
From Princes of Darkness Mod Wiki
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The World of Darkness has a number of prestigious and magical artifacts. Princes of Darkness is no exception. Here is our expanding list of both court and inventory artifacts. Some of these items are in the position of canon characters according to lore at the start of the 1230 Bookmark. Others are distributed randomly through the world. Some can only be gained through completing certain objective decisions.

Gaining Artifacts


The vanilla perks for claiming artifacts still work. "Accomplished Forger" from the Diplomacy tree, "A Job Done Right" from the Intrigue tree and "Chains of Loyalty" from the Stewardship tree are still a reliable way to gain claims for every splat and character.

For Garou/Werewolfs the "Sticky Fingers" perk can be used by Ragabash.

Mummies have access to buy claims with the "Command Simple Implement" perk. The mummy Astrokhen has access to the interaction from game start and it is free for him.

Character with the "Psi" trait can use the "Psychometry" perk to claim artifacts.

Lament gives access to the "Inhabit "perk.

Nephilim have access to the "Alter Memory" perk.

If the Banu Haqim struggle gets resolved by the Silsila, they gain access to to claim artifacts.

The "Mausoleum of Hadrian" and the "Great Reliquary of San Michele" in Rome both give access to claiming artifacts.


The following perks reduce the cost of claiming artifacts: Psychometry (Psi), Inhabit (Lament), Command Complex Implement (Mummy), Command Lesser Implement (Mummy), Command Simple Implement (Mummy), Scry (Demon), Conjuration (Sorcery), Summon Talisman (Silent Strider), Alter Memory (Nephilim), Apportation (Demonology) and Babel (Verdage*)

Completing the struggle and having on of the buildings which give access to claiming artifacts reduce the cost for them as well.

Finding Artifacts

Artifact Map Mode

Map Modes

PoD has two extra map modes which can be accessed by the additional modes button in the left corner. It can only help in limited ways as it only shows the rarity of the artifacts of an holder.

"Search and Trade" Mod


The "Search and Trade" Mod makes managing artifacts a lot easier and can be almost necessary for some of the objectives which have artifact requirements. PoD has a comp patch to limit some of the mechanics of the mod to make it more balanced.

"Search and Trade" Mod Steam:

Comp-Patch Steam:

Discord Thread:

General Artifacts

These are artifacts that can be used by anyone.

Icon Name Rarity Type Benefit Starting Location
Ankaran Sarcophagus Illustrious Furniture + 1 hostile scheme

+ 30% hostile scheme success chance

+ special content

Sword of Nul Illustrious Weapon + 20 prowess

+ 50% dread gain

+ 15 natural dread

Random Western European Ruler
Caliburn Illustrious Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 50% knight effectiveness

+ 10 attacker combat advantage

+ "Caliburn's Golden Light" Battle Modifier (+ 5 prowess for every knight)

Great Chasm
The Pomegrenate Illustrious Trinket + 10% diplomatic range

+ 10% army movement speed

- 10% retreat losses

- 10% friendly fatal casualties

+ special content

Black Torc of Carniog Illustrious Trinket + 50% enemy fatal casualties

+ 15 attacker advantage

+ special content

Random Unseelie Ruler
Keystone Illustrious Trinket + 100% monthly lifestyle experience

- 25% siege phase time

+ 1 personal scheme

+ special content

Osiris' Flail Illustrious Weapon + 40% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 5 learning

Random Pooka Ruler
Calipers of Aife Illustrious Trinket + 5% monthly income

+ 5% domain tax

- 5% Men-at-Arms maintenance

- 5% mercenary hire cost

- 5% holy order hire cost

+ 4% vassal tax base contribution

Ship of the Four Quarters Illustrious Mount + 50% army movement speed

+ 50% travel speed

+ special content

Random Gwydion House Member
Anweyth Illustrious Weapon + 10% siege weapon effectiveness

+ 15% levy reinforcement

- 8% building construction cost

- 10% castle/city/temple building construction cost

- 10% castle/city/temple holding construction cost

Random Dougal House Member
Balor's Crystal Eye Illustrious Pedestrian Item + 0,02 monthly piety per dread

+ 0,02 monthly prestige per dread

+ 20% dread gain

+ 6 natural dread

- 20% dread decay

- 0,1% Men-at-Arms maintenance per dread

Random Balor House Member
Steaming Spear of Vengeance Illustrious Weapon + 8 prowess

+ 6 prowess injury resistance

+ 30% pursuit efficiency

+ 18% enemy fatal casualties

Random Balor House Member
Cauldron of Fear Illustrious Pedestrian Item + 20% dread gain

- 30% retreat losses

+ 20% enemy fatal casualties

+ 6 attacker combat advantage

+ "Fear" Battle Modifier

Random Balor House Member
Tapestry of Fate Illustrious Large Wall Ornament + 50% monthly lifestyle experience

- 5% friendly fatal casualties

+ 3 court grandeur bonus

+ 20 true name study scheme power

+ special content

Random Aesin House Member
Dreamstone of Madoc Illustrious Pedestrian Item + 50% diplomatic range

+ 40% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 30% naval speed

+ 30% army movement speed

+ 50% animate chimera damage

+ 50% animate chimera thoughness

+ special content

Random Fae Ruler
Bow of Yi Illustrious Weapon + 3 prowess per level of fame

+ 50% monthly Qiao lifestyle experience

+ 10% archer damage

+ 10% archer toughness

+ special content

Random Shih Ruler
Soultaker Illustrious Weapon + 12 prowess

+ 50% monthly lifestyle experience

+ special content

Random AI Demon Ruler
The Black Throne of Genhinnom Illustrious Throne - 10% tyranny gain

+ 14% tyranny loss

+ 5 Men-at-Arms regiments

+ 5 Men-at-Arms regiment size

+ 100% levy reinforcement rate

+ 20 popular opinion

+ 8 courtly vassal opinion

+ 4% zealot vassal tax contribution

Random AI Demon Ruler
The Soulforge Illustrious Furniture + 50% stress gain

+ 100% dread gain

+ 15 natural dread

+ 5% enemy fatal casualties

+ 60% raid speed

+ special content

Random AI Demon Ruler
Somber Axe Illustrious Weapon + 12 prowess

+ 40% dread gain

+ 15 natural dread

+ 12% enemy fatal casualties

+ special content

Random AI Demon Ruler
Ainkurn Illustrious Weapon + 15 prowess

+ 3 prowess per level of fame

Christof Romuald
Sword of Dracula Illustrious Weapon + 15 prowess

+ 3 prowess per level of fame

Vlad Tepes
Book of the Grave-War Famed Trinket + 3 learning per level of stress Jacob
Caliburn's Sheath Famed Trinket + 10 prowess injury resistance

+ massive health disease resistance boost

+ 10 defender combat advantage

+ "Caliburn's Protection" Battle Modifier (+ 5 prowess injury resistance)

Great Chasm
Ancestor's Talisman Famed Trinket + 20% hostile scheme resistance Al Ashrad
Caladbolg Famed Weapon + 5 prowess

+ massive health disease resistance boost

+ 50% scheme discovery chance

+ special content

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Chalice of Rain Famed Pedestrian Item + 0,2 monthly development growth

+ 20 popular opinion

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Singing Sword of Madog Cynydd Famed Weapon + 5 prowess

- 16 general opinion

- 2% friendly fatal casualties

+ special content

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Blazing Silver Torc of Myfanwy Du Famed Trinket + 16 attraction opinion

+ 20 spouse opinion

+ 16 romance scheme power

+ 16 seduce scheme power

+ 16 sway scheme power

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Cauldron of Gruffydd Famed Pedestrian Item - 5% Men-at-Arms maintenace

+ 5 Men-at-Arms regiments

+ 5 Men-at-Arms regiment size

+ special content

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Cauldron of Annwn Famed Pedestrian Item + massive health disease resistance boost

+ 16 courtier and guest opinion

- 3% friendly fatal casualties

+ 5 courtier grandeur bonus

+ special content

Random Fae or Mage Ruler
Sword of Drowning Famed Weapon + 16% enemy fatal casualties

+ 4 oasis, wetlands, floodplains combat advantages

2 Random Fae Ruler
Cauldron of Nightmares Famed Pedestrian Item + 10% tyranny gain

+ 15 natural dread

+ 25% daily siege progress

Random Winter Court Fae Ruler
Friar's Cross Famed Pedestrian Item + 1 diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning per level of stress

+ 1 monthly piety

- 10% stress gain

+ 10% stress loss

Random Hunter Ruler
Gray Sword Famed Weapon + 5 prowess

+ 5 prowess per level of stress

- 10% stress gain

- 10% stress loss

Random Unseelie Fae Ruler
Balthazar's Bracelets Famed Trinket + 1 negated diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning

+ 2 prowess injury resistance

Random Pooka Ruler
Cleopatra's Wings Famed Trinket - 10% embarkment cost

+ 10% army movement speed

+ negate river and strait cross disadvantages

Random Pooka Ruler
The Grinder Famed Pedestrian Item + 4% monthly income

- 20% dread decay

+ 15% intimidated vassal tax contribution

+ 30% terrified vassal tax contribution

- 10% building construction time

- 1% building construction cost

Logi's Ashes Famed Trinket + 100% dread gain

+ 5 controlled territory defender combat advantage

+ 50% raid speed

+ "Spreading Hunger" Battle Modifier (+ 100% friendly fatal casualties, + 100% hostile country attrition, -95% supply duration)

+ special content

Wordspider Famed Trinket + 35% scheme discovery chance

- 10% enemy hostile scheme success chance

+ 5 combat advantage while leading the army

Shield of Virtue Famed Small Wall Ornament + 3 prowess

+ 6 prowess injury resistance

+ 0,12 monthly prestige

- 5% friendly fatal casualties

+ 3 court grandeur

Masquer's Eyes Famed Headgear + 3 diplomacy

+ 15% diplomatic range

+ 50 close family opinion

Random Beaumayn House Member
Eilaf Famed Weapon + 9 prowess

+ 35% pursuit efficiency

+ 10% army pursuit

+ 10 archer damage

+ 10 archer cavalry damage

Random Aesin House Member
Firebird Famed Pedestrian Item + 25% pursuit efficiency

+ 15% army movement speed

+ 10% army screen

Random Varich House Member
Wayang Sash Famed Trinket + 1 hostile scheme Random Kuei-Jin Ruler
Star Shower Blade Famed Weapon + 9 prowess

+ 20% pursuit efficiency

+ 6 attacker combat advantage

Random Kuei-Jin Ruler
Staff of Shing Tse Lee Famed Regalia + 6 prowess

+ 5% enemy fatal casualties

+ 50% Qiao Lifestyle experience

+ special content

Random Kuei Jin
Sword of Shu Mo Pan Famed Weapon + 7 prowess

+ 10% traveling speed

+ 50% Qiao Lifestyle experience

+ special content

Random Kuei Jin
Fans of Ma Yi Yuan Famed Weapon + 2 prowess per level of fame

+ 8 hostile scheme resistance

+ 50% Qiao Lifestyle experience

+ special content

Ma Yi Yuan
Gospel of the Consoler Famed Book Discover true name scheme power add = 20 Random infernalist character
Book of Thoth Famed Book +100% monthly sorcery lifestyle xp Random mummy character
Set's Phallus Famed Trinket + 10% fertility

+ 20% hostile scheme resistance

Book of Hidden Stars Famed Book + 1 diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning, prowess

+ medium health boost

The Stone Famed Trinket + 15 dread Random Vampire
Shemiazel's Sarcophagus Famed Furniture + 40% dread gain

+ special content

Eudes de Saint Gilles
Cycle of Lilith Famed Book + 20 same faith opinion Hukros
Isis Fragments Famed Book + 35% montly lifestyle xp for Mummies lifestyles Neferukhayt
Book of Enoch Famed Book +100% scheme power against rivals and nemesis Kli Kodesh
Rayzeel's Song Famed Book + 50% stress loss Rayzeel
On Hunger and its Satisfaction Famed Book + 20 same faith opinion Camilla
The Bone Famed Trinket + 15 natural dread Random Vampire Ruler
Jürgen's Broadsword Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 2 court grandeur bonus

Jurgen von Verden
Al-Ashrad's Eye Famed Trinket + 1 learning per level of fame Al Ashrad
Plait of St Lucrezia Famed Trinket + 100% abduct scheme power Baudioun
Iulus' Armor Famed Armor + 10 prowess

+ 1 prowess per level of fame

Iulus Rufus Naso



The Jawbone Famed Trinket +15 natural dread Augustus Giovanni
Ayr's Armor Famed Armor + 10 prowess

+ 0,5 monthly prestige


Marcia Felicia Licina




Spear of Destiny Famed Weapon + 10 prowess Ahmed ibn Zayyat
Iulus' Sword Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 1 prowess per level of fame


Julia Antasia

Iulus Rufus Naso

Sword of Arthur Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 100% powerful vassal councillor levy contribution

Maria Immaculada
Set's Emasculation Famed Weapon + 1 prowess per level of devotion

+ 50% dread gain

+ 5 faith hostility combat advantage

Spear of Bathel Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 2 prowess per level of stress

Dagger of Thorns Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ special content

Ayr's Sword Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 0,5 monthly prestige

Geoffrey du'Temple

Etienne de Poitiers


Francois d'Alencourt




Lucius Aelius Sejanus

Djangalbi Famed Book + 1 stewardship per level of fame Dữu Thúy
Gabriel's Trumpet Famed Trinket + 10% enemy fatal casualties

+ 50% army pursuit

Random Ruler in Arabia
Orobas Statue Famed Furniture + 10 defender combat advantage Orobas
Broken Blade of Michael Masterwork Weapon +monthly prestige

Can be reforged

Mary the Black
Eternal Love Masterwork Weapon + 7 prowess

+ 4 faith hostility combat advantage

Camilla's Laurel Crown Masterwork Headgear + 0,4 monthly prestige Camilla
Khazar's Diary Masterwork Book + 1 learning per level of devotion

+ 10% dread gain

Javaniel's Journal Masterwork Book + 0,04 monthly prestige

+ special content

Random Ruler
Ivory Tablets Masterwork Book + 0,04 monthly prestige

+ special content

Random Han Ruler
The Martyr's Fire Masterwork Trinket + 5 prowess

+ 0,3 monthly piety

Khoumsa Masterwork Large Wall Ornament + 10 hostile faith combat advantage Khalid ibn Sahl
Egyptian Dagger Masterwork Pedestrian Item + 0,5 monthly piety Mithras
Ruby Ring Masterwork Trinket + 8 attraction Mithras
Magic Lantern Masterwork Trinket + 3 learning Neferu
Banner of Carthage Masterwork Large Wall Ornament + 5 hostile faith combat advantage

+ 1 court grandeur

Mithras' Seal Masterwork Pedestrian Item + 10 direct vassal opinion Mithras
Enchanted Scimitar Masterwork Weapon + 5 prowess

+ 50% monthly sanguine lifestyle experience

Al Ashrad
Bow of the Sun Masterwork Bow + 5 prowess

+ 4 hostile scheme resistance

Al Ashrad
Fang of Kali Masterwork Weapon + 5 prowess

+ 0.3 monthly piety

Al Ashrad
Biblia Negra Masterwork Book + 50% stress gain

+ 200% monthly lifestyle experience

Japhet's Cloak Masterwork Trinket + 20% hostile scheme resistance Japhet
Apostate Auguries Masterwork Book + 2 learning per level of stress Tryphosa
The Great Book Masterwork Book + 1 personal scheme Sarmis
The Pacifist's Ji Masterwork Weapon + 2 diplomacy

+ 5 prowess

Random Indian Character
Gaffari's Scrolls Masterwork Book + 0,001 monthly prestige per dread

+ special content

Caul of Jos Masterwork Trinket + 1 diplomacy, martial, stewardship, intrigue, learning and prowess Random European Character
Fingerbone of St Hannah Masterwork Trinket + 0,28 monthly prestige

+ special content

Ring of Chrysostom Masterwork Trinket + 0,28 monthly prestige

+ special content

Vittoria Santini di Parma
The Lost Yoni Masterwork Pedestrian Item + 0,5 monthly prestige

+ 15% cultural fascination progress

Random Greek
The Black Stake Masterwork Weapon + 5 prowess

+ 5 natural dread

Franciscan Aspergill Masterwork Trinket + 20% hostile scheme resistance Aignen
Mithras' Phrygian Cap Masterwork Headgear + 10 different culture opinion Mithras
Corpus Hermeticum Masterwork Book + 10 dynasty opinion Etrius
Karalavanisha Vrana Masterwork Book + 10 dynasty opinion Chandraputra
Abraxas' Sarcophagus Masterwork Furniture + 1 learning per level of devotion

+ 5 court grandeur

Eon de l Etoile
Roll of the Damned Masterwork Book + 10% hostile scheme resistance

+ 10% hostile scheme success chance

Pegasus Bridle Masterwork Trinket - 5% embarkment cost

+ 5% army movement speed

+ no river and straits combat disadvantage

Random Fae Ruler
Rooting Amulet Masterwork Trinket + 4 prowess

+ 2% tyranny loss

- 10% dread decay

Random Fae Ruler
Twin Glass Masterwork Pedestrian Item + 3 diplomacy

+ 8 attraction opinion

Random Fae Ruler
Kohl of the Hawk Lord Masterwork Trinket + 5 personal scheme power

+ 4 combat advantage in deserts and desert mountains

Random Amenti Ruler
Screens of the Harem Masterwork Large Wall Ornament + 4% scheme secrecy

- 10% retreat losses

Random Amenti Ruler
Khopesh of Balance Masterwork Weapon + 10% stress loss

+ special content

Random Amenti Ruler
Treaty on Kupala Common Book +monthly lifestyle learning xp

*If 5 are gathered, can be compiled into the incunabulum kupalam

Starts in random rulers of South Slavic, Vlach or Hungarian cultures inventories
Testament of Seterpenre Common Trinket + 1 martial per level of devotion Seterpenre
Chronicle of the Final Day Common Trinket + 1 learning per level of devotion Kahina
Arrows of Vengeance Common Trinket + 5 prowess Fatima al Faqadi
Dawn Amulet Common Trinket + 20% hostile scheme resistance Lun Meng
Travels of Fedoso Common Trinket + 50% monthly learning lifestyle experience Celestyn
Javaniel's Key Common Trinket + 5% monthly learning lifestyle experience

+ special content

Random Ruler
Accursed Dust Common Trinket + 50% abduct scheme power Random Banu Haqim Ruler
Femur of Toomler Common Weapon + 5 prowess Velya
Inscrutable Eye Common Trinket + 10% hostile scheme success chance Marcellus
Al-Buduh Common Trinket + 10% hostile scheme resistance Mritunjay
Ashes of the All-High Common Trinket + 0,4 monthly prestige Sundafyllir
Valencia Chalice Common Trinket + 20% monthly piety Ordonio de Toledo
Fra' Bernardo's Ashes Common Trinket - 10% stress gain Umberto
Shroud of Kaymakli Common Trinket + 0,28 monthly prestige Constancia
Waxen Poetica Common Trinket + 5 prowess Random Ruler
Librum Terrum Common Book + 50% monthly melancholy lifestyle experience

+ special content

Random Ruler on Via Metamorphosis
Gauthier's Damascene Sword Common Weapon + 5 prowess Gauthier de Dampiere
Secret Writings of Cabirus Common Book + 50% monthly melancholy lifestyle experience Celestyn
Caecus Rose Common Trinket + 10% scheme secrecy Helene
Sofia's Finger Bone Common Trinket + 10% hostile scheme success chance Random European Character
Bloodroot Common Trinket + 5 prowess Maatkare
Warding Iron Common Trinket + 5 prowess Random Ruler on Via Caeli
Dweomered Damascene Scimitar Common Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 15% stress gain

+ special content




Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Starting Location
Weyland's Wyrcan Famed Weapon Prowess 34+ + 10 prowess

+ 5 combat advantage

Robin Leeland

Bjorn Garinson


Lamp of Constantine Famed Trinket Not Vampire + 0,5 monthly piety

+ special content

Random African ruler
Crown of Makeda Famed Headgear Not Via Diabolis + 16% tyranny loss Helene
Vassago's Earring Famed Headgear Not True Faith + 12 dread Viorica
Esoara's Ax Masterwork Weapon Giant + 10 prowess Esoara

Vampire Artifacts

These are artifacts that can be only used by vampires.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Benefit without Requirement Starting Location
Tablet of Destiny Illustrious Book Vampire + 200% monthly lifestyle experience

+ special content

+ 0,2 monthly prestige

+ 1 court grandeur

Holy Grail Illustrious Trinket Vampire (for special content) + 200% monthly True Faith lifestyle experience

+ special content

Khentik Khert
Eye of Hazimel Illustrious Trinket Vampire (for special content) + 15 prowess

+ 20% tyranny gain

+ 50% hostile scheme resistance

+ special content

Harold Zettler
Blade of Enoch Illustrious Weapon Vampire + 15 prowess

- 10% stress gain

+ 5 prowess Random Vampire Ruler
Kristrbani Famed Weapon Vampire + 10 prowess

+ 10 faith hostility combat bonus

Euagetaematikon Famed Book Via Cain + 20 same faith opinion + 10% monthly learning lifestyle experience Nikita
Alexander's Scarlet Rose Famed Trinket Vampire + 10% hostile scheme resistance

+ 20 diablerize scheme power

+ massive health boost Alexander
Codex Mortis Famed Book Vampire + 50% monthly melancholy lifestyle experience

+ special content

+ 2 learning Aurelius Flavius Iovianus
Guarded Rubrics Famed Book Vampire + 200% monthly melancholy lifestyle experience Elimelech
Michaelis' Rosary Famed Trinket Vampire - 12% stress gain Esclarmonde
Tapestry of Blood Famed Large Wall Ornament Vampire + 15% intimidated vassal tax contribution

+ 15% terrified vassal tax contribution

+ 5 court grandeur bonus

Skull of Saulot Famed Pedestrian Item Salubri + 20 dynasty opinion + 0,5 monthly prestige Random Cappadocian Character
Marguerite's Ring Famed Trinket Vampire + 50% monthly choleric lifestyle experience Gysele d'Amboise
Nightmare Famed Mount Vampire + 20% dread gain

+ 5% army movement speed

Vladimir Rustovich
Sorn Famed Mount Vampire + 20% army movement speed Esclarmonde
Vozhd Palanquin Famed Mount Vampire


+ 10 prowess

- 20% army movement speed

Erciyes Fragments Famed Book Vampire + 100% monthly learning lifestyle experience + 1 learning Japhet
Dreams of Angra Mainyu Famed Book Baali only +10 dynasty opinion +20% stress Angra Mainyu
Book of Tobit Famed Book Infernalist only +20 infernalize scheme power +20% stress Random infernalist character
Erciyes Broken Fragments Masterwork Book Vampire + 20% monthly learning lifestyle experience Augustus Giovanni
Golden Coin of Muhammad Famed Trinket Ashirra

Tariq el-Haqim

+ 0,5 monthly piety

+ 10 same faith opinion

+ 50% monthly True Faith lifestyle experience

+ 0,5 monthly prestige Ibn Ja'far
Book of the Sun Famed Book Road of Humanity + 20 same faith opinion + 1 learning Random Ruler on Via Humanitatis
Gospel of Laodice Famed Book Via Caeli + 20 same faith opinion + 1 learning Random Ruler on Via Caeli
Infernal Tome Masterwork Book Infernalist + 1% monthly piety per dread + 20% stress 6 random characters on Via Diabolis
Cup of Laezar Masterwork Trinket Infernalist + 1% montly prestige per dread + 20% stress A random infernalist character
Correspondence of Rodrigo Masterwork Book Via Bastiae + 10 same faith opinion + 10% learning Rodrigo
Lantern of the Night Father Masterwork Trinket Vampire + 10% hostile scheme resistance

+ special content

Tremere Chronicles Masterwork Book Tremere + 0,28 monthly prestige + 1 court grandeur Curaferrum
Book of Going Forth by Night Masterwork Book Setite + 0,35 monthly renown

*Unlock Akhu Blood Sorcery

Slay Death Masterwork Weapon Vampire + 10 prowess Petrus
Goratrix Mirror Masterwork Furniture Vampire + 15% hostile scheme success chance Goratrix
The Letters of Acindynus Masterwork Book Road of Kings + 20 same faith opinion + 1 learning Acindynus
Well of Ashes Masterwork Trinket Vampire + 100% dread gain Random Vampire Ruler
The Grey Book Masterwork Book Via Venator Umbra + 20 same faith opinion + 10% monthly learning lifestyle experience Charisse de Grey
Rowan Ring Masterwork Trinket Vampire + 10 prowess

+ 5 hostile scheme power

Tabitha al-Masri
Bone of Osiris Masterwork Trinket Vampire + 20% monthly piety

+ special content

Odin's Runic Stone Masterwork Furniture Via Einherja + 20 same faith opinion Random Norman Character
Water of Venus Masterwork Trinket Road of Sin + 100% monthly sanguine lifestyle experience Random Ruler on the Road of Sin
Michaelis' Crown Masterwork Headgear Vampire + 10 Occitan Opinion Esclarmonde
Laws of Haqim Masterwork Book Banu Haqim + 6 dynasty opinion Rebekah
Baali Labrys Masterwork Trinket Via Diabolis + 1 monthly piety Random Character on Via Diabolis
Water of Meriba Masterwork Trinket Vampire + 10% hostile scheme success chance + 0,2 monthly piety Random Egyptian Character
Consolation of Philosophy Masterwork Book Vampire + 50% monthly learning lifestyle experience

+ special content

+ 2 learning Random Character on Via Pura
House of Tremere Masterwork Book Tremere + 1 hostile scheme + 1 court grandeur Biturges
The Empowerment of the Justicars Masterwork Book Road of Kings + 10 direct vassal opinion Hardestadt
Veil of Night Masterwork Book Ashirra

Tariq el-Haqim

+ 10 same faith opinion + 1 learning Abu Fahim Kateb
Chronicle of the Heartblood Masterwork Book Banu Haqim + 0,35 monthly renown + 1 learning Nakurtum
Portrait of Saulot Masterwork Large Wall Ornament Salubri + 3 court grandeur + 1 court grandeur Etienne d'Agoult
Flesh of the Hunted Masterwork Trinket Road of the Beast + 50% monthly martial lifestyle experience + 5 natural dread Random Ruler on the Road of the Beast
Veddartha's Chalice Masterwork Trinket Ventrue + 10 dynasty opinion + 0,2 monthly prestige Random Setite Ruler
Horns of the Hunter Masterwork Headgear Road of the Beast + 5 combat advantage

+ 5 attacker combat advantage

+ 5 natural dread Guiseppe Baggio
Hand of Nikolas Masterwork Trinket Vampire - 10% stress gain

+ special content

+ 0,2 monthly piety Random Nosferatu Character
Louhi's Staff Masterwork Trinket Blood Sorcery

Advanced Blood Sorcery

+ 200% monthly sanguine lifestyle experience Louhi
Code of Chivalry Masterwork Book Via Equitum + 10 same faith opinion Aloyius d'Etienne
Scrolls of Carthage Masterwork Book Via Prometheus + 10 same faith opinion + 1 learning Zamra
Tyrant's Lash Masterwork Trinket Road of Kings - 50% dread decay Random Tzimisce Ruler on the Road of Kings
Notes of Ignace of Antioch Masterwork Book Vampire + 50% monthly learning lifestyle experience

+ special content

+ 2 learning Random Character on Via Pura
Tapestry of Nod Masterwork Large Wall Ornament Vampire + 2 intrigue per level of stress Jacob
The Dialogues of Troile and Arikel Masterwork Book Via Prometheus + 20 same faith opinion + 1 learning Random Ruler on Via Prometheus
Book of the Patriarch Masterwork Book Via Archangeli

Codex of Legacies

+ 10 same faith opinion Pakourianis
Ta'wiz Common Trinket Ashirra

Tariq el-Haqim

+ 0,5 monthly piety Suleiman Ibn Abdullah
Martyr's Icon Common Trinket Road of Humanity + 0,5 monthly piety Random Ruler on Via Humanitatis
Orb of Dominion over the Shadows Common Trinket Vampire + 12 natural dread

+ special content

The Phrygian Codex Common Book Via Mutationis + 10 same faith opinion Yorak
The Ubar Chronicles Common Book -10% tyranny gain Random landed vampire
Gospels of Irad and Adah Common Book +1 men at arms cap Random landed vampire
Codex of the Damned Common Book +6 vassal limit Random landed vampire
Canticle of Japhet Common Book Dread decay multiplier -20% Random landed vampire
Wounds of the Night's Sword Common Book +5 advantage when leading Random Raktasadhus religion character
Tapestry of the Bone Common Large Wall Ornament Vampire + 0,1 monthly prestige Random Vampire with 14+ diplomacy
Wax Seal Common Trinket Road of Kings + 10% scheme secrecy Random Ruler on the Road of Kings
The Satires Common Book Road of Sin + 1 diplomacy per level of devotion Servius Marius Pustula
Lyrics of Aconia Messalina Common Book Via Voluptuous + 10 same faith opinion + 10% stress loss Aconia Messalina
Robe of Nessus Common Regalia Malkavian - 10% stress loss Anatole
Mithraic Ceramic Goblet Common Trinket Via Mithras + 10 same faith opinion Thomas Beckett Camden
St Vitus' Heel Common Trinket Malkavian - 10% stress Random Ruler
Pilgrim's Badge Common Trinket Road of Sin + 0,5 monthly piety Random Ruler on the Road of Sin
Sigil of the Lord of Misrule Common Trinket Road of Sin + 1 intrigue per level of devotion Random Ruler on the Road of Sin

Werewolf Artifacts

These are artifacts that can be only used by shapeshifters.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Starting Location
The Antler Crown Illustrious Headgear Fianna + 20 same faith opinion

+ 30% raid speed

Yuri's Klaive Famed Weapon Silver Fangs + 10 prowess

+ 10% monthly prestige per powerful councillor

Yuri Tvarivich
Head of Hardrule Famed Headgear Get of Fenris + 15 prowess

+ 200% tyranny gain

Leper's Rags Common Trinket Abomination



+ 2 hostile scheme power Available through pack quest
Trail Branch Common Trinket Abomination



+ 5% army movement speed Available through pack quest
Feather of the Waters Common Trinket Abomination



+ 10% diplomatic range Available through pack quest
Heart of Fire Common Trinket Abomination



+ 2 prowess Available through pack quest

Umbra Artifacts

These are artifacts which can be found through events in their location.

Icon Name Rarity Type Benefit Starting Location
Klaive Famed Weapon + 5 prowess

+ severe health penalty

Wyld Reaches
Eternal Waterskin Famed Trinket + 10% stress loss Wyld Reaches
Beff of Ice Famed Trinket + 50% hostile scheme resistance Wyld Reaches
Spirit Astrolabe Famed Trinket + 10% diplomatic range Wyld Reaches
Forest Crown Masterwork Headgear + 4% monthly piety gain

- 0,02 monthly development growth

Iron Crown Masterwork Headgear + 4% monthly prestige gain

+ 0,02 monthly development growth

Keystone Masterwork Trinket + 2 intrigue

+ 10% army movement speed

Wind Hammer Masterwork Weapon + 3 prowess

+ 5% army movement speed

+ 2 hostile scheme power

Court of the Muses
Bindrune Amulet Masterwork Trinket + 10% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 2 prowess

Court of the Muses
Cloud String Masterwork Trinket + 2 prowess

+ 0,04 monthly development growth

Court of the Muses
Beast Mask Masterwork Headgear + 15% movement speed

+ 3 hostile scheme power

Court of the Muses
Book of the Spirit's Secrets Masterwork Book + 10% monthly lifestyle experience City of Brass
Feathered Cloak Masterwork Trinket + 10% army movement speed

+ 15% diplomatic range

City of Brass
Tangling Lance Masterwork Weapon + 5 prowess

+ 100% abduct scheme power

City of Brass
Time Piece Masterwork Trinket + 1 prowess

+ 10% movement speed

City of Brass
Belt of the Giants Masterwork Armor + 7 prowess

+ severe health penalty

Cloak of Woven Mists Masterwork Trinket + 5% scheme discovery chance

+ 2 intrigue

Staff of Life Masterwork Regalia + severe health boost

+ 2 prowess

Bone Flute Masterwork Trinket + 5 general opinion

+ 10% stress loss

Truth Earring Common Trinket + 50% hostile scheme resistance Wolfhome
Blanket of Peaceful Past Common Trinket + 10% stress loss Wolfhome
Dark Mask Common Headgear + 1 prowess

+ 5 dread

Eyes of the Night Common Trinket + 2 hostile scheme power

+ 2 personal scheme power

Kinship Doll Common Trinket + 5% stress loss

+ 5 spouse opinion

Law Skull Common Trinket + 10% dread gain

+ 2% vassal tax contribution

Moongleam Common Trinket + 5% scheme discovery chance Calumn
Air Foot Greaves Common Trinket + 5% army movement speed Calumn
Sun Axe Common Weapon + 4 prowess Calumn
Whistle Caff Common Trinket + 10% scheme discovery chance Calumn

Planetary Gift Artifacts

These are the Incarna Fetishes which can be requested after understanding their courts.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Starting Location
Shining Klaive of Sohkta Illustrious Weapon Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 prowess per level of devotion

+ godlike health boost

+ 50% dread gain

Court of Sohkta
Radiant Blade of Katanka-Sonnak Illustrious Weapon Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 prowess per level of devotion

+ godlike health boost

+ 60% diplomatic range

+ 30% army movement speed

Court of Katanka-Sonnak
Mercurial Mask of Mitanu Illustrious Headgear Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 intrigue per level of devotion

+ 10% scheme secrecy

+ 10 seduce scheme power

Court of Mitanu
Burning Mask of Hakahe Illustrious Headgear Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 learning per level of devotion

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion

+ 25% monthly income

Court of Hakahe
Radiant Dress of Tambiyah Illustrious Armor Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 diplomacy per level of devotion

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion

+ godlike health boost

Court of Tambiyah
Eternal Grace of Eshtarra's Might Illustrious Trinket Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 stewardship per level of devotion

+ 200% fertility

+ godlike health boost

+ 50% monthly piety

Court of Eshtarra
Burning Horns of Nerigal Illustrious Trinket Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 martial per level of devotion

- 50% Men-at-Arms maintenance

+ 10 faith hostility advantage

+ 50% levy reinforcement rate

Court of Nerigal
Ruinous Talons of Rorg Illustrious Weapon Not Black Spiral Dancer + 5 prowess per level of devotion

+ 15 faith hostility advantage

+ 100% dread gain

Court of Rorg
Imperious Crown of Zarok Illustrious Headgear Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 stewardship per level of devotion

+ 25% monthly prestige

+ 20 vassal limit

+ 10 vassal opinion

Court of Zarok
Eternal Wings of Lu-Bat Illustrious Trinket Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 learning per level of devotion

+ 200% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 100% army movement speed

Court of Lu-Bat
Shadowed Stave of Ruatma Illustrious Regalia Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 intrigue per level of devotion

+ 1 learning per level of devotion

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion

+ 50% stress gain

Court of Ruatma
Dancing Loom of Shantar Illustrious Trinket Not Black Spiral Dancer + 3 diplomacy per level of devotion

- 30% stress gain

+ 50% stress loss

Court of Shantar
Whispering Ankh of Meros Illustrious Trinket Not Black Spiral Dancer + 1 diplomacy per level of devotion

+ 3 learning per level of devotion

+ 100% diplomatic range

Court of Meros

Homeland Artifacts

Artifacts that a werewolf can win in their own tribes homeland.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Starting Location
Lionfang Famed Weapon Black Fury + 4 prowess

+ 5% monthly prestige

+ 50% fertility

Black Fury Homeland
Ring of the Elements Famed Trinket Bone Gnawer + 15% army movement speed

+ 30% diplomatic range

+ massive health boost

Bone Gnawer Homeland
Harp of Enchantment Famed Trinket Children of Gaia - 10% stress gain

+ 15% stress loss

+ 40% monthly piety

Children of Gaia Homeland
Horn of the White Stag Famed Trinket Fianna + 10% army movement speed

- 3% men-at-arms maintenance

Fianna Homeland
Golden Torc Famed Trinket Fianna + 4% monthly piety

+ 4% monthly prestige

+ 4% monthly tax income

Fianna Homeland
Crone's Tongue Famed Weapon Fianna + 5 prowess

+ 4 hostile scheme resistance

Fianna Homeland
Forge-Crusher Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 10 prowess Get of Fenris Homeland
Grinding-Tooth Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ 15% diplomatic range

Get of Fenris Homeland
Spear-Chaser Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ 30% army movement speed

Get of Fenris Homeland
Troll-Eater Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ severe health boost

Get of Fenris Homeland
Bright-Arm Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ 4 faith hostility combat advantage

Get of Fenris Homeland
Hag-Talon Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ 3 learning

Get of Fenris Homeland
Pain-Eagle Famed Weapon Get of Fenris + 7 prowess

+ 3 intrigue

Get of Fenris Homeland
Dreamcaller Famed Trinket Warder of Men + 2 learning

+ 15% stress loss

+ 15% monthly learning lifestyle experience

Warder of Men Homeland
Runestone of Gab Famed Trinket Red Talons + 1 diplomacy per level of fame Red Talons Homeland
Runestone of War Famed Trinket Red Talons + 1 martial per level of fame Red Talons Homeland
Runestone of Control Famed Trinket Red Talons + 1 stewardship per level of fame Red Talons Homeland
Runestone of Cunning Famed Trinket Red Talons + 1 intrigue per level of fame Red Talons Homeland
Runestone of Wisdom Famed Trinket Red Talons + 1 learning per level of fame Red Talons Homeland
Grand Klaive Famed Weapon Shadow Lords + 10 prowess

+ 10 dread

+ 10% dread gain

Shadow Lords Homeland
Iceblade Famed Weapon Silver Fangs + 5 prowess

+ 30% diplomatic range

Silver Fangs Homeland

Objective Artifacts

These are the artifacts each tribe gains for completing their first objective.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit
Bronze Labrys of Leukippes Illustrious Weapon Black Fury + 15 prowess

+ 100% monthly prestige

Gaia's Big Thumb Illustrious Trinket Bone Gnawer + 100% army movement speed

+ 100% diplomatic range

Chalice of Renewal Illustrious Trinket Children of Gaia + godlike health boost

- 20% friendly fatal casualties

Watcher's Shield Illustrious Trinket Get of Fenris + 10 prowess

+ 30% hostile scheme resistance

Crescent Moon Waterskin Illustrious Trinket Warder of Men + massive health boost

+ 5 prowess

+ 10% hostile scheme success chance

The Threefold Axe Illustrious Weapon Fianna + 15 prowess

+ 10 faith hostility combat advantage

Bramble Branch Illustrious Trinket Red Talons + 20 defender combat advantage

+ 30% hostile scheme resistance

Assassin's Klaive Illustrious Weapon Shadow Lords + 15 prowess

+ 50% murder scheme power

Firebird Feather Illustrious Trinket Silver Fangs + 100% monthly renown

+ 50% abduct scheme power

Owl Talon Illustrious Weapon Silent Strider + 15 prowess

+ 3 prowess per level of devotion

Yellow Veil of Karapatri Illustrious Headgear Star Gazer + 100% monthly piety

+ 50% hostile scheme resistance

Demon Artifacts

These are the artifacts the playable earthbound demons are bound to.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Starting Location
Vassago's Reliquarie Famed Pedestrian Item + 0,01 monthly prestige per dread

+ 20% dread gain

Heart of Lamashtu Famed Furniture + 0,04 monthly prestige

+ 5% monthly renown

+ 5 vassal opinion

Ritual Dagger Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion


Hunter/True Faith Artifacts

These are artifacts that mainly benefit True Faith and Hunter characters.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Benefit without Requirement Starting Location
Fragment of the True Cross Illustrious Trinket Hunter and not infernalist (for special content) + 200% monthly True Faith lifestyle experience

+ special content (unlock the Blessed champions MaA)

Gauthier de Dampiere
Corona Ferrata Famed Headgear True Faith - 14% stress gain

Give immunity to murder schemes

+ 0,2 monthly prestige Alacrinis
Flagrum of the Passion Famed Weapon True Faith + 5 prowess

Unlock the ability to Banish Demons and Remove Fetters from Wraiths

Uraeus of Osiris Famed Pedestrian Item True Faith + 0,01 prestige per dread Goratrix
Holy Flask Masterwork Trinket True Faith + 10 French Opinion + 0,1 monthly prestige Random French character
Raquel's Wedding Band Masterwork Regalia True Faith + 10 attacker combat advantage Random Breton Characte
Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Safa Masterwork Book Hunter +100% monthly sorcery lifestyle xp Ishaq ibn Jalim
St Ermentrude's Cross Common Trinket True Faith + 50% monthly True Faith lifestyle experience Random Breton character

Fae Artifacts

These are artifacts that can be only used by Fae.

Icon Name Rarity Type Requirements Benefit Benefit without Requirement Starting Location
Winterblade Illustrious Weapon Redcap + 12 prowess

+ medium health boost

+ 16% enemy fatal casualties

+ 10 attacker advantage

+ 100% movement speed in winter provinces

+ 10 combat advantage in winter

+ 10 winter-kin opinion

Achen Illustrious Weapon Dougal Dynasty Head + 10 prowess

+ 20% daily siege progress

- 6% friendly fatal casualties

+ 6% enemy fatal casualties

+ 5 attacker combat advantage

+ "Unarmoured" Battle Modifier (- 50% enemy army toughness)

Random Dougal House Member
Cudgel of Conchobhair Famed Weapon Daireann + 8 prowess

+ 5 prowess injury resistance

+ 6% army pursuit

+ 3 prowess Random Daireann House Member
Rose of Leanhaun Illustrious Trinket Female Leanhaun + 4% same faith domain tax

+ 40 years life expectancy

+ 30% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 10 same faith opinion

+ 12 attraction opinion

+ 4% same faith levy reinforcement rate

+ 5 attraction opinion Random Leanhaun House Member
Universal Solvent Famed Trinket Nocker + 50% enemy fatal casualties

+ 5 attacker combat advantage

- 10 general opinion

+ 20% enemy fatal casualties


Combinable Artifacts

These are artifacts that can be combined as a decision to get a stronger artifact.

Book of Nod

The parts and the whole book are pure special content.

If you own each of the 7 masterwork books, you can combine them to the Chronicle of Caine.

If you own each of the 3 famed books, you can combine them to the Book of Nod.

Icon Name Rarity Type Benefit Starting Location
Book of Nod Famed Book + 1 learning

+ 30% monthly learning experience

+ 0,2 piety per powerful councillors

+ 10% dread gain

+ 4 court grandeur

Chronicle of Caine Famed Book + 30% monthly learning experience

+ 1 court grandeur

Chronicle of Shadows Famed Book + 0,2 piety per powerful councillors

+ 1 court grandeur

Aristotle de Laurent

Random Vampire with 14+ learning

Chronicle of Secrets Famed Book + 10% dread gain

+ 1 court grandeur

Ambrogino Giovanni

Random Vampire with 14+ learning

First of Times Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Coming of Lilith Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Lilith's Magick Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Temptation of Caine Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Zillah's Tale Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Tale of the Crone Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning
Tale of the First City Masterwork Book + 5% monthly learning experience Random Vampire with 14+ learning

Bai Ze Tu

With owning 5 Fragments you can combine them to the complete Bai Ze Tu.

Icon Name Rarity Type Benefit Starting Location
Bai Ze Tu Illustrious Book + 300% monthly lifestyle experience

+ 15 faith hostility combat advantage

Fragment of the Bai Ze Tu Masterwork Book + 0,2 monthly prestige 10 Random Kuei-Jin

Spear of Orthia

The spear can be reforged if you have the shattered parts and have good relations (Friend, Coterie member or soulmate) with a vampire blacksmith.

Icon Name Rarity Type Benefit Starting Location
Spear of Orthia Illustrious Weapon + 15 prowess

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion

+ 2 monthly prestige

Shattered Spear of Orthia Famed Weapon + 10 prowess

+ 1 prowess per level of devotion


Code of Samiel

With owning both Fragments they can be combined to gain the complete code.

Icon Name Rarity Requirements Type Benefit Benefit without Requirement Starting Location
Code of Samiel Famed Code of Samiel Book + 20 same faith opinion + 10% monthly learning lifestyle experience Qawiyya el-Ghaduba
Fragmented Code of Samiel Masterwork Code of Samiel Book + 5 same faith opinion + 10% monthly learning lifestyle experience Xavier


* Dev build only for now