A Prince's Guide to Vampires

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Cainite vampire.png

Princes of Darkness (PoD) is a total conversion mod and uses a lot of mechanics which are either repurposed from vanilla CK3 mechanics or entirely new. To give a general idea how to play a vampire in PoD this guide will introduce the mechanics and in italic there are tips from either me or other community members we want to give new players to start your successful vampire game. There will be a lot of information in the guide below and it is fine to not directly understand some of the mechanics as some of these information may be helpful after 1, 2 or 10 games played.

Tip: Clicking on links lead you directly to the wiki page with a lot more Information or the correlating paragraph in this guide.

Vampire Introduction

V5 Generation


Generation is an indication of how far a vampire is removed from Caine, the original vampire. (White Wolf Wiki)

The generation of a vampire shows the power ceiling of a vampire. It is represented in PoD as an trait. Generation ranges from 1st to 13th (from which are 4th to 13th currently playable).

The lower the generation the higher are the benefits.

Influence of (low) Generations:

  • Can have stronger Ghouls (represented as a bonus to Ghoul Men-at-Arms from the trait)
  • Can have a higher Blood Potency (see below)
  • Can use elder Disciplines (see below)

A vampire can decrease their generation by diablerie of a vampire with a lower generation.

Blood Potency

Blood Potency describes the degree of power vampiric Vitae bestows upon a character. Full-blooded vampires begin their unlife at a level of Blood Potency dependent on their Generation, and may (typically) increase it through age, experience, and diablerie. Their minimum and maximum level of Blood Potency is also limited by Generation. (White Wolf Wiki)

Blood Potency is permanently represented in PoD with a character modifier. Blood Potency ranges from 0 to 10.

The higher the blood potency the higher are the benefits, but the drawbacks are higher as well.

Influence of (high) Blood Potency:

  • Get a higher Stat bonus
  • Get better blood surge outcomes (see below)
  • Get higher feeding restriction (see below)

A vampire can increase their blood potency by age (every 100 years blood potency increases by 1) and diablerie (always increases blood potency by 1).

A vampire can decrease their blood potency by being in torpor (every 50 years blood potency decreases by 1).

V5 Blood Potency


Hunger is an indication on how seated or hungry a vampire is.

Hunger is represented in PoD with a character modifier and the red bar at the bottom of the screen (clickable). Hunger ranges from 0 Satiated to 5 Frenzied.

Influence of (high) hunger:

  • Unable to use vampire abilities and disciplines
  • Higher danger of frenzy

A vampire can increase their hunger by using vampire abilities and disciplines,

A vampire can decrease their hunger by feeding (see below)

Tips for Hunger:

  • Try keeping hunger as low as possible (obviously)
  • Always have an eye on your blood potency to understand how you can feed or why feeding doesn't work
  • Always keep herd (see below) for both blood/hunger and to gain resonance experience (see below)



A vampire has certain restrictions on how much hunger he can reduce by feed on humans and animals depending on his blood potency (see above). In the table on the right and if you hover over the blood potency modifier in the game you can see the current restrictions the vampire has.

Drain Animal

This is a character interaction and a vampire can chose what kind of animal he wants to hunt.

Hunting in capital

This is a journey in the "Journey and Coterie" Screen (See below).

The journey takes 5 month. Depending on the character and traits there can already made some requirements for the mortals (education, resonance). These requirements for the victims decide the costs of the journey.

After the hunt the vampire gets to chose between 5 characters who he wants to hunt from them and how much blood he wants to take from his victim.


A herd is a reliable way to gain blood. Through the herdify interaction and other perks a mortal can become part of your herd. You automatically feed from herd every year.

In PoD herdify is a scheme which can be started as a character interaction (A prisoner can be directly herdified). After successful finishing the scheme a vampire gains a perpetual hook on a character as well as having them in their herd.

By using the manipulate vassal interaction with the herd a vampire is able to feed from them outside their automatic feedings and even are able to release member of their herd.


  • The "Lingering Kiss" Perk in the Dominate Tree lets you directly herdify a hunted character
  • There is a alert Herd Alert.png if your herd isn't full and there is a courtier who can be herded
Masquerade and Hunger Bar

Masquerade Exposure

Masquerade is the rule to hide from mortal society.

Masquerade exposure is represented in PoD with a character modifier and the blue bar at the bottom of the screen (clickable). Masquerade Exposure ranges from 0 Hidden to 5 Exposed.

Influence of (high) masquerade exposure:

  • Can be seen as a crime by Roads (see below)
  • Can lead to inquisition hunts (Inquisition Uprisings)
  • Can lead to negative events (Tip: Some give huge debuffs for a long time. You don't want that)

A vampire increase their masquerade exposure by being seen or discovered while interacting with the mortal world (feeding, events, etc),

A vampire can decrease their masquerade exposure by character interaction or by clicking the bar.

Tips for Masquerade exposure:

  • Try keeping masquerade exposure as low as possible (obviously)
  • A lot of disciplines give more and better ways to reduce masquerade exposure

Common Vampire Abilities


The embrace is the action of turning a mortal into a vampire by draining all their blood (killing them in the process) and giving them your own. The new vampire might frenzy and can attack the vampire. This is represented as an event.

In PoD the embrace is a scheme which can be started as a character interaction (A prisoner can be directly embraced). After successful embrace the embraced character is the Child of the vampire (as in the CK3 base game mechanic). Vampires are unable to get mortal or vampire children.

Following the successful embrace the Sire (the vampire who embraced) gets an event chain to educate his childe (the new vampire). These can have positiv and negative outcomes for the Sire and the Childe.

Tips for embracing:

  • There are several events in which historical characters can be embraced. These are characters with exceptionally good stats and always worth to embrace.
  • Be careful if you embrace a powerful character who could kill your character directly after the embrace.


Ghoulify is the action of feeding a mortal blood and making them a ghoul.

In PoD Ghoulify is a scheme which can be started as a character interaction (A prisoner can be directly ghoulified). After the successful Ghoulifing a mortal the mortal becomes a ghoul and is directly blood bonded to its "creator".

A ghoul is typically a servant of its "creator" and is between a mortal and a vampire. They can have limited disciplines and can be used as knights or barons.

They can be found under the minions tab (the minions tab is next to Family, Relationship, Courtiers and Vassals) Blood Bond

Blood Bond

Blood Bonding is feeding another vampire your blood which results in a blood bond. A blood bond is a supernatural link between characters which results in the bonded person feeling loyalty/love to the vampire which bonded them.

In PoD blood bonding is a scheme which can be started as a character interaction (A prisoner can be directly blood bonded). After the first successful Blood Bond you get the weak blood bond hook on the victim. After the second blood bond successful Blood Bond you get the strong blood bond hook on the victim.

Blood Heal

Blood Heal is vampire rousing their own blood to heal faster.

In PoD blood heal is a character interaction to remove (negative) wound traits.

Blood Surge

Blood Surge is vampire using their own blood to increase on of their stats.

In PoD blood surge is a character interaction to gain a temporary (for 1 year) modifier which increases a stat depending on their blood potency (between +1 and +5 bonus).


Diablerie is the act of drinking another vampires blood until they consume the vampires soul.

In PoD diablerie is a scheme which can be started as a character interaction (A prisoner can be directly diablerized). After the successful diablerie the diablerists generation lowers by one (if he diablerized a lower Gen Vampire), his blood potency increases and there is a chance for him to gain disciplines from the diablerized vampire.

Tips for Diablerie:

  • There is a chance that the soul of the diablerized vampire takes control of the diablerist (be careful who you chose). This chance gets higher depending on the difference in generation between the vampires.

Host Elysium

This is a decision which starts an event chain in which you councillors give you plans and options that you might or might not accept.

Survey the Capital

This is a decision which starts an event chain in which you can support your city depending on your build buildings and may even gain bonus building slots.


Journeys and Coteries

Journeys are a new mechanic and is based on the travel system of CK3. Currently there are two minor and two major journey a vampire can use. Coteries work together with journeys and allow a vampire to get support from members of their coterie (in form of stats).

The screen for Journeys and Coteries is accessible through its button on the right side below the royal court button.

Here you can start a new journey, see your already planned journeys and the current status of the journey you are currently on.

On the other tab you have access to your coterie and see the stats the coterie has. To invite someone to your coterie can't be full (max 5 members: the player vampire and 4 other), must be part of your realm and have at least 50 opinion of you. You can invite someone as a character interaction.

A journey has a planning and a travel phase. The planning phase is a scheme and takes a certain amount depending of the abilities of the coterie. The travel phase is a CK3 travel to the location of your journey.


  • Hunt in your capital: As said above, for a vampire to hunt they need to take the hunt in capital journey. There is no travel phase as you already are in your capital.
  • Learn new ability: This journey allows the vampire and coterie to gain a new discipline.
  • Find Torpored Character: As a character interaction on the character, a journey can be started to find a torpored character and wake him up or diablerise him.


Unlike the mortal medieval world vampire ruler usually don't fight with big armies but use for these tasks specific mortal and immortal groups which are smaller but a lot stronger than bigger armies.

In PoD this is represented in vampires using knights and Men-at-Arms to do the real damage in a battle. Levies are even more cannon fodder then they are in CK3.


The most important member of any vampire army. Vampires being a lot stronger than a levy is shown here perfectly. Knights are the backbone of every vampire ruler and you should use them too.

Mortals: Mortals are very weak (-7 prowess) and should be avoided as knights as instead there could be supernatural knight in the same spot.

Ghoul: Ghouls are stronger than mortals (but not vampire) in every way but unlike vampires they have a very limited pool of disciplines they can use

Vampire: The typical knight should have between 10 and 30 prowess. Even better would be if he knows some "combat" disciplines (Potence, Fortitude, Quietus, Valeren, etc) as they can get even higher prowess numbers.

Knight effectiveness and number of knights are stats to increase if you want to increase your military power (mainly through buildings)


These are usually groups of ghouls or mortals which are in between levies and knights. These will support your small number of knights but can help in a combat (unlike levies).

Similar to CK3 they get huge buffs from being stationed and having the right buildings where they are stationed.

(Vampire) Commander

Of course your army needs a capable commander. In PoD most vampires commanders mainly help in the battle by giving enemy commanders and knights debuffs. But they still help with battle advantages, battle roles, etc.

Tips for a vampire military:

  • The Ai gives the army command to the character with the best commander advantages, but that may not be the best commander for your army (usually older vampire are better generals as they have more disciplines)
  • It is almost never the right choice to take vanilla CK3 Men-at-Arms (in some cases cultural Men-at-Arms are okay), instead you should use PoD exclusive Men-at-Arms.
  • It is possible to build a lot of low cost Men-at-Arms with big sizes to avoid being attacked by AI vampires. The AI rarely attacks enemies with much higher numbers of soldiers (even though they hardly matter in PoD).



Vampires are parasite to the mortal world who come to cities to life off the humans and their blood and don't build up cities.

In PoD development is the key to a great city. A well developed city is a city with a lot of mortals and these are needed to be exploited and influenced by vampires. This is why high development cities (Constantinople, Rome, Paris, Aachen, Cordoba, Cairo, Bagdad, etc) are the targets of many vampires.

This means many buildings have requirements of certain development or control thresholds to be able to be upgraded or build. On the other hand vampires aren't good at building up cities which means that in PoD they are unable to use the Steward Mission "Increase Development". It is a lot harder and costlier to increase the development of cities.


The most important building from a city is the princedom building. It is build in the duchy building slot and gives the prince most of the resources he needs (gold, prestige, levies). It is one of the few buildings which increase development so building it is very important. On higher tiers it even increases the number and effectiveness of knights.

Like most of the buildings it is blocked by being upgraded through a development requirement.

Holding Buildings

There are 4 types of buildings in PoD possible to build.

  • "Exploit the city" : These are buildings which can be build fast and for few resources but they have a downside which only gets worse with each tier. But unlike other buildings they have no requirements.
  • "Influence the city" : These buildings represent your influence on the city. They tend to have downsides which weaken by higher tiers. These higher tiers however have some prerequisites which your city has to fulfil.
  • "Haven" : These building represent your own haven which gives only upsides and no requirements at your city. These upsides however are only of personal or defensive nature.
  • "Roads and Paths" : These are representing your road and have a wide variety of bonuses depending on your road. These have only upsides and no requirements but you have at best only 1 of these buildings.


These represent important spiritual or material location for vampires. They usually have a Clan or Road requirement are and very costly. But the bonuses they give are always worth the price. You can easily find them on the economy map mode (and directly check if they are a wonder for you).

Tip for vampire buildings:

  • It is always worth to go for the influence the city buildings if you plan on keeping the city. The basic resources can be gotten through "Influence the Merchant: Gold/Clergy: Piety/ Lawgivers: Prestige"
  • Powerful and famous characters usually have a wonder either for their road or their clan at game start

Roads and Paths

Road, or Viae in Latin, are terms used by vampires to describe the philosophies that serve as artificial codes of honor and morality for their kind. (White Wolf Wiki)

Roads are what keeps a vampire from giving in to their vampiric instincts and nature. In PoD this is represented as the CK3 faith of a vampire. Each road has various smaller paths which consent on the general idea of the Road but each having different priorities.

Roads and Paths are very similar to vanilla CK3 as they make traits virtues and sins as well as having holy sites.

Some of the differences from vanilla faith are:

  • Supernatural Tolerances: How vampires of this path see other supernatural creatures (see below)
  • Doctrines of the Blood: These are restrictions which a road may lay on a vampires own abilities (see above)
  • Clan Tolerances: These are special relationships (good and bad) a road has with a specific Clan (see below)

Most Roads have a major objectives which can be only achieved by them. These give usually great benefits for the vampires who follow this road in form of special doctrines and holy orders.

Vassal and Realm Management

These are some of the new things added to manage a realm of vampires.


Each Clan gets a Primogen Court Position which can be filled by a character of that Clan which represents the Clan. A good Primogen can give diverse bonuses (depending on the Clan), while a bad one gives maluses. Not giving a Clan their primogen seat will give them an opinion debuff.

Power Sharing

A vampire can share his part of his power with a vassal to get bonuses for both the liege and the diarch. But like regencies in CK3 this has the downside that the diarch doesn't have to be loyal and can try to use the power sharing to gain more benefits and a diarch can even try to overthrow the liege (with or without the support of fellow vassals).

Disciplines and Resonance

Disciplines are the diverse powers a vampire can learn and use. A new vampire has guaranteed access to his clan disciplines but can learn every other discipline as well (that is why most of the older vampires have a lot of disciplines).

Disciplines take the form of lifestyle trees in PoD. These lifestyles trees are categorised by the resonance they share.

To gain experience in a lifestyle it is possible to take a lifestyle focus (like vanilla Ck3) for the monthly experience gain. A second option is through feeding to gain experience. This happens every time a vampire feeds they gain a amount of experience.

After collecting 2000 experience of a specific resonance a vampire can chose to advance a discipline of this resonance by taking a new perk. A vampire needs to have the initial lifestyle trait of the discipline he wants to use his experience on. A vampire gains the initial lifestyle trait through the "Learn new ability" journey (see above).

A discipline lifestyle tree has two parts. In the first part they can pick perks until they unlock the advanced lifestyle perk. After finishing the first part a vampire can use perks on the second part which is between 2 and 6 perks long. These perks are called elder perks as they require a vampire to be below a specific generation.

Tip: At the beginning Auspex and Dominate are great disciplines to get started as they make feeding and experience gain easier.


This chart shows the trait correspondence with the resonance: choleric, phlegmatic, melancholy and sanguine.

Resonance is based on medieval humorism, and the classical elements. For PoD it is used to determine what kind and how much experience a vampire gains through feeding. All disciplines give a variety of diverse powers to use on yourself or on your foes.

The type (Choleric, Melancholy, Phlegmatic and Sanguine) of resonances depending on the mortals personality. Animals always give Animal resonance. On the right is a chart which shows the corelation of traits and resonances. There is a submod as well which marks the traits automatically in the game.

The amount is determined by the intensity of the victim and the amount taken.

There are 4 different intensities: negligible < fleeting < intense < acute. Intensity is also not completely random. Good congenital, education and lifestyle traits have a chance of increasing intensity.

There are 4 different amounts a vampire can take from a mortal: ~5-8%, 10-15%, 30-40% and >50% of total blood volume. Depending on the amount taken the mortal will gain a modifier representing the blood loss.

Tip: If you find a victim with intense or acute resonance, particularly of the kind of resonance you are seeking, it may make sense to make them part of your herd.

These are the Disciplines and their general effect in PoD.



Discipline animalism.png

Animalism not only allows them to communicate with and gain dominance over creatures of nature, but gives them influence over the Beast itself.

In PoD it mainly focuses on animal Men-at-Arms by unlocking and buffing them.



Protean is a Discipline that gives vampires the ability to change form, from growing feral claws to evaporating into a cloud of mist.

In PoD it mainly focuses on shapeshifting abilities, combat bonuses and resistances.


Discipline serpentis.png

Serpentis primarily provides shapechanging abilities, though it also encompasses corruption and other characteristics associated with snakes.

In PoD it mainly focuses on shapeshifting abilities and intrigue bonuses


Discipline abombwe.png

Abombwe utilizes the vampire's close connection to and control over their own Beasts (and that of others), as well as channel the Beast's power for various purposes.

In PoD it mainly focuses on shapeshifting abilities and high dread.


Discipline spiritus.png

Spiritus allows them to interact with animalistic spirits.

In PoD it mainly focuses on reducing stress and using spirits.



Discipline celerity.png

Celerity is a Discipline that grants vampires supernatural quickness and reflexes.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme resistances and combat bonuses.


Discipline potence.png

Potence is the Discipline that endows vampires with physical vigor and preternatural strength. Vampires with the Potence Discipline possess physical prowess beyond mortal bounds.

In PoD it mainly focuses on prowess, duels and combat bonuses.


Discipline vicissitude.png

Vicissitude is widely known as their art of flesh and bone shaping.

In PoD it mainly focuses on ghoul bonuses and shapeshifting abilities (you and other).



Valeren provides control over pain and increased martial ability, seemingly allowing warriors to draw on the power of heaven to vanquish their foes.

In PoD it mainly focuses on removing negative traits, combat bonuses and hostile scheme resistances.



Discipline fortitude.png

Fortitude is a Discipline that grants Kindred unearthly toughness, even to the point of resisting fire and sunlight.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme resistances and prowess bonuses.



Obfuscate is a Discipline that allows vampires to conceal themselves, deceive the mind of others, or make them ignore what the user does not want to be seen.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme resistances and intrigue bonuses.


Discipline obtenebration.png

Obtenebration is the unearthly control over shadows.

In PoD it mainly focuses on shapeshifting and dread bonuses.



Necromancy is a form of blood magic that deals exclusively with the world of the dead: wraiths and the Shadowlands.

In PoD it focuses many different bonuses depending on which necromancy path was learned.



Visceratika allows to use stone, earth, and things made thereof for their own ideas.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme resistances and prowess bonuses


Discipline chimestry.png

Chimistery lets the vampire conjur illusions which are as real as the skill of the vampire allows.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme power and combat bonuses.



Bardo is a discipline which uses meditation and self-control to supress the beast and temporary some of the vampires weaknesses.

In PoD it mainly focuses on stress management.



Discipline auspex.png

Auspex grants vampires supernatural senses.

In PoD it mainly focuses on hostile scheme resistances.


Discipline dominate.png

Dominate is a Discipline that overwhelms another person's mind with the vampire's will, forcing victims to think or act according to the vampire's decree.

In PoD it mainly focuses on manipulating other character.


Discipline temporis.png

Temporis grants the Cainite the ability to manipulate the flow of time itself.

In PoD it mainly focuses on combat bonuses and resource gain bonuses.


Discipline dementation.png

Dementation draws on the vampire's own insanity and uses it to achieve profound insights or inflict madness upon others.

In PoD it mainly focuses on giving other character debuffs.


Discipline melpominee.png

Melopminee allows its possessors to use speech and song for a variety of supernatural effects.

In PoD it mainly focuses on giving other character debuffs.


Discipline mytherceria.png

Mytherceria grants the vampire mystical senses, the ability to steal knowledge, and other powers attributed to fae.

In PoD it mainly focuses on combat bonuses.


Blood Sorcery

Discipline bloodsorcery.png

Blood Sorcery refers to the magic performed by vampires, fuelled by religious or occult practices and the power of Cainite vitae.

In PoD it mainly focuses on the blood sorcery screen at its paths.


Discipline presence.png

Presence is the Discipline of supernatural allure and emotional manipulation which allows Kindred to attract, sway, and control crowds.

In PoD it mainly focuses on personal scheme bonuses.


Discipline daimonion.png

Daimonion is the power of the Devil himself, and through the use of Daimonion the vampire draws upon the forces of Hell and its demons to demoralize and cripple their enemies.

In PoD it mainly focuses on intrigue bonuses and internalist powers.


Discipline quietus.png

Quietus grants the vampire influence over the blood of others.

In PoD it mainly focuses on prowess bonuses, combat bonuses and intrigue bonuses.

Clans and Bloodlines

Clan is a term used by vampires to describe the major groups of Cainites who share common characteristics passed on by the blood. There are 13 known clans, each of which was reputedly founded by an Antediluvian, a member of the mythical Third Generation. [...] Each clan has a greater familiarity with a set of three Disciplines, a clan weakness largely unique to its members, and various stereotypes attributed to it as a result of a tendency to Embrace individuals with certain characteristics. (White Wolf Wiki)

PoD has implemented the clans as dynasties as well as a trait which every vampires has. The dynasties give access to unique legacies representing the most influential clan members and their achievements. Each Clan has their own disciplines they are guaranteed to inherit their childe and in their clan disciplines they get more resonance lifestyle experience.

Each Clan has one or more major objectives which can be only achieved by them. These give usually great benefits for the clan as a whole and even greater benefits for the person who achieved them.

Each Clan consists of several Houses/Bloodlines with their own strength and weaknesses represented by a unique house modifier.

The following information about Clans may be helpful after the first few games but most likely will confuse more than help before that:

These are the Clans and Bloodlines and how PoD has implemented them.

High Clans


Cainite brujah.png

The warriors scholars of Carthage and Hellas are bitter and angry, devolving into a rabble of rebels looking for a cause.

Weakness: Brujah are prone to frenzy. In the mod, they are more likely to get the various frenzy events.

Content: A dynasty legacy unlocks a unique Brujah Warmaster court position. They are also the only clan that can host a Panegyra.

Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence


Cainite cappadocian.png

The scholars of death, cursed to go in cycles of death and rebirth for eternity.

Weakness: Cappadocians, past mortal age, will always look like corpses (both in lore and the mod).

Content: A dynasty legacy unlocks the Lamia bodyguard, representing the unique relationship between Cappadocians and the daughters of Lilith.

Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy (Cappadocian)


Cainite lasombra.png

The ruthless darwinists, draped in shadows of their own creation.

Weakness: Lasombra cast no reflection, making them obsessed with their appearance. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.

Content: Lasombra get access to the Courts of Blood, allowing them to Petition for Sanctioned Diablerie of fellows Lasombra, and the Amici Noctis, their secretive leading organization steering the clan towards their own ends.

Disciplines: Dominate, Obtenebration, Potence


Cainite toreador.png

Aesthetes and poseurs, leeching off humanity's imagination to feel alive.

Weakness: Toreador can get entranced for hours by something or someone they think beautiful. In the mod, it is represented as a potential chain of events.

Content: As their last dynasty perk, Toreador get access to 5 "mini wonders", powerful but expensive buildings.

Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence


Cainite tzimisce.png

Monsters and fiends, sending shudders down other vampires' spines.

Weakness: Tzimisce must always sleep close to some soil of their homeland. Represented as a travel speed debuff.

Content: The Rite of Release is a tradition for Tzimisce childer that happen several years after their Embrace, it happens as a small chain of events. Tzimisce also are especially geared towards "Revenant play" but it's not strictly limited to them.

Disciplines: Vicissitude, Animalism, Auspex


Cainite ventrue.png

Nobles and tyrants ruling the night.

Weakness: Ventrue have particular tastes and can only drink blood from a specific subset of mortals. Represented in the mod as a choice during the starting events.

Content: The Ventrue Ephorate is the shadow council of the 12 elders debating the stance and philosophy the clan as a whole should follow. As a game mechanic, it can give important dynasty modifiers to the Ventrue and open new events to a Ephor character.

Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence

Low Clans

Banu Haqim

Cainite assamiteold.png

Vizirs, sorcerers and warriors devoted to their vision of their founder, Haqim.

Weakness: Banu Haqim's skin darken with age. Represented as a game rule in the mod. Their second weakness, the Baali curse, happens during gameplay as a major event.

Content: The Web of Knives, allowing Banu Haqim to pursue contracts placed on other vampires for gold.

Disciplines: Vizier Caste: Auspex, Presence, Quietus (Vizier); Warrior Caste: Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus (Warrior); Sorcerer Caste: Blood Sorcery, Auspex, Celerity, Quietus (Sorcerer)


Cainite setite.png

Devoted followers of their God Set, ready to bring freedom and corruption to the world.

Weakness: Setites take double damage from the sun. Not represented in the mod.

Content: If you play a character with the via set religion, you can"corrupt" any vampiric religion that you hold at least 3 holy sites of. Corrupting here means making them a part of the pillars of Set, righteous to you and other members of this secret pact.

Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis


Cainite gangrel.png

Nomads, wanderers, the Gangrel work with the Beast, not against it.

Weakness: Gangrel gain an animalistic feature when frenzying, both in lore and in the mod.

Content: As a dynasty legacy, Gangrel rulers can unlock the Rite of Status to formally introduce themselves to one another.

Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean


Cainite malkavian.png

Seers and madmen, the Malkavian see truth and falsehood much clearer than other clans.

Weakness: Malkavian all have a derangement, represented as the lunatic, depressed, paranoid or possessed traits in the mod.

Content: Some dynasty legacies unlock the Madness Network interactions. Using them can lead to various events down the line at you explore it.

Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, and either Dementation or Dominate


Cainite nosferatu.png

Deformed beyond belief, the Nosferatu must also face the wrath of their sadistic founder.

Weakness: All Nosferatu has hideously deformed, both in lore and in the mod.

Content: During your game, you will have reports of strange events in your domain that put your Nosferatu brethren in a fearful frenzy. Claiming those events are the work of the dreaded Nicktuku, they will ask of you to make (costly) preparations for defense. A large majority of the time, these events will be red herrings, just simple paranoia... but sometimes, it will indeed lead to a confrontation with a Nicktuku, where the preparations you made might save your unlife.

Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence


Cainite ravnosold.png

Indian vampires, divided by castes, embroiled in an unending war for their homeland.

Weakness: Ravnos have compulsions, be they good or bad, to do a specific action even at the most inopportune of times. Not represented in the mod.

Content: Ravnos are divided by Jati (castes) represented as Houses in the mod. Each Jati has a mini objective to improve their starting house modifier.

Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Chimerstry


Cainite tremere.png

The Usurpers, former mages who wrestled immortality from other vampires, and must now fight to retain it.

Weakness: Tremere are especially easy to blood bound, both in lore and in the mod.

Content: The Inner Council, the ruling body of the Tremere, is a special mechanic available to all loyalist Tremere.

Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Blood Sorcery



Discipline giovanni.png

The Venetian necromancers, a bloodline sworn to the Cappadocians, but with their own ambitions and methods.

Weakness: While most other vampires' bite is a blissful experience, Giovanni's bite is always painful. In the mod, it disallows some predator types.

Content: GIovanni get access to the Familial Embrace mechanic, where they can nurture of their own mortal family for potential Embrace.

Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude, Necromancy (Giovanni)


Cainite salubri.png

The once mighty Salubri Clan has become barely a bloodline after the destruction of their progenitor, Saulot.

Weakness: Currently no weakness

Content: Currently no special content besides objectives.

Disciplines: Healer: Auspex, Fortitude, Valeren (Healer); Warrior: Auspex, Fortitude, Valeren (Warrior); Watcher: Auspex, Obfuscate, Valeren (Watcher)



Bloodline of vampires associated with demon worship.

Weakness: Baali are especially vulnerable to True Faith. They can't interact with True Faith artifacts in the mod.

Content: Currently no special content besides objectives.

Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Daimonion


Discipline lamia.png

The Lamia were a bloodline of cainites devoted to defending Clan Cappadocian, though originally they were a group of cultists that claimed to be descended from Lilith, Adam's first wife.

Weakness: Lamia's bite carries a potent disease, restricting their choice of predator types.

Content: Currently no special content besides objectives.

Disciplines: Fortitude, Necromancy (Lamia), Potence


Cainite gargoyle.png

Vampires who appear to be animated stone sculptures. Created by the Tremere as shock troops against the Tzimisce, most Gargoyles are content with serving their magically gifted masters but a few show independent thought.

Weakness: Their weakness is their horrific appearance. Probably most gargoyle character's players actually think their appearance is whats great about them!

Content: Currently no special content besides objectives.

Disciplines: Fortitude, Potence, Visceratika, Flight

Splat Relations

Vampires are not the only supernatural creatures who are hiding from the mortal world in PoD.



Kuei-jin are the vampires of East and Southeast Asia and unlike vampires who live of blood (vitea) they live of Chi.

In PoD they are the major power of eastern India, Tibet and the eastern border of Mongolia and in constant battle with the vampires of Eastern India (especially the Ravnos who are the biggest vampire power there) and the Gangrel of the Anda Horde.



A wraith is a ghost, the soul of a person who has died unfulfilled and now haunts the Shadowlands.

In PoD they are not a playable splat but a necromancer can interact with and use their powers for their own goals

Fae and Changeling


Fae and Changelings are spirits/sprite hybrids who are native to the Dreaming but some are living in the mortal place in their season Courts.

In PoD Fae and vampires don't have a lot of connection with each other. An embraced Fae can become a Maeghar.



Garou or Werewolves are shapechangers who fight their enemy, the wyrm.

In PoD Werewolves are usually antagonists of vampires and they usually only meet in combat. But some vampires have allied or vassalized Werewolves to use them for their own goals. An embraced Werewolf has a 1% chance of becoming an hybrid known as an Abomination.



They are fallen angels who chose to side with Lucifer and humanity rather than with God in the first days of Creation. As punishment for their rebellion and disloyalty, the Archangel Michael cast these angels out of Heaven and into the Abyss.

In PoD most Vampires don't have contact with demons except in battle. But there are vampires who made pacts with demons to gain more power. A bloodline called the Baali are infamous for dealing with demons.



Mummies are immortals whose bodies have been ritualistically preserved, and granted the power of self resurrection.

In PoD most vampires don't have contact with mummies except the Setites which are the declared enemies of the mummies and a bloodline called the Children of Osiris to which they are allied.



Hunter are humans who fight all supernatural creatures. Inquisitors, Shih and other hunter have their own methods and powers to fighting their enemies.

They are the greatest threat to vampiric survival and in constant battle with them.

Beginner Characters

Camilla: Green: Camilla and Friends, Red: Dangerous Power, Yellow: Weak Power, Blue: Possible Expansion

These are characters who each have a quite an easy start because they are either a dominate power in their region (Chandraputra, Mithras) or there is no dominant force and they are strong contenders to become a major power (Camilla, Maatkare). In this paragraph there is a detailed explanation of their starting positions and game mechanics that can be learned while playing them.


Game Mechanic: He is generally the best character to learn the core game mechanics.

Character Summary: Camilla is a powerful 5th generation Ventrue, the Duke of Latium and Prince of Rome. His culture is Roman and he is a follower of Via Peccati (Road of Sin). He is an intelligent Virtuoso Arbitrator (Diplomacy 5 Education) and has combined stats of 80, one of the highest total in the game. He has learned the first part of most common disciplines.

He owns at game start these four artifacts: Iulus Armor, Iulius Sword, his Lauren Crown and the book "On hunger and its satisfaction".

He starts his game in "The first Sinner" Coterie with Aconia Messalina (5th gen Lasombra) and Servius Marius Pustula (6th Gen Nosferatu)

His special content are that he can upgrade his Laurel Crown after finishing the "Political Sin" Objective and he has a better "Host Elysium" Event.

Starting Situation: As the prince of Rome Camilla has one of the best if not even the best City at the game start. Rome is currently the only Grand City and gives huge buffs to the holder of Rome. North of Rome are small realms and he can freely expand in there, He is only missing 1 county to be able to form the kingdom of Romagna. After forming Romagna he can vassalize his coterie member and his former advisor Tryphosa (Duchess of Benevento) and than he has 3 excellent primogens (Thrax, Tryphosa and Zacchaeus) and 1 good primogen (Messalina). In Italy itself there are not that many people who have the power to rival that of Camilla. Fabrizio Ulfila of Lombardy is Camilla's rival but has a worse game start. In Sicily Montano holds the Sea of Shadows Empire title but his realm is quite stretched and he normally doesn't expand far into Italy. The last power near Italy are the Giovanni Family in Venice but they are usually more concerned with the Balkans than Italy.

Objectives for a Camilla Game: The "Political Sin" Objective is an easy objective which can be done directly at the beginning. Afterwards you may try to complete the Ventrue Clan Objective or just expand outwards.

Difficulties: You have to understand the two core mechanics of the Ventrue Clan. The feeding restriction at game start limits your feeding pray victims (You gain stress feeding from other mortals) and your embrace will most likely increase stress as well. Another mechanic is the Ventrue Ephorate. It gives the whole Ventrue Clan a modifier depending on the members of Ephorate. Another problem is that the Roman culture is dead an he either needs to spread the culture again or change to a modern culture.

Chandraputra: Red: Enemy Kuei-Jin, Yellow: Rival Vampire, Green: Potential territory/realm


Game Mechanic: He is a good character to learn about warfare in PoD

Character Summary: Chandraputra is a powerful 4th generation Ravnos and the Warmaster of the Ravnos in India. His culture is Kannauji and he follows the Road of Paradox. He is the only Exalted Warlord (Martial 5 Education) and he has with combined stats of 75, one of the highest total in the game. His house modifiers give a +20 bonus a defending in his own country. He has learned the first part of most common disciplines and learned both parts of the Chimestry tree.

His special content is a minor decision to increase war related stats.

Starting Situation: Chandraputra is the emperor of the Ravnos Kshatriya, the biggest vampire realm in India. Al of his vassals are Ravnos as well which leads to quite easy realm management. He is surrounded to all sides with smaller kingdoms which are no real danger to him but can be at times hard to conquer. His big rivals in India are the other vampires who want to lead the battle against the Kuei-Jin. Kiaan the king of Karnata and Kartarirya the king of Lanka re the most powerful of them. But his main enemies are the Kuei-Jin themselves. The "Infinite Thunder Court" and the "Scarlet Phoenix Court" are his main rivals on the Kuei-Jin side. Not as powerful as them but a lot nearer are the king of Delhi and the demon worshipper of Gondwana. West of your position in India are the Banu Haqim in Persia which are in a struggle and don't invade outside and in is usually not worth the troubble to go in that direction.

Objectives for a Chandraputra Game: The "Ravnos Jati" decision is a great early to midgame objective which also strengthens you for upcoming battles if you want to try the "Ending the Eternal" Objective.

Difficulties: As you are fighting a lot of Kuei-Jin it would be very helpful to have a decent understanding of their mechanics. Even though you are an empire your vassals are relatively weak. It can be hard to find decent councillors.

Julia Antasia

Julia Antasia: Yellow: East (Under the Black Cross), Red: North, Dark Blue: Northwest (King of Kings), Green: West (The German Yoke), Light Blue: South (Eternal Republic)

Game Mechanic: She is a good character to learn being a vassal and power sharing as a diarch (and maybe taking over a realm)

Character Summary: Julia Antasia is a powerful 5th generation Ventrue and the Prince of Frankfurt. Her culture is roman and she is a follower of the eternal Senate. She is a grey eminence (Diplomacy 4 education) and with combined total of 60 she has good stats.

She starts the game in the "Frankfurt's Senators" Coterie with Angiwar (4th Gen Nosferatu) and Giselher (7th Gen Ventrue)

Her special content is a special character interaction "Friendly Talk" with her friend Angiwar, who can teach her a variety of things. She also starts as a diarch in a power struggle with Hardestadt of the Fiefs of the Black Cross.

Starting Situation: Julia Antasia starts as the strongest vassal in the Fiefs of the Black Cross. As she is a diplomatic expert she great relations with her subjects and fellow vassals. This makes her a perfect candidate to successfully coup her rival and liege Hardestadt.

If she succeeds she is in a prime position to take over Europe as her realm is one of the biggest and definitly the most stable in Europe. The Courts of Love in France are quite fractured and are in a struggle. In the North the Ventrue are still leading an invasion into Scandinavia and their enemies the Einherjar are almost completely defeated and standing on their last leg. In the East the "House of Tremere", a nominal ally to the Ventrue is fighting the Tzimisce. The House is relatively weak as they are a new power but they are able to fend of the Tzimisce of the Voivodate relatively well. Southeast are the eastern Ventrue Lords which can be reintegrated into the Fiefs.

Objectives for a Julia Antasia Game: An good early objective is to take over the Fiefs. The struggle and Julia Antasia's high diplomacy give valuable tools to do via the decision.

Afterwards going in every direction gives objectives she can achieve:

  • North: She can complete the Ventrue invasion of Scandinavia by beating the last Einherjar and vassalizing the former Ventrue Invasion Forces
  • Northwest: She can take over or destroy the Baronies of Avalon to achieve the Ventrue Clan Objective
  • West: She can get involved in the "A Fractured France" Struggle and resolve it with the "German Yoke" ending
  • South: She can aim to take Rome as one of the best counties and complete the "Eternal Repubic" Objective
  • East: She can destroy the Voivodate and the Ferals of Livonia and complete with their destruction the "Under the Black Cross Objective"

Difficulties: Similar to Camilla, she is a Ventrue and as a new player you have to understand the feeding restriction. The feeding restriction at game start limits your feeding pray victims (You gain stress feeding from other mortals) and your embrace will most likely increase stress as well.

Maatkare: Yellow: Relative safe expansion possibilities, Red: Biggest power in North Africa


Game Mechanic: She is a good character to learn about intrigue and roads

Character Summary: Maatkare is a powerful 4th generation Setite and the Duke of Tlemcen. Her culture is old egyptian and she is a follower of the Road of Set. She is a charismatic negotiator (Diplomacy 3 education) and with combined total of 60 she has good stats.

Her special content is a character interaction in which she can convert a non-zealous character to the road of Set.

Starting Situation: She starts in north africa and while she is not a military dominant powerhouse in that region she has similar strength as any other of the dukes there. She has one of the best starts for a intrigue and diplomacy focused character who real focus on those rather than being able to use these abilities but mainly focusing on military expansionism. Her special content interaction allows her to have some of the best characters as vassals and usually leads to a very stable realm.

Objectives for a Maatkare Game: With her special content ability and one of the Followers of Set objective (Preaching Set's Word) she can be interesting to convert as many vampires and roads to Set as possible.

Difficulties: Relying on purely intrigue and diplomacy can be difficult for a player more accustomed on using warfare to achieve their goals.

Mithras: Blue: Assuming Control, Red: King of Kings and Sceptre and the Sun, Green The English Yoke


Game Mechanic: He is a good character to learn multi clan realms.

Character Summary: Mithras is a powerful 4th generation Ventrue and the Lord of the Baronies of Avalon. His culture is English and he is a follower/leader of the Via Mithras. He is a Skilled Tactician (Martial 3 Education) and has combined stats of 70 for a very high total. He has learned a lot of different disciplines and he has access to some Clan specific ones.

He owns at game start these four artifacts: Ayr's Armor, Mithras' Phryrgian Cap, Ruby Ring, Roll of the Damned, Mithras' Seal and Egyptian Dagger

He starts his game in the "Mithras' Praetorians" Coterie with Marcus Verus (5th Gen Ventrue), Thomas Beckett Camden (6th Gen Cappadocian) and Aethelwulf (7th Gen Gangrel)

His special content is an event chain which allows him to marry and becomes soulmate with Kemintiri (4th Gen Setite, Highest Intrigue at Game Start, 90 combined stats). As a downside he gains a negative direct vassal opinion modifier. He can lose this modifier and his lazy trait if he completely controls England and Wales before 1300. He has a event in which he can lose his diablerist secret for the cost of some resources.

Tip: Always decide to get her back. She is incredibly strong. Also always hide you diablerist secret to avoid being blackmailed.

Starting Situation: Mithras starts with the Baronies of Avalon (Britannia) Empire title but not everyone in Britannia accepts his overlordship. He controls England except Mercia and Cornwall (even though Cornwall can be instantly vassalized). Furthermore he controls parts of Wales and Ireland and in France he controls Gascogne. The biggest enemies in Britannia are Robin Leeland (Protector of Mercia), Dunlop (Pack Leader of Isles) and Magda (Duchess of Connacht).

His vassals are some of the powerful vampires in Europe and from many different clans. He can easily fill his Primogen Council with mainly good Primogen with a few exceptions.

Objectives for a Mithras Game: Completing the "Assuming Control" is a great first objective and starts the resurgence of Mithras as a power in Europe. After finishing that there are several equally beneficial goals:

  • Defeat the remnant vampires in Britannia who don't swear fealty to Mithras
  • Participate in the "A Fractured France" Struggle and resolve it with the "The English Yoke" ending
  • Defeat and Hardestadt to complete the "King of Kings" Objective
  • You can kill Hardestadt (if not already done), Camilla and Alexander to complete "The Sceptre and the Sun" Objective

Difficulties: Similar to Camilla and Julia Antasia he is a Ventrue and as a new player you have to understand the feeding restriction. The feeding restriction at game start limits your feeding pray victims (You gain stress feeding from other mortals) and your embrace will most likely increase stress as well.