Apprentice's Guide to Demonology
Apprentice's Guide to Demonology
Princes of Darkness has added the Demonology trait, which uses the multiple-paths system of Tours and Tournaments traits in order to represent the three types of Demonologist.
Learning secrets best left buried
To begin your study of Demonology you must either begin the game with the Demonology trait or learn it in play. Demons automatically have the Demonology trait with full knowledge, but other splats will need to either be of a faith that accepts infernalism or become an infernalist in order to ask another demonologist to mentor them. Once the demonology trait is acquired, the top track can be levelled up through a minor decision to spend piety in exchange for experience. Having the trait at all will allow you to study the Celestial Name of a demon, and each level increases your learning. It also permits you to make a Pact with a demon, becoming an Infernalist in exchange for power.
The Best of Intentions
While the vast majority of Demonologists are Infernalists, characters with the Demonology trait can use it purely to learn a demon's Celestial Name, providing a weak hook on the demon in question. This hook can be upgraded twice if not spent by repeating the scheme, eventually becoming a permanent strong hook. A Demonologist that has reached the third level of the top path for Demonology can then use this hook to Banish the demon to the Abyss, deposing them and rendering them unable to rule.
Taking the Plunge
While it is possible to practice Demonology without being an Infernalist, it is far easier to join the forces of Hell. The simplest way to become an Infernalist is to Swear Fealty to a demon, thereby becoming their Thrall. While Infernalists are nearly universally despised, Thralls gain access to both the Arcana and Investiture lifestyles. These allow any Thrall to access powers usually exclusive to demons, including the ability to extend their own lifespan. In addition to the lifestyle focuses for the individual trees, a Thrall will receive passive Investiture lifestyle experience equal to the opinion their demonic master has of them, meaning that the most powerful Thralls will generally be those that keep their masters happy. None of this is without cost, however. In addition to the penalties of the Infernalist trait, a Thrall tithes 10% of their Piety to their new master and additionally provides them with a hook. This hook will almost certainly become a permanent strong hook given time, as the demon in question grows in power.
Additionally, Thralls gain access to Demonology, and the exclusive third track of the levelled trait. This provides improved opinion from Infernal Courts (the default Demonic government type), increased taxes from Infernal Court vassals, and increased XP when focusing on the Arcana lifestyle. In addition to being able to sacrifice prisoners to acquire Arcana lifestyle xp at the second level, at the final level of the track a Thrall can even summon a demon that has been banished from the Abyss back into the world at a hefty cost. This provides them with increased opinion from the demon in question. It is also of note that, like any Demonologist, a Thrall can make pacts with additional demons in order to acquire additional Investiture. Each new Master will receive a hook on their Thrall, and take an additional 10% of their piety income. Finally, a thrall with the final level of the trait has the power to make a Great Sacrifice to an Archduke of their choice via a decision. These sacrifices devastate entire regions or kill masses of prisoners in exchange for various boons and a hefty sum of Investiture xp, though making such a grand sacrifice results in a serious negative opinion modifier from all characters. Even demons dislike a Diabolist that makes such a sacrifice to one of their competitors.
Slaves Enthroned
While the majority of Infernalists are Thralls, there are some that prefer to acquire power without becoming enslaved by demons. These are known as Diabolists. Any character with the Demonology trait can, after gaining a strong hook on a demon via their Celestial Name, choose to Bind the demon instead of Banishing it. This requires a contest of learning, with each successive attempt causing the demon in question to despise the would-be Diabolist more and potentially causing a Rivalry. While Diabolists do not receieve access to the Arcana lifestyle, they do gain access to Investiture and their newly bound demonic servant does not gain any Hooks on the Diabolist. Despite not having sold their soul to the Infernal, Diabolists are still Infernalists and are hated by most characters as a result.
The Diabolist additionally gains access to the second track of the Demonology trait, which will provide them with increased power for the demonic Men-at-Arms that they gain access to through Investiture, increased XP gain in the Investiture lifestyle, the ability to sacrifice characters to gain more Investiture xp, and improved opinion from demons.
Abyssal Secrets
In the event that you wish to become an Infernalist and gain access to Demonology without swearing fealty to a demon or being a member of a religion that allows the study of Demonology, there are a few options available. Vampires of the Baali Bloodline in particular are suited to Infernalism, as the Discipline of Daimonion allows them to perform a Character interaction on themselves that provides the Infernalist secret. This removes the Piety cost from Daimonion actions, and additionally allows the study of Demonology. In the first bookmark this study has limited applications, as there are no demons available to make pacts with or bind. Another option is taking a trip to the Abyssal Prison beneath the Sea of Shadows in the Umbra. Therein you might be confronted by a demon while trying to escape, and be offered an easier exit in exchange for one of your prisoners. This can provide a first step into Infernalism, from which the study of Demonology can begin.