Vampire or Shifter by sorcerers, especially if their faith despises those splats
  • Destroying the Masquerade via the Forever Indomitable decision now stops Inquisition factions from spawning
  • Breaking up with a lover now always gives stress instead of only if you are lustful
  • Nerfed nightmare trods
  • Increased the cost of Rhapsody
  • Refactored vanilla war declarations contracts to allow for banning individual vassals from waging wars
  • Nerfed a vanilla travel event potentially giving free prowess
  • Effects that remove injuries now also remove infections and gangrene
  • True Fae and spirit-type characters (like wraiths) can't get infected wounds anymore
  • The Santa decision no longer requires the Comfort Eater trait, since getting it through stress breaks is too inconsistent
  • The Gilgul interaction no longer requires Realm Actor relationships
  • The Transmogrify interaction can be used on rulers if they are in your prison
  • The mesmerize scheme now takes into account some perks, personality traits and generation difference for both the attacker and defender. The scheme encylopedia and in game tooltips describe which perks are relevant
  • Splats other than vampires now have defenses against mesmerize
  • Tweaked a potentially nonsensical vanilla death event
  • All characters who start with the Infernalist trait can now do the Demonology Journey for free
  • Bloodbonding scheme is no longer blocked by strong mental defenses, but is overall harder to succeed, uses a combination of both intrigue and prowess and the Unbondable trait or secret now correctly blocks the scheme and prisoner interactions
  • Removed the Gods and Monsters legacy track. No actual gameplay change. ==This "half track" was a bandaid back in the day to assign some rewards that were limited to dynasty perks. It's not needed anymore, it will reduce confusion to not have a bizarre locked half dynasty legacy at the top of the screen.
  • Web of Knives rework, client side : In regions where the WoK is present, you can now put a contract on another vampire (non Assamite) head. You will get clearer options and feedback on the cost, when to expect results and what kind of results they will most likely be
  • Web of Knives rework, assassin side : As a Banu Haqim on the road of blood religion, you will be offered contracts (roughly every 20 years). If you accept, you can use intrigue (lower risks, but not diablerie possibility) or a duel (to the death, can diablerize if you win) to fulfill it
  • Ephorate improvement : If an Ephor dies and a player is eligible, there is now an event to force your way in the Ephors without relying on randomness
  • Ephorate improvement : Ephors now have access to three unique and powerful court positions (strategoi, lictor and tribunes)
  • Increased the initial cost of the Sorcery Journey to 1000
  • You can now invite your spouse to your Coterie, even if they're not in the same realm as you
  • Direct vassals cannot use the Masquerade Exposure CB against fellow vassals if their liege does not practice the Masquerade
  • Gaining a new host as a Demon now resets Resolve to 0 instead of costing 5 Resolve, to prevent excessive stress gain from "overdrawing" Resolve
  • Fleshcrafted artifacts now give an opinion bonus with adherents of the Road of Metamorphosis, to offset the general opinion penalty
  • The Realm 5 perks don't require the Realm Mastery traits in non-fae bookmarks anymore, since the Realm Mastery Journey is impossible there
  • Degulo now actually swaps base stats with the victim
  • Dharma 10 now also lets one bypass strong mental defenses
  • Added opinion bonuses with Seelie faiths to the Faerie Kin perk (Fianna Tribe Gifts)
  • Added opinion bonuses with Unseelie faiths to the Unseelie Faerie Kin perk (Black Spiral Dancer Tribe Gifts)
  • Allows Demons to properly recommend embraces to their enthralled vassals
  • Allows Demons to soulforge wraiths without a Journeyman, as per lore they are capable of doing so
  • A Demon who uses the Healing Touch interaction now loses 1 Torment
  • Vampires now gain an opinion bonus from their victim after drinking their blood. Except for Giovanni, who get an opinion malus as per their clan curse
  • Added a 5 year cooldown to Bind Demon
  • Cannot Cross the Broken Mirror as a non-infernalist (Will be re-enabled after a re-work of Yomi Wan)
  • Fleshcrafted artifacts now take more of the victim's traits into account when determining the artifact's stat bonuses
  • You can now exchange grace for gold when communing with Charon. He no longer offers overpowered armies. (RIP)


  • Yorak and the Dracon now start with full knowledge of anatomy
  • Gave Elder Vicissitude to the Dracon (and the other "Dracon", after the takeover)
  • Added a missing Mummy (veil of night)
  • Made Nepos more stupid
  • Lore of the clans full read (10 characters, loading quotes, setup and history changes etc)
  • Added Maahes as the reincarnated cub of Sekhemet.
  • Created Per-Bast as Bubasti realm in the Nile Delta.
  • Fixed issues in the De Laurent dynasty
  • Initial creation of latest patron characters. those characters are: Galeria, Antonius, Dagaal, Constanza de Tudela, Sylven ap Sorel, Jayde, Aren Darkwell, Adrahasis, Alarvyne, Vincent Roaché, Ariyah

Trolle, Träumer, Tiefe Wälder

  • New Aesin Houses: Gibichung, Volsung, Nibelung
  • New Dynasties: Rubezahl, Lorelei, Hofmystikern
  • New Characters: Siegfreid Hein Gibichung, Gunther Volsung, Mairead Liam, Rubezahl, Edigna von Puch/Eileen, Georg, Lorelei, Kathrin Hofmystikern
  • New dead Characters: Gunther Gibichung, Siegfreid Volsung, Hagen Nibelung, Volsung, Sigmund Volsung, Alberich Nibelung, Kremhild Gibichung, Oda Gibichung, Gibica Gibichung
  • Added 8 nicknames
  • Melusine la Bretagne is alive and revised, per A Darkening Sky. Rivalry between Pressyne and Melusine d'Anjou ended.
  • New Coat of Arms Colored Emblemms: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Swords, Inanimae, Changeling
  • Title Coat of Arms Changes for Spring Court, Summer Court, Autumn Court, Winter Court, Wayland, Tandoor, Kapherah, Nicnivin, Taulandryn
  • New Landed Titles: Black Forest, Lost Legion, Krkonose (Giant Mountains), Rhineland
  • Fae Bookmark added Siegfried Hein, Halostian and Rubezahl
  • New Diarchies/Power Struggles: Androjai/Halostian, Donovan/Aife, Gunther/Primus
  • New Decisions: Reclaim Borbetomagus, Kingdom of Rhineland, Imperial Rhineland
  • Verdoren, the Green Man, now has a new look thanks to anastasionthearchivist. Subsequently, Verdoren has displaced Lailoken as the bookmarked Ghille Dhu Kithain Noble.
  • Diplomat Lifestyle trait spread around generously among landed Truce-Bearers to speed defensive negotiations alliances.
  • Truce-Bearers now have an Oath Truce tenet rather than Pacifism. More changes to tenet to come in the future.
  • Truce-Bearers now have Balanced Triat aligned
  • Militants are either Wyld or Wyrm aligned
  • Constantinian faiths now see saints as virtuous.
  • Most Summer Court faiths now have Summer Traditions tenet rather than Legalism (which was too similar to Oathsworn).
  • Most Spring Court faiths now have Spring Festivals tenet rather than Sanctity of Nature.
  • Most Autumn Court faiths now have Autumn Caucuses tenet rather than Sacred Lies.
  • Some Winter Court faiths now have Winter Rites tenet rather than Gruesome Festivals.
  • For the Unseelie morality, patient is no longer a sin and impatient is no longer a virtue.
  • Black Forest holy site is now b_sankt_blasien, still c_breisgau
  • Portrait Statue Effects: White Ladies all get white marble shader
  • Nicnivin is now a Troll because she is described in folklore as "ogress-like figure, a hag and giantess"
  • Increased Nicnivin's Diplomacy
  • With her new diplomatic acumen, Nicnivin has realized that keeping Callicantzaroi and the Duchy of Salerno is more trouble than its worth, and she has cut him loose.
  • Removed Polotsk, Vitebsk and Orsha from De Jure for Duchy of Underbridge
  • Added three Scottish folklore children for Nicnivin, helfpul for alliance marriages: Fachan (canon), Caoineag and Seonaidh
  • Added Court Languages to Sidhe Noble House Kingdom Titles
  • Fixed issue with Domari language invalidating Season Court Language map colors
  • First Born Fae who were Scottish will now be Gaelic, as Gaelic is still in play on our 1230 bookmark.
  • Added Black Spiral Dancer dynasties to Hive of the Unshriven Zealot/Scotland: Lamont, MacGriogair, MacNeil, Sandrison and MacLeod. Names are call backs to Final Nights Wyrmish characters. Added 7 Werewolf characters and adjusted the age of Siunod for Black Spiral Dancer/Unseelie breeding and alliance purposes. Aidan Farwatcher hates this.
  • Added many fomori wyrm worshippers to the Hive of the Unshriven Zealot courts.
  • Vaticinators/Via Deorum Vigilans (Path of the Watchful Gods) now has a Blood Pact tolerance with Unseelie Fae faiths. Hail Olympus!
  • Helios Truth doctrine now has reduced vassal religion discontent rather than legalism parameters to reduce overlap with Oathsworn.
  • Changed the default displayed characters in main menu to some Fae.
  • Fixed some province religions for Fae: particularly Lost Legion, Black Forest, Krkonse, Inanimae and African kith
  • Added Changeling: the Dreaming pre-Shattering canon troll characters: Coruisk, Cullen, Moira the Mountain, Red Rory, Leander, Grayson, Pythos, Ynyra ferch Nissian and Alyss the Norn. Added Wallach from Dark Ages Fae.
  • Added folklore troll character to Black Forest: Haymon the Premonstratensian Giant
  • Added portrait DNA for: Kathrin Hofmystikern
  • Gwydion 'the Grey' now has grey hair and grey eyes, as it is in canon. He wears green and gold colours though--for reasons!
  • Added some ancestors for the Rhinelanders: Rerir, Konr, Rig, Sigi, Heimdallr and Odin.
  • Most Tuatha de Danaan in Arcadia are now tall
  • Danu now looks like a Goddess
  • Heimdallr is now an Albino
  • Tuatha de Danaan dynasty cleaned up into one tree


  • The Minions tab now displays the caps for Herd members, Ghouls, Dreamers, and bound Wraiths
  • Fera tolerance doctrines can no longer be voted on during the Council of Thorns, which should make certain tooltips less huge
  • Executions that involve devouring a prisoner's mind now show their cooldown in the interaction
  • When an Umbra Explorer reaches a new level in an Umbra realm, the interface message now shows which realm they're stationed in
  • Clarified the tooltip from the Periphery interaction in the Umbra: it gives an inspiration to a random courtier, not the player
  • Clarified the game concepts of Drain the Life and Phobia
  • Dynasty names are no longer displayed in localization, which fixes goofs like "Leopold von Murnau von Murnau"
  • Reformatted the regional intro events so that the text links to the relevant characters
  • Various tweaks to perk descriptions
  • Minor typo fixes
  • Tooltips and encyclopedia information updated for Entrance, Bloodbond and Mesmerize
  • Some interface adjustments to the Golconda interaction "Meditate on Humors"
  • Refactored the Local Umbra button so that it shows up even if another mod overwrites window_county_view.gui


  • Added an interaction for demanding conversion from all vassals, courtiers, or house members. Right-click yourself to access it
  • Added functionality for running arbitrary code from interface alerts
    • Added an interface alert for Vampires to remind them they can hunt in their capital
    • Added an interface alert for Werewolves to remind them they can train with their pack
    • Added an interface alert when the player can go on an Umbra Expedition
  • Mummies now have some new character interactions for commanding their effigies more easily
  • The following abilities now show an interface message when they're off cooldown: Psi Leech, Spirit Eating, Absorb the Mind, Feed the Caul, Devour Soul
  • The AI will now try to recreate Fae head of faith titles if they were destroyed for some reason
  • Added a decision to get rid of surplus True Faith perk points
  • Added an interaction for Fae to release Dreamers
  • An interface message will popup 6 months before Yorak's Cathedral of Flesh modifier will expire
  • Fixed some province religions for Code of Horus Mummies
  • Some fixes to the Were Lion/Simba Crinos form, with and without mane. Chonky Bastet is now more well defined but still chonky. More work to be done.


  • House heads now get a decision that lets them set the colors of all their house members' clothes
  • Most Vampire, Fae and Hunter houses will now wear colors associated with their lore and/or Coat of Arms
  • Updated Canon (not Patron) Bookmark Portraits for new house colors clothing
  • Portrait shader refactor
    • Adjusted the following statue shaders: Gold, Copper, Green Jade, Umbra
    • Added new statue shaders: Silver, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Light, Sand
    • Added a smoke effect to several splats and shapeshift modifiers that would previously be transparent
    • Added subtle flowing animations to Blood and Water forms. The Water form flows faster the more stressed the character is
    • Statue properties can now be toggled and adjusted separately. You can test this in debug mode: event POD_debug.2
  • No more white eyebrows on long dead Vampire Antediluvians and Arcadian Sidhe
  • Anconia's endowment increased
  • Added toothless gums to Sluagh
  • Added unique graphics to the Glamour bar
  • Made the header of the Journey window a bit more fancy
  • Via Archangeli Byzantine Court will now have Christian religious iconography
  • Nightified CFP Norse Royal Court throne room
  • Adjusted some light colors on Byzantine and HRE filler lights
  • Gave Ivory skin to Mnemach
  • Fixed issue with random Red Caps not getting Grey Skin by default.
  • Camilla COA colors changed to black & gold
  • Added Flandre Scarlet's wings as an easter egg: effect add_character_flag = POD_portrait_monster_flandre_wings_flag
  • Added illustrations to bygone and animal men-at-arms


  • Reduced size of Royal Court throne room darkened window dds
  • Removed some unnecessary CFP Papal daylight window dds
  • Reduced Court Graphic sizes from 170 MB to 6.15 MB
  • Compressed Unicorn Horn diffiuse and normal dds, reducing size from 24 MB to 696 KB


  • Resonance now gets automatically initialized when a character shows up in an event, gets imprisoned, or gets selected in the character window
  • Fixed a maintenance event that used to remove duchy buildings too often, which should lead to AI Vampires actually having high-tier Princedoms
  • You can no longer stack ALL the education traits with Reweaving. Sorry
  • Effects that increase the capture chance of prisoners during raids now work properly
  • Hostages can no longer be taken from incompatible splats after wars. No more hunters with vampire garden hermits
  • Disbanding your Coterie now actually works (whoops)
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent you from clicking Journey buttons
  • Fixed the missing eyes of various Crinos forms
  • Camarilla/Sabbat members who enter torpor now properly abandon the positions they held in the sect
  • Converted a bunch of old checks from tiered traits to trait XP
  • The major Fae objectives (Inert Cold Iron, Beyond Reason, Inquisition objectives) now prevent the Shattering, as intended
  • The Imperial Overextension event is now tracked per dynasty, so it doesn't trigger again after every succession
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the player from being assigned as an explorer in the Umbra
  • Fixed certain murders circumventing resurrection mechanics
  • Using Dominate to make someone else start a murder scheme now always counts as murder for the purposes of Golconda
  • Using Dominate to make an Inquisitor start a hunt now counts as murder for the purposes of Golconda
  • Fixed the demon auto-thrall mechanic circumventing thrall restrictions and turning Fae into thralls
  • Journeys will no longer send you to sea tiles
  • Fixed some POD travel events triggering on sea tiles
  • Fixed the Mrs. Claus nickname
  • Bezariel realized his dagger is easier to wield if it's removed from its pedestal first
  • The Fae realized that the longbow Eilaf is easier to fire if you take it out of its chest first
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Umbra events from the wrong regions to be triggered
  • Fixed Inquisition faction leaders not spawning with blood resonance
  • When your heir is in the same Coterie as you, you will no longer be asked whether you want to join it upon succession
  • Added a bunch of artifacts templates to can_equip in addition to can_benefit to bypass a vanilla issue
  • Tweaked a vanilla event resulting in cross splats friendships
  • The "Raid for Captives" casus belli now actually gives captives when used by a Road of Metamorphosis ruler
  • Fixed some contracts in events issues
  • Fixed the Skin of Chameleon shapeshift modifier (Visceratika) not getting removed properly
  • Mesmerized characters shouldn't immediately leave your court anymore after recruiting them
  • AI logic for joining a Bloodbond scheme more in line with other agent schemes. Opinion malus is now applied correctly if the scheme fails and has a possiblity of progressing a rivalry
  • Blood Sorcery spell Theft of Vitae will give you blood as intended
  • Re enabled the missing decision to restore the Diet of Olives
  • Masquerade exposure events no longer give multiple options like imprisonment for faiths that don't practice the Masquerade
  • The decision "Horus' Crusade" now only checks for independent Setites (instead of wrongly checking for ALL landed Setites)
  • Wraiths who turn into Kuei-Jin don't look super old anymore
  • Fixed the aptitude checks for the objectives Dazzling Grandeur and Avenge Arikel's Shame
  • Multiple loca tweaks and fixes

Patron build only

  • Added canonical consequences when attempting to turn Fera into Abominations
  • Added trait XP tracks for Wraiths and Spectres
  • Added a dynasty legacy track to Wraiths
  • Consolidated the many Wraith government types
  • Overhauled some Wraith objectives
  • Wraiths can now choose to bind themselves to a necromancer
  • Added 5 Arcanoi perk trees
  • Added 10 Dark Arcanoi perk trees for Spectres. Wraiths can also get them if they reach level 3 in the Labyrinth

Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide" "the Revenge of Mrs. Claus", Change Log, Version 1.11.4, January 24, 2024

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.11.4 (Peacock)
  • Compatibility with North African Attire Content Creator Pack
  • Congratulations from the POD team to El Tyranos on your successful DLC release
  • Fix for Mrs. Claus nickname

Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide" hotfix, Version, Change Log, 1/2/2024


  • The Tapestry of Fate now adds scheme power to learning true names. It also unlocks a decision that lets one learn new true names at the cost of stress
  • Added a dynasty legacy track for Wu T'ian
  • Overcapping on Glamour or Resolve no longer reduces stress
  • Added a stress loss bonus to the Glade building
  • Inanimae and Hsien won't be affected by the Shattering anymore
  • First Born True Fae are no longer immune to murder schemes
  • The Cauldron of Fear artifact will now be destroyed when completing the "Schemes of the Ratkin" Rat Exterminator objective decision.
  • House Dougal's "Gold to Iron" objective decision requirements modified to add Strathcruach forge. If a gold mine is completely controlled, the cost of 10,000 gold can be bypassed.
  • House Dougal/Nocker/Boggan Objective Decision "Inert Cold Iron" will now make First Born True Fae immune to murder schemes.
  • Inert Cold Iron decision difficulty and cost increased.
  • Fae "Bring back the Prodigals Objective Decision" made much more difficult.
  • Fae Destroy Shadow Inquisition decision now requires the complete control of Roma.
  • Prowess duels during the Antediluvian hunt now take prowess values beyond 100 into account
  • Smoothed the prowess scaling of some Ante hunt duels
  • All Werewolves get Deep Umbra access now
  • You can now force your Ghouls to divorce
  • Become Santa decision can now be done by female rulers
  • Added a new curse to Roguelike Mode: No Demands (Unable to revoke titles from vassals)
  • When rolling a random character in Roguelike Mode, you can now elect not to gain any curses. This will disable permadeath and basically let you play normally with your new character
  • Added most of the Fae objectives as valid objectives to Roguelike Mode
  • Number of Bai Ze Tu Fragments so there is still a chance to create the entire grimoire even if some of them are destroyed.
  • The kingship Caern of the Crescent Moon as a Silver Fang and Siberkah holy site is now properly located in the Ural Mountains (specifically in the county of Ural), its effect increases vassal limit. The titular kingdom Sept of the Crescent Moon remains in the same location.
  • Severely nerfed the prestige gain by some specific duel moves
  • Made Umbra enemies more difficult by giving them the Blademaster trait
  • Nerfed the prestige gain from rejecting Umbra buffs after winning an Umbra duel
  • Made some contracts available for non mummy liege of mummy vassal
  • Added new option to ignore shattering event if Fae has Immortal trait


  • Added 3 Mummies characters #The Horus loyalist vizir of Asia in the Maldives and the first two playable Wu Tian
  • Pressyne's triplet daughters added: Melusine, Melior and Palatyne. The Toreador Melusine d'Anjou has murdered Pressyne's daughter Melusine, and assumed her identity. Pressyne is now a rival of Melusine d'Anjou. Because the French Toreador did not have enough drama.
  • Bookmarked Jinn now have Ojo and Iku related faiths matching their character histories.
  • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Horus is now 100% more of a chad
  • Fixed some historical Vampires having no generation trait
  • Changed Bookmark Emperor titles to Seasonal empires rather than duchies
  • Adjusted Marconius' portrait look, as well as his childer and grandchilder


  • Characters with lore now keep their lore button after death
  • Added an encyclopedia entry for Deep Umbra access
  • The Umbra adventure events where you can choose an artifact now show you a preview of the choices
  • Removed the "No Glamour" and "No Sekhem" interface alerts since clickable bars act as the tutorial now
  • Various typo/grammar/tooltip fixes
  • Changed the look of Wayland to match future Weyland of House Dougal.
  • Made an event for checking your character's total prowess: event POD_debug.1
  • Compressed some graphic files
  • Clickable resource bars:
    • Clicking the Glamour, Chi, Sekhem, or Resolve bars will now show the various ways these resources can be regenerated
    • The tooltips of the Chi bars now show your Yin/Yang Virtue
    • The tooltips of the Rage and Gnosis bars now show the likelihood of these resources regenerating each month
    • Added a hint about clickable bars to certain tutorial events (Vampire, Mummy, Fae)
    • If you have an artifact that can store blood (e.g. the Odious Chalice), it now shows up when clicking your blood bar


  • Added an option to exclude "Partial True Name Known" hooks when demanding mass payment
  • The repeatable True Name Study event will now prompt you to select a new category when you've learned all true names of your current category
  • The decisions "Twist Fate" (Arcana) and "Request Wealth and Influence" (Investiture) now let you spend multiple perk points at once
  • Added Mrs. Claus nickname and Become Santa immortality for primary spouse


  • Fixed the imperial ambition event reoccurring
  • Fixed omega_gold_value being less omega than intended
  • The Underbridge decision and CB now expand the Underbridge kingdom instead of the duchy, to prevent it from swallowing up duchy capitals
  • Added a safeguard to prevent the titular Fae season titles from being destroyed
  • Fixed the tooltip of the Covet cantrip
  • Added some missing traits to Reweaving
  • Become Santa objective decision checks for Soothsay Advanced as well as Soothsay now
  • The Penance interaction (True Faith) now properly shows its effects
  • Fixed a bug that let one store Energy (Blood, Glamour, etc) in any artifact
  • Removed the Kinain trait from Melusine
  • Fixed a masquerade breach event where a mortal didn't spawn with blood resonance
  • Fixed some triggers for access to Inquisition buildings and lifestyles
  • Numerous small typos and tooltips fixes
  • Only characters who can actually learn Serpentis can get it from visiting Ombos now
  • The Last Cathar event won't proc for infernalists anymore
  • The Venator nickname won't override an existing nickname anymore
  • The vanilla burying the hatchet event won't happen for nemesis anymore, since it doesn't do anything for those anyway
  • Disabled a nonsensical event for immortals (sell titles event spawning a long lost mortal sibling)
  • Upped the grace period before the mod "locks" your clan choice for clan content/custom character purpose
  • Ancient Egyptian females will no longer default to wearing Nemeses. Female player characters can still choose the Nemeses as will any female Pharaoh (in honor of Hatshepsut)
  • Unveiling: canon female characters in Europe are will now not default to having additive headgear of veils. Pressyne is still wearing a veil for reasons.
  • Various minor fixes (typos, weird events, tombs for wutian etc)
  • Solved a gifting artifact issue
  • Fixed some issues with portraits for Fera/Monster forms and pieces

Princes of Darkness, "Yuletide", Version, Change Log, 12/25/2023

Fae Release

  • 2 new splats: True Fae and Changeling
  • A new bookmark (Dark Ages: Fae)
  • 48 new bookmarked characters
  • 278 new canon characters in total, 35 of which have custom portrait DNA
  • 41 playable kiths (16 Kithain, 4 Jinn, 5 African Kiths, 6 Phyla, 10 Hsien)
  • 66 new dynasties
  • 46 new faiths
  • 32 new perk trees, for a total of 219 new perks
  • A new struggle: The War of Seasons
  • A new sect: The Patron Council
  • 11 new major objectives for all Fae, and 14 unique objectives for Fae houses
  • 32 new Journeys to learn Arts and master the Realms
  • 23 new special buildings for Fae around the world
  • 21 new men-at-arms
  • A ridiculous amount of new artifacts
  • A variety of fantastical portrait choices
  • "Dreams of Darkness" by Serial Symphony, a new 8 track sound track for the mod.
  • New mechanics, new events, and much more

Known issues

  • Some portrait effects for full replacement forms have lingering assets like hair, eyebrows, teeth, eyes and the leaf.

Vassal Contracts

  • Kuei Jin and Shih now use the tax jurisdictions system for their contracts
  • Base vampire contracts have been reworked for clarity and maintenance improvements
  • A lot of new faction-/realm-/culture-specific contracts have been added for vampires, mummies, demons and inquisitors

Predator Stories

  • Added 61 events for Vampires based on the player's predator type
  • Added some restrictions to predator type selection: e.g. vampires with a monstrous appearance can't be sirens
  • Added a decision to change one's predator type
  • Ability to ghoulify added to 2 events, as well as 2 unforgiving events having slight tweaks if you are a certain type of vampire and less unforgiving for everyone

Umbra Adventures

  • Traveling from one area of the Umbra to another now requires overcoming a series of challenges (unless there's a stationed explorer at the destination)
  • Challenges can involve duels against spirits, skill checks, or a chance for treasure
  • Fast-traveling with the Umbra Map now requires having level 1 knowledge of your destination
  • Added many new umbra realms
  • Deep Umbra access is now unlocked independently from Spirit Wilds access
  • Overhauled some of the more overpowered Umbra interactions (Inventium)
  • You can now discern the local Gauntlet and Shroud directly in the Umbra window
  • Added "being in the umbra" check to more actions

Kuei-Jin balance

  • Kuei-Jin now don't get lifestyle experience bonuses from their Dharma anymore. Instead, they get Umbra exploration speed and reduced Stress gain
  • Changes to Dharma trait experience:
    • Face of the Gods: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your faith
    • Inward Way: You now get Dharma experience for completing an Umbra adventure
    • Resplendent Crane: You now get Dharma experience every 3 months if your capital has your culture
    • Thousand Whispers: You now get a new decision that lets you sacrifice relationships for dharma experience


  • The Demon trait now has an experience track, representing the demon's Torment
  • The lower a Fallen's Torment, the longer their hosts will last before they die
  • Certain Arcana perks can now only be taken at high Torment
  • You gain Torment by: Committing murder, torturing prisoners, gaining rivals, or making sacrifices to greater demons
  • You lose Torment by: Gaining positive relationships, or gifting money or artifacts

Roguelike Mode

  • An OPTIONAL hard mode that can be selected via game rule.
  • The game will switch you to a random one-province ruler on the map. Alternatively, you can let the game generate a fully randomized Vampire for you, with random traits and disciplines.
  • Your ruler will also be cursed. You can select one of the following curses:
    • No Wealth: -100% Domain Tax
    • No Love: -1000 General Opinion
    • No Rest: +300% Stress Gain
    • No Belongings: -100 Domain Limit
    • No Curiosity: Unable to learn new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina
    • No Guile: -1000% Hostile Scheme Success Chance
    • Alternatively, you can let the game select a random curse for you, or gain all of the curses at once.
  • You only have one life. If your initial ruler dies while they're still cursed, it's game over
  • Finishing one of the major objectives will remove your curses. Good luck


  • Gold and Renown values (e.g. costs or event rewards) now don't scale as much with technological eras anymore
  • Added the Gargoyle Primogen court position
  • Added Rookery buildings for Gargoyles
  • Resonance XP from drinking blood now scales linearly with the amount of blood taken (instead of exponentially)
  • Manually feeding on herd members once again doesn't award resonance xp (like before the hunger rework)
  • The prestige cost of the Learn New Abilities Journey now increases by 500 every time you learn a new ability this way
  • Journey progress now isn't blocked by anything. You can gain progress during the Planning Phase even when traveling or in an activity. However, you are still blocked from starting the Travel Phase if it doesn't make sense for your character to travel
  • Removed travel points of interest from Kingdom/Empire capitals and walls
  • New Secrets:
    • Demonology is now a secret
    • The Journey to learn Demonology can now be undertaken by anyone, but it's a lot more costly
    • Demonology is now considered criminal or shunned based on Infernalism crime doctrines (with a reduced opinion penalty)
    • You can now gain hidden "trait experience" in demonology even if the trait is secret. Hidden trait experience unlocks character interactions and decisions (but no stat boosts). When the secret is revealed, hidden trait experience gets converted into actual trait experience
    • Sorcery is now a secret
    • The Journey to learn sorcery is now available to everyone. Characters whose faith considers magick a crime will now gain sorcery as a secret instead of a trait
    • The Sorcery decision to become immortal can now be taken even if Sorcery is a crime in your faith, but it will reveal your Sorcery secret
    • The character interactions Purification (Valeren), Fugue (Fae), and Propaganda (Grand City) can now also hide Sorcery
    • You can no longer blackmail fellow Coterie members for secret abilities that would be useful during an adventure (Unbondable, Sorcerer, Infernalist)
  • Characters now need to study before they can edit others' traits. Mummies and Fae will need to study true names, and Vicissitude users need to study anatomy
  • Changed the triggers for many vanilla travel events that required the presence of vanilla buildings. This should make travel less repetitive
  • Artifact pieces can now be merged into more powerful artifact pieces, or grafted onto existing artifacts
  • Teleport abilities can now also be used to teleport your entourage to the next destination when traveling
  • Becoming an Infernalist while having True Faith now makes you lose it, gain massive stress, and become depressed
  • Baali and Wu Kuei now get their own version of the Learn Demonology Journey. It's free, Planning Speed is instant, and it doesn't increase the cost of other Journeys
  • Owning the Blood Horn or successfully drinking from the Holy Grail now gives your character infinite blood
  • The "Forever Indomitable" decision now actually destroys the Masquerade, removing Masquerade mechanics from every splat
  • The diarchy power balance now shifts slower towards equilibrium, which should leave more time to influence it
  • AI Golconda Seekers now slowly accumulate insight on their own
  • AI Golconda Seekers who aren't in the same Coterie as a player will attempt the Suspire on their own. The higher their bravery, the sooner they will make the attempt
  • Added decisions for getting rid of surplus perk points in vanilla lifestyle trees
  • Unburden the Bestial Soul (Valeren interaction) now also removes the Frozen Grief modifier
  • You can now use Coterie skills when trying to imprison a high-prowess character
  • Winning a war with the Final War CB (Demon objective) now converts each target province to your faith, to prevent ungodly amounts of Inquisition factions
  • The Soultaker artifact now also acts as an energy vessel
  • Piety loss for characters who injure/exsanguinate an innocent mortal while following a Conscience faith is now doubled if that mortal is a child
  • Inviting other players in multiplayer to your Coterie now has no restrictions. You can do it regardless of opinion, location, or splats
  • Fixed a building inconsistency
  • Vampires with their capital in India can now always employ a Ravnos primogen, even if they aren't Ravnos themselves
  • Justicar's cost for claiming titles is now higher
  • Removed a too sunny vanilla event
  • Removed the free state government type from the mod #Never really used for anything meaningful, its theme and flavor will be improved by using them in a vassal contract rework context
  • Added visceratika advanced as an option to evade the fire during the survey event
  • Removed a non working Iberian CB for the AI
  • Demonic thralls can't be ordinated as Inquisitors anymore
  • Lowered the gold cost per soldier define #which should make raising levies less of a very bad idea
  • Added a rework of the Mummy tomb event chain into decisions #Thanks Aaron for the bulk of the script
  • Tweaks to tribal authority to not be misleading anymore, and be actually rewarding at higher levels
  • Herdify is now restricted to courtiers #The previous unlimited range led to exploits, bypassed many other mechanics (those helping bring people to court or finding great courtiers) and was silly tone wise ("Hello fellow Prince, don't mind me walking on your land and poaching your best courtier.")
  • Tribal authority now provides new bonuses, including the ability to disable vassal wars
  • Recommend embrace interaction now properly removes pre existing relation like ghouls hooks
  • The frenzied critters event is now less punitive
  • Elope, for the AI, can now only be started if they care about pregnancy or if they are still young and foolish (less than 100 years old)
  • Added Sophoniba's dead sire #because someone noticed
  • Small sorcery nerfs
  • Small nerfs to demon buildings to account for their new contracts
  • Clarified the Lay of hands and Restoration perks descriptions
  • Tweaked a vanilla tour event
  • Removed the scandalous priests events. Again.
  • The AI is now less likely to give gifts
  • Mood of the clans part of the primogen removed #The primogen court positions are still there as usual. This only removes the part where clans get angry if you don't have primogens. We are thinking of more interesting ways to represent their political influence.
  • AI will now only consider gifting common artifacts
  • Removed revenants dynasty perks tooltips talking about feudal contracts since those aren't used anymore
  • Wraiths buildings are now less spookingly OP
  • Nerfed the gold gain from pillage and battlefield looters perks
  • Fixed some stress events pulling torpored characters
  • Random infernalist spawned via Daimoinon decisions are less godlike (heh)
  • Reduced the AI likelihood of asking for excommunication and overloading a player head of faith
  • Added 5 unique Point of Interest travel events
  • Lowered the Learning requirement for the Tremere Visceratika decision (35 -> 30)
  • House Eater now has resistance to to the Discover True Name scheme. The Eater himself is completely immune


  • ORB
  • 23 new 3d models for animal forms, used by Pooka (and secret future stuff...)
  • Added female versions of plate armor, ancient greek war armor, ancient egyptian clothing, and the smurfy phrygian cap
  • Added fog to all the dank alleyways
  • Added trippy shaders to certain Golconda events
  • Added fire shaders to the Survey event where a fire breaks out
  • The following infernal investments now change your character's appearance and reveal you as a demon worshipper: Claws, Horns, Wings, Demon Hide
  • Added four Resonance Coat of Arms Emblems design from Vampire: the Masquerade -* Blood Hunt
  • Added Fae and some other outstanding COA Colored Emblems to COA Designer GUI
  • Gave Roc men-at-arms an illustration and icon

Quality of Life

  • Added a "Torture all Prisoners" decision
  • Added a "Demand Payment for all Hooks" interaction when right-clicking your own character
  • Added a character interaction when right-clicking yourself that rolls back the progress of schemes that got stuck at 100%
  • When a Journey ends and you still have paused Journeys below 100% progress, one of them will get automatically resumed
  • If you return from an activity or travel plan and got some paused Journeys at 100% progress, the game will now ask you if you want to resume one of them
  • Mummies now get notified by an event when their resurrection process has completed
  • The interaction to buy perks after achieving Golconda now lets you buy multiple perks at once


  • The game now notifies you if you're using the Search & Trade Artifacts mod without the compatibility patch:
  • Opening the travel planner when a Journey is finished now pauses the game
  • Moved the message feed a tiny bit to the left so it doesn't get blocked by POD's giga-sidebar
  • Removed trait tooltips from Journey names so that the buttons are easier to click
  • The Princes of Darkness "DLC" is now "enabled"
  • Added the PoD event earmark to some events that were missing it
  • Hid the Theocracy and Gender Equality doctrines in the UI since they're the same for 99% of faiths


  • Journeys that got stuck in the travel phase after returning home should fix themselves automatically now
  • Splats without the Masquerade shouldn't end up with Masquerade modifiers anymore
  • Vampires who lose all their blood after getting fed on will no longer go into torpor. This should hopefully curtail the recent Torpor Epidemic
  • The game now checks if battle modifiers can be cleared after every battle, to prevent them getting stuck during raids
  • More safeguards to prevent canon artifacts from getting destroyed
  • Fixed some edge cases where knights on Golconda would still kill enemy knights
  • Characters will now properly lose injuries and illnesses when resurrecting after an accident
  • The "Lilith, the Mother" tenet now awards piety on torture as intended
  • Characters with increased life expectancy (e.g. Revenants or Werewolves) will no longer look super old when they turn into Vampires
  • Fixed an issue where Thralls would not become Infernalists under some circumstances
  • Just characters will no longer get stress for executing hostile splats (e.g. Inquisitors executing Vampires)
  • Fixed Werewolves not gaining any buildings after conquering a non-tribal holding
  • Fixed double ordination interactions for custom inquisition knightly orders
  • Can't drain blood from ghosts in duels anymore
  • Ghouling mortal prisoners now correctly costs vampires prestige

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 7, Version, Change Log, 12/16/2023

  • Removal of reference to "spirit" trait in 00_POD_clothing_visual_effect_triggers.txt to stop spamming error log.

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 6, Version 1.11.3, Change Log, 12/12/2023

  • Version number increment to match CK3 Version 1.11.3 "Peacock"
  • "This update should be fully compatible with 1.11.2. Save files from this version and mods marked as 1.11.2 compatible should retain full functionality after this update."

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 5, Version 1.11.2, Change Log, 11/30/2023

  • Update for Crusader Kings 3 Version 1.11.2 "Peacock" Hotfix
  • Tweak to Crown Authority 1 & 2 for Vassal Tax Contribution Multiplier

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 4, Version, Change Log, 11/25/2023

  • Fixed issue with LOP DLC Persian hairstyles and beards being ubiquitous
  • Simplified Armor and Clothing modifiers to allow for easier maintenance
  • Adjusted some Antediluvian looks
  • Western armor will now occur much less frequently non-western vampires
  • Fixed long standing issue with Wizard Beard ( male_beard_rtt_01 ) on certain Canon and Patron characters
  • Gilgamesh has a proper "Babylonian" Beard
  • Vanilla/DLC clothing and headgear modifiers simplified. This should make for easier maintenance going forward.

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix 3, Version 1.11.1, Change Log, 11/23/2023

  • Compatibility with Crusader Kings III 1.11.1 "Peacock" Hotfix

Known issues

  • Journeys can sometimes get stuck in the travel phase even after completion. To get them unstuck, run this console command: effect POD_journey_cleanup_effect

Kuei-Jin overhaul

  • Kuei-Jin buildings were rebalanced and now have 5 tiers
  • Kuei-Jin now have access to the Blood Tax building
  • Dharma 10 lets one enjoy sunlight again
  • Dharma traits now have an experience track. The way you gain trait experience is based on your faith
  • Gain experience by:
    • Devil Tiger: Committing murder
    • Face of the Gods: Converting the faith of a county with your Court Chaplain or via True Faith mass conversion
    • Inward Way: Meditating, or when gaining perks in one of the Kuei-Jin lifestyle trees
    • Resplendent Crane: Gaining titles, or converting the culture of a county with your Steward
    • Rising Phoenix: Constructing a Kuei-Jin building
    • Song of the Shadow: Binding wraiths, or passively while having bound wraiths and/or staying in the Yin world (Shadowlands)
    • Ten Thousand Screams: Constructing a corrupted Dragon Nest, torturing prisoners, sacrificing prisoners/holdings/regions to demonic patrons, or passively while being a thrall or diabolist
    • Thousand Whispers: Gaining or losing relationships (lover, soulmate, friend, best friend, rival, nemesis)
    • Thrashing Dragon: Completing Sway/Seduce/Romance schemes, having sex, or passively while staying in the Yang world (Astral Reaches, Spirit Wilds, Dreaming)

Umbra changes

  • Added the realms of the Dreaming
  • Added the hells of the Yomi Wan, letting an infernalist gain access to demonic men-at-arms
  • Added the sun. Yes, the sun. Try touching it
  • Liderci men-at-arms now require full exploration of the Malfeas, instead of just being stationed there


  • Added two mentoring events for the Visceratika Journey, courtesy of karde
  • Halved the Planning Speed of Hunt Journeys
  • Added a game rule for adjusting the Planning Speed of Hunt Journeys (5 months / 10 months / 20 months)
  • Greatly nerfed skill training in the Umbra: it now happens once a year instead of once a month
  • Lifestyle xp given by travel points of interest has been reduced
  • Added House Unity to Kuei-Jin
  • Demons can now toggle whether to automatically enthrall new vassals, barons, or children, by right-clicking your own character. Auto-thralling costs 75 prestige each
  • Faiths of the Road of Metamorphosis can't raid anymore. They instead get access to the Raid for Captives casus belli
  • Certain decisions that required you to be friends with canon characters can now also be completed by making them Coterie members
  • Jocastians have access to a new decision that lets them commit suicide by asking their heir to diablerize them
  • Third-generation vampires can now bypass strong mental defenses
  • A successful Antediluvian Hunt now makes you fall out of Golconda, as intended
  • If you somehow reach 100 Golconda Seeker trait experience without having unlocked the Suspire before, you are guaranteed to unlock it
  • Teaching Bardo to a Wight now cures them
  • Becoming a Wight now removes Bardo traits and gets rid of positive relationships
  • Finishing the Antediluvian Hunt increases Blood Potency to 10 now
  • You can now invite clones (like Obtenebration Shadow Twins) to your Coterie. Enjoy
  • The interaction to kick Coterie members now can be used regardless of diplomacy range
  • Kicking a Coterie member outside of diplomacy range doesn't make them a rival
  • Demons can now command their thralls to transfer vassals
  • Energy vessels (Sekhem/Glamour/Pathos/...) are now usable by every splat that spends resources (except rage)
  • Energy vessels now get automatically refilled if one regenerates energy while already being full
  • Added The Odious Chalice fleshcraft option
  • Ghouls and revenants can now choose to recruit torpored characters during the awaken from torpor Journey
  • Perks that unlock animal men-at-arms (like Animal Psi) now properly unlock all the mundane animals
  • Vampires in Golconda don't get a lowered Masquerade Exposure cap from their predator type anymore
  • The Eye of Hazimel now gives different, more appropriate, disciplines as rewards
  • The foul blood perk now gives +1 max herd size
  • AI Camilla now has a decision to create Romagna #To bypass vanilla prerequisites of Catholic only for AI creating Romagna
  • Some tweaks and fixes to reduce the number of torpored AI happening recently
  • Philosopher's stone bonus have been reduced
  • Delayed the clans/splat systems intro to make sure that chargen created characters have the proper one
  • Draining your pet slakes somewhat less hunger now (you monster)
  • A safeguard has been added to replenish the Tremere/Ventrue councils if something unexpected happen #Might cause some small issue in the Ventrue one, but better than nothing
  • A clan only modifier changed in the unity mechanic
  • Panegyra now wait much longer before starting, giving more time for more guests to arrive
  • Chi Mastery can no longer be used to Bleed the Chi of characters who have no chi (or energy) left
  • Spiritus aid from spirits is now costlier
  • Wraith strengthen artifact now require more arcanoi
  • Buffed the reward for the Furores objective
  • More prep work for vassal contracts rework
  • Improvements for the cult of zilah/alamut struggle #Thanks Tryz for the suggestion and most of the scripts
  • Dehydrate now has a cost
  • Heart of Darkness is now less easy to pull off
  • Dagon's call cooldown increased
  • Ventrue "Martial" prey preference now also includes martial prowess education as a possibility
  • Removed Gruesome festivals tenet for Einherjar and Tantabus #Vampires can't hold gruesome festivals. Replaced by communion for Einherjar (who are boisterous, honest and have many rituals) and esotericism for tantabus (BY is the witch)
  • Buffed the Wandering Good Man modifier (Cabiri/Ishmaelite objective)


  • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Added 5 portraits by Tyronis #the way the DNA were added make it difficult to parse what hairstyles were intended so those might be off
  • Added 2 portraits by Sithia
  • Added a living Jocastian faith character #meaning the faith is not considered dead in 1230
  • Added a 5th member to some canon coteries
  • Added CK3 vanilla universities to the cities where they existed before 1230 #Thanks Ian for the research
  • Moved the Erciyes Holy Site to correspond to the Erciyes wonder location
  • Various characters tweaks on Jackm's suggestions

Localization & UI

  • The Skinlands Umbra window now shows which area the player character is in and how many Explorers they're currently employing
  • Diablerie now displays the chance of an Unconquered Soul event happening
  • Added fancypants event earmarks because all the hip TCs are doing it
  • Traits that confer immortality now say so in their tooltip
  • You now get an interface toast when feeding on an animal results in XP gain
  • The Nocturne game concept now mentions that the power drains the blood of enemy knights
  • Interactions that target titles (like Clio's Kiss) now properly show when and why they get invalidated
  • Complete refactor of event illustrations. Daytime and nighttime illustrations now get applied consistently depending on the splat
  • Nightified some more Legacy of Persia DLC illustrations
  • Added some more loading screen quotes
  • Added a trait icon for Asekh-sen
  • Gave Jürgen his Ü back
  • Minor changes to the HUD sidebar
  • Reordered the game rules a bit


  • Fix for Battle Modifiers getting stuck permanently on knights
  • Drinking larger amounts of blood no longer lets one bypass Blood Potency limits on hunger
  • Abilities that let you change someone's visual (immortal) age now only work on immortals
  • Guiding someone through the Suspire will now clear their yearly Golconda Mentoring action
  • The Dharmic Pacifism tenet isn't allowed for Tremere/Camarilla reformation anymore, to prevent them from achieving DOUBLE PACIFISM
  • Fix for thralls sometimes not getting the correct faith
  • The Food Taster Court Position is now available to any splat that eats food (including Vampires who achieved Golconda)
  • Dinners during a Grand Tour will now appropriately check whether the involved characters can actually eat food
  • The game is now more consistent when checking whether your splat can have sex
  • Fix for a Bardo interaction checking for the wrong perk
  • Fix for a Valeren interaction checking for the wrong perk
  • Fix for ghouled Werewolves not being able to convert to Werewolf faiths
  • Murdering your target during the Find Hiding Place Journey now actually works
  • Teaching someone psychic powers now correctly increases their resonance intensity
  • Fix for the Salubri Camarilla membership decision checking for the Banu Haqim trait by mistake
  • A travel event now correctly checks to see if you are not at sea (heh)
  • Removed open mouth weirdness with portraits
  • Some torpored shenanigans fixes
  • An antediluvian hunt event now takes into account unbondable
  • Streamlined successions prerequisites to ensure that primogeniture is indeed the default (doesn't affect title elective)
  • Many small script logic changes for struggles #The most important fix related to this is that struggle events will now properly proc
  • More safety checks for councilors replacement

Patron-only content

  • Wraiths who completely possess another character using the Puppetry Arcanos can now switch to that character and play as them via character interaction

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" Hotfix, Version, Change Log, 11/9/2023


  • Characters with the Cthonic Womb perk (Lamia Necromancy) now automatically bind the Wraiths they create with this perk
  • Sabbat Cardinal can free claim title on their region now
  • Sabbat Regent benefit is global now


  • Made the "Current Journey" button in the HUD visible again
  • Made hair of random characters culturally appropriate again.

Princes of Darkness, "Coteries & Journeys" , Version 1.11.0, Change Log, 11/9/2023

"Peacock" and Legacy of Persia

  • CK3 compatibility 1.11.0 "Peacock" and Legacy of Persia DLC
  • House Unity is added to vampires as a concept. It uses many of the same mechanics as the new vanilla clan government but with some tweaks
  • Added an house decision to challenge for leadership of vampiric houses #Allows to avoid having to murder your way to the top or having to create a cadet branch
  • Many houses have been scripted a specific starting unity when there is a lore appropriate reason to do so #Example : De Ruiz and Narses houses start as completely antagonistic while many Nosferatu houses start as more united
  • Some dynasty legacies now give bonus to specific house unity decisions

DLC only stuff included

  • Court scholar position and events.
  • DLC Locked cultural innovations.
  • DLC Locked dynasty legacy.
  • Some of the Persia only events.
  • Master Assassin court position and Fedayeen tenet for road of blood.
  • Some of the DLC locked house unity decisions.

DLC only stuff excluded

  • Persian struggle (we already have our own)
  • Vizier stuff (we already have our own with power sharing)
  • Islam and Zoroastrian decisions (might be enabled for the relevant PoD religions later but need review)


  • Journeys let your character go on adventures around the world.
  • They can be started via character interaction, or from the new Journeys & Coteries window in the sidebar.
  • You can only be on one Journey at a time, but they can be paused and resumed at a later date.

New Journeys in this update

  • Hunt in your Capital: Like the “Find Mortals” interaction and the “Hunt” scheme merged into one, with less clicking necessary
  • Learn new Abilities: Look for a mentor who can teach you new Disciplines, Arts, or Numina. If your Coterie members accompany you, they will also learn the ability
  • Learn to Master your Beast: Learn that Golconda exists
  • Make Peace with your Beast: Walk the path of Golconda... very slowly
  • The Suspire: The final test to achieve Golconda
  • Reveal yourself to the Vatican: Trigger the Inquisition and all its followup events early. THIS IS A BAD BAD BAD IDEA. (...Unless?)

The following schemes have been turned into Journeys

  • Hunt (Vampires/Kuei-Jin/Bane Mummies)
  • Find Hiding Place, aka Wake from Torpor (also lifted the diplomatic range requirement)
  • Find Lair, aka Inquisitor Hunt

The following decision has been turned into a Journey

  • Pack Training (Werewolves)

Disabled the following interactions and decisions since the new Journeys made them obsolete

  • Find Mortals
  • Ask for Mentoring
  • Learn Demonology


  • A Coterie is an adventuring party which can accompany you on your Journeys.
  • Skill checks during Journeys are done by the Coterie member most proficient in that skill.
  • You can invite characters in the same realm who have at least 50 opinion of you.
  • A Coterie member who leaves (either by dropping below -25 opinion or getting kicked out) will become your rival.
  • Added 21 different names for adventuring parties, based on your splat, religion, and other factors
  • Added 28 canon Coteries

Adapted the following event chains to take Coterie stats into account

  • Find Hiding Place
  • Find Lair
  • Pack Training

Sect Mechanics

Camarilla mechanics

  • Added a GUI window in the sidebar for Camarilla members
  • Founders of the Camarilla now vote on the tenets and doctrines during the Council of Thorns
  • Justicars and Inner Circle members can tyrannically seize money, courtiers, or prisoners from other Camarilla members, or depose them
  • Justicars and Inner Circle members can declare other characters Anathema, which lets them be hunted or targeted by the Blood Hunt CB. Other Camarilla members can petition the leaders for Anathema status
  • Anathema can be put on the Red List, with trophy bounties associated with the clan that put them there
  • Added new Court Positions for Camarilla members
  • Camarilla setup for 1510 (Inner Circle, Justicars, Red List)
  • The Code of Tremere can now be reformed by Inner Circle members

Sabbat mechanics

  • Added a GUI window in the sidebar for Sabbat members
  • Cardinals can tyrannically seize money, courtiers, or prisoners from other Sabbat members, or depose them
  • Cardinals can excommunicate other Sabbat members. Other Sabbat members can petition Cardinals for excommunication
  • Added decisions for Sabbat members to establish new Cardinal positions when conquering a new region
  • Added a decision for Sabbat members to join the Black Hand

Umbra rework

  • Added a new window for interacting with the local Gauntlet and Shroud of a province
  • Entering the Umbra now requires a ruler to discern the local Gauntlet/Shroud in this window
  • Rulers can gain province-wide buffs by interacting with the local Umbra
  • Added an Umbra map

Necromancy rework

  • Necromancers can now command their wraiths to use any Arcanoi they know on others
  • Necromancers can now make their wraiths teach each other Arcanoi

New Disciplines

  • Added 2 new disciplines: Bardo and Visceratika
  • Added Quietus Elder Perks
  • Added a decision to unlock the Visceratika discipline for Gargoyles
  • Added Bardo and Quietus Elder Perks to a few characters


  • Added 6 new mentoring event chains for Bardo, Numina, and Demonology, courtesy of karde


Crown Authority

  • Crown authority isn't tied to innovations anymore. Passing higher levels require more prestige and passing some stat checks instead.
  • The AI will try to stay at a Crown Authority level that makes sense rp wise. For example, Werewolves will stay at Low, while Road of Kings characters aim for Absolute.
  • Crown Authority 0 : Malus to vassal tax/levies, bonus to vassal opinion and limit.
  • Crown Authority 1 : Lesser versions of the above
  • Crown Authority 2 : Mostly a neutral medium.
  • Crown Authority 3 : Ducal and Kings Vassals bordering (land only) an attacker will join their liege in defense. Malus to vassal opinion and limit.
  • Some realms start with an higher Crown Authority level at the start, representing a greater than usual cohesion
  • Crown Authority 3 doesn't forbid vassals from waging any wars at all anymore. CA2 still disallows vassals wars if you don't have a hook though.


  • Changed requirements for learning Numina:
  • Lament can now be learned by Ghouls and any splat that isn't immortal
  • Theurgy can now be learned by anyone who doesn't consider Magick a crime. The crime restriction is ignored by faiths with Abrahamic roots (Road of Heaven, Ashirra, Blood Gnosticism, Hunters, Constantinians)
  • Psychic powers can now only be learned by Mortals or Hunters

Game rules

  • Added a game rule for adjusting Journey costs (multipliers: 0x, 0.5x, 1x, 2x)
  • Added a game rule for lifting the restrictions on the "Reveal yourself to the Vatican" Journey

Miscellaneous Gameplay

  • You can now get rid of appearance-based clan curses (Nosferatu, Cappadocian, Banu Haqim), either through the "Uncanny Beauty" Infernal Investment or by reaching Golconda
  • Many changes to buildings for consistency
  • Edited many "totally not murder I swear officer" type interactions so they count as murder now
  • Added a new option to reduce Masquerade exposure
  • Eased the aptitudes prerequisites for some primogens
  • Removed the v5/v20 game rule
  • Added 5 new decisions for getting rid of excess resonance perk points
  • Landed characters can now become acclaimed knights
  • Forgiving characters can't "forgive" the hooks on their herd, ghouls, thralls, and dreamers anymore
  • Being astray faith doesn't matter to factions modifiers anymore. Being hostile matters less. #Only affects characters, not counties factions. Evil faith still matters as much.
  • Being of a different culture almost doesn't matter to characters for factions anymore
  • Fabricate hook is now quite a bit harder to pull off
  • Helena now has a starting event to bury her diablerie of Minos secret #Like Mithras, to ease new players' experience. Diablerie secret is quite nasty.
  • Added character interactions for mentoring other Golconda Seekers and guiding others through the Suspire
  • The "Consolation of Philosopy" artifact now contains Golconda lore, letting you skip the first Golconda journey
  • The Yasaq objective "Thunder of the Steppes" now also adds a +1 domain limit bonus to the faith
  • Using Heart of Darkness to put someone into torpor now costs 750 piety
  • Added Serpentis advanced as a virtue for road of set religions
  • Some targeted Mummy nerfs (ducal and MaA, learning true name now is harder the older the target is)
  • Masquerade Exposure events (the nasty ones) have been reworked to use a weight system making them more likely at high exposure and less at low. They now also have a tooltip to explain why they are happening.
  • Added 3 new wonders for Kuei Jin
  • The flaming mountain has been given the full wonder treatment (multiple building steps) and is now two different buildings (as it's two different dragon nests in lore)
  • The Iron Pillar of Delhi, which exists in vanilla, has been WoD flavorized and given the full wonder treatment (multiple buildings steps)
  • Standardized Influence the Lawgivers
  • Buffed the dynasty legacies that only buff vanilla MaA #*Since those tend to be weaker overall*
  • Matasuntha's legacy now also enhances horse archers
  • Reorganized the vampire buildings order to be presented in a more sensible manner
  • Another (probably doomed) attempt to stop AI Menele and Helena from allying
  • Syria and Jerusalem now become de jure Followers of Set if their objective is done
  • Hazimel now has Chimerstry and will always succeed in taming the Eye of... well, his eye
  • The Compel perk now gives +10 invite to court base acceptance instead of now useless +hunt scheme power
  • The Codex Mortis has been reworked #Now requires to handle Titia Sabina's wraith so that she accepts to let you use it
  • The adventurer CB is no longer locked to the tribal era
  • Added the Pillars of Lilith tolerance doctrine to the Tal'mahe'Ra
  • The pyramid tenet now only disallows internal wars if the liege also has the pyramid tenet
  • Tweaked blood essence
  • Buffed the Giovanni Mausoleum to help Augustus' start
  • Ghoulifying a hunter (except Calomena Forsaken) now result in them being disinherited to not mess with inquisitors succession
  • Nerfed the antlers of your local deer to not be as legendary as they were
  • "Alexander" now has a 5th tier martial education

Quality of life

Clickable resource bars

  • Clicking the Masquerade bar will now open the Cover up Masquerade character interaction
  • Clicking the Blood bar will now show various ways for slaking your hunger

Ventrue QoL

  • Whether a character fits your feeding restrictions is now displayed in the character window and during the Hunt in your Capital Journey
  • The Herdify alert is re-enabled for Ventrue, and automatically selects a character that fits your feeding restrictions

Miscellaneous QoL

  • Added a Thrall/Neteru tab in the character window for demons/mummies
  • Added a checkbox during the Hunt event that lets you immediately start another hunt after completion (only when using the Hunt in your Capital Journey)
  • Characters with the Cthonic Womb perk (Lamia Necromancy) get a checkbox to choose whether to turn their victims into Wraiths during the Hunt event
  • Added a checkbox during Werewolf Pack Training that lets you auto-repeat the Journey
  • Your herd members’ resonance is now visible in character lists, like in the “Manipulate Herd” window
  • You can now target mortals with the Hunt Journey even if they're suffering from blood loss
  • You can now drink larger amounts when interacting with your herd members
  • The Blood Potency modifiers now show their effects on feeding from mortals
  • Added an interface alert in the "Current Situation" list if the Cover up Masquerade interaction is available and off cooldown
  • Added an interface alert in the "Current Situation" list when a mummy has alchemical products on sale
  • Added some buttons to the faith window to hide/show faiths that your splat can't follow. Invalid faiths are hidden by default
  • The Umbra interactions that grant artifacts now show a link to the artifact in the tooltip


  • New music from "Dreams of Darkness" album thanks to Skip/Serial Symphony for our Dark Ages Fae bookmark
  • Added meta data like title, track number, album and artist to "Princes of Darkness" and "Pacts of Darkness" albums
  • Added some POD music to certain events and struggle starts
  • Created a simple juke box you can access with debug console command: event sparcjukebox.1


  • Added 29 new bookmarked characters and their special content
  • Merged the "Dark Ages: Werewolves" bookmark into the "Hunters & Hunted" bookmark
  • Added the Golconda trait to the following characters: Calida, Guillaume, Lucius Aelius Caesar, Milarepa, Saulot
  • Added the Golconda Seeker trait to the following characters: Adnun, Angiwar, Byzar, Catubodua, Cretheus, Eshmunamash, Genevieve d’Orseau, Gotsdam, Khalid al-Rashid, Menele, Mokur, Pentweret, Rebekah, Rothriel, Sarmis, Si'Djeha
  • Gave the canonical Golconda Seekers some initial trait experience, based on how close they got in the lore
  • Added a new Salubri Methuselah house (Cairo by Night)
  • Removed the Psychic trait from Ming Yin
  • Re-enabled Rocklord's bookmark
  • Improved the Von Murnau family tree following Jackm's suggestions
  • Added BDW's revised Mnemach portrait
  • Durga Syn now has the appropriate flag to initiate her necromancy discipline
  • Some True Brujah history tweaks
  • To Dream of Dreamers Lost full read
  • Updated Demons DNAs #Thanks Aransentin for the file
  • Added education martial prowess 5 to a few characters
  • To Speak In Lifeless Tongues full read (some history changes)
  • Patron characters


  • Added some custom WOD flavor to the "This is you" section of the character window, under certain conditions (can you find them?)
  • The description of the Scry the Soul perk now mentions that it lets you see the resonance of others
  • Added a tooltip to the "Befriend" interaction to clarify that it has a cap


  • Characters shouldn't end up with duplicate Masquerade Exposure modifiers anymore (and if they do, the problem will fix itself)
  • Diarchs can go on pilgrimages now (for real this time)
  • AI created childer will now be of the culture of the sire's capital province instead of the sire's culture itself #Camilla won't find stray Romans to embrace in 1230 Italy anymore
  • Made an experimental change that should prevent unlanded characters with Court Positions or Accolades from wandering as much
  • Non-Iberian Kingdom tier rulers in Iberia should no longer get an all black throneroom.
  • The "Dazzling Grandeur" Toreador objective should correctly account for Primogen aptitude now
  • A Ventrue who drinks blood from a character outside their feeding preferences will no longer gain resonance XP
  • Embraced Changelings now correctly get the full Mytherceria tree, instead of just the Mytherceria Advanced trait
  • Multiple instances of Demon pact buffs will no longer stack
  • Banishing a Demon to the Abyss will now properly clean up hooks and pact buffs
  • The "Influencing the Lawgivers" building line will now properly increase Tyranny loss, instead of decreasing it
  • Fixed a bug in the Find Lair event chain that made it easier than intended when hunting very old vampires (don’t blame me if Mithras kicks your ass now)
  • Fixed a bug in the Find Lair event chain that sometimes prevented it from giving out rewards when using prowess
  • Many character interactions will now refund their cost and not go on cooldown if you choose not to use them after the triggered event
  • Cloned characters no longer become super old when their traits refresh
  • Fixed a gamebreaking bug that would cause clones not to inherit the original's sexual orientation, leaving you unable to smooch them
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to rebuild Hunter Rome after it gets destroyed by the Black Death
  • Mortal children of Hunters now also have access to St. Peter's City
  • Deaths during the Find Hiding Place event chain won't circumvent resurrection effects anymore
  • Fixed a pilgrimage event that could let a Vampire ruler gain a Werewolf knight because it didn't check for splat compatibility
  • Added some checks to prevent Earthbound from giving away or destroying the artifact they inhabit during events
  • Fixed a vanilla bug that caused single combat duels to end prematurely under certain circumstances
  • "Fixed" female portrait bug with eye when getting open mouth animation by redirecting portraits to use other blendshapes to open mouths
  • Fix Troglodytia's generation
  • Solved an edge case in the Alamut struggle
  • The AI will now only buy claims for famed or illustrious artifacts
  • The AI will now only demand the dynasty banner if they are rival or liege of the current owner. Not just because they can.
  • Fixed a vanilla event not accounting for incapable and such
  • Newly spawned Neteru won't always be peasant leaders now #Not really sure why they were
  • Fixed some edge cases in the Ante hunts when playing specific characters
  • Fixed Quietus elder powers not being available to non warriors
  • Solved an issue that could make Baali barons spawn more often than usual, especially in Germania
  • The Toreador objective is less hard on Gangrel dynasty prestige #Negative overflowing is bad
  • Tweaked several events/effects to not damage non decaying artifacts
  • Blood potency added to the Dracon's takeover event
  • Potential fix for a potential crash in the ante hunt
  • Fixed two nonsensical for the mod vanilla events
  • Reduced accolade prowess prerequisite to avoid ping ponging during wars with debuffs
  • The artisan from the commission artifact decision will now always be a mortal to avoid them running away
  • The mendicant travel event can't convert people anymore
  • Torpored characters can't be used as hostages
  • Disabled the adoption option for the feral kid vanilla event
  • The lantern of the night father artifact now correctly gives Obfuscate
  • Removed the text saying that gargoyle dynasty legacy 2 unlocked a scheme to recruit gargoyles as it was never scripted

Feeding code full rewrite

  • Fixed a LOT of inconsistencies in how feeding is handled
  • Taking someone's blood will now always award the appropriate resonance xp. Yes, that includes Nocturne. Time to schlorp
  • Taking blood from supernaturals (e.g. werewolves, fae, mummies) will now always result in the appropriate Consequences. Maybe schlorp responsibly
  • Drinking blood from a mortal is now subject to Blood Potency limitations in all circumstances (not just when herding)
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes make the player end up with multiple hunger modifiers

Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra" Hotfix, Version 1.10.2, Change Log, September 13, 2023

Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.10.2 "Quill" update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC

  • Version Number Increment

Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra" Hotfix, Version 1.10.1, Change Log, August 31, 2023

Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.10.1 "Quill" update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC

  • Version Number Increment


  • Recommend embrace interaction : Can be used on childe or grand childe in your own realm. Cost prestige. Makes the childe embrace a mortal of your choice (that is in your court or theirs) if they accept (must like you).
  • Touchstones added as court position for humane faiths that care about them.
  • Added a link to their new encyclopedia entries to each Primogen's description
  • The Quincunx Vanguard invasion also gets the capital buff and will insta declare war on spawn. They will stop warring once all their Anda religion neighbors are destroyed.
  • Cobbled together a custom portrait for Mnemach. I was tired of seeing her look like a horror movie monster instead of the weirdly attractive Nosferatu she is supposed to be
  • Removed not working and weird lore wise clan virtues from the vengeance of Lilith doctrine
  • Spiritus' aid from spirits now has a cost and a cooldown
  • Fix to vassal contracts with blood oaths vassal desire


  • Who will contest (or obtain if no player) Great Persons is now much more random
  • Fixed a panegyra scaling rewards issue
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the alert about joining an open Panegyra to show up


  • Spawned Inquisitors now get a buff to their capital to make it hard to siege and insta win the war
  • Spawned Inquisitors get a war fervor modifier to make them more aggressive
  • In "apocalyptic" game rule, spawned inquisitors will instantly declare wars when appearing and will continue doing so after each victory
  • Added a modifier to spawned end game inquisitors to make them more aggressive
  • Changed the the descriptions for some Inquisitor buildings that showed the wrong requirements


  • Added 24 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Taking education 5 in consideration (no for spamming characters)
  • Fixed an issue in the "hook, line" event
  • Degulo now a much higher piety cost
  • Nerfed the den of screams
  • Added more information in the masquerade modifiers
  • Unlock all the options in the "Survey your Capital" decision if your capital is a Grand City
  • Disabled the "Animal Sighting" events for splats that can't hunt
  • In the Umbra interactions that spawn special troops, show a preview of the type of troops you'll get in the tooltip
  • Additional nightified character view illustrations
  • Who will contest (or obtain if no player) Great Persons is now much more random
  • Fixed some inheritance issues
  • Additional icons for POD specific war types
  • Time Out nerfed
  • Proofreading and added formatting for all building descriptions
  • Added "Splat" as an encyclopedia entry, with an explanation for which splats are available in which bookmark
  • Localization fixes

Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra" Hotfix, Version, Change Log, August 23, 2023

Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version "Quill" Hotfix update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC

  • Version Number Increment
  • minor change to 00_education_interactions.txt

Changed bonuses for Roma Aeterna districts

  • Ventrue: Stewardship -> 4%/8%/12%/20% monthly Renown
  • Brujah: Martial -> 2%/4%/6%/10% Knight effectiveness
  • Nosferatu: Intrigue -> 20%/40%/60%/100% scheme discovery chance
  • Toreador: Diplomacy -> 4%/8%/12%/20% monthly Prestige
  • Malkavian: Learning -> 6%/12%/18%/30% stress loss


  • Fix for Choose Sire
  • Taking new eccentric trait into consideration when copying traits
  • Taking new perpetual hooks into consideration
  • Typo fixes for the Umbra
  • Nerf for Time Out of Time perk

Princes of Darkness, "Roma Aeterna, Brujah Panegyra", Version 1.10.0, Change Log, August 22, 2023

Compatible with Crusader Kings 3 version 1.10.0 "Quill" update, Wards & Wardens Event Pack DLC

  • Only hunters get access to the adult education activity
  • The rite of passage decision is moved from tribal only to werewolf only
  • The hostages DLC mechanic is in, but our characters generally care less about it than vanilla mortals
  • The (powerful) new 5th tiers of education have been given to a very select number of great persons and canon characters
  • Nightification of some illustrations

The Brujah Panegyra

  • What it is? Described in Libellus Sanguinus, this is an event where the Brujah clan celebrate their Greek roots by re enacting their own, tweaked, version of the Olympics games.
  • What's in game? They can be held (Brujah only, AI or not) as a normal activity. They can be joined (any vampire, except infernalist, Brujah are healing their public relations). You can participate in the contests, win prizes (money, prestige, stress loss). Various events will happen to help or hinder your performance and give you some flavor about this competition. As tournaments are disabled for them, this is also the only way for vampires to earn the Hastiluder (renamed Contestant in the mod) trait and level it up.
  • What to not expect? A vanilla tournament like interface. It's DLC locked so it can be used and very difficult to recreate from scratch as well. So it’s closer to the “small activities” like hunts in scope and presentation. An advantage of that being that the Panegyra is available to every player, and isn’t locked by Tours and Tournaments DLC.
  • Panegyra hosts now get a dynasty prestige bonus (depending on accommodations level) at the end of a successful panegyra
  • Added 3 Panegyra archery downtime events
  • Added three downtime events for the Panegyra Kerykes
  • Added 6 events for the Panegyra (boxing and board game contests)
  • Added 6 Panegyra events (horse race and wrestling downtime)
  • Tryharding during a Panegyra contest now give you a chance to up your contestant trait
  • The grace period to join a newly created Panegyra has been extended
  • Players winning a panegyra contest will now get the contestant trait 100% of the time, not just a shot at it
  • Removed the DLC (ToTo) lock on the Panegyra. Wanted to clarify some things before doing it, it's now available as a normal activity for everyone as intended, instead of a grand activity for only ToTo owners

Grand City of Rome

  • What is a Grand City? Well basically, we missed the Great Works from CK2 so much that we turned an entire city into one.
  • Some locations in the World of Darkness are very important to both the mortal and the supernatural world. Yet we don’t have a good way to portray this unique flavor, since in CK3, all holdings are the same. All castles are the same and all cities are the same. And we can’t really get around that, unless we were to create an entirely new holding type from scratch. So we did just that.
  • Rome is our first Grand City, and we hope to add more in future updates. Being the ruler of such a prestigious location should feel exciting and unique, and so each Grand City will have hand-tailored mechanics attached to it. They take a lot investment, yet offer a big pay-off.
  • There are 3 different versions of Rome, depending on the type of character who holds the city. Well… technically Werewolves have a fourth version, but it’s basically “ignore the city and go frolicking in the woods instead”. Everyone else can occupy the Grand City, and get unique mechanics in return:
  • Roma Aeterna (Rome for Vampires): A Vampire who holds Rome will be able to build up its 13 historical districts, each of which is assigned to a specific Clan. If you want to upgrade the buildings beyond tier 1, you will need to employ a Primogen of the respective Clan. Higher upgrades require higher-skilled Primogen. This could be more or less difficult, depending on the Clan. At tier 3, the districts will unlock new abilities for their owner. This is a common theme with Grand Cities. Upgrading them is more difficult, but there’s always something exciting in store for those who do. Note that you can only build a district if your Clan has access to the Primogen position in the first place. So only Setites can build the Setite district, for instance. We made sure that those “minority” Clans get some especially strong abilities in return, considering they’d have to wrest control of Rome from Camilla first. (I’m quite a fan of the Ravnos and the Banu Haqim districts, myself.)
  • St. Peter’s City (Rome for the Shadow Inquisition): Inquisitors will notice that they have a new objective pointing them in the direction of Rome. Beating Camilla as a Hunter is a tall order, but if you manage to do it and take Rome for yourself, you can create a new headquarters for the Inquisition in the monastery of San Michele. Upgrading its buildings to the maximum tier will require you to help the other Inquisition Orders. These are late-game objectives, and the buildings will appropriately unlock powerful abilities.
  • Eternal Rome (Rome for everyone else). Other supernaturals might not have such an intimate history with Rome, but they can still make use of its historical landmarks. What would you do if you could restore the Colosseum to its former glory? I’ll let your imagination fill in the rest.

Vampire Disciplines

Advanced Auspex

  • Discern the Aura: Spawn custom mortal (with gui to set stat). Disabled the discern the aura perk, which is probably not balanceable. It's not the cost that is the issue, it's that you can summon a superhuman with all the traits
  • The Mind Revealed: Reveal scheme
  • Personality Metamorph: Change personality trait of yourself
  • Supernal Awareness: Get warned of scheme agains family or lover
  • Omniscience: Reveal secret
  • Master of the Dom: Gain or upgrade building in all provinces of capital

Advanced Celerity

  • Precision: Modifier
  • Tireless Tread: Modifier
  • Quickness: Remove decision cooldown, remove scheme cooldown
  • Physical Defiance: Modifier
  • Time out of Time: Add scheme progress to every scheme
  • Between the Ticks: Temporary buff

Advanced Chimerstry

  • Horrid Blade of the Demons: custom weapon artifact
  • Mass Horror: Horrid Reality 2.0
  • Aid of the Gandharvas: Modifier
  • Mirror's Visage: Another clone that can coexist with shadow twin
  • Pseudo Blindness: Modifier
  • Sensory Deprivation: Make target blind, deaf...
  • Mask of Janus: Copy/Paste DNA from target

Advanced Obfuscate

  • Veil the Legions: Modifier
  • Visit Faerieland: Access to dreaming, umbra exploration bonus
  • Horrid Countenance: Dread shapeshift option
  • Old Friend: Become friend with target
  • Create Name: Remove every hook, claim, truce, secret knowledge and relation from target
  • Cloak the gathering is now also travel safety instead of advantage

Advanced Potence

  • Relentless Pursuit: Modifier
  • Crush: Modifier, War debuff
  • Fist of the Titans: Wound every target's knight. Fist of the titans has been nerfed and now has a cost.
  • The Forger's Hammer: Buff the weapon
  • Lend the Supernatural Vigor: Make target get same prowess as you have for 1 year
  • Might of the Heroes: Lot of Prowess

Advanced Protean

  • Adaptability: Modifier
  • Homunculus: Create a mortal clone of yourself. Protean homonculus has been nerfed
  • Turnabout: Modifier
  • Mythic Form: Bygone shapeshift option
  • Adaptation: Modifier
  • Draught of Phoenix Blood: Resurrection
  • Earth meld now gives less scheme resistance, but also travel safety

Advanced Vicissitude

  • Chiropteran Marauder: Reuse old Chiropteran Marauder shapeshift
  • Living Testudo: Turn character into artifact (mark for return compatible, so you can solforged them after)
  • Liquefy the Mortal Coil: Make character lose bodypart (won't heal for 10 year)
  • Will over Form: Vicissitude menu gui on other character and allow modify physical trait
  • Oathbreaker: Gain unbondable. Unboundable now correctly makes you immune to Dominate/Presence during diablerie attempts
  • The Last Dracul: Reuse old Dracul shapeshift
  • face shapeshift option really allow you vicissitude face
  • Prevented canon portrait Tzimisce from getting additional Vicissitude monster blendshape faces
  • Tzimisce now get an innate travel speed debuff modifier to represent that their weakness is basically "don't travel"
  • Tzimisce custom characters can pick a non vicissitude option in the chargen now
  • Simplified Vozhd/Szlachta recruitment


  • Iron Crown modifier fix
  • The (very powerful) Temporis interactions now have a cost ( This isn't "Dirty secrets of the Black Hand : the mod" yo )


  • Small nerfs to the Valeren tree

Ventrue Selective Feeding Clan Weakness reworked

  • Feeding on the wrong type of characters for a Ventrue doesn't give stress anymore, just no blood. Except animals right now
  • As a Ventrue, you can't hunt or herdify a character if they are unsuitable to your weakness anymore. A first step into making the Ventrue weakness more player friendly. More to come later on.
  • The Ventrue weakness secrets now actually tell you what "young" or "middle aged" means

Ventrue drinking from animals doesn't give you stress anymore, but instead has a chance of being rejected (costing hunger instead of sating it)

  • If a Ventrue herd member isn't suitable anymore (like not "young" anymore), they will be removed from the herd automatically
  • More starting Ventrue weakness event clarifications
  • Removed the herd alert for Ventrue characters, since it misleads into an illegal prey
  • Added a warning that ghouling a member of your herd will drastically reduce their resonance
  • The mortal from the know too much masquerade event now has their resonance properly set and can't be exsanguinated by Ventrue anymore
  • Cleaned and straightened the automatic removal from Ventrue herd script to avoid some potential instances of interface message spamming or other weird behavior

Miscellaneous Vampire Changes

  • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters. We are now at 613 unique lore buttons. (Ohgodthatswaytoomany, what am I doing with my life. I should stop counting )
  • Added encyclopedia entries for "Primogen", "Primogen Aptitude", and each of the 14 Primogen court positions, so that their aptitude requirements can easily be checked ingame
  • For the Polish Tzimisce objective, Krakow now only requires 15 dev, realm size needed is reduced to 35 but prestige upped to 1500
  • No more Setite El-Shulgi
  • Random Nosferatu are now less likely to escape getting monstrous blendshapes
  • Added a warning about the mutually exclusive Nosferatu objectives
  • Prevented canon portrait Gangrel from getting additional beast look monster blendshapes
  • Malkavians that already have a madness trait will not be assigned an additional madness trait at random
  • Upped even more the willingness of the AI to build princedoms
  • Scripted the stats of the "dead" Enochian, so that players looking behind the curtains don't see random numbers
  • Fixed several torpor character shenanigans
  • Fixed a badly structured on_action file that had a lot of consequences : Masquerade, knights, flavor, gehenna seers, midnight circus vampire events can now properly fire. Modding note : DO NOT use two (or more) random_events blocks in the same on_action. This causes the game to silently ignore everything after the first one. Trigger another on_action from the base on_action instead*
  • Disabled a travel event nonsensical for vampires
  • Fixed several torpor character shenanigans
  • Torpored characters can't be caravan masters anymore
  • KJ effect of imbalance now properly handled
  • Fix for edge cases in Elysium events
  • Scripted effects to give elder perks for future use
  • Fixed an issue with the can't frenzy trigger
  • Tweaked the Nagaraja house modifier
  • Tweaks to Mokur's house modifier
  • Added an event for Camilla to upgrade his laurel crown after finishing the political sin objective
  • Added 4 starting events for Helena about her existing childer
  • Added a starting event for Anna Comnena and the Alexiad
  • Streamlined vampire buildings giving MaA modifiers (overall buffed)
  • Lamia starts with a relation bonus modifier with Japhet now to avoid her being that rebellious. She doesn't like the guy, but respects the covenant with clan Cappadocian
  • Added a safeguard trigger to mass embraced vampires MaA
  • Osmosis now has a cooldown
  • Fixed quickness not working on diablerie schemes
  • Fixed two events potentially targeting torpored characters
  • Tariq el Haqim faiths can now do Hajj
  • Mecca added as a holy site to the Tariq el Haqim to allow for the Hajj
  • The Cult of Zilah now accepts diablerie
  • Via Luminis now has Inner Journey instead of Pursuit of Knowledge
  • Streamlined the Izhim's awakening event to make sure he gets properly landed with an army at the end of it
  • Added a special tolerance doctrine between the Cainite Heresy (and adjacent) and Via Divinitatis
  • To Sift Through Bitter Ashes full read (5 new characters, some setup changes)


  • Added a major decision: Occupy the Monastery of San Michele (Shadow Inquisition only)
  • Added two missing conditions curable by touch of the saints
  • Reinforced the artifacts giving TF triggers (no Baali TF, since faith is their weakness, or possessed TF since they aren't themselves)
  • Integrated Dee's tweaks to the True Cross behavior during find lair events. Fixed an issue in it (name used instead of modifier)
  • Vampire cannibals can't eat true faith prisoners anymore. A sentence you never expected to write in your life spotted
  • Added a tooltip to explain why a crisis of faith is happening
  • Fixed a case where the Pope mechanic could break for long Inquisitors campaigns
  • Slimmed down the very verbose tooltip when finishing introducing a new character to an Inquisitor order
  • Removed an accusation of witchcraft event for non hunters


  • Neferu and Nefertiti now start with a correct flag to be able to use their existing necromancy trait
  • Nerfed the amount of Sekhem given in Dark Kingdom of Sand
  • The Ma'at haven building now only require a special building slot from tier 4 upwards instead of from the start. This gives adventuring Shemsu Heru something to build in ducal slots when outside of the lands of faith in holdings with no special slots


  • Demons can't get true faith by artifacts anymore
  • Set Ares to wearing ancient Greek armor by default
  • Binding more demons should not sabotage your existing investiture income. It is counter-intuitive that binding additional demons makes you less powerful and less able to acquire investiture. Thralls still lose progress if they make a pact with a demon that hates them, as being hated by your masters should have some consequences.
  • Removed demonology stuff from the first bookmark, since there are no demons here. Might be the most confusing and asked question at the moment, so that clarifies it


  • Stains Glass' bookmark portrait is now in Crinos form
  • Lupus characters can now properly get heirs by events
  • Swapped out the balefire neon green for light green in Wyrm/Black Spiral Dancer randomly generated coats of arms
  • Plasmid bonus given by the gauntlet nerfed
  • Beheading has been added as a common execution method to avoid some edge cases like vampires having to exsanguinate werewolves to kill them
  • Nerfed the gauntlet and umbra building MaA bonus

Diarchies and Power Sharing

  • Diarchy monthly swing toward balance has been reduced significantly, to give more time for both players and AI to try to "win" the diarchy
  • Diarchs can now do pilgrimages
  • Imprisoned vassals can't ask for power sharing anymore
  • Added a decision for players wanting to give up on a power struggle

Prowess rebalance

  • Overall prowess numbers tweaked
  • Standardized the prowess given by discipline traits (not lifestyles).
  • Prowess education characters also get their martial dynasty perk trait now
  • Prowess education now gives another bonus to increase its utility
  • Reduced the cooldown in the diarchy power scale swing interaction #Still trying to find the right balance here

Travel system flavorization

  • Added ten events for travels in the WoD (danger related or not)
  • Added four new travel options to represent how different splats travel
  • Added twelve WoD travel sites
  • Added PoD modifiers for the travel master court position aptitude


  • Added 7 artifacts (Technically, one is in two parts can be reconstituted and another has 13 copies of it). 3 of those artifacts are named mounts, using added slot for those. If this test goes well and no issues are reported with mount "artifacts", we might add more in the future.
  • Non-decaying artifacts prevented from get damaged in combat. Artifacts like Dagger of Thorns were degrading in the hands of NPCs and this damage effect may be the culprit.
  • make sure theocracy_government stays disabled
  • Another pass at various events potentially destroying artifacts needed for collection quests
  • Nerf to the Achen artifact


  • Buildings with a negative county wide effect can only be built in the county capital now. Barons won't wreck your county with their choices anymore
  • New tweaks to make AI barons not build negative county wide buildings
  • A court event giving vanilla buildings can't do that anymore
  • Removed the script creating great buildings for religious holy sites. We have a ton of religions, and vanilla do as well, so the map is cluttered with these useless (99% of the time, since you need to be of the right religion) special building slot that confuse players since they can't be built
  • Removed the boom vanilla effect making every AI frenzying to fill all its buildings slots at start. The AI still frenzies over holdings slots, but considers upgrading existing buildings more
  • Tweaks to the Toreador musicians building


  • Added 32 PoD flavorized new accolades for all splats
  • Main menu displayed default characters are now canon characters from the mod rather than hold overs from Vanilla CK3
  • Disabled the "seek automatically for successors" accolade decision that didn't work for PoD anyway. You can obviously still appoint successors manually if needed (but immortals being immortals, this might not even be needed).
  • Numerous typos, bugs, scope fixes, building bonuses, Coat of Arms errors, missing localization and duplicate DNA thanks to amtep's ck3-tiger
  • Fix some bad illustration filenames
  • Fix inspiration cost logic to account for sponsor's perks
  • Mortals will no longer be eligible for council positions in supernatural councils
  • Chinese Translation
  • Added a bonus to culture traditions about hunts so that they aren't useless for characters that can't hunt
  • Nerfed Animate MaA
  • Tweaked a pilgrimage event potentially giving the monk trait to everyone
  • Added a "Battle Modifier" text to modifiers that look infinite but actually disappear after a battle, for clarity
  • Removed a sunshine reference in a vanilla even
  • The AI will never choose to be wed during the Bruising Bride event. Players are still free to do as they please.
  • Renamed the Hastiluder vanilla trait for a broader use
  • Fixed the possibility for people outside the French struggle area to finish it
  • Monarch of beauty and noblesse nickname don't override existing nicknames anymore
  • Seek the Spirits decision has less chance of giving a permanent good trait
  • Added 4 portraits by Red Grail
  • Fixed an issue with Karnof's dynasty
  • The convert to withcraft scheme has been made less easy to pull off
  • Commented out some useless 867 vanilla startdate scripts slowing down game start
  • The (very strong) sparring leader of knights modifier now lasts only one year
  • Replaced a vanilla event localization to be broader
  • Grandeur interaction now has a hefty cost balancing its hefty power
  • Reduced the AI likelihood of starting house feuds. Big dynasties in the mod, so house feuds tend to end up as worldwide murder fests
  • Meditation chances of critical success (+learning stat) have been reduced
  • The Romance scheme events now give lifestyle xp instead of straight up perk points
  • Removed some death by hunting accident adjacent risks for the AI
  • Replaced some bright ocean event illustrations by our sunless sea one
  • The vanilla murders at court story cycle has been disabled. Was responsible for a lot of nonsensical deaths of important characters
  • Age isn't a factor in AI factions calculations anymore
  • Added 12 Great Persons. This batch finishes the Middle East, Scandinavia/Baltics and the Steppes area, and also raises our number of GPs to the symbolic "200+"
  • Small nerfs to vanilla university stats


  • Patron War Fixes
  • Mew Patron War Landings
  • New Patron Special Titles
  • Latest Patron Character Histories
  • New Patron Nicknames
  • New Patron Dynasties
  • Added new Coats of Arms for new Patron Dynasties/Houses and Realms.
  • Added DNA for various new Patron characters
  • Picked some outfits for new Patron characters, and fixed some missing outfits for older Patron characters
  • Added various monster visual effects to certain new Patron characters
  • Updated Patron War Bookmarks DNA with new a changes

Princes of Darkness, "Praxis", Version 1.9.2, Change Log, June 15, 2023

  • Compatibility for CK3 1.9.2 "Lance"
  • PDX accolades interface rework included

Power Struggles, Diarchies

  • Some Kindred struggles for Praxis are now represented with Diarchies using CK3's Power Struggle mechanics for regencies.
  • Power Struggles now have various modifiers. For the liege : +Domain limit (scale by the diarch stewardship), +knight limit (scales by diarch martial), +vassal opinion (scales by diarch diplomacy). +stress gain. For the diarch : +stress gain, +prestige.
  • Being in a Power Struggle can now be beneficial to you if your diarch is loyal and competent. So getting rid of them is a trade off.
  • Characters with an intro starting in a power struggle now have their intro mention it
  • Hardestadt and Julia Antasia in the Fiefs of the Black Cross now start in a power struggle.(situational, Julia stance Selfless)
  • Salianna and Geoffrey in the Courts of Love now start in a Power Struggle (Salianna dominated, Geoffrey stance : self interested). As such, they aren't "married" anymore and Salianna's custom content has been adapted to this change. A power struggle is a way better representation of their 1230 relationship than a non existent marriage
  • Qarakh and Deverra in the Ferals of Livonia now start in a Power Struggle (balanced, Deverra stance : selfless)
  • Sylvester de Ruiz and Moncada in the Shadow Reconquista now start in a Power Struggle (Moncada dominated, Moncada stance : self interested)
  • Fan of the White Exiles now starts in a Power Struggle with Fang Liwan (selfless but utterly dominant)
  • Yuri Tvarivich now starts in a power sharing with his sister (balanced, Sophia is selfless)
  • Added a way to dynamically start a Power Struggle for both AI and players, finishing to fully enable this mechanic for PoD
  • The succession part of the Diarchy/Regency window has been removed. Diarchies aren't inheritable in PoD so it was useless clutter.
  • Dynamic diarchies now start at 50 power balance instead of 5. It's now much harder getting rid of a diarch, requiring much more power balance in the liege's favor
  • The AI won't try to get rid of a selfess diarch anymore (the player as a diarch is always considered situational loyalty, so can still be dismissed)
  • Tweaks to remove some uneeded vanilla intro events and replace some vanilla localization
  • Some tweaks to vanilla regencies tooltips for more clarity

Kuei Jin

  • Kuei Jin buildings now have a drawback like their vampire "cousins". Since KJ buildings are overall stronger and not gated by dev/tech, the drawback gets stronger each level instead of going down like for vampires.
  • Kuei Jin titles now get elective succession like their vampire counterparts as intended
  • Kuei-Jin Age Banners
  • Kuei Jin are less good at navigating the umbra, making it costlier and slower for them
  • Vampires and Kuei Jin can't get the incest secret anymore as they aren't related to their "children"


  • Repenting very hard about your diablerie doesn't not make you a diablerist.
  • Malkavians can't be cured of their lunacy with true faith anymore
  • Fixed Giovanni not having access to Cappadocian/Giovanni primogen post objective
  • Fixed a Baali dynasty tree issue
  • Allow changes to clothing color in barbershop: You can now choose the color of your shirt like a big boy!
  • Nudity returns, you perverts.
  • Royal Courts Darkened. Initial patch for 1.9 lacked night time throne rooms. They have been restored.
  • Replaced a bunch of illustrations by placeholder night versions. We never replaced BP1 illustrations actively since they were barely used, but they are now used a lot when characters are moving. So we had a lot of instances of sunny backgrounds still
  • Compression/Optimization of various CoA/Texture/Illustrations .dds files. Mod should be about half the size it was.
  • Made the sunny day event localization less sunny
  • Werewolf "skin" will now be a similar color to the werewolf hair. That is a color the player can change in Barbershop.
  • Small history changes (Elysium full read)
  • Tweaked a travel event behaving weirdly with supernatural secrets
  • Tweaked a pilgrimage event removing your secret, it's now used only to remove stress coping traits.
  • Another check to make sure that the AI can't sneakily take the disabled activities dynasty legacy
  • Elemental MaAs are less numerous
  • Horrid reality is now a little less horrid
  • Tweaks to lighten an engine intensive niche event (the game looking all the time to make sure the cardinal of the inquisition is an inquisitor)
  • Tweaks to berserker kill
  • Barons can't build Influence merchant and influence underworld anymore, the two buildings that give county wide control malus
  • AI abominations can't embrace anymore
  • Fix the AI being petty and being able to put contracts for 0 gold in the web of knives
  • Fix for a tour event looking way too deep to find a criminal
  • Added drawbacks to some of the most powerful cultural traditions that didn't have one yet
  • Fixed an issue with vampires reverting to confederate partition
  • Some tweaks to the game setup starting events to avoid spamming players with "your councilor/guest has been killed" at the start (when unwanted splat characters are killed)
  • Do not disturb characters moved to Charon's court to reduce the likelihood of them interacting with players in unintended ways
  • Fixed a small edge case Elysium event issue
  • Teach and Ask for Mentoring Demonology
  • As the Possessed, call spirit to possess courtier to make the Possessed
  • Valeren update
  • Chi Heal update
  • Scope fix for Heart of Darkness
  • Mummy alchemy interaction
  • Torpor check for Ventrue Ethic of Succor interaction
  • Mummy effigy interactions
  • Shih fixes: Yomi Wan hostility, Gifts from Heaven modifier
  • make realm_actor_custom proof against RECIPIENT = this
  • marriage modifiers update
  • Rename to lowercase (fixes missing icon on Linux)
  • Fixed missing building icons
  • Some nerfs to the bonus given by the possessed traits
  • Patron character additions
  • Updated
  • Monster forms: new Chiropteran Maruaduer alternative form, Aquarii Gangrel Mariner, Chulorviah Elder Form
  • Wraith: move fetter tier checks to right click interaction
  • Fera unreleased development: Auspices, Traits, Lifestyles, Rites, Models, Insults, Adoption, Litany
  • Fae unreleased development: Arts (Pyretics, Metamorphosis, Kyros, Aphrodesia ), Bookmark, Decisions, enable Tournaments, random Kith diversification
  • Error cleaning and suppression
  • Localization fixes
  • Chinese Translation

Princes of Darkness, "Aachen bei Nacht", Version 1.9.1, Change Log, May 31, 2023

  • Updates for CK3 1.9.1 (Lance)
  • Reworked Germany setup to account for info from the Aachen and Frankfurt books provided by our translators
  • Hardestadt's holdings (including castle Hardestadt) are now concentrated around Wurzburg. Roughly the same size and power, and still in contention for the kingdom of East Francia with Julia
  • Vampire bookmark only : Bavaria (before fairly centralized under Ilse Reineger) has been shattered into small size domains
  • Ilse and her infamous childe Gustav Breidenstein have been moved to their loreful position as future masters of Berlin (hence Brandenburg). The duchy of Ostfalen also goes with them, keeping them as a thorn on the Black Cross side (eastern this time, and not southern)
  • Cocceius becomes prince of Aachen/duke of Julich and part of the surroundings duchies as well.
  • Other new Aachen and Frankfurt characters have been sprinkled around Germany, replacing less important characters.
  • Added Sithis' DNA to the new German chars
  • Fixed Werewolf Crinos Form (known issue: leaf)
  • Added Werewolf Armored Crinos (known issue: leaf)
  • Added Werewolf Hairless Crinos (known issue: leaf)
  • Added Werewolf Hairless Armored Crinos (known issue: leaf)
  • Update to character view illustrations
  • Script notes : recruit_courtier has been replaced by add_courtier. House feud triggering has completely changed.
  • Everyone no longer wears floral crowns
  • Characters spawned by chain of events now get a lost_duel character flag so that you don't need to imprison them twice in some instances
  • Rewrote the "in the name of Horus" objective event text to be less placeholdery
  • Karl Shreckt will now disappear instead of just going to the pool if he isn't captured
  • Fixed a nickname given by tours taking over all nicknames at the game goes on
  • Torpored characters can't be pushed for faction claims anymore
  • Fixing some more instances of potentially destroyed unique artifacts
  • More artifact safeguards
  • Removed two occurrences of incapable potentially being added to immortal characters
  • Fixed a very rare occurence of a potion potentially killing immortals
  • Fixed incapable characters being able to threaten to depart for their claims
  • else_if to else if there's no limit block
  • Logic fix to character initialization
  • add missing name loca (gehenna omen character)
  • removed harmless duplicate fields
  • Missing CFP hair and armor added to Barbershop if CFP in load order
  • proper scoping for POD_diablerie_piety_loss_effect
  • Scope fix in 00_POD_demon_tempt_interactions.txt
  • add scopes to character interactions where there's no root
  • re-add missing } in textformatting GUI
  • fix wrong character id holding c_falkenstein
  • Updates to Umbra
  • character_travel_speed on perk
  • Update resurrection effects
  • Update neteru interaction
  • Update to demon scheme
  • Fera model development
  • Chinese Translation

Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", Version, HotFix, Change Log, May 21, 2023

  • Statue shader portrait effects return. Gargoyles are now stony, not fleshy.
  • Germany rework 1 and various fixes
  • Added 43 characters from the various German sourcebooks #Only scripted for now, not landed or DNA
  • Sub mod created: "POD + Better Barbershop Compatibility Patch" mod. Load Order: Princes of Darkness, Better Barbershop then POD + Better Barbershop
  • Fixed baytmutasharid being two bonus
  • Kemintiri will now change traits and remove the Setite as Sin doctrine to the child of Osiris if she choose her redemption path during her last objective
  • The Molochim objective reward has seen a small buff
  • Characters that can't hunt can no longer be invited to hunts, which should reduce the number of sneaky werewolves inviting vampires to hunts and then "accidents" happening
  • loca: replace hunt gameconcept with activity ty...
  • replace SCOPE.GetVariable with THIS.Var
  • Scope fixes
  • Incarna Gift
  • Umbra Tweak
  • You should get Legendary Incarna Artifact if reach level 5 in correspond court Demon player won't see the suicidal "Trap me in Abyss" button anymore
  • Demon Dread
  • Now demon’s revelation will tell you how much dread you need to pass boldness
  • Umbra event chance reduced from 1/5 to 1/12
  • Umbra kj event chance increased from 1/1201 to 1/133
  • Umbra event won't repeat so much
  • Umbra event won't get trigged so much
  • Umbra explorer is auto-fired when leave your court
  • Umbra Fleshing
  • Flagellant now give you stress when heal instead prevent you use heal (Doubt with so much stress gain/lose modifier in mod could lead exploit again)
  • Remove some spurious scope = none
  • Update POD_anteshunts_l_english.yml
  • removed root in an effect that doesn't alway work
  • Now you need 1000 grace and umbra level 5 to gain incarna fetish
  • Fae nerf, artifact interaction should cost same piety to claim artifact
  • Setite Hostility
  • Split setite part from apohis hostility due to problem it have
  • stress_gain_mult Nerf
  • Nerfed stress_gain_mult number overall
  • Complex trigger cleanup
  • Scrollbar on Barbershop returns
  • Update 00_PoD_ducal_buildings.txt
  • Only player characters get ventrue feeding preference secret now
  • stationed ai values changed
  • Fix to a tooltip
  • removed unused activity loca
  • remove duplicate scripted trigger
  • Ravnos Chimerstry added to chargen
  • killed by animal fix
  • Update 00_POD_1230_objectives_fae_decisions.txt
  • Update 00_marriage_triggers.txt
  • Update POD_religion_docrtineandtenets_l_english
  • Various fixes
  • Chinese translation
  • Blocked a new instance of becoming incapable post battle for immortal characters
  • The Gantenbein are now theologian
  • Ayr and Iulius are now better Antiquarians, befitting their fame as the best vampire blacksmith
  • Predator types aren't a thing for the AI anymore
  • Update 00_knight_phase_events.txt - karde5
  • Update 00_POD_demon_thrall_interactions.txt
  • Delete extra POD_western_legwear_trigger
  • add missing loca SAME_PATH_REASON
  • Change most positive prowess modifier to prowess_no_portrait
  • Change negative prowess_no_portrait modifier to prowess since modifier.log say:
  • Extra info: Doesn't affect portraits. Note that you can get some odd results when using negative values for people with negate_prowess_penalty_add
  • Update 00_POD_wraith_modifiers.txt
  • Update 00_POD_elysium_activity.txt
  • Various fixes
  • Chinese translation

Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", Hotfix, Version, Change Log, May 17, 2023

  • Compatibility to integrate Paradox hotfix
  • Added 23 lore buttons
  • Added Tom's nightyfication of some of the new vanilla illustrations
  • Fix for Inquisitors successions issues
  • Pilgrimages piety gains nerfed
  • Nerfed the ep2 spawned characters stat inflation #Some very high intrigue characters seem to still spawn, but I haven't find the culprit for it yet
  • Grand weddings should now start properly
  • Fix for activities end being misplaced in war on action
  • Fix for activities cooldown
  • Pilgrimages now have a cooldown
  • Scroll Interaction Menu return, and better!
  • Game Rule Categories
  • Fixed another high stat outlier
  • Nerfed the AI likelihood to go to pilgrimages so that not every vampire be a master pilgrim by 30 years in
  • Building Effect Desc
  • AI focus fix
  • stationed modifier format and loca support
  • boosted kj/mummy/demon/fae/wraith/umbra stationed modifier
  • Fix can't join your sire dynasty as cadet house as chargen option
  • Passing stationed modifier in some building to generic for dumb ai
  • Horrid Reality should clean correctly now
  • Fix for tiny trait list GUI
  • The first neutral totem legacy has been adapted to the new hunt stuff
  • Werewolves crinos graphical form has been disabled until it's fixed
  • Fix catholic religion in Lubeck
  • Updates to Umbra
  • Chinese translation

Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", Version, Change Log, May 12, 2023

  • Fix issues related to the defines file not overwriting properly when using 01. Need a complete reinstall but shouldn't break saves (incl fix for dynasty renown)
  • Players will no longer get soft-locked from progressing further into the game after failing to hunt the animal in the "Hunt: Softly, softly" event.
  • Characters in Ruler Designer will now wear clothing, you prudes.
  • Elysium and Survey cooldown fix.
  • Tour Intent: Lechery, Altruism and Justice.
  • Fix for POD death effects
  • Resurrection script for tour and travel event
  • Chinese translation
  • Activity days fix
  • Building effect description
  • Fix to Umbra triggers
  • Fix to Demonology lifestyle track
  • Addition of Notre Dame, Cevennes, Phocaea, Zawar, Khetri, Takkeda, Konasamudram, Argentiera, Srebnica, Tudra, Nishapur, Verespatak Mines, and University to Siena, Theravada, Malwa, Kashmir, Sankore, Tamilakam, Bengal and Gujarat.
  • Added Church holding to St. Denis
  • Holy heal fix scoping and localization
  • fix for mercenary character template
  • Localization fixes
  • Tribal governments can raid

Princes of Darkness, "Torture and Toreadors", version, Change Log, May 11, 2023

  • Update for CK3 1.9.0 (Lance)
  • This is a patch to just have POD be playable, we will be looking to solve many outstanding known issues mentioned below in the near future.
  • If you have the Tours and Tournaments DLC, certain canon characters will be sporting DLC clothing.
  • Tournaments are completely disabled (too off flavor wise for now), we will return to this in the future for things more themeatic to World of Darkness.
  • Grand weddings are enabled for players, except the "feast" phase
  • Everything else from the DLC is in, except some specific events for specific splats as usual
  • All buildings global MaA bonus are now stationed MaA bonus instead except for wonders (to make them stand out even more) and hunters (MaA are their specialty)
  • Buildings slots unlocking now follow vanilla's rules of being unlocked by cultural innovations/eras. PoD is way more generous with it though, so you should start with a little less slots than before instead of a lot less. Various buildings now also add building slots.
  • Era bonus/malus for MaA aren't a thing anymore. Some nerfs have been made to compensate.
  • Some opinion modifiers scripts (obedient, non aggression pact) have been deprecated
  • The revenant followup objective has been disabled (used activity script)
  • Free states only gets clan taxes/levies (per opinion) boosts a vassal opinion and limit bonus instead (representing their decentralized nature).
  • Council positions file has become very prone to silent crash. Handle with care.
  • The focus and royal court buttons on the left of opened character portraits have been removed. Simply not enough room left for WoD lore buttons with PDX adding the barbershop button there otherwise. Royal courts are still openable by the right menu button and lifestyle by the bottom left one.
  • The scrollbar PoD added to the character interactions menu doesn't work anymore. Back to vanilla (which can open issues for some extreme GUI resolutions).
  • Statue graphic effects are missing: Gargoyles are fleshy, no golden God form, etc...
  • Script notes : add_building_slot doesn't work anymore and has been replaced by a modifier using building_slot_add. Event background is now called reference. Hidden_effect_new_artifact has become hidden_effect_new_object.
  • Fix for a potential break in the childe education event chain
  • Reduced Umbra Cost
  • Revised Demon and Mummy House Modifiers
  • Dark Ages Fae / Changeling: the Dreaming development continues
  • Replaced Michaels Obfuscate Advanced with Chimerstry Advanced as written in his sheet
  • Markus Musas is now Claudius grandchilder
  • Gave Blood Sorcery Advanced to Byebolg, who while lacking a sheet is described as being a Koldunic Sorcerer with mastery over waters and weather and having created his own Revenant line.

Princes of Darkness, "Lore of the Clans", Version 1.8.2, Change Log, April 5, 2023

  • Update for CK3 1.8.2 "Robe/Elegance of Empire"

CFP compatiblity with no patch necessary!

Improved portrait and throne room compatibility: This will greatly help future updates from vanilla CK3 as well as make the mod more easily compatible with Community Flavor Pack. Also, some changes to make CFP provided throne rooms in their night version, as well as have some CFP clothing and headgear to appear appropriately on canon characters. Changes to the intro event that check for CFP (like we check for FSB) and provide appropriate warnings and load order advice. A few canon character portraits may need tweaking to match their author's version. As a bonus the player character can pick some fantasy colors for hair. I plan to turn down their saturation a bit in the future. In the future there will be some more fantastical hair colors on fae and other appropriate characters. If you are using Full Screen Barbershop (FSB) and/or Community Flavor Pack (CFP), put them BEFORE Princes of Darkness Mod in your load order.

  • Makes CFP throne rooms work logically with POD faiths. Known issue: Remove the whiteness from windows in the HRE/Fiefs of the Black Cross court.
  • Fix for portrait shaders for Vulkan API renderer (Mac/Linux relevant)
  • Fix issues with CFP African, Iberian and Andalusian Throne Rooms
  • Added support for Norse Throne Room
  • Changed texture files for Elegance of Empire drip
  • Added support for choosing Elegance of Empire drip
  • A patch for EPE will be made in the future, merger of shaders values is needed.


Clan Content

Banu Haqim

  • Vizirs, sorcerers and warriors devoted to their vision of their founder, Haqim.
  • Weakness : Banu Haqim's skin darken with age. Represented as a game rule in the mod. Their second weakness, the Baali curse, happens during gameplay as a major event.
  • Content : The Web of Knives, allowing Banu Haqim to pursue contracts placed on other vampires for gold.
  • Overhauled the Izhim event
  • The Web of Knives has had a facelift and various improvements
  • Ur-Shulgi no longer kills characters he has been told to not bother.
  • Assamite factions influence has been capped to be clearer to players


  • The warriors scholars of Carthage and Hellas are bitter and angry, devolving into a rabble of rebels looking for a cause.
  • Weakness : Brujah are prone to frenzy. In the mod, they are more likely to get the various frenzy events.
  • Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks a unique Brujah Warmaster court position.
  • Replace the Brujah cadre dynasty legacy by an unlock of a new minor court position. The Brujah cadre interaction was sort of clunky and a court position achieves the same end result in a more streamlined way


  • The scholars of death, cursed to go in cycles of death and rebirth for eternity.
  • Weakness : Cappadocians, past mortal age, will always look like corpses (both in lore and the mod).
  • Content : A dynasty legacy unlocks the Lamia bodyguard, representing the unique relationship between Cappadocians and the daughters of Lilith.
  • Reworked the Lamia bodyguard perk to be a chain of events with several choices
  • Added a tolerance between Lilin religions and via ossium (so that Lamia can work alongside Cappadocians as intended)

Followers of Set

  • Devoted followers of their God Set, ready to bring freedom and corruption to the world.
  • Weakness : Setites take double damage from the sun. Not represented in the mod.
  • Content : If you play a character with the via set religion, you can"corrupt" any vampiric religion that you hold at least 3 holy sites of. Corrupting here means making them a part of the pillars of Set, righteous to you and other members of this secret pact.
  • Added the Setite special clan content (religious content more specifically) : corrupting other faiths
  • Expanded and improved the "warriors of glycon/witches of echidna" event
  • Added a chain of event for Egyptian rulers featuring Baybars' purge. Procalmation of Red Tears/Baybars Event Chain: In lore, Baybars' reign was a catatlysmic affair for the Egyptian supernatural, resulting in the entirety of clan Setite fleeing Egypt during his reign and Ombos itself (their capital) being sacked by the Mameluke. It is said that the Setites' reaction to later Inquisition in Europe was basically "Heh, Baybars was way worse". It's now represented in the mod. At the start of the event chain you can choose to follow the canon choice of the setites : fleeing. It will be very costly but you will be out of reach of Baybars' follow up attacks. It's the prudent choice. Or you can choose to stay. Whatever your choice, Baybars will ramp up his attacks in the following years, resulting in even more devastation. What precisely will be his attacks is randomized from playthrough to playthrough. But it will always culminate attacking one of the supernatural wonders of Egypt (like Ombos, or the Fire Court). Their owner can try to defend it, but it's difficult. For those that have managed to stay in Egypt until the end of Baybars' reign, they will have an opportunity for payback. But it will be difficult. The AI follows exactly the same rules as the players. Meaning Egyptian AIs will be very very weakened during Baybars' rule, which might open opportunities for neighbors. Finally, since it is quite the painful chain of events, a game rule allows you to disable it.
  • Setup changes (Clan Book Setite/Setite Revised full read)
  • Greatly expanded Kemintiri's special content
  • Faiths with the Osirian league doctrine will now lose it if corrupted by Setites
  • Childer of Warriors of Glycon and Witches of Echidna now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread.
  • Warriors of Glycon get Potence, Prescence and Serpentis. Cadet Houses created from Warriors of Glycon keep the same behavior.
  • Witches of Echidna get Animalism, Presence and Akhu (Blood Sorcery). Cadet Houses created from Witches of Echidna keep the same behavior.
  • Corrected Disciplines of The Last Glycon character that spawns as part of Setite clan content. (Had Protean advanced, now has Serpentis Advanced)
  • Updated the Character Creation decision to reflect the change in Warriors of Glycon disciplines. (Used to get Protean, now gets Serpentis)
  • More safety checks to the end of Baybars' purge


  • Nomads, wanderers, the Gangrel work with the Beast, not against it.
  • Weakness : Gangrel gain an animalistic feature when frenzying, both in lore and in the mod.
  • Content : As a dynasty legacy, Gangrel rulers can unlock the Rite of Status to formally introduce themselves to one another.
  • Replaced the Challenge for Alpha Gangrel interaction by a more in depth Rite of Status chain of events
  • Small setup changes, new characters (Clan Book Gangrel and Clan Book Gangrel Revised full read)


  • The Venetian necromancers, a bloodline sworn to the Cappadocians, but with their own ambitions and methods.
  • Weakness : While most other vampires' bite is a blissful experience, Giovanni's bite is always painful. In the mod, it disallows some predator types.
  • Content : GIovanni get access to the Familial Embrace mechanic, where they can nurture of their own mortal family for potential Embrace.
  • Added a Giovanni familial childe event system


  • The ruthless social darwinists, draped in shadows of their own creation.
  • Weakness : Lasombra cast no reflection, making them obsessed with their appearance. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
  • Content : Lasombra get access to the Courts of Blood, allowing them to Petition for Sanctioned Diablerie of fellows Lasombra, and the Amici Noctis, their secretive leading organization steering the clan towards their own ends.
  • Added events related to joining and using the Amici Noctis
  • Diablerizing a Lasombra sentenced by the court of blood doesn't count as a murder anymore (so no murder secret or kinslaying). Still does make you a diablerist though because, well, you are
  • Fixed Courts of Blood's victim already being a nemesis edge case


  • Seers and madmen, the Malkavian see truth and falsehood much clearer than other clans.
  • Weakness : Malkavian all have a derangement, represented as the lunatic, depressed, paranoid or possessed traits in the mod.
  • Content : Some dynasty legacies unlock the Madness Network interactions. Using them can lead to various events down the line at you explore it.
  • Expanded the existing Madness Network interactions
  • All the permanent vanilla naked modifier (tied to lunatic trait) have been changed to temporary ones. To avoid all Malkavian invariably ending up naked as time goes on.
  • AI use of Malkavian powers has been sanitized (heh) to follow the new AI powers usage rules
  • Added a missing Malkavian lineage/house from France by Night
  • Nerfs to the Knossos labyrinth wonder to make it less front-loaded


  • Deformed beyond belief, the Nosferatu must also face the wrath of their sadistic founder.
  • Weakness : All Nosferatu has hideously deformed, both in lore and in the mod.
  • Content : During your game, you will have reports of strange events in your domain that put your Nosferatu brethren in a fearful frenzy. Claiming those events are the work of the dreaded Nicktuku, they will ask of you to make (costly) preparations for defense. A large majority of the time, these events will be red herrings, just simple paranoia... but sometimes, it will indeed lead to a confrontation with a Nicktuku, where the preparations you made might save your unlife.
  • Added the Nosferatu clan content, related to the Nicktuku


  • Indian vampires, divided by castes, embroiled in an unending war for their homeland.
  • Weakness : Ravnos have compulsions, be they good or bad, to do a specific action even at the most inopportune of times. Not represented in the mod.
  • Content : Ravnos are divided by Jati (castes) represented as Houses in the mod. Each Jati has a mini objective to improve their starting house modifier.
  • Reworked the Ravnos family tree, fixing some issues and adding new houses. Basically to include all of their Jatis/castes so that we have an easier time scoping to them for extended content
  • Added mini objectives for the Ravnos Jati
  • Some setup tweaks (Clan Book Ravnos/Ravnos Revised full read)


  • Aesthetes and poseurs, leeching off humanity's imagination to feel alive.
  • Weakness : Toreador can get entranced for hours by something or someone they think beautiful. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.
  • Content : As their last dynasty perk, Toreador get access to 5 "mini wonders", powerful but expensive buildings.
  • Added 5 unique buildings as the last Toreador dynasty perk. Toreador don't have secret societies or fancy activities, so they get something to lean on their more humane/artistic nature. These five buildings are "mini wonders", expensive but powerful.
  • Volgirre now get the right disciplines instead of their standard clan spread. Volgirre get Auspex, Celerity and Vicissitude. Cadet Houses created from Volgirre keep the same behavior.
  • Added support for Volgirre to the Character Creation decision.
  • Tweaked the Rayeen'al fen house modifier


  • The Usurpers, former mages who wrestled immortality from other vampires, and must now fight to retain it.
  • Weakness : Tremere are especially easy to blood bound, both in lore and in the mod.
  • Content : The Inner Council, the ruling body of the Tremere, is a special mechanic available to all loyalist Tremere.
  • Added the Tremere Council feature for early testing
  • Added 5 events related to the Tremere Council system
  • Completed the Tremere Council system


  • Monsters and fiends, sending shudders down other vampires' spines.
  • Weakness : Tzimisce must always sleep close to some soil of their homeland. Not represented in the mod yet.
  • Content : The Rite of Release is a tradition for Tzimisce childer that happen several years after their Embrace, it happens as a small chain of events. Tzimisce also are especially geared towards "Revenant play" but it's not strictly limited to them.
  • Added a small chain of events for Tzimisce childer several years after their Embrace, the Rite of Release. Tzimisce already have several "almost clan unique" mechanics like the Revenants and Vicissitude shenanigans. So this addition is on the small side, mostly to highlight the often forgotten "tradition bound" part of the clan.


  • Nobles and tyrants ruling the night.
  • Weakness : Ventrue have particular tastes and can only drink blood from a specific subset of mortals. Represented in the mod as a choice during the starting events.
  • Content : The Ventrue Ephorate is the shadow council of the 12 elders debating the stance and philosophy the clan as a whole should follow. As a game mechanic, it can give important dynasty modifiers to the Ventrue and open new events to a Ephor character.
  • Added the Ventrue Ephorate
  • The Ventrue clan bane event is now more talkative, including actually telling you what "young" means in game terms. The predator type event also now explain what they are.
  • Mithras now has a starting event to hide his early nights secret
  • Some predator types don't give an automatic herd anymore, or aren't available to Ventrue. New player picks Ventrue because recommended. New player picks a feeding weakness. New player picks a predator type with auto herd that doesn't take into account the weakness. New player dies of constant stress in a matter of weeks. Bad.
  • Added a way to reforge the Shattered Spear of Artemis Orthia
  • Used @Sarg 's laurel icon for Camilla laurel artifact


  • Added Valeren as a "reward" for a specific ending in the Tremere Antediluvian hunt
  • Allow Salubri Watcher awake Hun and P'o, gain access to (nearly) all Kuei-Jin powers
  • Zao zei is now correctly a woman
  • Added an event if all "Saulot is evil" artifacts are gathered
  • Updates the files for the Salubri Third Eye so that skin and eye color matches the character.


  • Fix Kuei-Jin players don't get Dharma
  • Yin Mantle unlock wraith Men At Arms and enchant weapon interaction
  • Eightfold Yin Mantle unlock shade Men At Arms, enchant armor interaction and summon Yin artifact interaction
  • Touch of Rust allow you to make target lose all their gold.
  • Semblance will reduce time to unlock nexus building
  • Yang Prana Rework
  • Chi'iu Muh Rework

Miscellaneous Vampire Changes

  • The court tutor minor position has been re enabled for vampires. It now reduces the prestige cost of the mentoring event depending on the tutor's aptitude.
  • Added mentoring events for Dominate, Animalism and Auspex. The logic behind mentoring stays the same but you now must get through some thematic events before acquiring the discipline. This makes it a little costlier hunting for each discipline, but also more flavorful for each one.
  • Added mentoring events for Celerity, Potence, Obfuscate, Presence, Protean, Vicissitude, Fortitude, Blood Sorcery, Chimerstry, Obtenebration, Abombwe, Serpentis, Daimoinon, Necromancy, Temporis, Spiritus, Melpominee, Dementation, Valeren, Quietus and Mytherceria
  • Fixed a childe trying to mentor themselves during education event
  • Added BDW's herd fix
  • Masquerade War Casus Belli
  • Kinslaying for vampires had some general changes. There is no kinslaying possible for killing someone loosely related to you (of your dynasty) anymore. Close family (siblings, childer, sires) kinslaying is still a thing. Killing a clanmate that is very loosely related to you is really not considered a crime in vampiric society
  • Fixed a duplicate Auspex text
  • Gargoyles don't need mass sire secret to be recruited as Men at Arms anymore. We're tired of answering the "Why can't I recruit Gargoyles? I have the dynasty legacy!" question. And having Gargoyles troops doesn't make you a mass sire really anyway, it's not like you are going around biting people and they become Gargoyles
  • Added the early Midnight Circus vampire triumvurate for potential future use
  • Dominate tweaks
  • Revenants and ghouls can also choose to recruit from torpor instead of killing
  • Mytherceria's steal the mind cooldown has been increased
  • Raktasadhus religion can now build the Mahabodhi temple
  • Ashirra religion can now build the Imam Ali mosque, the great mosque of Mecca
  • Everyone can now use the Pit of Malkav
  • Added more explanation about the dominate secondary target thing
  • Forgetful mind has been reworked to be sleeker. While the previous interaction was technically impressive, it was also 30000+ script lines long and very maintenance heavy.
  • Setup changes (Children of the Revolution full read)
  • Feral lorekeepers now correctly get access to commission epic
  • You aren't informed when vampires get wounded anymore. Since they recover automatically, it doesn't matter and it will stop the AI from picking potentially lethal "treatments"
  • Torpor decision has been dropped down the menu to avoid misclick
  • Setup changes (Rites of the Blood full read)
  • Two artifacts have been modified to be useful for the existing Antediluvian hunts
  • Added Okhin's Daughter of Cacophony chargen fix
  • Fixed the failed mesmerize opinion malus not triggering
  • Fix new vampires don't have Masquerade


  • Added 7 new music soundtracks by Serial Symphony, Werewolf themed
  • Werewolves maintenance events have been removed from yearly_everyone, the most engine intensive on_action
  • Werewolves yearly_everyone event for shapeshifting has been removed. Replaced by a check when a war is declared (not a raid) that shift all werewolves knights (and AI leaders) participants in the war to crinos form for a while
  • Werewolves yearly_everyone events for wounds and diseases have been moved to yearly_playable instead. Which will result in unlanded WW being weaker to diseases and wounds, a price I'm willing to pay for better optimization. And WW health bonus should carry then to recovery with vanilla mechanics anyway
  • Werewolves can now use Sherwood
  • Fix ghouling kinain werewolves
  • Commented out the Bastet characters for now as they aren't the focus anymore and cause weirdness
  • Fixed Bastet changes making Abomination not being able to pick Homid Born gifts


  • Fix Holy Heal can't heal others
  • Hunters will lose Hunter trait if make pact in Abyss
  • Reworked the ask pope decision for hunters
  • Fixed a potential issue for the First Inquisition warning event


  • Added a tomb building event chain for mummies. This compensates for the above nerf, letting Mummies ramp up faster if the tomb is invested in
  • Added a missing Mummy character
  • Added new Mummy artifact
  • Fixed Draw Sekhem interaction; makes it so that Draw Sekhem properly works on creatures that do not have Sekhem, as the perk describes.
  • Removed some starting perks from Mummies. While lore accurate, the sheer number of options Mummies start with is overwhelming and doesn't leave much room from gameplay growth
  • Mummies are now less fertile. An attempt to curb the crazy mummy dynasty numbers in late game

Demons, Baali and Infernalists

  • Reworked how mortals acting as vessels of demons lose their lives. Now higher prowess vessels last longer than low prowess ones.
  • Added support for Demons creating a new Sin faith. This does not change which sin it follows but allows for some customization while still allowing the Tempt and corrupt interactions to work as intended.
  • Overall nerfs to the infernalist stuff
  • The demon chargen house choice now doesn't create a cadet house, only flavor. Creating a cadet house, or putting you in an existing dynasty, would result in not having control over your dynasty legacies, which is important for demons
  • Demons can now use Ceoris and Iglesia
  • Nergal and Moloch are now alive, but unreachable like Baba Yaga and Ur Shulgi
  • Infernalist trait now gives a serious stress malus. Selling your soul to demons isn't a net positive anymore
  • The Grail of the Bitter Ashes will now always reject infernalists


  • Commented the Umbra file for future ease of adding events, added some safeguards. So that you can't walk in the Copernicus space station before Copernicus is even born
  • Added 6 small Umbra events
  • Grace, the Umbral currency, is more costly to gain
  • Umbra exploration now has piety cost for who has stress gain -100%
  • Enter Umbra require gold depending of gauntlet level now
  • Remove umbra travelling time in normal realm
  • Receive fallback if no event in Umbra exploration

Patron War

  • Patron War bookmark returns
  • Patron Characters: Armand, Haldor Mjölnir, Ion Ilie, Barachiel, Gualtiero Romano, Anubis the Imperishable, Gabriel Lancaster, Daxaniel Angelista, Lev Caran, Magno Branco, Petrus Zonaras, Abhartach, Jaroslav Putnik, Seonjong Yi, Dàniel De na Seinneadairean, Nelson, Pandora Ashurbanipal, Occulta Larva, William Lee, Alcesimarchus Caerellius, Neferkheperu, Neferure


  • More lore: Added 47 new lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • All piety costs for Men at Arms have been moved to prestige. While an interesting idea, CK3 just doesn't support piety as cost for MaA, messing the display and confusing players about their sudden and unexplained piety deficit
  • Replaced all remaining pluralistic faiths by righteous ones. Having evil faith vassals stay post Holy War cause a bunch of issues and weirdness
  • Characters older than 100 (except ghouls and revenant) will now refuse baronies titles. A baron is basically an always loyal and content vassal revokable at will, which makes keeping powerful immortals in line too easy
  • if a character is already landed, they will now accept being given baronies. Basically, you can't make an old immortal a baron by granting titles, but you can give them baronies if already landed
  • Replaced torturing prisoners give piety (which doesn't seem functional in vanilla) by more likelihood of joining schemes for Goratrix' council doctrine
  • The AI will now almost always pick its clan dynasty legacy for the first tree to start and complete. Since more and more stuff is tied to dynasty legacies, this resolves the issue of the AI picking something else than their clan one that would delay accessing the special content for the player
  • Added 10 new great persons. 191 total now. Russia is now complete GP wise.
  • Added 15 artifacts
  • Added 4 new wonders
  • Removed special building mapmode.
  • Changed the GP steppe region to a broader one
  • Chimera Men At Arms
  • The odd smell event won't happen for AI anymore and has a longer CD for players, to avoid overwhelming the world with perfume
  • You can't give land to innocents via a Fate of Iberia event anymore
  • Fixed naked patrons looking like aliens
  • Added a warning event if an AI ends the French struggle
  • add BDW's new cosmetics for tar eyes makeup
  • Fixed some small issue in an education event
  • Increases max amount of displayed traits to a new maximum of 3+80 or 4+64 traits depending on if you have 3 or 4 personality traits.
  • Bark Skin cosmetic
  • Fixed some issues in two dynasty trees
  • No Wyld true believer can't get Gorgon now
  • Men at Arms numbers tweaked based on BDW's calculations
  • Re enabled the Napoli vanilla university
  • Ancient Egyptian don't start with Iberian Caballeros unlocked anymore
  • Small setup fix
  • More safeguard for unreachable characters
  • Some dynasties legacies nerfs
  • Added Tom's 4 portraits
  • Reduced the likelihood of AI hybridizing cultures if that rule is turned on . Can get spammy with our "unique" cultural setup
  • Setup changes. Thanks Seeamoebe for the translation of relevant Wien um Nacht parts and the back and forth conversation about it
  • Nerfed the vanilla adventurer trait. Used more broadly in PoD
  • Most of the innovations debuffs have been moved to era modifiers, to make them clearer
  • Recruit bygone is a button instead of random event now
  • Modifier form powers that apply to knight in war as commander also apply in duel now
  • Added Crepe's Drone upload
  • Added a way to reconstruct the Bai Ze Tu if all fragments are gathered
  • Fertility tweaks. Main thing being that woman fertility per child already born decreases faster
  • Pelesit Men at Arms numbers have been capped for AI like the other swarm MaA
  • Updated Portraits
  • Jod properly renamed to Job
  • Enheduanna's character entry has been reworked to follow her historical counterpart more
  • Added a fix to intrigue mentor vanilla event not avoiding unavailable characters
  • Bookmark character age is now hidden once again

In addition, as always:

  • Fixes and Tweaks
  • Various localization updates
  • Additional Chinese translation
  • Misc, More Misc and various other types of Misc


  • Prep Dark Ages Fae Bookmark work. You do not need to report bugs or localization/typo issues with Fae at this time. It is very much a work in progress.

Princes of Darkness, "A Hell of an Update", Version 1.8.1, Change Log, December 13, 2022

  • Update for CK3 1.8.1 "Robe" Hotfix
  • Demon additions
  • Prerequisites of the second demon objective rebalanced to be more prowess heavy but less resources intensive, to account for the secret ending
  • Vampires on demonic faiths won't be affected by the Anarch revolt/thorns/sabbat chain of events anymore
  • Lore
  • Lash of Corruption
  • Soulforge tooltip and Scale earthbound
  • Soul pact and Demon Bound
  • No invitation for demons
  • Bind demon only for infernalist
  • Demonology trait
  • Pact Request
  • Lesser demon summon
  • Discover Celestial Name
  • Demonic Sacrifice
  • Split possessed lifestyle
  • Added demonic Investiture lifestyle
  • Demonbreed icon
  • Fixed broken faith tenet icons; added new faith tenent icons.
  • Fix to GUI for additional sin/virtue trait icons in faith window
  • Oblivion updates
  • More safety checks for characters that shouldn't be disturbed
  • Beatific now protects from the Sword of Nul, as True Faith already does
  • A missing frenzy event is now correctly prevented by the various "no frenzy" methods
  • Localization fixes
  • Spend extra faith point
  • Fixes to Bookmark graphics: start buttons, etc...
  • Update for ingame encyclopedia and remove duplicates
  • Arcana xp gain reduced
  • Arcana icon
  • Artemis Orthia is now in torpor instead of dead #Forbidden religions book source
  • Hidden council : Added files for an upcoming feature not yet activated
  • Error log suppression additions
  • Chinese Translation

Princes of Darkness, "Disrobed", Version 1.8.0, Change Log, December 2, 2022

  • Update for CK3, "Robe", Version 1.8.0
  • Herd and Resonance Rework v0.1:
  • Created many new scripted effects that may or may not reinvent the well and/or overlap with eachother.
  • Feeding is now automatic and monthly, manual feeding can still happen but will pause automatic feeding while bloodloss persists.
  • Resonance xp rewards are rebalanced for a much slower paced xp income
  • Becoming a ghoul recalculates resonance intensity with ghoul being a strong detriment to having good resonance
  • Added a fourth level of bloodloss so that vampires can slake four levels of hunger from one mortal without killing them immediately like in V5.
  • Fixed longstanding bug in herd creation effects that prevented cultists from getting more than one herdmember
  • Automatic feeding works for herdmembers received via character creation, the herdify scheme and the perk that lets you add people to your herd as part of a hunt
  • Add spiritus in animal resonance trigger
  • Add herd auto in blood tithe
  • making you need more point to buy high level perk
  • Fixes bug in POD_hunger_feeding_bloodloss_effect preventing major blood loss from getting worse under specific circumstances
  • Adds a warning about manual feeding on herds pausing automatic feeding of the same
  • Fixed a bug with assignment of Necromancy perks that prevented characters that knew more than one type of Necromancy from receiving all their perk unlocks
  • True Brujah childer get Temporis instead of Celerity
  • Adds a message that pops up in the message feed yearly one year after the first automatic feeding showing how much xp was gained from automatic feeding during that year.
  • Adds new 3 message types for the message feed: POD_event_vampire_good, POD_event_vampire_bad, and POD_event_vampire_neutral
  • Adds a variant of the vampire icon in the right resolution: 70x70 instead of 60x60 (technically 70x71 due to how compression saves them)
  • Adds a tooltip for resonance intensity to the hunt event
  • Description of Cauldron of Blood now mentions that it unlocks a duel move
  • Fix for herd drain and slake not giving piety loss, masquerade exposure, and stress.
  • regular and texture modified to not have the gray "stubble" on top.
  • Ashirra Fledglings will convert to their versions of Roads instead of Western ones.
  • Fixes two bugs with the Brujah Legacy of Leeland enabling abductions:
  • 1. The requirement was set to be brujah_legacy_2 which is Legacy of Hannibal
  • 2. The requirements were checked in actor scope which doesn't exist for schemes
  • Makes draining people actually give the xp instead of just saying it does. Apparently the herd xp gain rate is pretty good even without it.
  • Adds stress gain that grows exponentially as long as you have too many herd members. Going under and staying under the limit until the next time it would've triggered resets it to the base value
  • makes ai vampires feed significantly more often so that they have blood available if placed in a herd
  • makes autofeeding not happen at three times the speed on vampires because of their lack of bloodloss
  • fixes stress gain modifier for level 2 hunger (was 20%, now 10%) to make it less of a rollercoaster as you gain and lose hunger
  • Many updated and new graphics for event backgrounds, faith icons, interation icons, men at arms illustrations, etc...
  • Restored ivory skin cosmetic to the previous appearance while simultaneously allowing for injury decals and the like to show up without overriding the effect.
  • Now BM get sekhem from cannibal events
  • Demonic Geography
  • Bug reports fixes :
  • Prague not being in Poland acknowledged
  • Bad romance event with wrong sexuality
  • Vanilla definition of Greece (without Krete) replaced with one with Krete instead for the mod's purpose
  • Hunting an animal that only exists in your head doesn't make you a master hunter anymore
  • Used Sarg's proposed art in files repo to change the remaining day event themes added by the last DLC #Used my impeccable artistic tastes to do it. So obviously, each art is used at just the the right spot.
  • Landed the demons supporting cast, some setup tweaks related to them
  • Update POD_geographical_region.txt
  • Demonic lore
  • Integrated Sithis' portraits
  • Added lore buttons for demons that will be bookmarked
  • Update POD_Demon_Characters.txt
  • Bastet loca fixes
  • Update POD_discipline_battle_effects.txt
  • Herculean demon
  • Hercules moved his tower to Coruna from Coimbra
  • Krakow is now less dreadful
  • Bezariel, Orobas and Lamashtu now start with their canon reliquarie
  • First commit to magick testing, integrate Thauma's work to current github
  • Modifier Loca and duplicate perk
  • utf8-bom and cross splat effect
  • More error clean and placeholder coverup
  • Update POD_true_magick_triggers.txt
  • Update window_character_lifestyle.gui
  • Lifestyle basic
  • Maa modifier replace
  • Update POD_error_suppression_events.txt
  • Update true_magick_values.txt
  • Update window_spell_detail.gui
  • progress_standard_original
  • Integrated Sithis and Waterboi files repo uploads
  • Wyrm-taint
  • Demon ilustration
  • Shorten reliquarie desc
  • Fera ghoul in RD
  • Update POD_introductions_events.txt
  • Conflict mage perk fix
  • Update POD_character_add_missing_trait_effects.txt
  • Hastur's faith icon
  • gargoyle in mapmode
  • Update POD_resonance_values.txt
  • Lifeblood Addiction
  • Update 00_POD_1230objectives_modifiers.txt
  • Demonic special
  • Since the AI knows how to build buildings now, removed the AI eco help script (except when in debt)
  • Gave access to existing relevant wonders for demons
  • Started adding character specific content for demons
  • Mage duplicate perk
  • Unimplented Vicissitudeface
  • Update 00_POD_character_interactions_shapeshift...
  • fear the sun
  • Update 00_religious_interactions.txt
  • Update discipline_values.txt
  • Update 10_religious_decisions.txt
  • Unimplemted Vicissitudeface
  • Update 00_religious_interactions.txt
  • Update POD_bastet_lifestyle_l_english.yml
  • Demonic tweaks
  • Ronan's demon playthrough tweaks (Bezariel's prowess, thrall's gold command)
  • Added special content for the remaining soon to be bookmarked demons chars
  • Performance
  • No more refund exploit
  • Update POD_character_remove_vampire_trait_effec...
  • player_pulse
  • Update vampire_discipline_shapeshift_formsPOD...
  • Update army_on_actions.txt
  • Basting Bastet
  • Setup some of the initial Bastet fanon characters
  • Added some Bastet and Ajaba sub traits
  • Added Bastet Language: Kheuar
  • Small changes to Ming patron and Path of the Leviathan
  • Update vampire_discipline_shapeshift_forms
  • Update army_on_actions.txt
  • Update POD_character_interactions_shifter_l_eng...
  • Adding the new characters to the kill list in non appropriate bookmarks
  • Error log fixes to Sparc's upload : Added a placeholder icon to the new traits, commented out non existing language, commented out non existing texture
  • Update 00_POD_language.txt - flintsparc
  • Faith in the Sarg: Sarg faith tenet and doctrin...
  • Update POD_world_initialization_events.txt
  • feline_born
  • Arcanoi misc
  • Summoning portal
  • Added dynasties for the bookmarked demons
  • Added title flavorization for demons
  • Added a bookmark screen for demons
  • the_lost_ancients_icon
  • Noblesse oblige
  • CB Ventrue 2nd full read (4 characters, loading quotes, small setup changes)
  • Replaced the demonic dynasties with DtF houses as dynasties
  • Update 00_POD_character_interactions_shapeshift...
  • Bound to the Earth
  • Update 00_POD_demon_decision.txt
  • CB Ventrue revised full read (2 chars, small setup changes)
  • Fixes to Chile's latest loca
  • Added BDW's stress from hunger smoothing
  • Fabricate hook requires the target to be available now
  • Update POD_pulse_on_actions.txt
  • Update 00_POD_demon_decision.txt
  • Lore
  • Update POD_pulse_on_actions.txt
  • Update POD_werewolf_traits_l_english.yml
  • Stepping Sideways and Delirium
  • Unspeakable Servitor
  • Loca fixes and some gameplay tweaks to Chile's upload #Lores lifestyles for demons are unlocked after completing the first objective rather than the start, to allow for less overwhelming choices to start with and a better sense of progression
  • RD eminence initiation
  • Update legacies_POD_l_english.yml
  • Update POD_character_cloning_effects.txt
  • Update POD_wraith_effects.txt
  • Update 00_POD_character_interactions_wraiths_th...
  • Update POD_wraith_effects.txt
  • Update POD_pulse_on_actions.txt
  • Mage duplicating perk
  • Invert Demonic Influence
  • POD_demon_interaction
  • Lore button batch
  • Added 23 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Legalistic cultural tradition rebalanced #This was too punishing in some instances compared to most cultural traditions, that are way more mild
  • Demon Banner
  • Create POD_dynasties_demon_COA.txt
  • Host Fix
  • Update death_management_events.txt
  • Update 00_POD_character_interactions_necromancy...
  • Update POD_general_guis.txt
  • Restored part of our FX folder #Isolating court_scene.shader and jomini/portrait.shader as the files causing issues
  • Stop comparing
  • Removed compare_values commands from the mod, since it has been depreciated by PDX #Should fix blood sorcery
  • No prev need
  • No minimaps
  • Update 00_POD_traits.txt
  • Resolve bar
  • lash_of_corruption
  • Fix for Terapass ck3-modutil-portrait-statues
  • Chinese translation

Princes of Darkness, "Werewolves When?", Version 1.7.2, Change Log, October 2, 2022

Its the Month of Darkness! Wereotber! ModCon2022!

Please enjoy our update to the mod featuring the Garou from Werewolf: the Apocalypse

Check out our presentation on YouTube for ModCon 2022.

Wiki guide to soon be updated.

Werewolves are quite playable.

Werewolf features

  • Werewolf Bookmark
  • Werewolf Lifestyle Gifts: Breed, Tribe, Auspice and Planetary Gifts
  • Werewolf Breeds
  • Werewolf Reproduction Mechanics
  • Werewolf Litany Government
  • Werewolf Auspices
  • Werewolf Tribes and Camps (Religions & Faiths)
  • Werewolf Gnosis and Rage
  • Werewolf Shapechanging, including NPCs
  • Werewolf Crinos 3D model, fur shaded by hair color in homid form
  • Werewolf Glabro portrait form
  • Werewolf Duel Moves
  • Werewolf Healing
  • Werewolf Realms
  • Werewolf Dynasties
  • Werewolf Buildings
  • Werewolf pack dynamic events
  • Werewolf introduction events
  • Werewolf objective decisions
  • More than 150 Werewolf Characters
  • Werewolf lore for certain canon characters
  • Werewolf special character content for bookmarked Werewolves
  • Werewolf Artifacts
  • Expansion of the Umbra, and quests to find 56 werewolf artifacts
  • Werewolf Glyphs and Coats of Arms
  • Werewolf Tenents and Doctrines
  • Werewolf Tolerance Doctrines
  • Werewolf Men at Arms
  • Werewolf Tribal Dyansty Legacies
  • Werewolf Totem Dynasty Legacies
  • Werewolf Minor Court positions
  • Wyrm Faiths
  • Abominations
  • Christine de Pizan will now spawn as Kinfolk
  • Hint: Werewolves (with the exception of the Warders of Men), thrive with lower development rather than higher development.

Mod Optimization

Through compression of graphics and audio files, clean up of unfinished projects, and great efforts are reducing errors, the size of the mod has been cut down from more than 2GBs in half to 1GB+. You may experience better loading times and performance from this optimization. More optimization may be posslbe in the future by reworking many of our event triggers.


  • Valeren Discipline
  • Spiritus Discipline
  • Necromancy Discipline Expansion
  • Temporis Discipline
  • Dementation Discipline
  • Melpominee Discipline
  • Added an active power that can be improved to the Celerity tree
  • Additional powers for Obfsucate Discipline
  • Added some new minor effects to the Potence tree
  • Court Seer position
  • Gehenna Omens delivered by Court Seer
  • Toreador clan bane event: Distracted by Beauty


  • Ritual to create Gargoyles
  • AI Tremere create Gargoyle servants
  • Gargoyle sire create Gargoyle childer mechanics (inherit caste, disciplines)
  • Multiple Castes of Gargoyles: modifiers, disciplines, aesthetics
  • Flight trait
  • Gargoyles added to Custom Character Decision (CharGen)
  • Gargoyle Embraces
  • Gargoyle Stone/Marble Portrait Effect
  • Gargoyle Wings Attachment
  • Gargoyle Horns thanks to Lord of Kings mod
  • Gargoyle Grotesques Portraits
-Gargoyle MAA varieties
  • Gargoyle Dynasty
  • Gargoyle Dynasty Legacy Track
  • Gargoyle Canon Characters
  • Gargoyle Coat of Arms Colored Emblems/Charges
  • Event where Gargoyle characters randomly present themselves to a landed Gargoyle's court. Most of the time, the character is what they appear and willing to serve the Gargoyle lord
Gargoyles on 1230 War of Princes Bloodlines Sub-Bookmark for Rock Lord
  • Gargoyle Bookmark Character Special Content: Rock Lord decision to stay independent, become a vassal or return to the masters.
  • Gargoyle "clothing", or lack there of.
  • Statue form thanks to Terapass


  • Added Holy Arts lifestyles: Sophia Patris, Sedulitas Filius and Boni Spiritus
  • Added interaction icon for Judgement of Heaven and fixed the one for Penance to match the others
  • Tweaked the "Ask Pope for Funds" decision to make the safe option less of a no-brainer
  • The Von Murnau now favor male heirs Kukul's Papal Bull XVII
  • Upped Inquisition AI building willingness values for upgraded tiers cause they need just a little bit of extra help to get to the sweet spot and AI values are my kink
  • edited 1430 Inqusition spawning characters to give them more flavour
  • Tweaked Influence Lawgivers building cause what I did with it last time was just sloppy
  • upped hunter AI willingness to do healing spells
  • boosted endowment xp rewards cause I don't see new AI having the perks
  • added faith perks to "remove hunter perks" effect
  • Fixed acre endowment file being broken
  • Applied the universal POD_is_unholy trigger to more powers to keep Inquisitors from e.g. healing demons
  • Made Theurgy turn into True Faith on SI ordination, made Sorcery disappear on SI ordination
  • Made Shadow Inquisition commoners not spawn with Theurgy
  • Made Sorcery not learnable by or teachable to Shadow Inquisition characters
  • Added Holy Arts masteries to "remove hunter traits" effect
  • Turned off hunter rebellions for hunters


  • Slashed potion sale prices and amulet primary stat bonuses
  • Nerfed weather magic while trying to make it more flavourful
  • Increased cooldown on gold and silver conjuring to 3 years
  • Made the "Asking the Trees" county modifiers more useful
  • Boosted prowess gain from potion to make it worth mor than a primary stat point
  • Tweaked a building, nerfing gold income
  • Fixed common_effigy_ongoing referring to "mediam"_stress_gain
  • Immortals other than vampires will now also be helped about stress #This should help the very stressed unlanded mummies floating around
  • Added dynasty legacy tracks for Mummie
  • Added lore buttons for the bookmarked Mummies
  • Added Mummies to the true age script

New Cosmetics

  • Burned Decals
  • Longer ears courtesy Lord of Kings
  • Improved portrait shaders and fixed normals thanks to Buckzor


  • Many new Decision and Event illustrations with some help from AI art.
  • Found a way to trick the relation between destroy title cost and remove law cost #For the player, it basically means that destroying titles will now be at a reasonable cost
  • More work on AI changing and picking relevant lifestyles #The vampires and werewolves AI shouldn't pick focus in trees they can't finish anymore (for example a homid born WW won't focus on breed gifts if they have already finished the homid gifts tree since they can't actually finish the lupus one)
  • Added Gallant as a virtue for the honor tenet of via equitum
  • Reformatted the perks checkpoint event
  • Fixed the AI not being able to progress on lifestyle trees starting with two level one perk
  • Tweaks to Iberia setup to help the Shadow Reconquista stands up a little more to the Midnight Crescent
  • Added 14 Great Persons characters and events
  • Kiasyd characters now get Obtenebration instead of Oblivion
  • New interaction icons.
  • New Crime and Doctrine icons.
  • The bloodlines bookmark now displays dynasty houses instead of dynasty, thus telling you at a glance which bloodlines are presented
  • Added Adisa as a bookmarked character, gave her special content
  • Added a regional event for 1426 Italy
  • Ilias is now correctly bisexual
  • Reworked the Holy Grail/Grail of the Bitter Ashes for vampires.
  • Added 43 lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Added the Sisterhood of Erinyes faith and setup support for it (CB Assamite Revised)
  • Added the Via Redemptio faith and setup support for it (France by Night)
  • Fixed Durga Syn's portrait "issue" (?)
  • Tweaked Kukul's buildings uploads to account for warder of men
  • True Brujah lost their access to the Carthage objective and gain a specific new one instead. Catubodua is an exception and has access to the two
  • AI Kuei Jin won't pick blood legacy anymore, players still can
  • The doppelganger from the vanilla mirror event now has a fixed age instead of copying the age of the player
  • Removed the script destroying memories. Instead scripted memories duration so that memories fade more organically in time, and depending on your importance (unlanded chars won't keep memories for long, landed keep for longer, players for even more etc)
  • The diablerie opinion modifier has been reduced, now that the AI actually tries to find secret
  • Added Prias' missing sword
  • Fixed vassals and lieges of attackers being able to join holy wars against their lieges and vassals
  • Nerfed prison of water. Again
  • Upped Inquisition AI building willingness values for upgraded tiers cause they need just a little bit of extra help to get to the sweet spot and AI values are my kink
  • edited 1430 Inqusition spawning characters to give them more flavour
  • Via Furores will now always convert to Anarch during the revolt (and not just "very often convert to")
  • The "Far from home" event won't pull incompatible splats together anymore
  • Solved a vendetta between the vanilla and PoD Cardona houses
  • Restructured the dna_data folder. Thanks to BDW for the command and the troubleshooting
  • Fixed a vanilla issue preventing anything above loading tip 69 to be displayed. As such, all 125 quotes are now visible.
  • Nerfed the duration of the strong bloodbound hook #It's now double the weak blood bond hook, and not10*
  • Added 80 quotes from the WoD to the loading screens and main menu
  • The Eye of Hazimel won't work for characters without disciplines now
  • The AI is now less good at finishing the Banu Haqim struggle, leaving more time for players to interfere
  • The Codex Mortis now give Giovanni Necromancy instead of Oblivion
  • Royal Court events are now less frequent and give more time before timing out
  • Simplified the Persian foothold decision
  • Added another effect for Toreador primogens #Those lacking RC don't have any otherwise
  • The "footstool" event has been functionally disabled, it's just too big of a swing (it will randomly unland one of your allies to start)
  • Update POD_error_suppression_events
  • Chinese Translation
  • Typo fixes

Princes of Darkness, "Undying, Hotfix", Version 1.7.1, Change Log, September 15, 2022

  • Fixes for CK3 1.7.1
  • Removed the script destroying memories. Instead scripted memories duration so that memories fade more organically in time, and depending on your importance (unlanded chars won't keep memories for long, landed keep for longer, players for even more etc)
  • The diablerie opinion modifier has been reduced, now that the AI actually tries to find secrets
  • Added more umbra events
  • Finished adding umbra flavor events for now
  • Adding a warning about custom mummies outside of the land of faith
  • Gargoyle content re-enabled
  • Spawned gargoyles aren't underage anymore
  • Removed the additional pre requisites for Gargoyles MaA, not explained to the players and confusing
  • Started adding events for integrating Sithis' non illustrious artifacts
  • A fix for the Unbound Dynasty so they don't hate each other.
  • Logic error fix for Effigies
  • Attribute fixes for characters with two stat allocations
  • Some loading screens
  • Vanilla religions and faiths removed GUI
  • Werewolf animation fixed
  • removal of some loading screens
  • Remove unused "Road of Night" religion, "Path of Night" faith still exists for Moncada.
  • Name fix for "Marc de Barbant"
  • Chinese translation update
  • Gargoyle potrait flag fix
  • Error log cleaning
  • Additional error suppresion
  • Update to frontend_main.gui
  • Removal of werewolf, demon, etc... from ruler designer splat trait choices
  • Fix title holder with variable got instant killed in initiation
  • Fill in missing holy order loca
  • Update POD_soulmate_frenzy_events.txt
  • Update 01_prison_interactions.txt
  • Umbra restored
  • Update 00_POD_personal_character_interactions_spawn_troops.txt
  • Update portraits.gui
  • Update POD_health_effects.txt
  • Bugfix for health cost for shroud crossing
  • Update 00_POD_regiment_types_special.txt
  • Making wutian trait use cloud seal script
  • Sekhem adjustment
  • Mandate of Heaven

Princes of Darkness, "Undying, Hotfix", Version, Change Log, September 9, 2022

  • Fix to dying issues for mummies
  • added additional mummy graphics
  • Terapass statue for portrait shader fix
  • fixes in artifact creation
  • avoid perk clean by focus maintenance
  • fixed sieged events
  • remove incorrect duplicate POD_portrait_normal_eyes_trigger
  • ventrue raktasadhus name
  • Chinese translation additions

Princes of Darkness, "Undying", Version 1.7.0, Change Log, September 8, 2022

Compatible with CK3 1.7.0 (Bastion) and Friends & Foes DLC The main aim of the update is to bring Princes of Darkness to a compatible state with CK3’s latest DLC and patch.

Besides that, it is mostly a transitional update as the big news aren’t yet ready to be shown. Still there is plenty of various new content to talk about.

First, Mummies are officially released. While some of you might know that they were already playable, they were still in a “work in progress” stage. Now they have been going through a balancing and flavorization phase. They have their own bookmark, dynasty legacies and other usual content that they missed until now.

Related to Mummies but also to a lesser extent to other creatures, the Umbra is getting expanded with more flavor and events. The Umbra is a big place however, so it’s an on going task.

There is now a sorcery trait, one of the Numina in the World of Darkness, which are a form of “low” magic. Very rare, they open a new small lifestyle tree if you can gain access to it.

On a more bloodsucky side, vampires have gained an expanded Necromancy tree with various paths. Each path is known by a specific kind of vampire (the Giovanni family knows the Giovanni necromancy for example). Mentoring is available for those trying to learn all the paths, though some of them are very rare, with very few available mentors.

A pass has also been made on forgotten disciplines, those that have been here since day 1 but were mostly passive buffs. Like Celerity

Our Inquisitors have learned new tricks to help them against their new and old foes. Holy Arts are a “refinement” of True Faith, only available to them.

As usual, you can also expect new portraits, Great Persons and character lore buttons in this update, as well as bugfixes and balance tweaks.

Princes of Darkness, "Iberia By Night", Version 1.6.0, Change Log, May 31, 2022

  • Update for CK3 1.6.0
  • Adapted and integrated the Fate of Iberia DLC
  • Added a Shadow Reconquista struggle
  • Abombwe discipline. This discipline is available to Akunanse characters and * Xaviar (1510). It can also be acquired by the usual means.
  • This update adds Necromancy as its own lifestyle tree. It uses a mix of existing Oblivion, Kuei Jin and Mummies mechanics. It's available by the usual disciplines acquisition means and is an in clan discipline for Giovanni and Impundulu.
  • Dominate discipline can now change personalities of a target.
  • Mummies have been greatly expanded and are playable.
  • Take note that, since this is a steam build, the Werewolf bookmark is disabled.
  • Added 23 new lore buttons, scripted the stats of those characters
  • Some tweaks so that external (and bordegory) inheritances happen less often
  • Various smaller fixes and loca corrections
  • Added some new game concepts
  • The AI will now only use swarms if they feel very weak, instead of their current neverending reliance on them
  • Dark Night Sky Box thanks to Buckzor of EK2 Team
  • Removed Wonder Normals
  • Shadow Reconquista Patron updates
  • Fixed aspect ratio of Lifestyle Backgrounds
  • Added Mummy trait icons
  • Added fantasy Iron Skull helmns, White Plate Armor and Ancient Greek Armor thanks to ALU.
  • Further efforts to destory rare child vampires from ever spawning
  • Improved mummies' localization (effects, decisions, schemes, artifacts, spirit travel, events, modifiers files)
  • Renamed "Against Apophis" doctrine to "Osirian league"
  • AI Hardestadt/Salianna won't give de jure vassals to AI Julia/Geoffrey anymore, since it crippled them too much
  • Added lore buttons for the WW bookmarked characters and Horus
  • Improved mummies buildings and character interaction loca
  • Added Horus' portrait by LeSithis
  • Buffed the anti dev WW building
  • WW trait now give a health boost
  • Fixed some __ in enochian dynasty naming
  • Mummies have been landed . Hunter and WW bookmarks only
  • Added the Children of Osiris faith . Mostly so that Milarepa can go along with his Stargazers pals
  • Added the Sancta Mater faith
  • Added 19 mummy characters . Unlanded for now
  • Tweaked the egalitarian etho
  • Silent strider and talmahera religion now accept mummies
  • Added LeSIthis portraits
  • The "clan government requires alliance" issue should be fixed. Again.
  • Litany government makes it so development doesn't benefit them at all now
  • The option to convert to a populist faction faith isn't a thing anymore . Since it could result in WW adopting vampires faiths and vice versa
  • Black Furies don't care about what happen to boys anymore
  • Integrated Chilemiao's uploads
  • Added LeSithis latest 4 portraits
  • Fixed a localization saying you will get the amazing "MAX_RECURSIVE_DEPTH" bonus
  • Completed Yvonne/Get of Fenris starting situation
  • Red Talons faiths now consider being mortal as a grave sin
  • Added the werewolf introduction event
  • Fixed small WW issues (red talon legacy tree icon, wolves modifiers loca)
  • Fixed the Kinfolk trait attribution at birth
  • Small fixes to WW lifestyles presentation
  • WW can now upgrade the tribe building
  • WW don't care about gender for fighters anymore
  • Added Tomreit latest 2 portraits
  • Fixed a modifier being confused between Assamite and Banu Haqim
  • Finished the WW objectives
  • Added LeSithis' latest three portraits
  • Added immortal trait characters (Wepauwet) to the weight and musculature control watch
  • Integrated Chilemiao's upload
  • Added a basic event/decision to give WW a way to get gifts xp
  • Holstein is no longer a development wasteland
  • Added even more unwillingness for the AI to just spam swarm MaA
  • Finished scripting the WW artifacts
  • Handled succession laws for WW . Should all start with primo equal, except BF with primo female only
  • Added LeSithis latest four portraits
  • Finished the WW wonders
  • Added the WW wonders to the 1510 script removing non vampire wonders
  • Added an event for Black Furies moms to deal with a potential baby boy
  • Added an event for lupus rulers where one of your (off screen) cub experiences the first change and can be recruited
  • Blood Sorcery is no longer criminal for Road of Heaven
  • Added Tomreit latest three portraits
  • Added support for the WW starting titles in the de jure script
  • Finished WW auspice lifestyles
  • Added 6 WW characters
  • Added the 11 WW starting landed titles in the files
  • Added LeSithis and Tomreit's latest portraits
  • Added Necromancy for relevant canon characters and as an in clan discipline for Giovanni and Impundulu
  • Added LeSithis Arishat's portrait
  • Finished adding WW dynasty perks and associated MaA
  • Removed a lover event giving unwanted contracts
  • Added a Litany government form for WW/Kinfolks. Added it to Chilemiao's governments scripts. . Uses a mix of clan and tribal mechanics
  • Added flavorization for werewolf holder ranks
  • Added a simple immortal trait . Needed for Wepauwet
  • Added LeSithis' portraits
  • Added a rolling event giving Lupus born characters to WW courts . since we won't represent them otherwise
  • Added Tomreit and LeSithis latest portraits
  • Added Werewolves buildings to Chile's ducal building removal script
  • Cultural acceptance is no longer a factor in diplomatic vassalization interactions...
  • ...but the diplomatic court bonus to this has been reduced
  • Added Tomreit's portraits
  • Added 4 WW characters
  • Finished the WW buildings (except wonders)
  • Added Tomreit's portraits for the future bookmarked WW characters
  • Via Aesigard can now rebuild Uppsala
  • Integrated Chilemiao's uploads
  • Bind Famulus interaction opened to ghouls and co
  • Added the buy artifact claim interaction to the Chains of Loyalty and A Job Done Right perks
  • The cost of buying artifact claims has been reduced
  • Added WW to the can_raid trigger. Also made sure that they can always recruit wolves MaA.
  • Tweaked the saucy readings court event
  • Added the culture effects on the devoted trait
  • Added BDW's Josef portrait and Tomreit's portrait (used for Vera)
  • The AI will only declare wars for illustrious artifacts now . Vanilla limits it to famed+, but it still annoys a lot of players
  • Removed the ability to freely grab artifacts from banished characters . I know this will be a controversial change, but it's just a way too easy way to grab the very powerful static artifacts in the mod
  • Added Tomreit's fixed portrait back
  • Added 11 WW characters
  • Added 12 WW characters
  • Basic Werewolf Tribes (Religions) and Camps (Faiths), To do: more tenet diversification, Garou Nation and Wyrm tolerance doctrines, Triat leaning and dedication, custom tenets, etc..
  • Added 18 WW characters
  • Removed a conversion option in a royal court event
  • Added 9 WW characters
  • Added 15 WW characters
  • Added Tomreit's portrait (used for Marbuena)
  • Added a piety cost to flagellate (since it can be made free by fortitude)
  • Added 13 WW characters and 2 kinfolk ones
  • Added support for 14/15/16gen somehow succeeding in the ante hunt
  • Ghouls and co can now use mesmerize, summon and entrance
  • Hooked bloodgorged to the main vamp maintenance event
  • Added a maintenance event to switch holdings from tribal to castle depending on holders, and vice versa (for future WW use)
  • Added the POD_incompatible_splats_trigger to the various forms of demanding conversion
  • It's now stupid expensive to convert to a religion of another splat (ex: a vampire trying to convert to black fury)
  • Added 5 characters from Sins of the Sires. Tweaks to the setup to account for the new information.
  • Dealt with the last torpored rulers in the 1510 bookmark.
  • Fixed a bunch of missing cowed modifiers. Thanks to BDW for the detailed feedback.
  • Related to the above giving now more bonus to a dread playstyle, it's now harder to terrify/intimidate characters (you need more dread)
  • Fix for portrait graphics, expansion of barbers
  • Removed the option in an event that makes vanilla buildings pop up
  • Re activated the Inquisition ducal buildings for their startdate
  • The Inquisitors wonders will now be removed after a month or two in the 1510 startdate
  • Added a maintenance event to give kinfolk to kinfolk/WW babies and handle the first change to WW
  • Fixed an issue in the Nosferatu dynasty tree
  • Under the hood scripts for WW (WW barons initialization, WW commoners faith initialization, WW ousts non WW landholders post war, WW guests don't show up in non WW courts)
  • Added the Fire and Fury custom tenet
  • Added Seinia's portrait
  • Added the Aphrodisiac and Saturnalia custom tenet
  • Added Erianthe and Phaedyme's portraits
  • The perfect world modifier is now applied county wise instead of barony wise to avoid issues
  • Tweak to avoid an issue in POD_chargen.1340.option.c
  • Added the POD_incompatible_splats_trigger in more relevant places
  • Reworked the current bandaid effect into a starting event where unwanted splat characters are killed depending on the chosen startdate (ex: AI hunters characters are killed if playing the war of princes)
  • Fixed a number of history issues related to the Premzyl and Grimaldi characters still drawing from non existing vanilla characters
  • Added Karl Shreckt and Tyler's portraits
  • Added custom portraits for Demetrius, Mahtiel, Cretheus, Abdalkutba, Zamra Matoub, Adisa, Drennis, Mannal, Christof Romuald, Troglodytia.
  • Vampires can't get the "Garlic King" nickname anymore
  • Added a maintenance event for AI ghouls/rev replacing buildings . Very experimental
  • Clarified some objectives made more confusing by the de jure rework
  • Fixed brokem map modes
  • Fix missing scope in possesions
  • Fix offer draught
  • Mummy duel localization
  • Hide the Spawn Army interaction if the player is unable to pay the gold cost of the cheapest option which would result in them getting an empty menu. Exception being if they have the Mother of Monsters perk or Serpentis Advanced since that allows for spawning of Typhonic Beasts which have no gold cost.
  • add method to gain xp for celestial and necromancy hekau, allow rename effigy, shorten limit as unlanded can have perk
  • Fix non adult can be immortal and double piety cost
  • Allow draw sekhem from vessel instead
  • fix non tribal ww baron giving illgal gov warning, fix mummy having princedom buidling at start, allow mummy ai heal mising leg or disease for sel
  • umbra GUI fix
  • Start of Werewolf Glyph Coat of Arm colored Emblems
  • Spell of Life
  • Fix for custom non*black hand Nagaraja not located in India not gaining any disciplines at all during char creation.
  • Werewolf Spiritual Quest update and some related game concepts and placeholder localization
  • Tweaked hostility doctrine
  • Horus unique loca and shemsu*heru wonder and other tweak
  • Allow apophis follower seem cannibal legal
  • Making only amenti has neteru, making incompatible splat always want indepent from incompatible liege, and some fix
  • Disable feudalization for ww
  • Fixes to some localization errors
  • Created scripted effects to remove and add heritage modifiers and changed chargen to use the add one instead of repeating same code everywhere.
  • 1 year cap for chargen decision disspear, and implement batteground realm effect
  • bugfix for char creation so Blood Gnosticism faiths are selectable.
  • cadet houses retaining parts of the benefits of their original house.
  • Add new soulforge outcome
  • Finish Mapping and strat implementing plane effect
  • all effigy perk except 10 underworld related, implemented
  • Add warning icon into perk condition, Allow choose duel instead of scheme in some kj interaction
  • Finish amulet hekau, and tweak celestial hekau
  • Allow you soulforge bound wraith into a artifact, moved revenant baron initiation apart so it won't kill the cpu, initiate mortal neteru for mummy
  • Integrate thaurma change (and removed unneed interaction condition replaced by this), no cost for wraith stay in umbra, add stress cost for maintaining wraith in skinland, remove herd relation when become childe, warning text to custom age event, fix several mummy thing, removed unused herd and ghoul list (which is replaced by scripted relation)
  • Fix modifier display error, separate kj court gov
  • Implement 4 mummy amulet perk
  • Make court artifact having miscellaneous type for those who don't have dlc
  • Fix building removed by uninitiated mortal
  • Display artifact in decision and other fix
  • Moved kj initiation to standalone effect, implement a mummy perk, make a great war happen when east strom has come
  • add hostility and opinion malus and criminal doctrine betwen kj and anda, kj and ravnos, shensu*heru and bane mummy, wutian and wukuei.
  • Disable rng when use auspex
  • Removes scope:actor = { is_vampire_trigger = yes } on line 95 to fix the problem of non*vampire supernaturals being able to activate Nocturne but not turn it off. And since the following line checks if Nocturne is active it's superfluous to check for supernatural type since the character is obviously able to turn it on. It also protects against situations where a character somehow changes supernatural type to one that doesn't have vampiric blood.
  • Shih player should survive now
  • Localizations for natural disasters
  • Implement 3 bond of fate effigy perk and other fix and tweak
  • fix and move shih to own faith
  • wraith fix and implement more amulet artifact and other tweak
  • implement sekhem vessel

Princes of Darkness, "Night Court", Version, Change Log, March 23, 2022

  • Update for CK3
  • Fixed the Tremere objective being unclear since the de jure rework
  • Move capital is back to infinite after being broken by the update
  • Dominate: Added personal interaction to use dominate on your puppets to make it easier to keep track of your dominated people
  • Dominate: Speak throught he Blood intearction
  • Brighter Blood Bar in GUI
  • Event Option scrolling in GUI thanks to LT*Rascek with the CK3 Mod Co*op
  • New Tenets:
    • the Pyramid
    • Wild Vampires
    • Secret Cult
    • Sanctioned Diablerie
    • Noblesse Oblige
    • Knowledge Above All
    • Moments of Truth
    • Honor and Bravery
    • Community
    • Svadharma
    • Lilith: the Maid, the Mother, the Crone
  • Princedom buildings stay enabled at a lower dev cap now, to help recover post Black Death
  • Added a game rule that can disable the Black Death
  • Removed some tribal holdings
  • Blood lust now pickable by 5th generation vampires
  • 16th generation Vampries can no longer Embrace new vampires
  • Mummy splat updates: Faith icons, Effigy, reduced hostility between Via Apep and Face of Apophis
  • More Kuei*Jin discipline education
  • Fix for hunter leaders being changed randomly into vampires
  • The Wiki has migrated and been updated for MediaWiki, as well as adding new sections like a Beginner's Guide by BDW, Faiths and Cultures thanks to Reciter of Poetry | CK3Tools :

Princes of Darkness, "Night Court", Version, Change Log, March 11, 2022

  • Fix to Hud lower left button offset.
  • Localization fixes for certain religion tenets: Pact of Athens, Intellectual Detachment, etc...
  • Fix to shape shift form portraits GUI
  • Fix to Indian Court 1g2
  • Localization fixes: Seduce Scheme Resistance multiplier, Yi's Teachings

Princes of Darkness, "Night Court", Version 1.5.1, Change Log, March 10, 2022

  • Update for Crusader Kings 3 1.5.1
  • Enlightenment Virtues are now doctrines.
  • New third tenets added to all faiths now that Enlightnment Virtues are now doctrines.
  • Added Ashen Faith and Willing Embrace custom tenets
  • Added the Black Death chain of events
  • Dominate discipline expanded
  • Presence Elder perks now available
  • 2 new Toreador objective decisions
  • add Kuei Jin/Wan Kuei option in chargen
  • Fix to Nocturne power not working, because needed events were removed from vanilla
  • Slight fixes to Salianna's DNA
  • Fix to Obtenebration powers and 'Heart of Darkness' Serpentis power being usable only by vampires
  • Added 14 characters
  • Al Qasrayn is no longer a tribal holding
  • Minor fixes to Razkjolna's special content
  • Improved the titles rewarded by objective. Now if you, for example, create the clan malkavian title with the malkavian objective, it will become the de jure title of the titles you already own, and not just titular
  • Added the missing OR to the "any kind of ghoul" trigger
  • Replaced the barely working piety level impact in the road of heaven buildings
  • Added 22 lore buttons. Scripted the stats of those characters.
  • Bellum Justum perk set at 50% to avoid confusion
  • Small fixes/tweaks to the new Toreador objectives
  • De jureized the Giovanni kingdom title to avoid them making Krete their primary
  • Cooperation perk gives Peace Acceptance now
  • Fixed an issue in Rusenko's content
  • Added 6 Great Persons
  • Salianna's legacy tweaked
  • Capped the AI economic aid to avoid very rich passive counts
  • Detailed Ledgers (vanilla stewardship perk) now does something in the mod
  • Added 3 missing canon religions (Via Aesigard, Apostles of the Third Caine, the Shattered Spear)
  • Added 25 artifacts
  • Eschatologists accept Mortis
  • The vassal to liege contract change is no longer only one per lifetime
  • Added a new (rare) Elysium event where you might buy one of the non unique weapons in the mod (Ayr's swords, Weyland's wyrcan, Dweomerian Damascene Scimitar or Iulus' Sword)
  • Added the missing vanilla regional artifact pattern entry
  • Fed the hungry error suppression event with more error log false positives
  • Fixed Augustus Giovanni secretly being Mia Watu during the chargen event
  • Tweaks to MaA values
  • Fixed the left alone modifier
  • Toned down the AI willingness to launch artifact wars. Way down. #Might make something more in depth later on, most notably taking into account the artifact rarity, but will wait for a potential PDX fix first
  • Added a "Just kill them" option to the end of the diablerie scheme
  • Rumor mill interaction cost increased
  • Prestige on romance success has been nerfed
  • Raiding rewards (gold, prestige, piety) have been nerfed
  • Added a warning about potential murder saves when choosing a murder method
  • Fixed an issue in Crimea setup since the recent changes
  • Fed the error suppression event some portrait flags false positives
  • fix to war declaration localisations stating once per lifetime instead of every 50 years
  • change variable blood_level and masquerate_level to scrpted variable that has value depending of hunger/masquerade modifier, allow ghoul/revenant character see the bar since they has hunger/masquerade modifier too
  • Changed two instances of what I believe to be typos on line 64 and 65: Changed "dared to chrage you defamation!" to "dared to charge you with defamation!"
  • Mum's the word on new splat development.
  • Additions to Rostylav's Court. You can support our developer in the Ukraine on Patreon.
  • Patron Content: Baoban Sith/Aisling
  • Known issues: lower left bar HUD icons offset slight higher because of position of top blood hunger bar in the same container.

Princes of Darkness, “Night Court”, Version, Change Log, February 17, 2022

  • Integration of Paradox gene morph and ethnicities fixes for 1.5.02
  • Fix of wonder buildings causing Linux CTD. Thanks Charlie!
  • Tweaks to some remaining not vampire appropriate events
  • Adapted non-graphical Paradox changes for
  • Web of Knives won’t attack players if set to lowest strength game rule
  • Vampires can’t die by being “booed” to death by their jesters now
  • Increased trigger protection against the head chasing monk event, vampires’ most existential threat in RC
  • Differentiated the Cappadocian and Tremere primogens bonus (were the same before)
  • Coimbra and Portucale aren’t wastelands devoid of any civilization anymore
  • Artifact Map Mode (by ruler and courtier)
  • Each clan now has one (or several) “traditional” faiths they can convert to for half the piety cost
  • Converting to Patron only faiths as a non Patron character is now prohibitively expensive
  • Various small fixes (loca, MaA balance etc)
  • Some religious tenets nerfs
  • Qus is Old Egyptian culture now.
  • Castle/City keepers traditions don’t require feudal gov anymore
  • Tweaks to some buildings
  • The soulmate frenzy event is less deadly
  • Small fix to the grandeur objective
  • Tweaked swords for hire tradition
  • Fixed the gold scale cost of court amenities
  • Small fixes to the last objectives
  • Disabled an event making vamps convert to not appropriate faiths
  • Integrated Chilemiao’s uploads
  • If you released a ghoul, then embraced them, they will now lose the “scorned me” modifier
  • VTES art for Tapestry of Blood
  • New artifacts: Tapestry of the Bone, Tapestry of Nod (“Tapisserie de Noir”)
  • Weapon display fixes. In duels, special Vampire and Hunter artifact weapons will be wielded without wooden frames around them.
  • Added Court Traits for prey restrictions for Ventrue Clan Bane
  • Darker Map
  • Scrollable Interarctions
  • Debug Mode Portrait Editor fixed.
  • Fixed the Bellum Justum perk
  • Deleted a botched sub bookmark image
  • Kiasyd now have access to the Lasombra dynasty perk
  • True Brujah now have access to Carthage
  • Replaced the zealous people by fervent temple builders for the Greek culture
  • Small prowess nerfs for random artifacts
  • The scheme icons are back
  • Removed the new vanilla option to convert during a stress break #Might be the cause of weird religion vampires floating around
  • Added the Eternal Knowledge objective #Requires Royal Court DLC
  • Removed the obsolete commander event file
  • Nerfed Industrious
  • Upped the gold provided by the “Prince of” building chain #To help players deal with the numerous new costs while cementing the importance of a well dev capital city
  • Removed the prerequisite of the house head being of x government for cadet branches
  • Some loca fixes
  • The Brujah legacy track is now available to True Brujah as well
  • Made some not appropriate courts events not triggering for vampires anymore (no longer pestered by dozens of Cindarella or decapited by a head chasing monk)
  • Giovanni can spawn Zombu now
  • Reactivated the court physician position globally #Running into an issue making it conscience only for now
  • Graphical fixes for fangs, teeth. All characters should ahve teeth now rather than transparent gaping holes in reality when they open their lips.
  • Fix to (REDACTED) mesh
  • Fix to Mist form place holder
  • Primogens events won’t proc for KJ anymore
  • Reactivated the Web of Knives now that the HUD is fixed
  • Fixed a small consistency issue in city/castle main buildings
  • Fixed some visual and costs issues in the amenities maintenance costs
  • Lowered the costs of inspirations
  • Fixed Catu not starting as house head of the True Brujah
  • Fix to Ruler Designer crashing if starting with no splat trait
  • Blood Sorcery fixes
  • Various Kuei-Jin fixes
    • screamer should fell good eat soul too
    • devour chi fixes
    • Adapt a frozen time
    • fixed Dharma succesion
    • fix missing kj schme icon, fix kj charater interaction and made then more understandble, nerf yangprana
    • nerfing a lifestyle perk, buffing ducal building
    • teleport fix
    • fix demonic feature can’t reset problem, add desc for them
    • fixed problem of drain all your chi when have chi flow perk, fixed osmiosis that don’t work, fixed various typo, implemented kj soul art perk
    • added soul eating, ritual murder as execution, added send to oblivion as wraith execution meanwhile ban other one for wraith
  • Various Shih fixes:
    • fix shih make prayer duplicate effect, move wall decision into one
    • Duel move for shih
  • Organizer trait and no more show legacy reward and no more too long opposition
  • changed the condition to make vamp no gain dread or murder secret when murder mortal
  • the cap on herd based on diplomacy
  • the cap on ghouls based on stewardship
  • block vamp convert to innocent faith, in interaction
  • Dynasty window layout changes
  • Additional Chinese Translation
  • Revised Patron Carnal Desire additions
  • Patron character Aisling Leanhaun

Princes of Darkness, “Night Court”, Version, Change Log, February 9, 2022

  • GUI fixes for lower left side
  • Darkened map
  • Chinese localization
  • Enabled animal herd MAA recruitment modifiers
  • Now only some Zealous Mithrasist men will wear Phrygian caps; not all male Mithrasists.
  • Minor fix to COA color lists for changes in gfx reference
  • Re-enabled teaser content after model animation fix
  • Of you go down to the woods tonight you’re sure of a big surprise

Princes of Darkness, “Night Court”, Version 1.5.0, Change Log, February 8, 2022

Royal Court Integration:

  • 121 Artifacts from the World of Darkness, Dark Ages Vampire and Vampire the Masquerade. A list of all 121 artifacts available in the mod today at the Princes of Darkness Mod Wiki: Artifacts :
  • Darker Courts: All royal court scenes adapted to a night time look:
    • no sunlight
    • extensive use of chandeliers, fireplaces, candelabras and floor lamps.
    • Shadows intensified.
  • Primogen Court Positions. A member of each clan can be appointed to the position of Primogen. What constitutes aptitude varies by clan. A poor or terrible Primogen gives a malus, while good and excellent primogen provide bonuses. Clans expect to have a Primogen, and will be displeased if they do not have one. Each 5 years, a mood of the clan event will proc to give a ruler where they stand in regards to clans and their representation.
  • Ancient Cultures: Enochian, Punic, Old Egyptian and Coptic. Each of these cultures have languages. Ghemalish is also an available language. Canon characters and Royal Courts will have such cultures and languages as appropriate.
  • Great Persons and their Inspirations The Great Persons system has been reworked : If no player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, it’s now much more likely that a powerful, higher tier, AI will grab them, instead of a random one. If a player is eligible for a Great Person spawn, but refuses it, the Great Person will end up embraced by a nearby AI ruler instead of wandering off. If the player acquires a Great Person, there is now a risk that a competitor will interfere, making the player having to deal with them. The Great Person wiki page has been reformatted, now showing Great Persons per region and dates of spawn, allowing for a better view of who will be available and when in your campaigns. Many great person characters will spawn with an inspiration to create an artifact.
  • Special Toreador Decision: Dazzling Grandeur
    • Independent Ruler with Kingdom or Empire title
    • All your available primogen court positions filled with primogen of at least good aptitude
    • court Grandeur level of 10 (or 150000 prestige if you do not have the Royal Court DLC).

New Sound Track from Serial Symphony! We are pleased to share with you a new sound track to the mod graciously provided by Serial Symphony! Track listing: * “Kingdom of Darkness” * “Carthago Delenda Est” * “Cathay in Red” * “Discordant” * “Dreaming” * “How to Kill a City” * “In Search of Iniquity” * “Many-Faces” * “The Samaritan” * “The Unseen World” * “White Curtain”

You can hear more of Serial Symphony’s music at::

1500 Bookmark: * Camarilla vs. Sabbat * Cappadocian Purge event * Treaty of Tyre event: Assamites can’t attack Camarilla characters as long as it’s active * Tremere blood curse event: So far represented as a stress modifier, to be expanded

  • Added the Dark Fantastic (roughly 1500/1800) cultural innovations * Added objective to get rid of Tremere Curse * Hundreds of Canon Characters Added * 7 houses added * Introductory lore, bookmarked characters special content, regional introduction events * Path of Harmony and Camarilla Anarchs faiths * Sect Mechanics Work in Progress

DeJure Realms rework

New Paper Map

New Wonder Models * Castle d’Ombro * Ceoris * Pit of Malkav * Founding Temple of Ombos

New Map Layers * Clans * Splats * Masquerade Exposure * Special Buildings

Murder Scheme expansion

Traditions Contract * Blood Tithe * Animal Herd Tithes * Animalism Herd Automation * Progeny Rights

Kuei-Jin * Yin & Yang Meters

Sub-Bookmarks * Ghouls * Revenants * Zadruga

Patrons * Patron Lore * Patron Clan Sub-Bookmarks

Git-Hub change log udpates in chronlogical order:

  • Telyavel don’t hate each other as much now
  • Nerfed Legacy of the Unnamed to not have a potential piety overflow
  • Added lore for 19 characters
  • Scripted the stats for those characters
  • Rosamund now can only achieve her decision once
  • Added 9 characters
  • The Shepherds of Islam faith can now recreate the Ashirra title
  • Integrated Thauma’s Fortitude improvements, added more tooltips and loca to them
  • Put a big red warning on some game rules that shouldn’t be messed with
  • Kuei Jin can’t be ritually murdered to become wraiths anymore
  • Small nerf of Natalya’s legacy
  • A new doctrine, Ashirra Pillars, has been added. All Ashirra founding faiths + the Road of Blood/Tariq El Haqim now consider themselves righteous to one another
  • Added Castle Hardestadt as a wonder
  • Hardestadt bossing his childer won’t result in them rivaling Maatkare anymore
  • If Hardestadt dies, his legacy will now live on in one of his childer
  • Added 9 characters
  • Small setup tweaks for hunters bookmark
  • Tweak to Hardy’s takeover
  • Nerfed Qabilat’s house modifier
  • Changed the druidic faith name to avoid stretching the county window
  • Commented out the Crusade decisions #Crusades are already unlocked by Catholicism and these decisions linger on after with no effect
  • The bloodbond scheme is harder to pull off. The victim will now hate your guts if you failed.
  • Added a Drain Animal automation
  • Added 6 characters
  • Disabled a chain of genetic events for vampires
  • Reduced the vanilla chance of “everyone can die in a battle, no matter the prowess” from 10% to 1%
  • Nerfed MaA’s reduction of forced conscription building #With other modifiers, could lead to free MaA
  • Overseer changed to +0.5 control instead of control mult to avoid an issue when negative control
  • Added 3 characters
  • In their unending war against the equine menace, the vampires have won a victory and shouldn’t die by “horse accidents” anymore
  • Added 5 GPs
  • You can’t put a bounty on torpid characters anymore
  • Fixed the Byzantine community modifier only being partially active
  • Added 5 GPs #The Byzantine area is complete
  • Added 2 regional events # I created a wiki page to reference major and minor chain of events
  • Added 15 characters
  • Various changes to Iberia’s setup
  • Improved the stats of the three vampire adventurers
  • Various nerfs to the WoK potency and aggressiveness
  • Old vampires now have a negative to marriage acceptance (except if soulmates)
  • The Gangrel challenge interaction now has a cooldown and a cost
  • Vampires shouldn’t catch diseases in prisons anymore
  • Whether you succeed or fail, a summon target will now have a negative modifier opinion of you #Summoning someone to you without their consent isn’t a friendly thing to do
  • Fixed a void in the diablerie secret logic. Diablerist can now be fully exposed with serious consequences.
  • Added 5 new murders types specifically for vampires
  • The immurment, poison, thugs and animals murder types have been removed for vampires
  • You can’t invite torpored characters to your court anymore
  • The kill them all option in the cover masquerade interaction doesn’t give stress to sadistic characters anymore
  • Removed vampires from the sinful theocrat loop
  • Fixed misleading cultist predator type tooltip
  • Hedeon should now correctly receive bonus for torturing prisoners
  • Nerfed Militarized Experiments from the Tzimisce objective
  • Clarified the Lamia Bodyguard prestige requirement
  • The control modifiers from survey capital now apply to the county and not the holdings
  • Clarified a misleading tooltip in mortal hunt - Added a placeholder effect to the so far useless Caitiff 4 legacy
  • Replaced the Szlachta bonus in the vicissitude tree (not working)
  • Fixed missing or wrong stuff in the Patron files
  • Added 19 characters
  • Integrated Chilemiao’s upload
  • Removed vanilla entries for history/titles
  • Tweaks to historical humans present in the files (no claims, no two Anna Komnena etc)
  • Added new titles for the future bookmark
  • The Giovanni objective now gives an empire title
  • Added the Sabbat religions descriptions
  • Added the Path of Harmony and Camarilla Anarchs religions
  • Prepared the existing characters for the future bookmark
  • Clarified the Assamite objective prerequisite
  • Integrated FreeRodomontade’s grammar fixes
  • Added 101 characters for the future bookmark
  • Added 7 Houses for the future bookmark
  • Prepared the objectives and title restoration files for the future bookmark
  • Work on the future bookmark
  • Integrated Thauma’s Blood Sorcery work
  • Work for the future bookmark
  • Added a third missing personality trait to some characters (thanks to Faol for the detailed report)
  • Integrated Chilemiao’s changes
  • More future bookmark work
  • More faith icons from Hastur.
  • Updated Tariq el-Tanaqud holy sites and added Ashirra Pillars tolerance doctrine.
  • Integrated FreeRodomontade’s newest proofreading
  • First rough iteration of the 1510 bookmark
  • Vampire Wonder Models: Ceoris, Castel d’Ombro, Ombos and Pit of Malkav, Thanks to the efforts of Amducious, EnumaEllis and ar’kus!
  • Various fixes to 1510 setup
  • Adapted the “world and its lore” part of the intro event for the 1510 bookmark
  • Added around half of the regional intro events for 1510
  • Finsihed the regional introductions for 1510
  • Moldavia isn’t required to recreate the house of Tremere anymore
  • Added investigate lore to the 1510 bookmarked characters
  • Summoning a non vampire doesn’t give an opinion malus to the victim anymore
  • Deactivated the script controlled by the generate family game rule #Meaning that even with this rule on, nothing will happen in the mod now
  • Destroying a title is no longer prohibitively expensive #Removing the elective law still is though, that’s by design
  • Removal of the smallest, more inconsequential, vanilla opinion modifiers to reduce opinion bloat
  • Sanitized houses Plague and Nefertiti prestige per dread gain
  • Tweak to the maintenance event to help AI landed vamps in prestige death spiral get out of it
  • A try to make the AI more willing to buy higher quality MaA than swarm MaA #The tendency of the AI to value numbers above all else is why Gangrel and Setites dominate right now with their swarm MaA
  • The Ur-Shulgi legacy perk has been changed to no longer imply that Ur Shulgi is a friendly and tolerant person
  • Incorporeal form has been nerfed
  • The Byzantine community modifier should now finally completely work #Probably
  • Scripted the stats of the 1510 bookmarked characters
  • Bran castle has been added as a wonder
  • Mukhtar Bey now has his own, properly Caitiff, dynasty
  • The AI logic for revoking titles has been changed to make more sense in the mod’s context
  • Patrons characters have been rebalanced and allowed to live in 1510 #Still unlanded
  • Added a workaround to the AI never upgrades ducal building vanilla and mod issues #It’s a complex script, but the end result should be that you will see the AI having appropriate princedom levels now
  • Added a game rule to control the Web of Knives’ ‘difficulty level’
  • Added a 1510 event for the Treaty of Tyre #Assamites can’t attack Camarilla characters as long as it’s active
  • Added a 1510 event for the Tremere blood curse #So far represented as a stress modifier, will be expanded upon
  • Added an objective to get rid of the Tremere Blood Curse
  • Removed Three Pillars from Path of Night
  • Added 5 characters
  • You can now create a cadet branch without killing your ancestors now, but it requires prestige and dynasty renown instead
  • Reworked some of the earlier cultural innovations
  • Added the Dark Fantastic (roughly 1500/1800) cultural innovations
  • Added a Musketmen MaA
  • Tweaks to the new innovations
  • Nerfed the fearful troops lifestyle perk
  • Added 11 characters (going past the 2300 mark now)
  • Tweaked the CURRENT_DYNAST_EXTRA_POWER define entry #To alleviate some of the bouncy back and forth between dynasty heads
  • Tweaks to help the AI cope with new costs (increased army costs, WoK contracts)
  • The Great Persons system has been reworked :
  • If no player is eligible for a GP spawn, it’s now much more likely that a powerful, higher tier, AI will grab them, instead of a random one
  • If a player is eligible for a GP spawn, but refuses it, the GP will end up Embraced by a nearby AI ruler instead of wandering of
  • If the player acquires a GP, there is now a risk that a competitor will interfere, making the player having to deal with them
  • The GPs wiki page has been reformatted, now showing GPs per region and dates of spawn, allowing for a better view of who will be available and when in your campaigns
  • Added 13 characters
  • Re enabled the ghouls submark (fixed issues in it changing the cast, completed the localization) #There is a known weird issue of strange portraits movements in this specific bookmark, but I have no clues how to fix it and it’s purely visual
  • Fixed Sernog being in two different places holy site and wonder wise
  • Added a 7th ghoul submark character #Because PDX, in their infinite wisdom, decreed that there shall not be two bookmarks with 6 characters at the same time or the space time continuum would break
  • Enabled the intro event for ghouls and revenants. Tweaked it to talk specifically about mechanics and changes relevant to those if you are playing them.
  • Von Murnau hunters can now ordinate unlanded members of their close family regardless of distance
  • Fixed a token in frontend_main gui
  • Added lore buttons info for the bookmarked ghouls
  • Fixed some missing or misplaced perk localizations
  • Increased the cooldown on sending poems to the same person so that it’s less spammy
  • Removed some duplicates characters (history files and GPs)
  • Added 4 characters
  • Fixed two counties modifiers not working, thanks to Mafontti for the report and solution
  • The sanctuary of flesh now only requires vicissitude base, not advanced
  • Merchant Influence 2 is now properly disabled if held by a non vampire
  • Started a title flavorization and de jure project
  • Finished the bulk of de jure Empire flavorization
  • Re scripted the de jure setup differently
  • Added an Egyptian de jure empire (Followers of Set if Setite held, Kemet otherwise)
  • fix the error with Traditions Contracts not properly evaluating obligation levels in determining tyranny and hook usage. Thanks to @philosophergamer for pointing out the issue.
  • Optimized the starting de jure event, added support for titles bouncing back to their original owner types
  • The wise man/mystic repeatable decision has been nerfed
  • AI vamps shouldn’t be able to heal their one eye or scars if they are from their life anymore (so AI Valbjorg should keep her crooked eye now)
  • Integrated Thauma’s uploads
  • Some tweaks to the vanilla Torturer lifestyle tree to slow down the rule by fear playstyle a little
  • Added more dynasty renown as reward for objectives giving you dynasty perks to not be a net negative
  • Added the de jure Kingdom level setup and flavorization scripts #That concludes the “priority” pass on De Jure setup
  • Added 9 characters
  • Tweaks to the Dream objective
  • Tweaks to the stress/chaplain council event
  • flavorization of Tibet+Khotan
  • Holy wars now cost more piety #Piety tend to be too plentiful for non diablerist, and it could help the AI switches focus for eternal holy wars to de jure wars
  • The localization for kingdom holy wars and invasions now correctly refer to per 50/100 years instead of once a lifetime
  • The localization for hedonistic now says that elysium gives piety (which it already did before, only a loca issue
  • Added the Cappadocian Purge as a 1510 setup event
  • Various small fixes (loca, Carthage CoA not appearing, Von Murnau objectives)
  • Added 22 lore buttons. Scripted the stats of those characters.
  • Reduced the AI risk of committing suicide (the decision kind, not the “hopeless attack on the player” kind)
  • The first level of Inquisition buildings don’t require control anymore #This was often confusing players
  • Nerfed some sources of new faith creation cost to avoid creating a faith actually giving you piety if stacked
  • Disabled the AI’s ability to create head of faith titles
  • Flavorized the wendish empire into vinsaule
  • The prerequisites for leveling up your fame and devotion have been increased #There a lot of per fame and per devotion level bonus in the mod, and those two stats are too easy to grind as a longer living/immortal being
  • Added 6 Great Works/Wonders
  • new mapmodes to show the new special buildings on the map.
  • Small buildings inconsistencies fixed
  • Added being nemesis as a valid reason to not accept an alliance (vanilla only cares about rivalries)
  • Added a new script to show the “true” age of pre BC vampires
  • Tweaked the forced conscription building
  • Tweaked the Shadow Reconquista flavorization
  • Disabled the set_age event. PDX won this round
  • Plood tithes
  • AI now respect Traditions Contract Progeny Rights
  • Nerfed opinion bonus from new contracts #Sparc is way too nice with players as usual, +15 opinion for the default contract? nah, it’s the default contract, they expect it, so 0, anything else is a malus
  • Fix to signature weapon custom localization }}
  • Fixed name of zadruga bookmark images, names and portraits
  • Fix to console portrait editor
  • Brought back the 1510 bookmark
  • Correction to mist form, bringing back the mist shield until I do SprenTech
  • Correction to Dracul form
  • France by Night Sub Bookmark Map for Toreador, Ventrue, Brujah, Nosferatu, Cappadocians and Lasombra.
  • Tzimisce Sub Bookmark Map form Zadruga Sub Bookmark Map
  • Zadragu bookmark localization, blood oaths, alliances and dress up.
  • POD Toreador Poseur Closet update for the hunting trip surprise
  • Added two more requested fixes (less siege capture chance, and fixed a court chaplain context switch flooding the error log)
  • Dread will drift faster towards natural dread now, to take into account the many new ways of stacking dread in the mod
  • Reworked the wonders setup in France #Notre Dame has been replaced by a more suitable wonder, Vigiles Francia has been replaced and two new wonders have been added
  • Various small fixes (Shih starting position, AI economic help more staggered)
  • Small fixes for the 1510 setup
  • New try to make the AI prioritize higher quality MaA instead of swarms
  • Added a warning event if you are using the Fullscreen Barbershop mod
  • Removed a lingering torpor event
  • Added a 5th Einherjar Holy Site
  • Fixed a failed context switch in the alliance file
  • More revenant localization, plus spelling, grammar and typo fixes for the entire file.
  • Patron character editions
  • Patron lore fixes
  • Patron bookmark fixex
  • Patron thank you loading screens updated

Princes of Darkness, “Lore of the Clans” Hotfix, Version, Change Log, October 7, 2021

  • Memory leak hotfix in Duel Moves. - Wata, special thanks to Charlie for finding on Linux
  • Memory leak hotfix in Decrease Chi effect. - Chilemiao
  • AI can’t find lair of vampire players. - Wata
  • Telyavel don’t hate each other as much now. - Karde
  • Nerfed Legacy of the Unnamed to not have a potential piety overflow. - Karde

Princes of Darkness, “Lore of the Clans” update, Version, Change Log, October 4, 2021

Happy Vamptober!

  • Sub-Bookmarks. - Karde and Wata
  • Lore button. Wata
  • Lore and Custom Content for Sub-Bookmark Charactgers. - Karde
  • Survey Capital. - Karde
  • Expanded Introduction Events. - Karde
  • Improved Game Concepts. - Karde
  • Disciplne Duel Moves. - Wata
  • Web of Knives assassinations. - Thaumaturge
  • Serptentis Discipline. - Wata
  • Daimonion Discipline. - Thaumaturge
  • Fortitude Discipline improvements. - Thaumaturge
  • Kuei-Jin improvements. - Chilemiao
  • CFP-EPE compatability submod patch. - Sparc
  • New portraits for characters. - Wata, Hastur, Kukul
  • Various Coats of Arm and faith icons. - Sparc & Hastur
  • Patron Content. - Sparc
  • Moved the AI maintenance for heal and hunger from 5 to 3 years so that the AI should feed and heal more often. - Karde
  • Added 72 characters. - Karde
  • Maniacs don’t require a specific predator type to spawn without saying you anymore. - Karde
  • More aggressive stress relief event for the AI vampires. - Karde
  • Fixed find lair not working and high conviction xp rewards. - Karde
  • Disabled the Azure wrathful special “duel criminals” interaction since everyone is a criminal in the mod really. - Karde
  • It’s now harder to capture high intrigue or prowess captives after a successful siege. - Karde
  • Shadow twin is harder to pull off, it’s also less all around good. - Karde
  • Possession by wraiths is harder to pull off. - Karde
  • The AI is less blinding and castration happy on prisoners. - Karde
  • Vicissitude’s shaping gives less prowess. - Karde
  • Fixed Shaagra’s investigation being linked to Urdo. - Karde
  • Disabled shapeshift interaction for the AI, it causes too many graphical and gameplay issues right now. - Karde
  • Another safeguard against vampires becoming thin. - Karde
  • Disabled the vanilla decision for gaining and losing weight for vampires (which do nothing). - Karde
  • Commented out the house tooltips that don’t work right now. - Karde
  • Tweaked some specific spawned vanilla characters stats. - Karde
  • The court chaplain position isn’t auto filled by a randomly generated character at start anymore. - Karde
  • A brute force attempt to make the AI prioritizes building Princedom over everything else (which seems to work). - Karde
  • You should be able to fill up the court chaplain position at will now. - Karde
  • Added 14 new wonders. - Karde
  • Some changes to holy sites to account for the new wonders. - Karde
  • Added a heal part to the AI stress maintenance so that unlanded vampires (who don’t have access to char interaction) can heal themselves
  • You will be less often notified about the fervor or scandalous religious behavior of your family members (vanilla was informing you of such for all your family and families in PoD are huge, hence the spam of this event). - Karde
  • Various tweaks to health events (more safeguards against sick vampires, easier recovery from wounds for AI vamps). - Karde
  • Tentative fix to a potential block to vassal contracts, thanks to Mjobif for the thorough testing. - Karde
  • Various improvement to the diablerie scheme :
  • The AI has now more options to choose from to stop you initially. - Karde
  • The diablerie scheme will always ends up in a full fledged duel now. - Karde
  • The AI will use its blood surge more wisely to give it an edge during the scheme. - Karde
  • The AI will now hate your guts if the diablerie ends up with neither of you dead. - Karde
  • You can now see which option the AI chooses and the probabilities of the relevant duel. - Karde
  • Duels numbers have been reworked to avoid overflow edge cases. - Karde
  • More toasts to inform you of what is happening during the scheme. - Karde
  • Tentative fix to the “Diablerie scheme gets stuck” issue. - Karde
  • Durga Syn can now recover her lost youth. - Karde
  • Malady’s curse now applies a stronger modifier but no actual maladies, as it screwed with a lot of diseases related stuff for vampires. - Karde
  • Nerfed ghoul/revenant buildings as a stopgap. - Karde
  • If a character refuses a demand for conversion, they are now less likely to try to bargain for it, of if they do, they will ask for much more. - Karde
  • Fixed Liliana’s name. - Karde
  • Started grinding through the error log. Added a new “error suppression” file to get rid of some false positives in it (which is, funnily, also something used by PDX). - Karde
  • Vampires can’t die from heart attacks during a literalist debate anymore (you are welcome, Tremere). - Karde
  • Removed the Sabbat founder different religion malus, since there is now different Sabbat faiths. - Karde
  • Fixed Typhonic beasts being recrutable by everyone. - Karde
  • Fixed Inquisitors complaining about clan alliances. - Karde
  • If you had the pseudo third modifier per the Giovanni objective before successfully hunting an Ante to become a true third, you will now lose it. - Karde
  • Created court physicians will now spawn with the mortal trait, to make them suitable for both Vampires and Inquisitors. - Karde
  • If you complete the Giovanni objective post successful Ante Hunt, you won’t have both pseudo and young third modifiers anymore. - Karde
  • Lucita’s starting modifier is less punishing. - Karde
  • Worked around the weirdest loca issue ever. - Karde
  • Commented out the join ghoulbros decision that was available to any revenant and ghoul character. - Karde
  • Tried a fix to avoid characters like Etrius having a crown with the NL DLC. Since I don’t have it myself, I can’t really be sure of the success of the fix though. - Karde
  • Qarakh has his beard again. This deserved a changelog spot. - Karde

Princes of Darkness, “Garrison Hotfix”, Version, Change Log, June 8, 2021

  • Added garrison_reinforcement_factor to castle, temple and city buildings. - Creed

Princes of Darkness, “Blood Cults & Silk”, Version 1.4.0, Change Log, June 8, 2021

  • Patch for CK3 1.4 Azure. - Karde, Wata


  • Kuei-Jin overhaul. - Chilemiao
  • Kuei-Jin use Shintai not Disciplines. - Chilemiao
  • Kuei-Jin: Chi Mechanic. - Chilemiao
  • Kuei-Jin: Adoption Rework. - Chilemiao
  • You can no longer diablerize KJ. - Karde
  • Kuei Jin prospects now get personality traits in the new system. - Karde
  • Kuei Jin don’t get the predator type event anymore. - Karde
  • Fixed an issue with the KJ adoption event for female characters. - Karde

Cults of the Blood Gods

  • Added Dastur Anosh and Baba Yaga’s cults as faiths. Adapted the setup to account for them. - Karde
  • Added the Red Temptation, Consumptionism, Divisionism, Deimosianism, Via Primordia, Daughters of the Sun and Shepherds of Islam faiths. - Karde
  • Added the Daughters of Gorgo, Amaranthans, Cleopatrans, Eyes of Malakai and Servitors of Irad faiths. - Karde
  • Adapted the setup and added new characters for these faiths. - Karde
  • Via Yasaq doesn’t care about diablerie anymore, as Anda don’t shun on diablerie in the lore. - Karde
  • The religious opinion malus from non hostile religions has been reduced… - Karde
  • …but it’s considerably harder to convert vampires. - Karde
  • More innocent feeding stock. - Sparc

New Legacies

  • Ashen Dynasty Legacies - Wata
  • Added the new education events unlocked by the Ashen dynasty legacies. - Karde

New Lifestyles

  • Added Obtenebration discipline. - Wata
  • Additional Inquisitor Lifestyles: Endowments. - Kukul
  • Various nerfs of vanilla lifestyle perks to reduce stat bloat, knight and domain limit. - Karde


  • Added Lasombra and Set as a possible targets for the antediluvian hunt. - Karde
  • Added Tzimisce as a potential Ante hunt target
  • Lasombra events. - Creed
  • Added 21 new custom investigations. Scripted the stats of these characters. - Karde
  • Added 57 new Great Persons, making it a total of 142 (up from 85). - Karde
  • Retooled the Echidna event towards a more regional one instead of global. - Karde
  • Silvester de Ruiz now starts with event troops to be more threatening in Iberia (and because Madrid isn’t a duchy capital). - Karde
  • Granada (Badr) starts with the corresponding prince of a city building to help compensate. - Karde

Decisions & Interactions

  • The AI will now crash civilization only if it controls Krakow, Novgorod or Byzantium. - Karde
  • The feast decision is no longer available to vampires… - Karde
  • …replaced by a “Host Elysium and Council Meeting” one. - Karde
  • Players can now use the holy war CB even if under a liege of another religion. - Karde
  • You can now only use mass conversion if independent. - Karde
  • The King of Kings decision now gives you the dynasty prestige to pay for the custom legacy perk. - Karde
  • The Malkavian Thorns’ representative will no longer claim to have founded the Camarilla if he chooses the opposition. - Karde
  • Added ability to change herd resonance flavor and intensity. - Sparc
  • Added ability to release herd. - Sparc
  • Default Traditions Contract now allows revocation if Crown Authority is high enough. - Sparc
  • Which means Baronies can now be revoked for free with Limited Crown Authority (2). - Sparc
  • Levies were added to Traditions Contract, so now lieges can gain levies from their vassals. - Sparc
  • The AI won’t use spawn armies and call animals anymore, at it stresses it way too much. This should also nerf Gangrel quite a lot. - Karde
  • Nerfed the TF xp gain for the Cainite only decision. - Karde
  • The find mortals resulting event now tells you that you still have to hunt the mortals to get blood. - Karde
  • Fixed a missing bracket in character_interaction_triggers. - Karde
  • Fixed an unexisting command in Cappadocian powers. - Karde


  • Added the revenants buildings to the replace building maintenance event (experimental). - Karde
  • Added 101 characters. - Karde
  • Added 8 new patron characters: Elder Diego, Marcus Mortifier, Nichoals D’Avry, Abe no Seimei, Martinus, Morgano Murchadh, Jimeno Fitzroy, and Brand de Draeck. - Sparc
  • 4 new kingdoms to Patron War bookmark: Land of Whispers, Court of Crows, Covenant of Shadows and the Mortifiers. -Sparc
  • Vampires have less opinion bonus for “familial” relationships. - Karde
  • Powerful vassals have a bigger opinion malus if they aren’t in the council. - Karde
  • Too many held duchies opinion malus is now bigger. - Karde
  • Building tweaks. - Kukul
  • Fixed the Kairouan/Rawan house modifiers issue. - Karde
  • Some tweaks to some characters. - Karde
  • Fixed an issue in the Patreon’s file. - Karde
  • Some minor fixes and localizations improvement on it. - Karde
  • Prowess changes. - Wata
  • Wraiths can’t be embraced or ghouled anymore. - Karde
  • Added the new traits on the relevant characters. - Karde
  • Nerfed the prowess from wraith potency. - Karde
  • Prison of Water has been made harder to pull off. - Karde
  • The AI is less likely to start feasts. - Karde
  • Revenants and ghouls won’t become overweight anymore. - Karde
  • Andeleon now has vicissitude advanced. - Karde
  • Innovations that gave domain limit have had their effects replaced by something else. - Karde
  • Spouse assistance’s task is less strong stat wise. - Karde
  • Age obfuscated for ancients. - Wata
  • HUD changes. - Kukul
  • Added a new option to the Masquerade Spymaster plan if you already are at 0 exposure. - Karde
  • The Gods and Monsters legacy tree isn’t shown to non vampires anymore. - Karde
  • Made sure that the assassins will spawn with an education trait. - Karde
  • The AI is more reluctant of “marrying down”. - Karde
  • Buffed House Callisti. - Karde
  • The Abduct scheme is a little harder to pull off. - Karde
  • Small ghoul nerfs (no innate prowess, cost prestige to ghoul). - Karde
  • Added a safety check to avoid the predator type event triggering twice in rare circumstances. - Karde
  • Revenants will lose the vampire elective law if they acquire a duchy+ title. - Karde
  • Training your ghouls in disciplines is now more stressful. - Karde
  • Ghouls start with a less generous amount of disciplines in average now. - Karde
  • The diablerize effect doesn’t try to change your generation if you are 3rd gen. There is no way up when you already are at the top. - Karde
  • Fleshed out Summoning localization. - Karde
  • Removed a duchy capital building in a non duchy capital. - Karde
  • Another round of tweaks to the world initialization events that should now, really, trigger at start and not somewhere during the first year of play. Hopefully. Cross your fingers. - Karde
  • Upped the cost of removing the vampire elective law. - Karde
  • Additional Chinese Translation. - Chilemiao
  • Additional Spanish Translation. - Mikelvamp and Nikuzo

Known issues.

  • Kuei-Jin Canon characters need some disciplines completed at bookmark start.
  • Kuei-Jin need their own “clan” dynasty legacy
  • Kuei-Jin need to be added to Custom Character decision
  • Removed incomplete translations, and fake translations that were just English (and now incomplete)

Princes of Darkness, Version, “Herd Automation”, Change Log, March 21, 2021

  • Herd automation. - Thaumaturge
  • Spanish translation. - Nikuzo
  • “¡El mod Princes of Darkness llega finalmente al español! Es una traducción MUY temprana. Habrá muchos bugs (Corrigiéndose y otros desconocidos) Pero debería ser suficiente para disfrutar del juego.

¡Si encuentras alguno, repórtalo para que pueda corregirlos! Toda ayuda es bienvenida. ¡A través de las sombras perseveramos!”

  • Chinese translation updates. - Chilemiao
  • Fixed the missing culture and religion of new provinces. - Karde
  • Fixed the missing Kukul’s portraits. - Karde
  • Added the Poet trait to some more characters. - Karde
  • Fix vassal contract GUI. - Thaumaturge
  • Hair and beards fixes for canon characters and easter eggs. - Sparc
  • Survey loading screen. - Sparc
  • Fixed the lifestyles initialization event trying to give perks to unlanded chars (which is illegal). - Karde
  • Fixed a wrong trigger in Gehenna_omen (looking from is_vampire from an empty event). - Karde
  • Tweaks to the last Glycon and Witches of Echidna to have less one sided stats, but overall better ones. - Karde
  • Fixed the last witch of echidna spawning in “Calabria straits” a non existing province. - Karde
  • Fixes for c_trent, k_mali and k_sardinia. - Karde
  • Fixed the last Glycon and Witches of Echidna not getting blood potency. - Karde
  • Baali houses modifiers tweaked so that they hate their own house less
  • Marriage fixes. - Kukul
  • The marriage window now defaults to “all” and not “fertile” to propose candidates. - Kukul
  • New, legacy track for hunters. - Kukul
  • Some fixes to the Antediluvian hunt quest. - Karde
  • ^ Yes, you read that correctly. Surprise! It was in the 1.3.0 update! ^

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.3.0, “Corvinus”, Change Log, March 17, 2021

  • Updated for CK3 1.3.0 “Corvus” Update
  • 1.3 compatibility. - Sparc
  • Einherjar have Gruesome Festivals with Northern Lords Flavor Pack. - Sparc
  • Gangrel Dynasty has access to Adventurer and Pillage Legacies. - Sparc
  • Ravnos Dyansty has access to Adventurer legacy. - Sparc
  • Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
  • Added 16 characters. - Karde
  • Added 7 Great Persons, bringing us to 85 Great Persons in the mod right now. - Karde
  • Added Kemintiri’s investigation. - Karde
  • Bald canon character fix. - Sparc, Wata, Karde and Kukul
  • Show more Traits GUI fix. - Wata
  • Show prowess in character attribute lists. - Redguard
  • Random Toreador, Malkavians and Einherjar may be poets. - Sparc
  • Poet is a virtue for Conscience and Devoted to Michael doctrines. - Sparc
  • Berserker is a virtue to Road of the Beast. - Sparc
  • Izhim ur Baal, Rhys the Rhymer, Guillaume de Lorris, Aighar akhu Quzmanand and Ki Yuen are poets. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.2.2, Hot Fix for “Inquisition” Update, Change Log, March 8, 2021

  • Being a hunter is now a valid criminal reason for a vampire faith to revoke titles, imprison and excute without incurring tyranny. - Sparc
  • The house modifiers for ALL houses will now appear at 1375 bookmark. - Sparc
  • Bloodgorged can now create more ghouls with a prisoner vampire. - Sparc
  • Daughters, Kiasyd and Impundulu issues with inheriting disciplines. - Sparc
  • Disable Patron Religious Head Duchies for 1230 bookmarks. - Sparc, Karde
  • Caitiff custom bloodline decision does alter coat of arms potentially for dynasty and realm. - Sparc
  • Make “The Dream” empire have a Tyrian Purple map color. - Sparc
  • Egyptian/Nubian Alexandrites, Panehesy and Nefer-mer-Isis houses get Ancient Egyptian clothing. - Sparc
  • revenant children will start with faith of their children, unless that is ignorance. - Sparc
  • Ghoul and Revenant vassal contracts on Traditions contract get all the options that vampire vassals do, displayed. - Sparc
  • Indulgences and Execommunication enabled for blood communion tenet. - Sparc
  • Fixed the childer of Enoch and Irad in Custom Character Decision. - Sparc
  • Frenzy event typos. - Sparc
  • Fixed transmogrification of clubfeet and male genitals. - Sparc
  • Include canon order legitimized bastards in an AI ordination event. - Kukul
  • Fix Ask Pope option names being too long. - Kukul
  • Make Meritocracy legacy track descriptions more explicit. - Kukul
  • Fixed Rostislav’s Patron War bookmark name. - Sparc
  • Tabitha can only accomplish her special decision once now. - Karde
  • The Gantebein no longer wipe out their realms of vampires and ghouls after each war like other hunters. - Karde
  • Correcting a case where education events could fire for dead childer. - Karde
  • The wounded vampire goes into torpor event has been disabled. - Karde
  • The bored vampire goes into torpor event has been shifted to target unlanded head of faith (to solve the issue of them being untargettable). - Wata
  • The “Exit from torpor if you are landed” AI decision doesn’t cost prestige anymore. - Karde
  • Corrected the typo on find lair by prowess reward. - Karde
  • Added more of Vic’s corrections in loca. - Karde
  • Great Persons stats have been scripted, resulting in overall better stats and less one sided. - Karde

Princes of Darkness, Version, “Inquisition” Update, Change Log, February 28, 2021

Inquisition! - Karde, Kukul, Sparc, Wata and Khorvale

  • Added a game rule for the Endgame Inquisitors difficulty. - Karde
  • Added the Holy Heal perk. - Karde
  • Ask the Pope decision. - Kukul and Karde
  • Invite Prospect decision. - Kukul and Karde
  • AI Inquisition heir creation events and templates - Karde and Kukul
  • Inquisition dynasties house modifiers - Kukul
  • 3 Inquisition lifestyle events - Kukul
  • Characters for Sisters of St John, Red Order, St James - Kukul
  • Added the Conversion perk of the True Faith Lifestyle tree. - Karde
  • Small history changes (Louhi, Rodrigue, Gauthier). - Karde
  • Scripted the Penance perk of the true faith tree. - Karde
  • Also added a maintenance event for vampires to come back from the Shadow Inquisition religion, they were not invited. - Karde
  • Vampires looking for jobs in Inquisitors courts will now be politely shown the door. - Karde
  • The True Faith lifestyle is done (although the graphics aren’t as pretty as the others). - Karde
  • True faith and medicine perks added to the auto assign perks script for vampires. - Karde
  • Added True Faith lifestyle xp for successful find the lair scheme. Higher gain if the vampire killed was lower generation. - Karde
  • Ordinated characters have a 10% chance of gaining True Faith on ordination. Same for Von Murnau becoming hunters. - Karde
  • Added True Faith or Beatific traits to Inquisitors characters. - Karde
  • Also added it to the few vampires that qualify for it, even though they can’t earn xp in this tree for now. - Karde
  • Added rewards to “Pyrrhic victories” in the find lair scheme. - Karde
  • Inquisitors will now get their lifestyle trees filled at the start like vampire do. - Karde
  • Tweaked find lair duels to be more interesting and understandable. - Karde
  • Added the lore introduction events for Inquisitors. - Karde
  • Added Independnet Hunters faith for lapsed Inquisitors and independent non-Inquisitorial hunters. - Sparc
  • Random Shadow Inquisitors and Indpendent Hunters Coats of Arms. - Sparc
  • Inquisitors spawned by the endgame crisis will now always accept a vassalization offer from a player inquisitor. - Karde
  • This behavior is forewarned to players in the main Inquisition warning event of 1420. - Karde
  • The Inquisition warning event will actually show up to warn you about the Inquisition. - Karde
  • Added a post war maintenance event that makes vampires holder go away when a war is won by an inquisitor. - Karde
  • Scripted oculi dei recruits are now order member. - Karde
  • Rodrigue now starts with the duchy of Viscaya. - Karde
  • You can demand conversion of independent inquisitors. - Karde
  • Added a check to avoid inquisitors being proposed as knights for the invite champions decision, although I couldn’t reproduce this error in the first place. - Karde
  • Hunters can now be embraced. True Faith characters still can’t. - Karde
  • Same for the exsanguination execution method. - Karde
  • Tweaked the masquerade exposure maintenance event to have it not fire for non vampires. - Karde
  • Fixed the control the townfolk building. - Karde
  • Embraced characters lose the order_member trait during the embrace. - Karde
  • Added a Karl Schrekt chain of events. - Karde
  • Inquisition event type theme icons. - Hastur
  • Society of Saint George dynasty. - Sparc
  • Turn Hunter event. - Khorvale and Kukul
  • Knights of Santiago tabbard. - Sparc
  • Shadow Inquisition Nuns in Habits. - Sparc
  • Red Order wears Red. - Sparc
  • Added renown gain for Hunters executing vampires. - Sparc
  • Added renown gain for Hunters finding the lair of vampires and destorying them. - Sparc
  • Added renown gains for dynasty modifiers for canon Shadow Inquisition dynasties. - Sparc
  • Added Oculi Dei to the von Murnau “ruler always hunter” maintenance event. - Karde
  • Nerfed the leaders of the rebel Inquisition cell. - Karde
  • The great prospects given by the various Inquisition objective now start with mortal trait and not hunter, so you can ordinate them as your heir. - Karde
  • “East Francia” renamed to “Germany” in the von Murnau objective. - Karde
  • Integrated Kukul’s tweaks for non canon Inqui playthrough. - Karde
  • Invite prospects decision is less costly overall. - Kukul
  • New Legacy Track for Shadow Inqusition orders. - Kukul
  • Inquisition/Vampire diplomatic relations fix - Kukul
  • Inquisition alternative to release for hooks - Kukul
  • Learn True Faith from a friend. - Wata
  • Added additional Sword of St. James characters. - Karde

Blood Sorcery - Thaumaturge

  • Blood Sorcery GUI! - Thaumaturge
  • Blood Sorcery: Path of Blood, Mars, Curses, Neptune’s Might and Focus of the Mind. - Thaumaturge


  • Added Haunting Crime Doctrine, criminalizing wraiths, shunning oblivion and possession. - Sparc
  • Added missing wraith effects. - Sparc
  • A necromancer must now be in the same location as the victim to ritually murder them and transform them into a wraith. Etrius has to physically grab Ponticulus’ junk at Ceoris. - Sparc
  • Skuld oblivion discipline power can strip ghouls and revenants of vampire blood, potentially killing them. - Wata
  • Ashes to Ashes localization. - Wata

Camarilla vs. Sabbat

  • Camarilla and Sabbat buildings. - Kukul
  • Camarilla and Sabbat Gangrel will stop collapsing civilization for funzies as soon as they convert. - Karde
  • Added Sabbat Paths of Enlightenment faiths, holy sites, Coat of Arms charge. - Sparc
  • Fixed and moved the Sernog Monastary location. - Sparc
  • New Coats of Arms for various holy sites: Ceoris, Hunedoara and Sernog Monastery. - Sparc
  • Small fixes for the new Sabbat religion. - Karde
  • Camarilla, Sabbat and new Tzimisce event type theme icons. - Hastur
  • Added Gangrel COA event theme. Fixed broken Banu Haqim COA event theme in Thorns events. - Sparc
  • New Camarila and Sabbat Faith Buildings. - Khorvale

Ghouls & Revenants

  • Revenant/ghoul buildings - Kukul
  • Revenant Bloodgorged objective decision: “Steal the Secrets of Vitae”. - Kukul
  • Revenants can now targeted with a blood bond scheme. - Sparc
  • Released ghouls will now lose their blood bond hooks and positive opinion of their domitor. - Sparc
  • Khazi revenants are now scaly. Khazi motto fixed. - Sparc
  • 18+ immortal age for revenants set. - Sparc
  • Fixed a bug in transmogrification that was preventing really beautiful or really ugly domitors from making their ghoul thralls ugly or beautiful. - Sparc
  • Calomena Forsaken’s buildings. - Kukul
  • Ghouls can use a vampire prisoner to create a ghoul - Kukul
  • Vampire Dukes and higher tier tiles will create a single ghoul thrall depending upon their faith restrictions. - Sparc

New Events - Karde

  • Vampire childer education events. - Karde
  • Added an event for your childe to try to eat you as soon as you embrace him. - Karde
  • Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
  • Included an event chain around Ulf’s Hall. - Karde
  • Added 8 events regarding your unlanded knights. - Karde
  • Knights events can’t happen with your childer now. - Karde
  • New regional person events. - Karde
  • Added the tier 3 of education events : presenting your childe to the court. - Karde
  • Canon Character Content for Mithras, Helena, Absalon. - Karde
  • Kuei Jin invasion of Anda. - Karde

3D Portraits

  • Community Flavor Pack Compatibility Submod. - Sparc
  • Fixed nudity bug in ruler designer. - Sparc
  • Fixed weight slider and muscle slider in ruler designer. - Sparc
  • Adjusted portrait environment for more dramatic lighting. - Sparc
  • Added Ancient Egyptian Clothing for Egyptian Setites, models courtesy of Owlcoholic. - Sparc
  • Mithrasist hats are now red. - Sparc
  • Blood Gorged Eyes. - Wata
  • Frenzy Eyes. - Wata
  • Sanitized some DNA that was causing vampiric childer to grown horns. - Sparc
  • Knights of Shadow Reconquista tabbard. - Sparc
  • 44 new portraits: Wata: Theodora Anna Romanovich, Calida, Dieter von Karlach, Tautginas, Trajan, Alacrinis, Iontius, Maatkare, Usama, Alaric the Younger, Eileen, Julia Antasia(redone). Made Caine, Zilah, Irad, Enoch look younger kukul: Tanith, Irad, Enoch, Zilah, Caine, Annazir, Marcellus of Alexandria, Bezprym Slatikov, Adrian Szantovich, Lucretia von Hardtz, Lotta of East Kiilt, Hrothgar of Nordreyjar, Camille Duchesne, Hippolyta, Mireia Subira, Nefertiti, Lacplesis, Tomislav of Bulgaria, Periander, Marcus Licinius, Olugbenga, Jhunakhai, Dominus the Warmaster, Arjan of Utrecht, Agnethe of Skane, Al-Ashrad, Armin Brenner, Demdemeh, Borovich of Pomerania, Nova Arpad, Razkoljna, Raiya of Oghuz, Florescu of Bukovina, Zdarvka of Chornobyl, Landuff of Palemero, Nicodemus of Reims.


  • Vampire building update and AI prioritization - Kukul
  • Blood Hunger and Masquerade meter GUIs. - Thaumaturge and Sparc
  • Caitiff objective decision: establish your own bloodline! - Wata, Hastur and Sparc
  • Duel when attempting to imprison vampires. - Wata
  • Train childer disciplines. - Wata
  • The localization for disciplines perks is now accurate and complete. - Karde
  • Added flavour localization to most discipline trees. - Khorvale
  • Reworked a number a number of discipline perks to fit lore/game limitations better. - Khorvale
  • Corrected some spelling. - Khorvale
  • Elders from the Assamite, Baali and Brujah now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
  • Elders from the Cappadocian, Gangrel and Lasombra now have their full disciplines lists. - Karde
  • Elders from the Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Salubri and Setites now have their full disciplines list. - Karde
  • Elders of the last four clans (Tremere, Tzimisce, Toreador and Ventrue) have their full disciplines list - Karde
  • Torpor and blood potency improvements. - Wata
  • Vampires won’t create cadets houses anymore. - Karde
  • Insults for vampires based on clan. - Sparc
  • Same for the disciplines page on the wiki. - Karde
  • Nerfed (finally) the +knight effectiveness of the martial lifestyle tree. - Karde
  • Reworked opinion from defines. Characters don’t care as much about culture and parent/child relationship. They care much more about being in the council if they are powerful. - Karde
  • Integrated PDX nerf of diplomacy skill into character opinion. - Karde
  • Tentative fix of the vassal contract being blocked if an AI ruler changes a thing before you got this vassal. - Karde
  • Fix for the London Mithraeum that Sparc made only buildable for Via Diabolis and Tartaros, thus proving that he is truly a Baali. - Karde
  • Brujah are now opposite of Assamites. - Sparc
  • Added the most convoluted maintenance event ever to have the AI actually replace buildings. - Karde
  • To make it work, some changes to province files. - Karde
  • Added Game Rule for chosing between DAV20 and V5 rules: this impacts disciplines and trait icons, more to come. - Sparc
  • Vampire Coats of Arms updated for V:TM V5 Symbols. - Sparc
  • Random Ravnos now get appropriate Coats of Arms, not just Indian COAs. - Sparc
  • Unquartering. Random cadet dynasties will no longer default to quartered shields. - Sparc
  • Fix to needs new dynasty effect for generating coats of arms and non-lowborn random splat courtiers. - Sparc
  • Started creating a few Temporaral Heads or Religions: Cainite Hersey/See of Nod and Calomena’s Forsaken. - Sparc
  • Integrated PDS hotfix changes. - Karde
  • Continued fixing the world initialization events quirks. - Karde
  • Fixed some initialization events being character events where they shouldn’t. - Karde
  • Changed the holy war for kingdom localization to say that it’s per 50 years and not lifetime. - Karde
  • Added an “empty” tag to our maintenance events, which seems to improve their triggering reliability. - Karde
  • With this, the initialization event finally triggers on game start, meaning you have blood potency and masquerade exposure at the beginning. - Karde
  • Tweaked the replace building script to more aggressively trigger. - Karde
  • Chimerstry localization doesn’t reference technology from the future anymore. - Karde
  • Tweaked the replace buildings script to be less aggressive to players. - Karde
  • The cover up Masquerade decision now tells you when your religion doesn’t care about the Masquerade. - Karde
  • Ordos faiths added as an option for Malkavian characters in Custom Character Creator. - Sparc
  • Added an objective for Tal’mahe’Ra religion characters. - Karde
  • Unified the Naktanchara with the underworld realm of the Naga: Patala. - Sparc
  • New Faith Buildings. - Khorvale
  • Moved Szlachta creation to perk Transmogrify the mortal clay to prevent it being useless (formerly giving bonus to Szlactha troops that only become available after getting the next perk). - Khorvale
  • Gave Tzimisce shapes fixed Prowess bonuses and bigger attraction debuffs (maybe too much). - Khorvale
  • Added instant dread gains to Vicissitude transformations. - Khorvale
  • Attempted to standardize some code, probably to karde’s great consternation. - Khorvale
  • Added silly easter egg. - Khorvale
  • Added another safeguard against ill vampires. - Karde
  • Lacplesis is now Latgalian. - Karde
  • Fixed a broken effect in the shapeshift modifier. - Karde
  • Diversified NPC predator type allocation. - Sparc
  • Religion of Ignorance and Faith of Innocence for hapless mortals. - Sparc
  • Some mortals know about and support the Shadow Inquisition, without being hunters. - Sparc
  • More hunters and vampires will spawn as random courtiers. - Sparc
  • Player decision to start Crusades/Great Holy Wars by faiths with appropriate tenets, max piety level and 1000 piety. - Sparc
  • Nagaraja can no longer exsanguinate prisoners, but they can devour them which also satisfies their blood hunger. - Sparc
  • Innocent mortals will be sacrificed less by Hunters and some Vampires for being heretics. - Sparc
  • Nakurtum and her childe are now Road of Ahura Mazda following new information. - Karde
  • Fix for African Duchy Capitals. - FaolDeTeine
  • Update for Sèitheach, now a revenant. - FaolDeTeine
  • Fix for random barons. - Sparc

Integrated Mods

  • Integrated Show More Traits Mod. Thanks to FunGaming44. Further modified by Wata.
  • Integrated More Realm Capital Mod. Thanks to Myrianne.
  • Integrated Window Dynasty scrollable by Samdy.


  • Head of Faith titles for Antediluvian Patron Faiths. - Sparc
  • Added Antediluvian Patron Faith to primary kingdoms for Patron War Bookmark. - Sparc
  • Revised Patron Faiths: tenets, coats of arms, icons, holy sites. - Sparc
  • Added Patron Antediluvian Coat of Arms. - Sparc
  • Patron Characters: Patrick Ramos, Gabriel Felipe de la Casta, Lilian Szantovich, Stoffer Ravensburg, Miguel Barbaneagra, Mokano, Bjorik, Lucius Salinas, Abaddon Natasson, Faustus, Lael O’Ruairc, Hakon Fystond, Bimbee, Anatolios Tenebris, Eridanus, Xenephon, Wilhelm Shelborne, Rotislav Vovkulaka, Antariksha-Chandra Hastur, Mathieu, Gorm, Hannibal Barcid - Sparc
  • Patron character nerfing. - Karde

Princes of Darkness, Version “Metamorphosis” Update Changelog, November 30th, 2020

  • Fixed for resonance effect determination, now hidden. - Sparc
  • Fixed issue with Lasombra not getting option to spawn shade armies. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version “Metamorphosis” Update Changelog, November 29th, 2020

  • Fixed missing Salubri Third Eye. - Sparc
  • Removed open mounth animation gene for causing problems with Ungrouped category in debug mode of Ruler Designer. - Sparc
  • Changed resonance recalculation for after slurp. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version “Metamorphosis” Update Changelog, November 27th, 2020

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.2.1 “Metamorphosis” Update Changelog, November 27th, 2020

  • Compatibility patching with CK3 version 1.2.1 “Argent” update, including Ruler Designer. - Sparc
  • Chinese translation. -
  • French translation. - Al3xell
  • Reworked Eastern Europe Map to match canon locations. Added Council of Ashes, moved Obertus, reworked Voivodate, Tremere, Hungary, Transylvania, Wallachia, Moldavia, Poland, Silesia and Pinsk. Landed revenants appropriately. - Sparc
  • Herds! Herd scheme, herd event for the scheme, herd for certain predator types, attuning the herd for Ventrue banes, Interaction to drink from a herd member, Personal Interaction to choose a herd member to feed from out of a list, herd character templates, dynamic blood loss for both mortals and vampires, little fixes. - Thaumaturge
  • Resonance changed! Victims now have four types of resonance quality: neglible, fleeting, intense and accute. Healthy victims with good traits are more likely to have high quality resonance (and thus more experience gain), while victims with bad health will have lower quality resonance. Vampires will have lower resonance quality. Elder vampires even lower resonance quality. Though great persons will have higher quality resonance. You might want high quality resonance victims to be your herd, rather than quickly drained. - Sparc
  • Ghouls! Ghoul scheme. Maninpulate you ghoul for fun and profit. Train, Transmorgify, Heal, Reward Gold, Demand Gold and Give Blood. - Sparc
  • Breed your ghouls to create revenants. - Sparc
  • Wraiths! Ritually murder people, causing their souls to transform into wraiths after death. Bind those wraiths to your will. Send your bound wraiths out to spy, haunt and possess others! - Thaumaturge
  • Added Canon revenant families: Bratovitch, Grimaldi, Obertus, Szantovich, Premsylid, Vlaszy, Danislav, Khazi, Krevcheski, Narov, Rusovitchi, Ruthvenski, Basarab, Slatikov, Enrathi, Marijava, Rafastio, D’habi, Keskinen, Rosselini, Rawan, Kairouan Brotherhood, Bomkazi and Dimitriou (Prias). - Sparc
  • Added some Requiem ghoul families so that all clans can play the breeding game: Nirriti, Crassus, Gravenor and Angustri. - Sparc
  • Added some fanon revenant families so that all clans can play the breeding game: Kurulas, Qarnaim. - Sparc
  • Added fanon revenant patriarch characters for all revenant families for 1230 Bookmark start. - Sparc
  • Transmogrify your ghouls with the power of vicissitude. - Sparc
  • Revenants! Many, many houses of revenants. Revenant mechanics. - Sparc
  • Added Dragomir Basarab and Florescu to the Tzimisce. - Sparc
  • Added Vicissitude/Tzimisce Zulo form. - jimtalksdata
  • Added Vicissitude/Tzimisce Dracul form. - jimtalksdata
  • Added Salubri Third Eye. - emeryville
  • Added blood smears. - emeryville
  • Added Vicissitude/Tzimisce Head blendshapes. - emeryville
  • Added Wide open mouth animation. - emeryville
  • Added Portraits for Bayezid Gantenbein, Basil Gantenbein, Radu Bistri, Kara Vlaszy Lupescu, Rodrigue de Navarre, Vittoria Santini di Parma, Michael. - Wata
  • Added Portratis for Patrons: Seitheach, Jose de’Calamar, Cyrus, Izalda Kishlovsky, Zethraeus Faust, Nicholas Masteron. - Wata
  • Added a character interaction that let you learn, at a cost, a discipline that a friend, lover or soulmate of yours know. - Karde
  • Added the “engdame” for 1230 : Age of Inquisition / Anarch Revolt / Birth of the Sects. - Karde
  • Added a Camarilla and Sabbat religious family, and Camarilla (humanity) and Path of the Honorable Accord as faiths under it. - Karde
  • Added an Anarch religious family, with Free Anarch as a faith under it. - Karde
  • Added an “Anarch Revolt” phase of events starting in 1450. - Karde
  • Added the Convention of Thorns starting in 1493. - Karde
  • Added the Birth of the Sabbat in 1495. - Karde
  • Added an “Age of Inquisition” phase of events starting in 1430, spawning Inquisitors around the world. - Karde
  • Added an hunter religious family and a Shadow Inquisition faith. - Karde
  • Populist and peasants revolts should be almost non existent for vampires now… - Karde
  • …but added an Hunter revolt, more likely to show up at high masquerade exposure level. - Karde
  • Added 21 new custom investigations. - Karde
  • Added an Inquisitor governement form, it’s a copy of vanilla clan governement so far. - Karde
  • Inquisitors can now always revoke titles. - Karde
  • Added and landed 17 new Inquisitors in their startdate to polish the setup. - Karde
  • The intro events (mechanics and lore) will only trigger for vampire rulers in 1230 now. It’s to make room for Inqui intro events in the future. - Karde
  • Added 3 Inquisitors buildings and 6 Inquisitors wonders. - Karde
  • Shadow Inquisition characters are now very reluctant to be converted. - Karde
  • You can’t ask an inquisitor to convert religion anymore. - Karde
  • Vampires won’t accept conversion to the shadow inquisition. - Karde
  • Added 6 Inquisitor objectives. - Karde
  • Added the characters and localization for the Inquisitor bookmark. Still disabled by default for now. - Karde
  • Started landing the Inquisitors for their bookmark. - Karde
  • Shadow Inquisition orders Coats of Arms. - Sparc
  • Gave Inquisitor appropriate clothing. - Sparc
  • Added Calomena’s Forsaken faith. - Sparc
  • Added Calomena’s Forsaken Kingdom to Bosnia in Dark Age Inquisitor Bookmark. - Sparc
  • Added Calomena’s Chosen faith. - Sparc
  • Created Blood Gnosticism Religion: Via Cain, Via Pura, Calomena’s Chosen and Calomena’s Forsaken. - Sparc
  • Added Blood Gnosticism to Chargen. - Sparc
  • Fixed hostility doctrine for Blood Gnosticism so they stopped seeing everyone but themselves as righteous. - Karde
  • Added Church of the Church of the Black Magdalene, Eschatologists of Cappadocius and the Swarm of Samael to the Blood Gnostics. - Sparc
  • Added Bayezid and Basil Gantebein ghoul hunters to Dark Age Inquisitor Bookmark. - Sparc
  • Added an AI maintenance event to make gender appropriate heirs pop for Inquisitors characters (except the von Murnau, who make heirs the old fashioned way). - Karde
  • Added a background event to make members of the von Murnau dynasty have a chance of becoming hunters sometimes during their adult life. - Karde
  • Added around 20 inquisitors characters for the future bookmark. - Karde
  • Added an immediate clause in the 1230 vampire bookmark intro event killing the hunters so that they do not interfere. - Karde
  • Modified the vanilla monk/nun and order member traits to not disallow inheritance anymore (important for Inquisitors). - Karde
  • Added an “Ordination” interaction for each Inquisitor order. - Karde
  • Added a skeleton for the True Faith lifestyle tree. No perks actually work right now, but you can still see the effects with Gauthier (who has true faith as a trait now). - Karde
  • The Inquisitor objectives now only require the titles to be held by someone of the Shadow Inquisition faith. - Karde
  • Secret exposure fixes. Crime, Execution and Revoke Title Justifications for predator types. - Tsundere Saph (Definitely a Hat)
  • True Brujah double dipping disicplines fixed. - Tsundere Saph (Definitely a Hat)
  • Nerfed Artemis Orthia house bonus. - Karde
  • Yael is now Greek. - Karde
  • Vampires are now less likely to form a cadet house. - Karde
  • Added 6 new Great Persons. - Karde
  • Harbingers not Harbringers. - Sparc
  • Hunger Rouse and Willpower check set to 50% rather than 40%. - Sparc (thanks Lord Zaitan)
  • Removed the always heavy feral frenzy modifier from all new gangrel created. - Sparc
  • Stained Glass Bookmark Buttons. - Hastur
  • Github Discord Webhook. - Sparc
  • Made sure that each cultural innovation saying “unlock a building” actually does for vampires. - Karde
  • As such, added 6 new buildings. - Karde
  • Script : Re enabled vanilla buildings in the mod for Sparc’s use. Still disabled for vampires. - Karde
  • Adapted PDX forum user Fybb’s work to have the starting 1230 characters have their lifestyles completed automatically during the first months (a vampire with potence advanced will have the potence tree fully unlocked for example). Thanks to him for the script! - Karde
  • Fixed missing Inquisition troops localization. - Karde
  • Script : Fixed faulty context switch for the Hunter revolt. - Karde
  • Nerfed the knight effectiveness from Draught. - Karde
  • Nerfed Eigermann’s house. - Karde
  • Fixed temple and city building graphic mesh bugs. - Sparc
  • Via Entelechia icon revision. - Hastur
  • Added House Valerius, Motto and canon Coat of Arms. - Sparc
  • Custom Coats of Arms for Tlemcen, Thessalonika, Badajoz, White Rus. - Sparc
  • Reduced Diablerie Crime Doctrine Localization to allow Diablerie Crime to be modified when creating new faith. - Sparc
  • Localized the new 1230 bookmark. And slightly improved 867’s. - Karde
  • Tariq el-Haqim characters can now pursue the Iberia after Midnight objective. - Karde
  • Made Vladimir Rustovitch a tall boy. - Sparc
  • Added third tenet to every faith (Dharmas). - Sparc
  • Naked priests for Thrashing Dragons. - Sparc
  • Changes to Masquerade and virtue tenets. - Sparc
  • Fixed the torpor in the hunter revolt. - Karde
  • Fixed the herd scheme, predator types and generation file encoding. - Karde
  • Fixed herd, chargen, various schemes missing localization. - Karde
  • Fixed two instances of the herd scheme looking for an herd character when there isn’t. - Karde
  • Fixed the road of Zarathustra religious building. - Karde
  • Fixed Indian Setites trait custom localization. - Karde
  • Localized the new 1230 bookmark screen. And slightly improved 867’s. - Karde
  • Tariq el-Haqim characters can now pursue the Iberia after Midnight objective.
  • Merged faith_religion_events and faith_creation from vanilla. - Karde
  • Fixed “Fortitude” being misspelled creating issues in the vampire embrace event. - Karde
  • Added around 15 new Patreon characters. - Karde
  • Rebalanced some of the existing ones. - Karde
  • The new patreon characters are now landed in 1230 when applicable. - Karde
  • Added werewolf kinfolk trait and icon. Don’t get too excited yet. - Sparc
  • Landed revenant families that are not in Transylvania. - Sparc
  • Bylebog the White God is now a Duke. - Sparc
  • Three Zadruga families in Lesser Poland. - Sparc
  • Helena is duchess of Sardina, with Prias as her vassal lover. - Sparc
  • Menele controls most of the counties on Sardina, however. - Sparc
  • Dondinni evicted by the Grimaldi. He’s still in Genoa though for a job. - Sparc
  • Initial barons will now have the faith of their liege. If they are a vampire, they may even share a clan with their liege. - Sparc
  • All faiths in PoD are now set to temporaral lay clergy, meaning you can easily replace your court chaplain with a more appropriate character. - Sparc
  • Unconquered soul improved: The unconquered soul will force the diablerist to take on the name of the unconquered soul. - Sparc
  • If either the diablerist or unconquered soul has vicissitude, then the unconquered soul will change the appearance of the diablerist to that of the unconquered soul. - Sparc
  • The diablerist gains the nickname “the Unconquered Soul”. - Sparc
  • 50 year cool down on declaring major religious war, subjucation war and invasion war. - Sparc
  • Fixed mixing dynasty legacy track image for “Gods & Monsters”. - Sparc
  • Integrated Foxel’s Inquisition titles re creation decisions. - Karde
  • Intercession, the second true faith lifestyle power, is now functional. - Karde
  • Scripted and localized revenants houses modifiers. - Karde
  • Added Daniel’s character investigation (and changed one trait). - Karde
  • Additional Patrons Coats of Arms: Ua Gemred, Hawk, Helid, Shadovie, Varten, Lvcivs, de Calamar and Lividus. - Sparc & Hastur
  • Holy Bulwark, true faith lifestyle perk, is done. - Karde
  • AIs won’t ask you to come to a witch ritual every time the moon looks funny anymore. - Karde
  • Fixed Jose’s placement messing Iberia’s setup. - Karde
  • Re landed most canon characters evicted by revenants (without evicting the revenants back). - Karde
  • Added two adult children to all revenant patriarch families. - Sparc
  • Added bonus to vampiric discipline lifestyle learning for revennants since they can not hunt mortals for their blood. - Sparc
  • Added additional benefit to a single vampiric discipline lifestyle learning for canon revenant house modifiers. - Sparc
  • Fixed some on_action death issues with wraiths. - Sparc
  • Fix for on_action death from Wraith changes. - Sparc
  • Ruler Designer vampires will now get immunity to diease. - Sparc
  • Vampire blood heal disfigurement. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.1, October 3, 2020

  • Nosferatu Portraits: Blendshapes and Animations. - emeryville
  • Female Elf Ear Blendshape. - Amish Cyborg
  • All vampires can now drain animals and get animal resonance. Blood potency and animal succulence impact whether or not draining animals can reduce hunger. - Sparc
  • In 1258, Baghdad will be sacked. - Sparc
  • Chance to learn a basic discipline from a diablerie victim with the basic or advanced discipline has been modified to 5% to 10% respectively. - Sparc
  • Reduced chance of transforming into a wight. - Sparc
  • Conscience, Self-Control, Instinct and Conviction virtues combined. Additional tenents added to all faiths. - Sparc
  • All faiths set to: no head, gender equality, lay clergy, clerical gender equality, clerical marriage allowed, clerical temporal appointment. Pluralism and clerical fuctions modified. - Sparc
  • Holy sites and localization changes for Kuei-Jin Dharmas. - Savvij (check out his twitch where he explains the changes he wanted to see with PoD: )
  • Via Ossium added to Three Pillars Doctrine, Tariq el-Atham have joined the Ashirra. - Sparc
  • Obfufscate and Presence basic discipline trait localization fixes. - Sparc
  • Fixes to some Patron characters. - Sparc
  • Fixed Naktanchara religion/faith localization. - Sparc
  • Added Resonance Experience Bars. - Sparc (thanks vzell!)
  • Health events updated to eliminate obsesity for vampires. - Karde
  • Fixed some objectives being completable multiple times. - Karde
  • As you can only have one special building per province, the Tunis Well of Sacrifice has been moved to Kairouan, to make Carthage buildable again. - Karde
  • Eileen of Ulidh now has three personality traits like everyone else. - Karde
  • Reduced the AI willingness to build Rabble and Thugs buildings, which should result in less levies for AI characters, so less wars. - Karde
  • Doubled the Truce Timer for the Attacking side in case of a white peace or a lose. This should result in more controllable “dogpile”. - Karde
  • Nerfed the Night Terror building. - Karde
  • Tremere clan bane (both of them) and Ventrue clan bane. - Thaumaturge
  • Added default localization in English for mod for French, German, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese and Spanish. We welcome any translation efforts. - Sparc (thanks Lord_Viper)
  • Added set_resonance effect to many create character commands and maintenance events so that characters always have resonance appear in charcter interaction window during exsanguination/diablerie executions. - Sparc
  • Added return_to_court for find mortals interaction and summon scheme. - Sparc
  • Added doctrine icons for 1230 objective faith doctrine awards. - Sparc
  • Adapting set_mother command for embracing vampiric childer. - Sparc
  • Gangrel may have feral looks from frenzies: pointy ears and/or gnarly teeth. - Sparc
  • Tentatively deleted the faction_effects file in our mod. I don’t know what it did, and the vanilla one has changed almost completely, hence many incompatibilities. - Karde
  • Fixed the create title command in the decisions_effects file. - Karde
  • Adapted the religious/cultural mod setup to PDX many changes in Bohemia/Scandinavia/Nubia/Arabia/Maghreb. - Karde
  • Henbane_addict isn’t a trait in vanilla anymore. So it has been deleted from our Patron characters (was messing the whole file). - Karde
  • Adapted our Magyar cultural file to match PDX’s new one. - Karde
  • Made the dynasty of many crowns decision harder to achieve. It was previously a day one decision for some clans. - Karde
  • Vampires don’t get a -5 domain limit modifier anymore… - Karde
  • … but they also don’t get bonus domain limit from ranking up. It also require now more Stewardship to gain bonus domain. - Karde
  • Ranking up now awards more bonus Knights than before. - Karde
  • Mithras has changed out of sackcloth clothing. His pentience is done. He still can’t find his red hat, though. - Sparc
  • Subjucation, Invasion and Holy Wars for Kingdoms now allowed once a century, rather than once a lifestime. - Sparc
  • Befriend scheme only available if you have less than five friends. - Sparc
  • Lots of localization fixes. - Sparc
  • Known Issue: vampire elective succession error message in error log. This does not seem to impact vampire elective succession working. - Karde
  • Merged marriage_scripted effects. - Karde
  • Fixed some missing localization. - Karde
  • The marshal “train knights” task can now only increase prowess up to 30. - Karde
  • Vampires are immune to the worst effects of prison (disease, instant death). - Karde
  • Merged the new health events (and promptly disabled them for vampires). - Karde
  • Scroll bar added to Dynasty Legacies selection. Thanks to Zarathustra_the_Godless. - Sparc
  • New Portraits: Catubodua (revision), Ciarán, Diederik, Portia, Dark Raven, Helena (revision). - Wata
  • Fix for Steppe Clothing and Western Bedchamber. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 21, 2020

  • Fangs! More to come! - emeryville
  • Wight event: This is a level 3 potential stress outcome. Factors that make it more likely: negative piety, maximum hunger, diablerist, wrathful and Brujah. - thaumaturge
  • Frenzy events. - thaumaturge
  • Gangrel and Brujah clan banes. - thaumaturge
  • Localization reviewed and improved for buildings, religions, events, great people and objectives. - drstevebrule
  • Eyes of he Abyss game rule. Lasombra with Oblivion’s Sight can have black eyes. - Sparc
  • Auspex perk of Scry the Soul or Advanced Auspex allow Find Mortals to detect mortals with particular resonance humors in their blood. - Sparc
  • Diablerized Kuei-jin victims will no longer lower generation of the diablerist. - Sparc
  • Kuei-jin can no longer diablerize. - Sparc
  • Kuei-jin no longer see the embrace scheme as an option. They can adopt other Kuei-jin vampires into their houseses and dynasties. - Sparc
  • Opinion penalty for diablerist and infernalist crimes and shunning have been increased. - Sparc
  • Disabled diablerie scheme raising generation to 3rd for now. - Sparc
  • Diablerizing victims with adavanced disciplines increases the chance of learning the basic discipline trait if the diablerist does not have it. - Sparc
  • Diablerists can no longer gain advanced discipline traits through diablerie. - Sparc
  • Added to Character Generator that Caitiff get the Blood Potency, Masquerade, Religion/Faith choice and Predator Type screens. While they were getting this with an event just after CharGen, this will let you pick from a variety of religion and faiths. - Sparc
  • Increased the frequency and number of childer that NPC landed vampires will create. - Sparc
  • Additional change to raiding. - Sparc
  • Adapted PDX forum user Fybb’s work for our marriage acceptance. It should now make a lot more sense (and Julia Antasia won’t accept any petty count’s offer anymore). Thanks to him for the base work! - Karde
  • Fixed Carthage’s objective localization. - Karde
  • Fixed Vlad_Tepes localization. - Karde
  • Fixed Night Terror 3 not being very terrifying. - Karde
  • Drastically reduced the likelihood of Populist factions, which should result in less pointless wars killing your levies (which make you appear weak and cause more pointless wars). - Karde
  • Vampires shouldn’t get the obese modifier anymore. - Karde
  • Artemis Orthia and Eirik Eigermann houses modifiers nerfed. - Karde
  • Vampire/feudal elective no longer reduce domain limit… - Karde
  • …but the vampire trait now has an innate -5 domain limit. This should make things clearer and less prone to exploits. - Karde
  • The stewardship task “Develop county” has been disabled… - Karde
  • …but the “Prince of X” building chain now give a (subject to balance) +dev growth. Centers of population should now grow and then spread to their neighbors. - Karde
  • The Erciyes titles is now recreatable if destroyed, like the other custom titles. - Karde
  • Added 5 new wonders : London Mithraeum, Giovanni Mausoleum (Veneto), Shrine of Telyavel (Kernave), Pit of Malkav (Jerusalem), Well of Sacrifice (Mosul, Chorazin, Damascus, Tunis). - Karde
  • Unique religion buildings are now buildable in every holding. - Karde
  • Added 6 events that you don’t want to see. They are dealing with the consequences of high masquerade exposure. - Karde
  • Lucita is now bisexual. - Karde
  • Clothing trigger fix. - Sparc
  • Fix for has_character_modifiers for 81_escape_from_prison.txt. - Sparc
  • Adjusted Nosferatu visual effects to now vary by geographic region. Some Nosfeartu will also now have disease scarring. - Sparc
  • Fixed issue with permanent scarring. - Sparc
  • Draught duration extended to a year. - Sparc
  • Satiated and other localization fixes. - Sparc
  • Custom vampire decision. - NatasKhan (with a little help from Sparc).
  • New Portraits: Sparc: Byeleobog Wata: Macario, Tyler, Vlad Tepes, Giangaleazzo, Gersakkun, Hannibal, Losario, Natasia, Philogos, Sarapion, Altamira, Critias, Catudouba, Amaran, Sinthgunt, Homa, Gwen Llianarwyn, Zamra, Procet, Alypius, Azif, Dysos, Dominic, Macario, Luicius Scipio, Cocceius, Losario bickando: Camilla Banes
  • Patron Characters: Cecil Powódź, Lvcivs Fvria Imperiosa, Sèitheach na Ceàrda, Chrysantha Pastelos, Ciarán Mincéirí, Petronia

Princes of Darkness, Version, 9/15/2020

We didn’t want to push a new update so soon, but there were isolated reports of the diablerie scheme hanging so we: * Added end_scheme maintenance event for instances in which diablerie scheme gets stuck. Added 7 day delays to all events triggered by diablerie scheme. - Sparc * Characters are now limited to persuing only one Diablerie, Embrace and Hunt mortal scheme at a time. - Sparc * Entrance, Summon, Rationalize and Telepathy schemes updated for Presence, Dominate and Auspex themes respectively. Added Dominate theme to Diablerie: Mesmerism event. - Sparc * Scripted the stats of a lot more characters, which should result in higher stats across the board. - Karde * Fixed Rutor’s portrait. He no longer looks like a snarky 9 year old boy. - Sparc * Most canon vampires no longer wear hats because they don’t like they do not wear them in canon illustrations in Dark Ages Vampire, etc… - Sparc * Moncada and Jervais are now obsese visually. - Sparc * Vampires can be muscular again. - Sparc * Fix to exsanguination of mortal prisoners and diablerie of vampire prisoners. - Sparc * Road of the Beast, Road of Metamorphosis and Warmongers can raid. - Neece * Revision of prison escape for shapeshifting. - Neece

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 14, 2020

  • Diablerie scheme has been massively reworked and expanded. Scheme targets will now try to avoid the diablerie through use of fleeing, hiding, mesmerism or entrancement (this is not even the final form!) Failing that, they will fight their attacker. Risks are much greater now, and failure more likely than not. This was a highly requested feature. Torpor vampires can no longered be diablerized, we will write a separate event chain for that. - Sparc
  • Added a telepathy power to discover a secret from target. - thaumaturge
  • Added an interaction to blood bond prisoner. - thaumaturge
  • Improved blood bonds with a flag to determine if you already have a full bond with someone else and piety costs for religions that are against bonding . Plus an extremely minor event in which you get stress. - thaumaturge
  • Added a personal interaction to reduce masquerade exposure, has several options. - thaumaturge
  • Rough fix for female player characters embracing childer and being regarded as potential heris. - Jernfalk
  • Huge update to localizaiton - FaolDeTeine
  • Fix for missing 10th generation secret assignment for Unclear lines of descent for independent Dynasties in Character Generator. - Sparc
  • Canon vampires at 1230 will be at least 16 years old. - Sparc
  • The ratio of random unlanded characters being mortals vs. vampires has greatly increased in favor of mortals. - Sparc
  • Blood Surges now last one year with a three year cooldown. - Sparc
  • All vampires may now spawn armies with mass ghouls and mass embraced vampires. - Sparc
  • Shapeshifted forms no longer have a duration. A character is in a shifted form until they make a decision to revert to ‘human’. Characters must return to human before taking on another non-humanoid form. If you are a 3D modeller who is reading this change log, we could use your help with some shapeshift forms. Yes, you. - Sparc
  • Diablerie, Summon, Entrance, Rationalize, Bloodbond schemes no longer can target vampires in torpor. - Sparc
  • Added Nagaraja, Kiasyd, Maeghar, Gargoyle, True Brujah, Old Clan Tzimisce, Harbringer of Skulls and Cacophony to inherit clan effect. - Sparc
  • Unlimited Vassal Contract Modification. - iCECORE
  • Found mortals now has a more accurate representation of what sort of people you would find randomly at night on the medieval era. - Karde
  • Peasant leaders are no longer all reincarnations of Alexander giving you an easy 30+ martial prisoner whenever you want. Goes into common/scripted_character_templates. - Karde
  • Reduced the likelihood of peasant faction spawning to make room for other, more threatening ones. - Karde
  • Fix for Vlad, Tyler and Giangaleazzo not actually adventuring after spawning. - Karde
  • Fix for the dynasty legacy unlocking part of the objectives. - Karde
  • Fix for broken Werter DNA. - Karde
  • Greatly boosted our Adventurers (+Izhim) event armies, notably with men at arms. - Karde
  • Fix for the titles objectives not having vamp elective. - Karde
  • Fixed Aksum and Golconda mismatched realms. - Karde
  • Fixed Izydor and Zamra Matoub localized names. - Karde
  • Fixed Serbia’s orthodox provinces. - Karde
  • Expanded Via Liberatio’s description. - Karde
  • Fixed localization bug with presence. - Sparc
  • Did a little fix in the masquerade increase scripted effect. - thaumaturge
  • Added event type icons for auspex, dominate and presence. - hastur
  • Added event themes for auspex, dominate and presence. - Sparc
  • Road of Night now has conviction rather than conscience virtue tenet. - Sparc
  • Vampires can now hunt mortals while at war. - Sparc
  • Added interaction icons for Coverup Masquerade and Telepathy Spying. - Sparc
  • Spawn Army and Call Animals now have a 12 month cool down. - Sparc
  • You can no longer have a private herd of ghouled horses of variable quality. - Sparc

One Hundred New Portraits!

  • FaolDeTeine: Gratiano
  • Wata: John DeYork, Saint Regis, Viktor, Geoffrey du Temple, Goratrix, Matasuntha, Chinkhai, Thetmes, Sejanus, Isouda, Vencel Rikard, Magda, Hektor, Niktia, Aconia, Melusine, Hukros, Vola the Red, Antinous the Boy-King, Mithras (revision, now less “dweeby”), Morrow, Fabrizo Ulfilia, Roque, Arnulf Jörmungandrsson, Darvag, Marconius, Shaagra, Etienne De Poitiers, Petaniqu, Celestyn, Bindusara, Cretheus, Xavier de Cincao, Azaneal, Wulfgar, Milov Petrenkov, Norbert Von Xanten, Albin, Ardan Lane, Adana De Sforza, Antara, Montano (revision), Sophoniba, Jamal, Jerek Slobodny, Mandiraili Sotko, Titus Brutus, Jolanta, Eshumnazar, Geidas, Horst De Novara, Edward De Warene, Valdur, Guthur, Mikkel, Andreal, Gunnar Jacobson, Anatole, L’Enfant Perdu, Marcellus Rufus, Bela Rusenko, Dionysius, Fatima al-Faqadi, Fortinbras, Hilderic, Karmenita Yoryari, Leopold Valdemar, Rutor, Ismael
  • Jernfalk: Qarakh, Josephus
  • Miskatonic81: Anna Komnene
  • Tyronis: Callisti Y Castillo, Ambrosio Luis Mondcado, Natalya Syatoslav, Zamra Matoub, Alferic of Szatmar, Filaereus of Freistadt, Biturges, Divino, Karl the Blue, Lotharius, Mendacamina, Badr, Jurgen von Verden, Andreas Aegyptus, Erik Longtooth, Juliote De Sost, Veronique d’Orelans, Malgorzata, Constancia, Jarvais Bani, Tabitha al Masri
  • bickando: Fan Wan Kuei (revision), Chuang Tzu, Esclarmonde la Noire
  • Albin: Noriz, Velya the Flayer, Gorchist, Yorak, Tabak, Szechenyi Jolan

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 9, 2020

  • Fix for the spawning of feudal/clan government during the game. - Karde
  • Several events and script files modified in a frontal assault against the vampire babies. - Karde
  • Event Type Icons: Necromancy and Protean. - Hastur
  • Basic Portrait Modding Tutorial for Discord and the Forums. - Sparc ### New Portraits:
  • Sparc: Vladimir Rustovitch, Qawiyya el-Ghaduba
  • Albin: Hedeon Yaroslavich, Alexander, Augustus Giovanni, Mykas Vykos, Julia Anatasia and Silvester de Ruiz
  • FaolDeTeine: Mithras, Camilla, Guillaume
  • Derenoc: Werter
  • Wata: Hardestadt, Meerlinda, Tinia, Robin Leeland, Brunhilde, Valborg, Menele, Helena, Baba Yaga, Suleiman ibn Abdullah
  • Jernfalk: Salianna
  • Tyronis: Etrius, Lucita de Aragon, Marcus Verus, Bjorn Garisson
  • bickando: Fan Wan Kuei

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 8, 2020

  • Traditions Contract Opinion Fix. - Sparc
  • Traditions Contract Kine Blood Oath Localization Fix. - Sparc
  • Traditions Contract changed normal taxation to default, because contract can currently only be changed once per lifetime. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 7, 2020

  • Fixed issue with 10th generation vampires committing diablerie. - Sparc
  • Added trigger restriction to summon to ban use on rulers. - Sparc
  • Adjusted Drain Animal “My War Horse” to reduce remove modifier clutter. - Sparc
  • House Zych and its founder. - Sparc
  • Default values for Traditions Feudal Contract have been altered to give lords something to trade for increased taxes. - Sparc
  • Nerfed find mortals. - Karde
  • Fix for Character Generator for forming cadet houses. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 6, 2020

  • We heard you like Masquerade, so we put some Masquerade in your Masquerade.
  • EIGHT Masquerade related events. - Karde
  • Masquerade Breach event from CK2 converted. - thaumaturge/Sparc
  • Mithras and some of his cultists are wearing a Phrygian Caps again. One night, they will be red again. Red in the blood of their victims! Muahahaha! - Sparc
  • Fixed issue with blood potency increases from 0 and 1. - Sparc
  • Fix of Character Generator for some Clans/Bloodlines not giving generation secret when creating a cadet house. - Sparc
  • Fix for Character Generator, Tzimisce will now get Vicissitude not Protean. - Sparc
  • Fix for Character Generator, Baali now choosing Via Hyron as a path will get it. No more screaming. Well, not as much. - Sparc
  • Fix for Character Generator, Tremere localization. Removed Tremere geographic restriction for Europe. They can be found everywhere. You find them in the CharGen under Tzimisce. The usurpers stole the blood of the Dracul. - Sparc
  • Fix for Character Generator, removed redudant Code of Tremere options. - Sparc
  • Fixed Yaşamayanlar dynasty localization. - Sparc
  • Fixed Reinaldo deRubio localization. - Sparc
  • No Marriages and Only Concubines doctrine localization. - Sparc
  • Removed Monomacy from possible tenents for now. - Sparc
  • Updated and revised event themes for Vampires, Masquerade and Great Persons. Applied to respective events. - Sparc
  • Replaced some ###BLOODRED Beast text with ###R red Beast text for legibility. - Sparc
  • Fixed Ventrue Event Type Icon. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 5, 2020

  • Fix for the Scepter and the Sun objective. - Karde
  • Another attempt to end the terrible plague of vampire babies. - Karde
  • Fix for embraces. - Sparc
  • Characters must now have the “mortal” trait to be embraced. - Sparc
  • Character Generator fix for former Antediluvian founder joining your cadet house. - Sparc
  • Added Obeah/Valeren localization for Blood Sorcery for Salubri - Sparc
  • Fix for Scry the Soul Perk. - Sparc
  • Fix for Unswayable Mind Perk. - Sparc
  • Start of Portuguese Translation. - Jernfalk
  • New Coat of Arms for Shadow Reconquista, Ferals of Livonia and House Caledron. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version, September 4, 2020

  • Optional Game rule added that will allow NPC vampire rulers to learn lifestyle perks after startup. Choose it for a harder mid-game. - Sparc
  • Adjust CharGen to remove relationship to old relatives. - Sparc
  • Fixed CharGen issue with Road of Set misdirect to Road of Metamorphosis. - ParametersOfAName/Sparc
  • CharGen will now set immortal age appearance to 30. We’ll add an event to allow player to choose their age appearance later. - Sparc
  • Fixed monthly income on ducal buildings - Gworn
  • It’s now, as intended, excessively expensive to switch off vampire_elective succession law. The more titles you have, the less domain you can hold. - Karde
  • Fixed forced conscription 03 giving 150% reduced maintenance instead of 15%. - Karde
  • Added the Ordos religions in the fallback for traditions_governments. - Karde
  • Localization fixes for cultural modifiers, government modifiers and POD scheme modifiers. - FaolDeTeine
  • New Ordo Aenigmatis, Via Divinitatis faith symbols. - Hastur
  • New event window type icons for quietus, serptentis and vicissitude. - Hastur
  • Redone ce_skeleton_01 and ce_skeleton_02 coat of arms coat of arms colored emblems. New ce_skeleton_03 and ce_nosferatu_helm_03 coat of arms colored emblems. - Hastur

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.0.3, September 3, 2020

Compatible with Crusader Kings III version 1.0.3

  • Fixes to Nosferatu, Gangrel objective decisions so that they no longer include liege’s realm to be achieved. This should greatly reduce the Gangrel event “Crash of Civilization”. - Karde
  • Presence: Summon, Presence: Entrancement schemes are now locked to the relevant Presence perks or the Advanced Presence trait. - Sparc
  • Dominate: Rationalize scheme is now locked to the relevant Dominate perks or the Advanced Dominate trait. - Sparc
  • Disabled picking “mortal” as a splat in Character Generator, for now. - Sparc
  • Disabled all “World of” Game Rules except “World of Monsters”, for now. - Sparc
  • Embraces now happen in a “secluded” place. - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.0.1 , September 2, 2020.

  • POD_patron.txt file added! We love hour patrons! Thank you for your support! - Sparc
  • Fixed Discipline Perks picking to allow you to choose if you have the advanced trait. - Sparc
  • Fixed diablerie to move one generation lower at a time. - Sparc
  • Removed our cool Dark Ages font because not compatible with all systems. - Sparc
  • Rome’s control malus has been nerfed. - Karde
  • Added the Shadow Reconquista (De Ruiz) and Ferals of Livonia (Qarakh) realms. They are also recreatable if destroyed. - Karde
  • Corrected the Lhiannan dynasty motto. Again. - Karde
  • Sybil won’t tank the renown of the whole Lasombra clan by her mere existence any longer. - Karde
  • Localization fixes: prey restrictions, death reasons, scheme modifiers, perks, Code of Tremere, Raktasadhus and Ordos. - FaolDeTeine
  • Typo fix for Izhim ur-Baal’s “one true love” event. - Sparc
  • Hungry Montano getting pale is not a bug, its a feature! Vampires should ###GetPink by being reguarly fed! - Sparc

Princes of Darkness, Version 1.0 , September 1, 2020.

  • Initial release.